You know what I believe, Fort? I believe that if an investigation into what the Democratic Party did in the last election takes place it's going to turn into a nightmare for the left! If that happens you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves.

You've all said that a hundreds of times before.

How'd it pan out for you? Clinton in jail yet?

Given your perfect track record of failure here, you don't see any worried Democrats.
How did it pan out for me? Clinton lost the election because her corrupt behavior was exposed. It worked out rather well for me. How did it work out for you?:26:
E.U. Ambassador Gordon Sondland is a political appointee, not a career foreign service advisor, having contributed one million dollars to the Trump campaign. Whenever he wants, he can dial up the President. That may change after today.

“I know that members of this Committee have frequently framed these complicated issues in the form of a simple question: Was there a ‘quid pro quo?’,” Sondland’s statement reads. “As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Specifically, “a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for [Ukrainian] President [Volodymyr] Zelensky,” which Zelensky felt was essential to his country's survival against Russian aggression.

In addition, Sondland summarized Giuliani’s role in his testimony.

Mr. Giuliani’s requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for President Zelensky. Mr. Giuliani demanded that Ukraine make a public statement announcing investigations of the 2016 election/DNC server and Burisma. Mr. Giuliani was expressing the desires of the President of the United States, and we knew that these investigations were important to the President.

Burisma is code for Biden. Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma.

For Trump, Sondland's testimony was devastating. There is much more, far too much for this venue.
Fox News reports, "Former Whitewater Independent Counsel Ken Starr said that the testimony of Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland all but guarantees articles of impeachment will be drawn up by House Democrats."

The Republicans are struggling to defend Trump. Basically, their defense is three-pronged.

They attack the Democrats, call the impeachment inquiry a sideshow, and attack the media for reporting the developments of the inquiry.

They say that President Zelensky never felt the pressure of extortion. American assistance and Trump's good graces are existential for Ukraine, and the very last thing Zelensky would do is impugn the American President's intentions. It would be suicidal, and that goes for his ministers as well.

They would ask if Trump ever told the witnesses directly that he was extorting the Ukrainian leader to get what he wanted. This last defense indicates they think that Trump is an idiot. The idea that Trump didn't tell Sondland that he was bribing Zelensky to get the investigations of the Bidens and the debunked Crowdstrike is no defense. Trump did tell Sondland, Volker, and Perry, "Talk to Rudy." Giuliani was working to get the investigations, and the "Three Amigos" did as they were told and worked with Giuliani who was in turn working for his client, Trump.

The other weakness of the third defense is that it exposes the obvious. Who did have personal knowledge of the Trump's wishes and the quid pro quo? Why, Mulvaney, Bolton, Pompeo, and Giuliani, of course. Who is preventing those four to testify? Why, Trump, of course.
No, the FBI told the Obama DOJ to prosecute her for her crimes because she didn’t mean it.

What are you babbling about?

Intent is a huge factor in prosecution, and Clinton's security violations were very minor things. Had she not been named "Clinton", they would have resulted in a letter of reprimand, at most.

Did you cult actually tell you otherwise? And you believed it? Hilarious, what you'll fall for.

Don't worry. After your Stalinist utopia has been attained, you'll be able to jail everyone who opposes TheParty, after the requisite show trial. Then you'll finally be able to get even with all the liberals for constantly humiliating you.

Like a drunk driver means to blow thru a red light and kill a family of 4.

So, you're telling us that the Republican "President Trump and the rest of us are too stupid to know that we're breaking laws!" defense is garbage. Glad we cleared that up.
Now if Nunes would just subpoena someone who knows something about what Trump did- like Pompeo and Mulvaney and Giuliani.
How about Adam Schiff.....he knows Trump did nothing.

How would anyone know that Trump did nothing? Hell Melania apparently didn't even know Trump was cheating on her.

Why do you think that Trump is so desperately preventing the testimony of his loyalists who have first hand knowledge of the actual deal in Ukraine?
seems to me they are calling said people to the table yet you and the left are bitching about it.
Trump campaign sources say EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland's allegation of a quid pro quo implicating Trump and top administration officials "blindsided" aides inside the White House, the re-election campaign as well as some Republican lawmakers.

A separate Trump campaign adviser was furious with Sondland's testimony, calling it "aggravating." The adviser said it came as a complete surprise that the EU Ambassador would implicate senior members of the administration. "It was really bizarre," the adviser said, adding Sondland appeared to be throwing top administration officials under the bus in real time.

Another campaign source in touch with the White House team handling impeachment today said at the outset of the Sondland hearing, those aides seemed to be distressed – seemed to be “freaking out.” The source acknowledged Sondland’s testimony undermined the White House’s central argument that there was “no quid pro quo,” noting there are some Trump allies who have wanted to shift from that to arguing the appearance of quid pro quo was really just the President executing his legitimate foreign policy goals.

Then, of course, came the usual denial of reality.

A third campaign source said enough questions were raised about Sondland's testimony by GOP members to protect Trump from sustaining serious damage. "No direct hit," the Trump adviser said.
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854

And those subpoenas will be blocked.

