Shifty Schiffs closing remarks are funnier than anything Carlin ever said.

Just watch this POS. He is lying for 20 straight minutes and playing up his outrage.

Whoever voted for this guy should immediately kill themselves. What a rat bastard piece of human trash.
You would think by now, the commiecrats would have learned that payback is a bitch. But as we see with this farce they are proceeding with, they are too stupid to learn from past mistakes.

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo

Those bills were stuck there before impeachment inquiry. What the fuck is the House able to do about the bills Moscow Mitch is sitting on?
Engage in the interactive process with the Senate until they can strike a mutually agreeable deal. Are Democrats completely lost on how to conduct themselves in a representative Republic?

They don't have the ability to declare phony emergencies, then rely on supine Republicans to surrender their Congressional powers the way Trump does...
Trump has no Congressional powers to surrender.
... I don't think Democrats need lessons from Republicans in how to conduct themselves in a representative democracy.
The House has accomplished nothing so far this session as all their energy has been spent on undoing the 2016 election, rather than working for the American People.

How has T-Rump been working for the American people?

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Record low unemployment. Are you seriously this fucking stupid?
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.


Why wouldn’t he ask the foreign government to investigate Burisma? It’s their company. Are you saying that we don’t work with foreign allies and their authorities when investigating crimes that happened overseas?

Because if you are, that makes you the brain dead one.
Well sure, if a political rival wasn't connected to Burisma, then he could have asked Zelensky to investigate Burisma.


We have disagreement about what "political rival" is, but let it be your way for the sake of argument.

Answer this, if hypothetically, "political rival" did use his political position for financial gain for him or his family, and/or used his political position to influence foreign country to dig dirt on his political opponent, would you be OK with investigation?

OK, great.

I know your argument, that "Trump can't solicit..." although I don't agree with it, let's keep it. For now.

Bare with me for a moment and let's go back to Ukrainian elections.

Zelensky run on anti-corruption platform. I would assume you agree with me on that.

The fact that he run on that platform, and that Ukrainians overwhelmingly elected Zelensky says that there was corruption present in administration he was running against, and before of that. Agree, no?

The president he was running against (Poroshenko) was part of that corrupted government. Agree so far, no?

During our 2016 presidential election cycle, then current Ukrainian administration was supporting Clinton candidacy, and part of that administration (head of anticorruption office) was helping DNC to release information on Manafort, which they admitted doing, therefore they were interfering in our elections. Agree so far?
I don't entirely agree with all of that, but most of it, sure.
Mussolini was original socialist,
And then he wasn't. Nice try.

If you read book or two about Mussolini, you wouldn't missed it. Since you haven't, you couldn't possibly know that he was a socialist.

Mussolini was member of Italian Socialist Party from 1912 to 1914, from which he was expelled, not for being not socialist enough, but for supporting Italian entry to WWI.

Mussolini was clearly an admirer of Lenin (during his campaign in 1919 he referred himself as "Lenin of Italy", He also criticized him on number of issues (for example, undermining the Russian army's fight against the Central Powers)

Since books are something strange to you, read this article, than come back to debate.

The Socialist Economics of Italian Fascism

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Chalupa merely “dug up” the court filings in the Black Ledger case in the Ukraine. This ledger was evidence that the previous Ukrainian President stolen billions millions from the national treasury before fleeing to Russia. Manafort name appears besides millions of dollars of payments.

Yeah, and the Ukraine embassy was the only place to get court records? Also why did Ukraine claim to be investigating Manafort, only to back off after the election? Why did the Ukraine ambassador to the US write an Op-Ed in a US news paper dissing Trump? Why did other Ukrainians put out statements saying Trump was unfit for office? All occurred in 2016. Oh and where are the charges against Manafort form Ukraine?

You can keep flapping your gums, but that dog won't hunt.
"Why can’t he"

Because there's a fucking law against it, ya con moron.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

The DOJ criminal division has already dismissed that fantasy.

The House didn't.


That's ok, the senate will, if it ever gets that far.

Then the people will decide in the election.

Yep, Trump in a landslide. LMAO


Maybe, maybe not. But as of now, roughly half of Americans want Trump impeached and removed from office. Even if it goes no higher than that, 2/3rds of the Senate seats up for grabs are currently held by Republicans. Statistically, that doesn't bode well for Republicans to hold onto the Senate.
Those bills were stuck there before impeachment inquiry. What the fuck is the House able to do about the bills Moscow Mitch is sitting on?
Engage in the interactive process with the Senate until they can strike a mutually agreeable deal. Are Democrats completely lost on how to conduct themselves in a representative Republic?

