Maybe it was the other way around he asked them for a job

I was watching Laura last night, and I forget who was on, but they said Vindman would often cut down the United States when he was around Russians. I guess they used to workout together or something, and he'd make jokes how Americans couldn't do this, and Americans were not up to doing that, just general put downs of the American people.

Links and the statement of one of Vidman's supervisors has been included in this thread, so no, it's not bullshit.


Yes, it is bullshit. Most of what comes from alt-right media is bullshit. Anybody can create a website.

The statement posted was from Col Hickman who commanded Vindman in Europe. So no, it's not bullshit. It's just not convenient to your propaganda.


It's bullshit because he's working as National Security staff and if what Hickman said was true, it would be reflected on his record since Hickman was his CO. I don't think you become NS staff working in DC with a security clearance and a foreign portfolio if what Hickman said was true,

Links and the statement of one of Vidman's supervisors has been included in this thread, so no, it's not bullshit.


Yes, it is bullshit. Most of what comes from alt-right media is bullshit. Anybody can create a website.

The statement posted was from Col Hickman who commanded Vindman in Europe. So no, it's not bullshit. It's just not convenient to your propaganda.

‘Bro-like’: Schiff aide was White House friend of alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella.

Alleged Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was close friends at the White House with an official who is now a key aide to Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman leading the Democratic push to impeach President Trump.

Sean Misko, 37, was the director for the Gulf States at the National Security Council from 2015 until the first half of 2018. Ciaramella, 33, a career CIA analyst, was Ukraine director on the NSC from at least 2016 until the summer of 2017. Both officials arrived during the Obama administration and left during the Trump administration.

In September, the whistleblower accused Trump of abusing the presidency by asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, who sat on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. The complaint is now the focus of Democratic-led impeachment proceedings.

Schiff initially denied he had any knowledge about the complaint prior to its filing in mid-August, saying on Sep. 17: “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to.” But it was later found that this statement was false and a member of his staff had spoken to the whistleblower before the complaint was filed on Aug. 12.
Another fact based entanglement and affiliation that libs will dismiss as “conspiracy theory”

It can't be fact based since we don't know who the whistleblower is.
Perhaps you should have read a bit further, from your link. My B/U

The law also required that the Complainant provide a complaint or information with respect to an “urgent concern,” which is defined, in relevant part, as: “A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.” Id. § 3033(k)(5)(G)(i). The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined that the Complainant alleged information with respect to such an alleged urgent concern.


the WB went to congress with an urgent concern after his complaint was going to get buried. when he/she did that - they were then instructed to go to the IG.

And I just proved, the ICIG has no jurisdiction. So this so called WB isn't really a WB. is he? He has no claim to remain anonymous because he took his "concern" to the wrong place. My question now is, if Vidman violated the espionage act by reading in someone, about the call, who didn't have a need to know.


vidman is a spy? is that what you are saying???????????????????? haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........................


No I said he was a leaker and possibly a criminal if the individual he leaked the call to didn't have a legitimate need to know. You don't read too well, do you?

. think the lt colonel is stupid?

that would be donny's deal.

Actually, YES, I do think the LTC is stupid, he may have put his tit in a wringer and isn't even aware of it. Or perhaps he is aware since his lawyer wouldn't all him to answer who he leaked to in the intel community, it may have saved him form taking the 5th.

I was watching Laura last night, and I forget who was on, but they said Vindman would often cut down the United States when he was around Russians. I guess they used to workout together or something, and he'd make jokes how Americans couldn't do this, and Americans were not up to doing that, just general put downs of the American people.

Links and the statement of one of Vidman's supervisors has been included in this thread, so no, it's not bullshit.


Yes, it is bullshit. Most of what comes from alt-right media is bullshit. Anybody can create a website.

The statement posted was from Col Hickman who commanded Vindman in Europe. So no, it's not bullshit. It's just not convenient to your propaganda.


It's bullshit because he's working as National Security staff and if what Hickman said was true, it would be reflected on his record since Hickman was his CO. I don't think you become NS staff working in DC with a security clearance and a foreign portfolio if what Hickman said was true,

His language skills is what got him many jobs in the military, people tend to overlook minor infractions for people with those skills. You've never been in the military have you? I've seen many people fuck up and move up.


Another fact based entanglement and affiliation that libs will dismiss as “conspiracy theory”
Well then SURELY the trump buttlicker Barr will be investigating.

