Yea, he wanted Ukraine to investigate corruption. What’s the crime again?
No, he just wanted Ukraine to say they were investigating Bidens. It didn't actually have to do it, just say it.

How is that a crime? His corruption is well known. Why not have an investigation? There have been non-stop investigations on the President when he has committed no crimes.
Oh. I imagine it's a high misdemeanour, inducing a foreign head of state to fraudulently declare an investigation for the benefit of one's domestic political agenda.
Evidence for that well known thing?

Fraudulently declare? What the fuck is that?
They were investigating Burisma until Joe put a stop to it, bribing them with $1.2 billion of our tax dollars. How is reopening that investigation with a new government in place “fraudulent”?

Rooting out corruption and making it public is good for society, not just one President or side. I realize Dems rely on corruption so much to function that you would deem it “unfair” or “politically motivated”. Maybe your party needs to find some morals?
I haven't watched the hearings today, but for a few minutes I had it on while waiting on someone.

One question comes to mind. In this case, could you honestly vote for impeachment of the Republican when the hearings did not allow Republican witnesses and the entire hearings were orchestrated by the Democrats?

The same questions come to mind if a Democrat was being charged with a crime targeting impeachment when the Democrats did not have the same rules as the Republicans?

So, as I hear this evening, maybe impeachment is appropriate, but the way the hearings were handled would make me either vote no or not be present.

What do you think? Try to be honest.
I haven't watched the hearings today, but for a few minutes I had it on while waiting on someone.

One question comes to mind. In this case, could you honestly vote for impeachment of the Republican when the hearings did not allow Republican witnesses and the entire hearings were orchestrated by the Democrats?

The same questions come to mind if a Democrat was being charged with a crime targeting impeachment when the Democrats did not have the same rules as the Republicans?

So, as I hear this evening, maybe impeachment is appropriate, but the way the hearings were handled would make me either vote no or not be present.

What do you think? Try to be honest.

Time to impeach every one of these Democrats that put this clown show together.
I haven't watched the hearings today, but for a few minutes I had it on while waiting on someone.

One question comes to mind. In this case, could you honestly vote for impeachment of the Republican when the hearings did not allow Republican witnesses and the entire hearings were orchestrated by the Democrats?

The same questions come to mind if a Democrat was being charged with a crime targeting impeachment when the Democrats did not have the same rules as the Republicans?

So, as I hear this evening, maybe impeachment is appropriate, but the way the hearings were handled would make me either vote no or not be present.

What do you think? Try to be honest.

this isnt an impeachment its a cover up of DNC/Ukraine collusion,,,
The Democrats would be screaming bloody murder if it were a Democrat President being lynched like they're trying to do to Trump.
The desperation this waste of protoplasm is just losing desperation. I think he may have set new records for the numbers of conspiracy theories espoused in one speech.
You can't shop here rusty, move along.
I haven't watched the hearings today, but for a few minutes I had it on while waiting on someone.

One question comes to mind. In this case, could you honestly vote for impeachment of the Republican when the hearings did not allow Republican witnesses and the entire hearings were orchestrated by the Democrats?

The same questions come to mind if a Democrat was being charged with a crime targeting impeachment when the Democrats did not have the same rules as the Republicans?

So, as I hear this evening, maybe impeachment is appropriate, but the way the hearings were handled would make me either vote no or not be present.

What do you think? Try to be honest.

this isnt an impeachment its a cover up of DNC/Ukraine collusion,,,

Yes that's correct
I haven't watched the hearings today, but for a few minutes I had it on while waiting on someone.

One question comes to mind. In this case, could you honestly vote for impeachment of the Republican when the hearings did not allow Republican witnesses and the entire hearings were orchestrated by the Democrats?

The same questions come to mind if a Democrat was being charged with a crime targeting impeachment when the Democrats did not have the same rules as the Republicans?

So, as I hear this evening, maybe impeachment is appropriate, but the way the hearings were handled would make me either vote no or not be present.

What do you think? Try to be honest.

Time to impeach every one of these Democrats that put this clown show together.
There has to be some that think this is unfair...don't you think?
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.

