Now if Nunes would just subpoena someone who knows something about what Trump did- like Pompeo and Mulvaney and Giuliani.
How about Adam Schiff.....he knows Trump did nothing.
Adam Schiff can be asked point blank, why he didn't recuse himself from this illegal hearing, being that he has a conflict of interest regarding Ukraine and his bribery schemes using U.S. tax dollars. The twist on all this will shock and embarass the Dems, when Schiff gets charged with the very things he's deflecting to protect himself.
Nobody notice they are getting bits of info through this charade on the boomerang coming their way to get a little heads up and protective play out of all this? They are obstructing what's to come back around by finding out what Guiliani and his informants know and who's his witnesses to see if they can get to them through bribe/threats/any means.
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This goes to trial stage in the Senate.............the Dems are gonna get their asses handed to them.

So, just so we are clear:

You are proudly declaring -- in fact, gloating over the idea -- that, no matter the evidence, and no matter what the child presidemt does, the republicans would never convict him.

Good for you. This is what Trump has done to your brain.
Guess you haven’t heard that Ukraine is got Hunter by the balls in prosecuting the bribery crimes there.
This goes to trial stage in the Senate.............the Dems are gonna get their asses handed to them.

So, just so we are clear:

You are proudly declaring -- in fact, gloating over the idea -- that, no matter the evidence, and no matter what the child presidemt does, the republicans would never convict him.

Good for you. This is what Trump has done to your brain.
You don't have no stinking evidence.........and your witnesses today got their butts handed to them.

Dream on............Your side is dirty.......and your turn with real evidence is coming soon.

I can't believe Dem's are willing to turn this over to the Republican controlled Senate which will force corrupt Dem's to take the stand and be cross examined.
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854


If the Rs hadn't changed the rules during the Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi circus, he could have subpoenaed anybody he wanted.
There was an impeachment proceeding?

Rs changed the rules giving Committee chairmen control over subpoenas across the board in any kind of investigation. Thanks Nunez.
This goes to trial stage in the Senate.............the Dems are gonna get their asses handed to them.

So, just so we are clear:

You are proudly declaring -- in fact, gloating over the idea -- that, no matter the evidence, and no matter what the child presidemt does, the republicans would never convict him.

Good for you. This is what Trump has done to your brain.
You don't have no stinking evidence.........and your witnesses today got their butts handed to them.

Dream on............Your side is dirty.......and your turn with real evidence is coming soon.

I can't believe Dem's are willing to turn this over to the Republican controlled Senate which will force corrupt Dem's to take the stand and be cross examined.
I can't believe Dem's are willing to turn this over to the Republican controlled Senate which will force corrupt Dem's to take the stand and be cross examined.
Which means they have 1000 times the guts and credibility of the republican pussies in the trump administration who are defying subpoenas. Thanks for pointing it out!
This goes to trial stage in the Senate.............the Dems are gonna get their asses handed to them.

So, just so we are clear:

You are proudly declaring -- in fact, gloating over the idea -- that, no matter the evidence, and no matter what the child presidemt does, the republicans would never convict him.

Good for you. This is what Trump has done to your brain.
You don't have no stinking evidence.........and your witnesses today got their butts handed to them.

Dream on............Your side is dirty.......and your turn with real evidence is coming soon.

I can't believe Dem's are willing to turn this over to the Republican controlled Senate which will force corrupt Dem's to take the stand and be cross examined.
I can't believe Dem's are willing to turn this over to the Republican controlled Senate which will force corrupt Dem's to take the stand and be cross examined.
Which means they have 1000 times the guts and credibility of the republican pussies in the trump administration who are defying subpoenas. Thanks for pointing it out!
This goes to trial stage in the Senate.............the Dems are gonna get their asses handed to them.

So, just so we are clear:

You are proudly declaring -- in fact, gloating over the idea -- that, no matter the evidence, and no matter what the child presidemt does, the republicans would never convict him.

Good for you. This is what Trump has done to your brain.
You don't have no stinking evidence.........and your witnesses today got their butts handed to them.

Dream on............Your side is dirty.......and your turn with real evidence is coming soon.

I can't believe Dem's are willing to turn this over to the Republican controlled Senate which will force corrupt Dem's to take the stand and be cross examined.
I can't believe Dem's are willing to turn this over to the Republican controlled Senate which will force corrupt Dem's to take the stand and be cross examined.
Which means they have 1000 times the guts and credibility of the republican pussies in the trump administration who are defying subpoenas. Thanks for pointing it out!

Or Dem's are really stupid. My money is on the latter.
Yea, he wanted Ukraine to investigate corruption. What’s the crime again?
No, he just wanted Ukraine to say they were investigating Bidens. It didn't actually have to do it, just say it.

How is that a crime? His corruption is well known. Why not have an investigation? There have been non-stop investigations on the President when he has committed no crimes.
Oh. I imagine it's a high misdemeanour, inducing a foreign head of state to fraudulently declare an investigation for the benefit of one's domestic political agenda.
Evidence for that well known thing?

Then you want to see the Democrats impeach over mind reading.
This goes to trial stage in the Senate.............the Dems are gonna get their asses handed to them.

So, just so we are clear:

You are proudly declaring -- in fact, gloating over the idea -- that, no matter the evidence, and no matter what the child presidemt does, the republicans would never convict him.

Good for you. This is what Trump has done to your brain.
You don't have no stinking evidence.........and your witnesses today got their butts handed to them.

Dream on............Your side is dirty.......and your turn with real evidence is coming soon.

I can't believe Dem's are willing to turn this over to the Republican controlled Senate which will force corrupt Dem's to take the stand and be cross examined.
I can't believe Dem's are willing to turn this over to the Republican controlled Senate which will force corrupt Dem's to take the stand and be cross examined.
Which means they have 1000 times the guts and credibility of the republican pussies in the trump administration who are defying subpoenas. Thanks for pointing it out!

Or Dem's are really stupid. My money is on the latter.
Ah, so the pussies afraid to tell the truth to congress are just being smart, because they know the damage the truth will do. Got it!

You're going to need a crowbar to remove your foot from your mouth, professor.
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Now why would ANYONE want to block subpoenas on one of the people who knows most about what's being investigated?

You have to demonstrate a reason for a subpoena. "WAAAA! I NEED A DEFLECTION!" is not a reason. It's more of an admission of guilt.

I do understand. You got absolutely reamed today. Nobody who isn't a treasonous Trump cultist now doubts Trump's guilt. And that's why you're flailing.

When you have the facts, pound the facts. When you have the law on your side, pound the law. When you have nothing, pound the table. Democrats are pounding the facts. You're pounding the table.
Eagle, nothing in that graphic is true. It's a fraudulent story that your cult fed you.

What does it say about you, that you fell for stuch a stupid fraud?

What does it say about your cult, that they'll push such open fraud.

Remember, liars burn in Hell.

And remember, Congress knows that you're lying. That's why they won't approve the subpoenas. You can't use dishonest conspiracy theories as a basis for investigations. Not unless you're an open Stalinist, as most Trump cultists are.


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