Oh a laughing emoticon, I am so devastated by the intellect you potty mouths bring
Well, after years of watching your delusions get laughed at and fall into the dustbin of history, you probably have some thick skin.
No pussy boy, I get agrees and you get the funny . I wonder if this board keeps tally of those?
His language skills is what got him many jobs in the military,
Yeah, that knowledge was especially helpful in Iraq, when he was getting blown up by IEDs. :rolleyes:

What skills got the draft dodger president out of all those jobs? None, as he has none. Only daddy's friendship with Ben Franklin.
As I shared last night to the dear conservatives here, I have surrendered.
Not to the liberals but to the fact that this feelings frenzy from the Democrats has led us to la la land where reality does not prevail.
Conservatives can not argue fact in this feelings land and it’s no longer worth trying. Where we do have power and fact is in the Senate and at the ballot box. No need to continue to try and factually defeat people who think witnesses are people who never saw anything nor heard it first hand and that’s just one of a half dozen other emotionally delusional fictions that are the basis of these “hearings”.
You are operating under the illusion that the old rules still apply. The ballot box and parliamentary procedure are relics of another time. Our enemies control the media, and thats what matters. The only response is to organize against it.
I think that before we run off at the mouth we study.

Franklin Templeton takes $5bn Ukraine debt gamble

Franklin Templeton, a big US money manager known for astute but aggressive bets in the sovereign debt market, has emerged as the dominant bankroller of Ukraine despite the country teetering on the edge of an economic crisis.

The investment group has snapped up Ukrainian international debt with a face value of almost $5bn at the end of August, nearly a fifth of the country’s outstanding international government bonds, according to data gleaned from Bloomberg.

The investments have been directed by Michael Hasenstab, who was also the architect of Franklin Templeton’s massive purchase of Irish debt, which helped calm the country’s financial markets in the wake of the eurozone crisis.

Mr Hasenstab’s Irish bet has contributed significantly to Dublin’s rehabilitation in bond markets – and has so far paid off handsomely for Franklin Templeton – but the Ukrainian move is potentially even riskier.

The country is struggling with a weak economy, a large budget deficit and a current account deficit that is rapidly eroding the central bank’s currency reserves to mere months of import cover.

The cost of insuring against a Ukrainian default is among the highest in the world, and most analysts and investors expect it is only a matter of time before Ukraine either succumbs to an International Monetary Fund programme, a Russian rescue package or crashes altogether.

“They face a currency and funding crunch, it’s as simple as that,” said Paolo Batori, a senior strategist at Morgan Stanley. “The trigger point could come tomorrow, it could come next week, or next month. But Ukraine is simply not equipped to deal with another wave of outflows. It needs the help of a third party, whether that is Russia or the IMF,” he said.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Yanukovych might have stolen from FT. And Manafort might have helped him.
I still can't believe Vindman was offered a job by the Ukraine folks. Too fking funny. A military US dude gets offer for work in Ukraine. What was their favor ask?
Maybe it was the other way around he asked them for a job

I was watching Laura last night, and I forget who was on, but they said Vindman would often cut down the United States when he was around Russians. I guess they used to workout together or something, and he'd make jokes how Americans couldn't do this, and Americans were not up to doing that, just general put downs of the American people.

Links and the statement of one of Vidman's supervisors has been included in this thread, so no, it's not bullshit.


Yes, it is bullshit. Most of what comes from alt-right media is bullshit. Anybody can create a website.
When Obama created a website it cost almost a billion dollars. Just sayin'.........
what's trump's crime again? speaking of delusions?
- Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal administrative agency.Obstruction of justice
-18 U.S. Code § 201.Bribery of public officials
specifically:being a public official or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for:
official act;
18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
-52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
specifically: (2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national. [USC02] 52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Any more questions?
define obstruction. defense of oneself is not obstruction.
Sure it is. If the house subpoenas peoples and documents you are obstructing their investigation. It was in the articles for impeachment for Nixon and Clinton too. You defend yourself by speaking the truth, let other people tell the truth and delivering documents if asked. If you don't you aren't defending yourself but obstructing justice.
oh someone isn't allowed to defend themselves in your fked up brain? too funny. son, you're in the wrong country. go back to russia.
Of course, you are allowed to defend yourself. Defending yourself tough does NOT include the right to withhold evidence. You can't defend yourself by shooting a witness for instance either. There are limits on the right to defend yourself. Refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the house is one of those.[/QUOTE]
it's not an official impeachment. he isn't obstructing shit.[/QUOTE]