The end.
yet when the Rs don't come to play all the Ls go apeshit crying foul.
Right, because they are defying congressional subpoenas. Thank you, very insightful.
Fort Fun Indiana said:
Which means they have 1000 times the guts and credibility of the republican pussies in the trump administration who are defying subpoenas. Thanks for pointing it out!
Until It Goes To A Vote (Doubtful)
It's Just Showboating
Trying To Influence Minds For The Election
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854

And those subpoenas will be blocked.

The end.
yet when the Rs don't come to play all the Ls go apeshit crying foul.
Right, because they are defying congressional subpoenas. Thank you, very insightful.
They aren't defying anything.............They are FLIPPING YOUR SIDE OFF.

Glad I could clear that up for you.
Now if Nunes would just subpoena someone who knows something about what Trump did- like Pompeo and Mulvaney and Giuliani.
How about Adam Schiff.....he knows Trump did nothing.

How would anyone know that Trump did nothing? Hell Melania apparently didn't even know Trump was cheating on her.

Why do you think that Trump is so desperately preventing the testimony of his loyalists who have first hand knowledge of the actual deal in Ukraine?
seems to me they are calling said people to the table yet you and the left are bitching about it.

No the GOP are calling people who they have said have no direct knowledge of the President's phone call.

I am asking why the GOP is not calling on Pompeo, Giuliani, Perry, Mulvaney- all of whom were deeply involved in Trump's Ukraine adventure.
This goes to trial stage in the Senate.............the Dems are gonna get their asses handed to them.

So, just so we are clear:

You are proudly declaring -- in fact, gloating over the idea -- that, no matter the evidence, and no matter what the child presidemt does, the republicans would never convict him.

Good for you. This is what Trump has done to your brain.
yet you are given evidence after evidence of Obama money laundering and laugh it off.

this is what stupidity has done to you.
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854

And those subpoenas will be blocked.

The end.
Oh, so you're not interested in the truth. You just want your ORANGE MAN BAD fantasies validated.
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854

And those subpoenas will be blocked.

The end.
yet when the Rs don't come to play all the Ls go apeshit crying foul.
Right, because they are defying congressional subpoenas. Thank you, very insightful.
They aren't defying anything.............They are FLIPPING YOUR SIDE OFF.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

No they are just good soldiers following orders from President Trump.

Now the real question is why Trump doesn't want his loyalist to testify under oath.
Now if Nunes would just subpoena someone who knows something about what Trump did- like Pompeo and Mulvaney and Giuliani.
How about Adam Schiff.....he knows Trump did nothing.

How would anyone know that Trump did nothing? Hell Melania apparently didn't even know Trump was cheating on her.

Why do you think that Trump is so desperately preventing the testimony of his loyalists who have first hand knowledge of the actual deal in Ukraine?
seems to me they are calling said people to the table yet you and the left are bitching about it.

No the GOP are calling people who they have said have no direct knowledge of the President's phone call.

I am asking why the GOP is not calling on Pompeo, Giuliani, Perry, Mulvaney- all of whom were deeply involved in Trump's Ukraine adventure.
No direct knowledge of the phone call?

That's like 98% of the Democrats' "witnesses".
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854

And those subpoenas will be blocked.

The end.
Oh, so you're not interested in the truth. You just want your ORANGE MAN BAD fantasies validated.

Oh, so you're not interested in the truth. You just believe your Orange Messiah must be telling the truth- and really isn't blocking any testimony at all.......
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854

And those subpoenas will be blocked.

The end.
yet when the Rs don't come to play all the Ls go apeshit crying foul.
Right, because they are defying congressional subpoenas. Thank you, very insightful.
They aren't defying anything.............They are FLIPPING YOUR SIDE OFF.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

No they are just good soldiers following orders from President Trump.

Now the real question is why Trump doesn't want his loyalist to testify under oath.
Executive Priviledge..............Equal Branches of Gov't...........don't like it ......take it to the courts.
E.U. Ambassador Gordon Sondland is a political appointee, not a career foreign service advisor, having contributed one million dollars to the Trump campaign. Whenever he wants, he can dial up the President. That may change after today.

“I know that members of this Committee have frequently framed these complicated issues in the form of a simple question: Was there a ‘quid pro quo?’,” Sondland’s statement reads. “As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Specifically, “a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for [Ukrainian] President [Volodymyr] Zelensky,” which Zelensky felt was essential to his country's survival against Russian aggression.

In addition, Sondland summarized Giuliani’s role in his testimony.

Mr. Giuliani’s requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for President Zelensky. Mr. Giuliani demanded that Ukraine make a public statement announcing investigations of the 2016 election/DNC server and Burisma. Mr. Giuliani was expressing the desires of the President of the United States, and we knew that these investigations were important to the President.

Burisma is code for Biden. Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma.

For Trump, Sondland's testimony was devastating. There is much more, far too much for this venue.

Sondland was forming an opinion. He was asked repeatedly if he heard Trump say that. Sondland answered no he didn't. In fact, just the opposite.

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