Ken Starr yesterday:

Ken Starr on the Sondland testimony: 'It's over'
November 20, 2019
Ken Starr, the former solicitor general who headed the investigation that led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton, called Wednesday's testimony by U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland "obviously ... one of those bombshell days."

Speaking on Fox News, Starr agreed with the hosts that things now do not "look good for the president substantively." Sondland's testimony, Starr said, confirmed that there was a quid pro quo between Trump's administration and the Ukrainian government — which would be "bribery," in the jargon of impeachment. Sondland also said that the orders to push Kyiv to open an investigation into Trump's political rivals had come directly from the Oval Office.

Starr focused specifically on the question of Trump's alleged contempt, noting that Sondland had spoken "vehemently and bitterly about his lack of access to records to help him." Additionally, the Democrats' line of questioning made clear that Sondland's attempts to refresh his memory for the testimony had been denied by the administration, which could build the Democrats' case for obstruction.

"There will be articles of impeachment," Starr said. "I think we've known that, it was just confirmed today. Substantively, what we heard from the chairman just now is: It's over. We now know — this is his position — we now know that the president in fact committed the crime of bribery."

***Ken Starr gets the late night call***

Ken Starr this morning:

Ken Starr on impeachment hearings so far: We're 'nowhere close' to impeachable offenses

Who knew that the Republicans, when they queried the dolts who gave bad info to the Dems, came up with the truth, particularly with regard to Sondland who did a 180, seemingly, because nobody questioned him earlier. The only questions the Demmies were asking were to seal the impeachment deal. Our Republicans got the truth out of Sondlund. Replay the dreary (for Demmies) afternoon session, and you will see Sonland fessing up that President Trump told him IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS: When speaking to the President, Songlund said that President Trump told him twice : NO QUID PRO QUO!!!!!
Tissue, Indiana?

So sorry for your little loss. /not <snicker>​
All this impeachment inquiry, and how is handled by Schiff is kinda telling me that Schiff is somehow connected to Ukraine, maybe even to Burisma.
Wait till the senate passes rules holding the house to the federal rules of evidence. It will be a very short trial, if it gets that far.

Well, since you said it, we can all be sure that will be a nonfactor.
I'm afraid crime is not that simple, even when committed by hoity toity Demonrats who now will have to do a little community service in Prison for their insistence on trying to coup a President, elected in accordance with the United States College of Electors. I'm just tryin' to break it to you gently, darlin' cause I'm just nice as pie in real life. :D

All this impeachment inquiry, and how is handled by Schiff is kinda telling me that Schiff is somehow connected to Ukraine, maybe even to Burisma.
The whole affair is gonna bite the top Democrats in the heiney, and it ain't gonna be purty, it's going to be worse than Election Night November, 2016, in which grownup voters were seen crying and Clinton went into hiding for a time. *sigh*
Ken Starr yesterday:

Ken Starr on the Sondland testimony: 'It's over'
November 20, 2019
Ken Starr, the former solicitor general who headed the investigation that led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton, called Wednesday's testimony by U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland "obviously ... one of those bombshell days."

Speaking on Fox News, Starr agreed with the hosts that things now do not "look good for the president substantively." Sondland's testimony, Starr said, confirmed that there was a quid pro quo between Trump's administration and the Ukrainian government — which would be "bribery," in the jargon of impeachment. Sondland also said that the orders to push Kyiv to open an investigation into Trump's political rivals had come directly from the Oval Office.

Starr focused specifically on the question of Trump's alleged contempt, noting that Sondland had spoken "vehemently and bitterly about his lack of access to records to help him." Additionally, the Democrats' line of questioning made clear that Sondland's attempts to refresh his memory for the testimony had been denied by the administration, which could build the Democrats' case for obstruction.

"There will be articles of impeachment," Starr said. "I think we've known that, it was just confirmed today. Substantively, what we heard from the chairman just now is: It's over. We now know — this is his position — we now know that the president in fact committed the crime of bribery."

***Ken Starr gets the late night call***

Ken Starr this morning:

Ken Starr on impeachment hearings so far: We're 'nowhere close' to impeachable offenses


Funny. Starr was on Laura tonight, and he didn't seem to hold that view at all.
So Trump used the power of his office to extort a foreign leader for personal gain. And we know even the Veep knew he was doing it. We know Giuliani was the mastermind (trump the nodding, drooling idiot, god bless him), and we know his hand picked bootlicker Sondland carried it out. We know they are so inept, that they got caught before they could carry it through.