Bingo! This is solely an attempt by Dem's to rig next years election by smearing president Trump. I don't know maybe Dem's are still pissed over the last minute FBI investigation of Hillary's email scandal.
Smearing Trump for the next election is all they have. Everything else is failing. Lie after lie and it's all failing.

Dem's certainly can't defeat Trump on the issues. He crushed them on jobs, economy, unemployment.
Now if Nunes would just subpoena someone who knows something about what Trump did- like Pompeo and Mulvaney and Giuliani.
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

View attachment 290854

And those subpoenas will be blocked.

The end.

Now why would ANYONE want to block subpoenas on one of the people who knows most about what's being investigated?
I haven't watched the hearings today, but for a few minutes I had it on while waiting on someone.

One question comes to mind. In this case, could you honestly vote for impeachment of the Republican when the hearings did not allow Republican witnesses and the entire hearings were orchestrated by the Democrats?

The same questions come to mind if a Democrat was being charged with a crime targeting impeachment when the Democrats did not have the same rules as the Republicans?

So, as I hear this evening, maybe impeachment is appropriate, but the way the hearings were handled would make me either vote no or not be present.

What do you think? Try to be honest.

Time to impeach every one of these Democrats that put this clown show together.
There has to be some that think this is unfair...don't you think?

There may be a few, they didn't get an invite to the hearings.
I haven't watched the hearings today, but for a few minutes I had it on while waiting on someone.

One question comes to mind. In this case, could you honestly vote for impeachment of the Republican when the hearings did not allow Republican witnesses and the entire hearings were orchestrated by the Democrats?

The same questions come to mind if a Democrat was being charged with a crime targeting impeachment when the Democrats did not have the same rules as the Republicans?

So, as I hear this evening, maybe impeachment is appropriate, but the way the hearings were handled would make me either vote no or not be present.

What do you think? Try to be honest.
You should have watched them, then you would know the truth. Trump told Sondland he wanted nothing from Ukraine, and no quid pro quo, either.
I haven't watched the hearings today, but for a few minutes I had it on while waiting on someone.

One question comes to mind. In this case, could you honestly vote for impeachment of the Republican when the hearings did not allow Republican witnesses and the entire hearings were orchestrated by the Democrats?

The same questions come to mind if a Democrat was being charged with a crime targeting impeachment when the Democrats did not have the same rules as the Republicans?

So, as I hear this evening, maybe impeachment is appropriate, but the way the hearings were handled would make me either vote no or not be present.

What do you think? Try to be honest.
My thinking is in regards to the Democrats outrageous and wrecklace exposing of information about our assistance program in Ukraine, and this in regards to our helping them against the Russian aggression or war that Russia is having with Ukraine.

You have got to be kidding me right ???????

So TDS has reached a level that destroys our national security now ??? So these idiots don't think that Russia will be looking to retaliate down the line for our interference in a localized dispute between two nations that challenges the validity of one over another ??

So these numbsculls are willing to risk retaliation from Russia over a political dispute between the Democrats and republicans here, otherwise toying with our national security over an issue where there is direct evidence of a Quid-pro-quo that actually came straight from the lips of Biden himself ????? Then there is the corruption, his unqualified son, and this company that is up to their eyeballs in wrong doing, but none of that matters except that "orange man bad" ?????

These demoncrats are actually dangerous to our national security, and not Trump who had every right to investigate a potential Quid-pro-quo and a huge conflict of interest in a region that has been plagued by corruption, and involving American's in it.

What I have been seeing in this so called impeachment bullcrap, is some serious issues with the swamp jeapardizing our national security over their political wants and desires over that security. Unbelievable..

No, especially before anymore stupidity erupts, and places this nations security on the line.

Quid-pro-quo Biden is corrupt by his own admission, and we are going to burn the nation to the ground because of him and his conflicts of interest concerning his son and Ukraine ?? We all have a right as taxpayers to know privately when our money goes to corrupt nations in the name of national interest, and a right to know when that money is making a difference or not, but we don't need our national security interest broadcast for political reason's all over the world in a show trial based on purely political bullcrap like this. We ought to be ashamed as a nation.

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