It's official. Refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the house is obstruction whether this is an impeachment inquiry or not.[/QUOTE]
They challenged the subpoenas in court. Try to get some facts for once.
- Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal administrative agency.Obstruction of justice
-18 U.S. Code § 201.Bribery of public officials
specifically:being a public official or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for:
official act;
18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
-52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
specifically: (2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national. [USC02] 52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Any more questions?
define obstruction. defense of oneself is not obstruction.
Sure it is. If the house subpoenas peoples and documents you are obstructing their investigation. It was in the articles for impeachment for Nixon and Clinton too. You defend yourself by speaking the truth, let other people tell the truth and delivering documents if asked. If you don't you aren't defending yourself but obstructing justice.
oh someone isn't allowed to defend themselves in your fked up brain? too funny. son, you're in the wrong country. go back to russia.
Of course, you are allowed to defend yourself. Defending yourself tough does NOT include the right to withhold evidence. You can't defend yourself by shooting a witness for instance either. There are limits on the right to defend yourself. Refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the house is one of those.
it's not an official impeachment. he isn't obstructing shit.[/QUOTE]

It's official. Refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the house is obstruction whether this is an impeachment inquiry or not.[/QUOTE]
They challenged the subpoenas in court. Try to get some facts for once.[/QUOTE]
Just heard on NBC. The FBI is going to interview the
Someone help me out here. Sondelan said Trump told him "I dont want anything from The Ukrainians I dont want a quid pro quo, tell Zelenskey to do the right thing" So why are we here?

Military aid being linked to money was never mentioned by Trump. all this is what everybody knew around the water cooler... what the F***? All these witnesses are pretenders nothing more than unhappy entrenched beurocrats. Sondelan didnt even fit the above quote in his 23 page opening statement because he said he didn't have room to put it there. Can anyone defend that bull crap?

Sondelan also apparently was under witness intimidation by democrats threatening his and his wifes business.
On top of it all, all these people wringing their hands about poor Ukraine not getting military aid worked under Obama when Obama gave Ukraine SHIT. No suddenly they are war hawks wanting Ukraine to have military aid.

This is nothing less than an attempt by the Democrats to make a soft Coup, I'm sure Pelosi would love to see herself as the next president and seems to be working on it. Are these politicians or Mafia?
Someone help me out here. Sondelan said Trump told him "I dont want anything from The Ukrainians I dont want a quid pro quo, tell Zelenskey to do the right thing" So why are we here?

Military aid being linked to money was never mentioned by Trump. all this is what everybody knew around the water cooler... what the F***? All these witnesses are pretenders nothing more than unhappy entrenched beurocrats. Sondelan didnt even fit the above quote in his 23 page opening statement because he said he didn't have room to put it there. Can anyone defend that bull crap?

Sondelan also apparently was under witness intimidation by democrats threatening his and his wifes business.
On top of it all, all these people wringing their hands about poor Ukraine not getting military aid worked under Obama when Obama gave Ukraine SHIT. No suddenly they are war hawks wanting Ukraine to have military aid.

This is nothing less than an attempt by the Democrats to make a soft Coup, I'm sure Pelosi would love to see herself as the next president and seems to be working on it. Are these politicians or Mafia?
Liberal media, college professoriate, will bow down and follow Democrats to the cliffs edge. Moronic automatons.
Someone help me out here. Sondelan said Trump told him "I dont want anything from The Ukrainians I dont want a quid pro quo, tell Zelenskey to do the right thing" So why are we here?

Military aid being linked to money was never mentioned by Trump. all this is what everybody knew around the water cooler... what the F***? All these witnesses are pretenders nothing more than unhappy entrenched beurocrats. Sondelan didnt even fit the above quote in his 23 page opening statement because he said he didn't have room to put it there. Can anyone defend that bull crap?

Sondelan also apparently was under witness intimidation by democrats threatening his and his wifes business.
On top of it all, all these people wringing their hands about poor Ukraine not getting military aid worked under Obama when Obama gave Ukraine SHIT. No suddenly they are war hawks wanting Ukraine to have military aid.

This is nothing less than an attempt by the Democrats to make a soft Coup, I'm sure Pelosi would love to see herself as the next president and seems to be working on it. Are these politicians or Mafia?
What disturbed me the most in this is that a congressman told people to be nasty and protest his businesses and THEY ARE!!!...This is criminal

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