What a gang of idiots. And it was all set into motion by a Ukrainian fugitive oligarch who just happens to be a Putin puppet.

So what was this personal gain of Trump's?
There will be a document that will list the articles of impeachment.

For example, Bill Clinton lying under oath. He was disbarred, in fact.

So what will the specific charge be for Trump?

We just had like 100 hours of testimony, so what was his specific crime?

Bribery or extortion is punishable by law. To Impeachment.

Neither which has been proven this past week.
Like most people, nobody knew of the debate the other night. But this "big threat" to Trump that benefited him so "personally," stated the only African American female Senator supported him. The problem? He was standing right next to Harris when he said it.

Right. This is the guy Trump benefits from by somehow getting him out of the race?
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So is this part of whatever this is now complete?
Will Republicans be able to present people who actually saw things and/or heard it from the horses mouth.
More pay to play seems to have been reported on Tucker tonight. 3 months after Hunter Biden formed Rosemont Senaca a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital in 2009, Rosemont Capital got 130 million in government loan guarantees to buy security backed bonds. Just one more example of the government till napping by the Bidens. How many people have risk their fortunes on this crackhead Biden? Well I guess none if you get the government to hedge your bet. LMAO

What the fuck does it matter.

Nothing here is going to get him removed from office.

If McConnell is stupid enough to hold hearings, he's going to get primaried.

But even if he does...there is no way this happens. Not a chance in hell.
There will be a document that will list the articles of impeachment.

For example, Bill Clinton lying under oath. He was disbarred, in fact.

So what will the specific charge be for Trump?

We just had like 100 hours of testimony, so what was his specific crime?

Hedging his bets. It's what they do.
So, Like YOU
We Are To IMAGINE An Offence
No, I said, "guess". Pay attention, whiner!

What do you think the high crime will be that they charge him with? Make your own points. I am not your mpmmy.

They will charge him for:

1. Beating Hillary Clinton, the foreordained first bitch to be president. How dare he.
2. Embarrassing the democrats and keeping the economy strong.
3. Telling Maxine Waters and Nancy Botox Pelosi to go fuck themselves.
The DOJ criminal division has already dismissed that fantasy.

The House didn't.


That's ok, the senate will, if it ever gets that far.

Then the people will decide in the election.

Yep, Trump in a landslide. LMAO


Maybe, maybe not. But as of now, roughly half of Americans want Trump impeached and removed from office. Even if it goes no higher than that, 2/3rds of the Senate seats up for grabs are currently held by Republicans. Statistically, that doesn't bode well for Republicans to hold onto the Senate.

30 to 40% have wanted it from the day he took office.

For no reason at all, other than he beat Hillary's ass and made them look stupid.

So who really gives a fuck if another 10% have swallowed Adam's gay load and signed on.
Sun Devil 92 said:
They will charge him for:

1. Beating Hillary Clinton, the foreordained first bitch to be president. How dare he.
2. Embarrassing the democrats and keeping the economy strong.
3. Telling Maxine Waters and Nancy Botox Pelosi to go fuck themselves.
And It Will Never Go To A Vote !!

Trump Obama.jpeg
Sun Devil 92 said:
They will charge him for:

1. Beating Hillary Clinton, the foreordained first bitch to be president. How dare he.
2. Embarrassing the democrats and keeping the economy strong.
3. Telling Maxine Waters and Nancy Botox Pelosi to go fuck themselves.
And It Will Never Go To A Vote !!

View attachment 291065

It might...but Mitch had better be very careful about how it looks.

If it does go to a vote....Trump walks away and then gets the house back as well as getting to name RGB's replacement.
Sun Devil 92 said:
They will charge him for:

1. Beating Hillary Clinton, the foreordained first bitch to be president. How dare he.
2. Embarrassing the democrats and keeping the economy strong.
3. Telling Maxine Waters and Nancy Botox Pelosi to go fuck themselves.
And It Will Never Go To A Vote !!

View attachment 291065

Sure it will, Nov next year.


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