Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854


If the Rs hadn't changed the rules during the Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi circus, he could have subpoenaed anybody he wanted.
There was an impeachment proceeding?

Rs changed the rules giving Committee chairmen control over subpoenas across the board in any kind of investigation. Thanks Nunez.
That's why Nunes has to force Schiff to recuse himself like Schiff forced Nunes to do during the Mueller investigation=The Boomerang!
Eagle, nothing in that graphic is true. It's a fraudulent story that your cult fed you.

What does it say about you, that you fell for stuch a stupid fraud?

What does it say about your cult, that they'll push such open fraud.

Remember, liars burn in Hell.

And remember, Congress knows that you're lying. That's why they won't approve the subpoenas. You can't use dishonest conspiracy theories as a basis for investigations. Not unless you're an open Stalinist, as most Trump cultists are.

Joe Biden bragged about this from his own mouth.....

You can't hide it Lib.
Oh, I've got a good idea why the Democrats don't want Hunter Biden testifying under oath! I
Haha, sure you do. Sure.

And that would have what impact, exactly, on the impeachment case against trump? Surely you arent stupid enough to believe that trumps interest was investigation corruption. Remember, this is the guy who stole from his charity, stole from veterans, paid $20 million for his university fraud, and could not give a single other instance of corruption he was pursuing, when asked.

Surely you are not this stupid.
Now if Nunes would just subpoena someone who knows something about what Trump did- like Pompeo and Mulvaney and Giuliani.
How about Adam Schiff.....he knows Trump did nothing.
Adam Schiff can be asked point blank, why he didn't recuse himself from this illegal hearing, being that he has a conflict of interest regarding Ukraine and his bribery schemes using U.S. tax dollars. The twist on all this will shock and embarass the Dems, when Schiff gets charged with the very things he's deflecting to protect himself.
Nobody notice they are getting bits of info through this charade on the boomerang coming their way to get a little heads up and protective play out of all this? They are obstructing what's to come back around by finding out what Guiliani and his informants know and who's his witnesses to see if they can get to them through bribe/threats/any means.
Guess you haven’t heard that Ukraine is got Hunter by the balls in prosecuting the bribery crimes there.
That's because nobody but the trump tard herd buys that.
Talk to the Ukraine government. Indictments, shmindictments, right!?

It was on OAN Network 20 minutes ago about Burisma and Hunter Biden's fund investigation being initiated.
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854


If the Rs hadn't changed the rules during the Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi circus, he could have subpoenaed anybody he wanted.
There was an impeachment proceeding?

Rs changed the rules giving Committee chairmen control over subpoenas across the board in any kind of investigation. Thanks Nunez.
That's why Nunes has to force Schiff to recuse himself like Schiff forced Nunes to do during the Mueller investigation=The Boomerang!

Could be why Nunez wants to try to do that, but I doubt it will work.
Now if Nunes would just subpoena someone who knows something about what Trump did- like Pompeo and Mulvaney and Giuliani.
How about Adam Schiff.....he knows Trump did nothing.
Adam Schiff can be asked point blank, why he didn't recuse himself from this illegal hearing, being that he has a conflict of interest regarding Ukraine and his bribery schemes using U.S. tax dollars. The twist on all this will shock and embarass the Dems, when Schiff gets charged with the very things he's deflecting to protect himself.
Nobody notice they are getting bits of info through this charade on the boomerang coming their way to get a little heads up and protective play out of all this? They are obstructing what's to come back around by finding out what Guiliani and his informants know and who's his witnesses to see if they can get to them through bribe/threats/any means.
Guess you haven’t heard that Ukraine is got Hunter by the balls in prosecuting the bribery crimes there.
That's because nobody but the trump tard herd buys that.
Talk to the Ukraine government. Indictments, shmindictments, right!?

It was on OAN Network 20 minutes ago about Burisma and Hunter Biden's investigation being initiated.
And they cribbed the story from a blogger on zero hedge, just like the idiot who posted it here.
Guess you haven’t heard that Ukraine is got Hunter by the balls in prosecuting the bribery crimes there.
That's because nobody but the trump tard herd buys that.
Talk to the Ukraine government. Indictments, shmindictments, right!?
Bwahahaha...you morons will believe ANYTHING.
Ukraine MP:
"The son of Vice-President Joe Biden was receiving payment for his services, with money raised through criminal means and money laundering," he then said, adding "Biden received money that did not come from the company’s successful operation but rather from money stolen from citizens."
Guess you haven’t heard that Ukraine is got Hunter by the balls in prosecuting the bribery crimes there.
That's because nobody but the trump tard herd buys that.
Talk to the Ukraine government. Indictments, shmindictments, right!?
Bwahahaha...you morons will believe ANYTHING.
You know what I believe, Fort? I believe that if an investigation into what the Democratic Party did in the last election takes place it's going to turn into a nightmare for the left! If that happens you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves.
Joe Biden bragged about this from his own mouth.....