They don't have the ability to declare phony emergencies, then rely on supine Republicans to surrender their Congressional powers the way Trump does...
Trump has no Congressional powers to surrender.
... I don't think Democrats need lessons from Republicans in how to conduct themselves in a representative democracy.
The House has accomplished nothing so far this session as all their energy has been spent on undoing the 2016 election, rather than working for the American People.

How has T-Rump been working for the American people?

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Record low unemployment. Are you seriously this fucking stupid?
The unemployment rate is currently 3.6%. While that's excellent, it was as low as 3.4% in 1969. So how the fuck is it record low unemployment when the unemployment rate's been lower? :cuckoo:
To call someone "sexist" you first have to know what sexist is.

Not a problem, as we know that pissy little boys who chuckle about how ugly some political opponent is are sexists.

When you're in a sexist hole, stop digging. You're just making yourself look worse.

Who said anything about her being political opponent? Not me, and I thought you lefties praised her as career professional.

I was replying on someone else comment on her appearance. Nothing to do with politics.

Even i posted definition of word sexist, you still didn't get it. Come on, you can't be that stupid.

Nothing sexist about telling that someone is ugly. Or pretty. Or fat. Or skinny.

She looks like Lord Farquaad.

Last edited:
So Lefties, lay out the specific articles of impeachment.

What, specifically, are Trumps crimes that should have him removed from office.
There will be a document that will list the articles of impeachment.

For example, Bill Clinton lying under oath. He was disbarred, in fact.

So what will the specific charge be for Trump?

We just had like 100 hours of testimony, so what was his specific crime?
The DOJ criminal division has already dismissed that fantasy.

The House didn't.


That's ok, the senate will, if it ever gets that far.

Then the people will decide in the election.

Yep, Trump in a landslide. LMAO


Maybe, maybe not. But as of now, roughly half of Americans want Trump impeached and removed from office. Even if it goes no higher than that, 2/3rds of the Senate seats up for grabs are currently held by Republicans. Statistically, that doesn't bode well for Republicans to hold onto the Senate.

And the longer the commies go the more it declines. America has had a belly full of their bullshit, going on 3 years now.

Fort Fun Indiana said:
I'm guessing that the marquee charge will be committing the high crime of abusing the power of his office for personal gain.
Saw this in a forum, I agree The day after Mueller testified Trump asked another country to interfere in our election. If the Senate acquits him, there will be nothin’ to stop him from retaliatin’ against Schiff, Pelosi and the Dem nominee. The GOP is about to mint America’s first dictator.”
Those bills were stuck there before impeachment inquiry. What the fuck is the House able to do about the bills Moscow Mitch is sitting on?
Engage in the interactive process with the Senate until they can strike a mutually agreeable deal. Are Democrats completely lost on how to conduct themselves in a representative Republic?

They don't have the ability to declare phony emergencies, then rely on supine Republicans to surrender their Congressional powers the way Trump does...
Trump has no Congressional powers to surrender.
... I don't think Democrats need lessons from Republicans in how to conduct themselves in a representative democracy.
The House has accomplished nothing so far this session as all their energy has been spent on undoing the 2016 election, rather than working for the American People.

How has T-Rump been working for the American people?

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How has T-Rump been working for the American people?
If you insist on how President Trump has been working for the American people, It's all here:
Manufacturing Boom
A significant part of America's manufacturing boom may also be attributable to a key change in the tax code signed into law in December 2017. The new law encouraged U.S. companies with corporate earnings sitting overseas avoiding high U.S. corporate taxes to bring that cash back to American shores. Some $300 billion out of what the Federal Reserve estimated is $1 trillion in multinational enterprises' profit was sent home in the first quarter of 2018.​

Trump's Economy Is Creating Factory Jobs 10 Times Faster Than Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

How has Trump been working for the Americans?

You do know that your link is just a commentary from a Trump supporter like you or your buddies here that will say anything. You do know that right?

So let me entertain you.

1. You may want to look at the unemployment rate under Obama from January to December 2016 to January 2017.

2. You ignored the facts that..... During Obama we experienced the heaviest toll of the real estate collapse. Some Americans has not recovered till today.

3. Do you honestly believe that the economy will miraculously jump start and grow overnight in January 21, 2017? Without Obama hard work?

4. FROM YOUR LINK ....... Since inauguration Trump deregulatory policies have led to manufacturing resurgence with 396,000 jobs added.

Show us a proof where and how these deregulation created jobs? Give us an example.

5. Despite of Trump BS companies are still moving overseas. Here’s a list.

American Companies Keep Sending Thousands of Jobs Overseas
Fort Fun Indiana said:
I'm guessing that the marquee charge will be committing the high crime of abusing the power of his office for personal gain.
I think you can use your imagination. If you want to make a point, make it. You can whine about your guesses just as easily as you can whine about mine. So go on, then.

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