You can't hide it Lib.

Suuuuure he did.

Who feeds you this stuff, and why do you fall for it? I mean, it gets debunked every single time, but you never learn. Your masters lie to you and leave you twisting in the wind, and what do you do? You run back to them, drop to your knees, lick their boots with gusto, thank them for lying to you, and beg for more lies.
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854

And those subpoenas will be blocked.

The end.
Not in the Senate... they will be public hearings.. And you can add Schiff being called as well along with his staff..
Does the Democratic Party establishment know something everyone else does not know? Have they already nominated Biden behind closed doors like they did Clinton? Because the Trump-Ukraine phone call was 7 months out from the first Iowa caucus to determine the Democratic Party nominee (at least that's supposed to be how it works). Biden is nowhere near being the nominee. Given his poor fundraising efforts and his laughable debate performances, how can the Dems, with a straight face, call Biden a "political rival?" Only if they have already predetermined that Biden is the nominee, can they claim that an alleged investigation into his son's ties to Ukraine is of political benefit to Trump. If the Democratic primaries are truly a democratic process (doubtful), and Biden loses (probable, without a lot of help from the establishment), then Trump's benefit from investigating the Bidens is non-existent.

Now, as to why Trump may have done this. Who knows? Maybe he got sick and tired of everyone calling his kids crooks and liars, and when he got wind of Biden's kid collecting $50,000/mo. from one of the poorest countries on the planet for board-sitting, he decided it was time for a little payback. I might have done the same thing in his position.
You know what I believe, Fort? I believe that if an investigation into what the Democratic Party did in the last election takes place it's going to turn into a nightmare for the left! If that happens you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves.

You've all said that a hundreds of times before.

How'd it pan out for you? Clinton in jail yet?

Given your perfect track record of failure here, you don't see any worried Democrats.
Joe Biden bragged about this from his own mouth.....

You can't hide it Lib.

Suuuuure he did.

Who feeds you this stuff, and why do you fall for it? I mean, it gets debunked every single time, but you never learn. Your masters lie to you and leave you twisting in the wind, and what do you do? You run back to them, drop to your knees, lick their boots with gusto, thank them for lying to you, and beg for more lies.
It's been played over and over again..............I can't help it if you are too stupid to understand it........or Hide from it..............LOL

Where's Hunter hiding............A court is looking for him.
Guess you haven’t heard that Ukraine is got Hunter by the balls in prosecuting the bribery crimes there.
That's because nobody but the trump tard herd buys that.
Talk to the Ukraine government. Indictments, shmindictments, right!?
Bwahahaha...you morons will believe ANYTHING.
Ukraine MP:
"The son of Vice-President Joe Biden was receiving payment for his services, with money raised through criminal means and money laundering," he then said, adding "Biden received money that did not come from the company’s successful operation but rather from money stolen from citizens."
View attachment 290859
Uh...hey dumbass...you do understand that is the paid-for opinion of , essentially, a ukrainian congressman and not an indictment, right?

Of course you don't, ya moron.
You know what I believe, Fort? I believe that if an investigation into what the Democratic Party did in the last election takes place it's going to turn into a nightmare for the left! If that happens you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves.

You've all said that a hundreds of times before.

How'd it pan out for you? Clinton in jail yet?

Given your perfect track record of failure here, you don't see any worried Democrats.
No, the FBI told the Obama DOJ to prosecute her for her crimes because she didn’t mean it.

Like a drunk driver means to blow thru a red light and kill a family of 4.
]Not in the Senate... they will be public hearings.. And you can add Schiff being called as well along with his staff..


The good thing about being a Democrat is you don't have to worry about testifying, because you haven't broken the law or done anything unethical.

It's funny, how you kooks think we worry about Schiff having to testify. He'd ream you and Trump hard. You've made the mistake of falling for your own propaganda.

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