Why can’t he
You presume it’s soley because Biden is a potential political rival. There are other reasons which include the fact that Biden’s son gravy train ride is self serving to the Biden’s and disadvantageous to the USA.
"Why can’t he"

Because there's a fucking law against it, ya con moron.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

The DOJ criminal division has already dismissed that fantasy.

The House didn't.


he said that she heard that someone said that they had heard it from someone else.....

Only place this comedy will be looked at is a house full of Lunatic Libs.
Like Trump says, read the transcript.

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
So.............The President has the right to ask for cooperation of looking into corruption here are there......

Biden isn't immune to it...............Biden has a BIG MOUTH............and brags too much......joked about it..............

No law broken there............now Biden and son..........yeah that is well worth looking at.....Biden was never gonna be the Dem candidate.
At least you admit your IQ is sub-70, Dumbfuck.:5_1_12024:
Poor dumbfuck ^^^ demonstrates his IQ is even lower than that.

I couldn't care less about Biden. Investigate him for all I care.

But Trump is still not legally allowed to solicit a foreign national to do it for him.
I want my president to uncover and investigate corruption in other nations before he sends my tax dollars to them...what is it that you find troubling about that?....
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
What three year old rumor?...the one that Biden bragged about on video?....come on man....do you really want to go back to the days of greased palms and dirty elected officials?....politicians should not bribe nations to give their kids ridiculously over paid do nothing jobs...whether you think its okay or not....
The one where Shokin was actively investigating Burisma.
It was a dud...a big costly dud...no one I've spoken to sees a crime large enough to impeach...but have at it....

As if it matters with whom you speak. :lmao:
But it's not. She's told us the truth. Just like everyone else who has testified.

And you can't handle it.


Yes, we've heard the truth repeatedly. No quid pro quo ordered by Trump.

Sondland testified there was a quid pro quo, and that everyone knew about it. He even named names.

Yes, a "presumed" quid pro quo. He also testified that Trump never ordered one, and in fact when questioned, Trump ordered no quid pro quo.

LOL. Yes there is clear quid pro quo. No doubt.

Trump ordered no quid pro is a joke. What do you expect from a liar president?

Trump is a piece of art PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s false claim about Apple plant

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump tried to take credit Wednesday for opening a plant that’s been in business for years.

He also tried to blame House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for closing Congress, but she didn’t.

TRUMP: “Today I opened a major Apple Manufacturing plant in Texas that will bring high paying jobs back to America. Today Nancy Pelosi closed Congress because she doesn’t care about American Workers!” — tweet early Wednesday evening.

THE FACTS: Neither happened.

Trump visited a factory in Austin, Texas, that has made the Mac Pro for Apple since 2013.

Honey, they started the new expansion. No lie. Just a Perfect example of how the media lies-
Apple expands in Austin
Company Breaks Ground on New Campus, Begins Production of All-New Mac Pro

Out of the horses mouth

Outta the park, depotoo
"Why can’t he"

Because there's a fucking law against it, ya con moron.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

The DOJ criminal division has already dismissed that fantasy.

The House didn't.


he said that she heard that someone said that they had heard it from someone else.....

Only place this comedy will be looked at is a house full of Lunatic Libs.
Like Trump says, read the transcript.

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
So.............The President has the right to ask for cooperation of looking into corruption here are there......

Biden isn't immune to it...............Biden has a BIG MOUTH............and brags too much......joked about it..............

No law broken there............now Biden and son..........yeah that is well worth looking at.....Biden was never gonna be the Dem candidate.
The president does not have the right to break the law; and soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival breaks the law.
I want my president to uncover and investigate corruption in other nations before he sends my tax dollars to them...what is it that you find troubling about that?....
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
What three year old rumor?...the one that Biden bragged about on video?....come on man....do you really want to go back to the days of greased palms and dirty elected officials?....politicians should not bribe nations to give their kids ridiculously over paid do nothing jobs...whether you think its okay or not....
The one where Shokin was actively investigating Burisma.
It was a dud...a big costly dud...no one I've spoken to sees a crime large enough to impeach...but have at it....

As if it matters with whom you speak. :lmao:

So as long as you run for office you can't be investigated?...nice...what a stupid thing to accept in ones leadership ranks....
The DOJ criminal division has already dismissed that fantasy.

The House didn't.


he said that she heard that someone said that they had heard it from someone else.....

Only place this comedy will be looked at is a house full of Lunatic Libs.
Like Trump says, read the transcript.

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
So.............The President has the right to ask for cooperation of looking into corruption here are there......

Biden isn't immune to it...............Biden has a BIG MOUTH............and brags too much......joked about it..............

No law broken there............now Biden and son..........yeah that is well worth looking at.....Biden was never gonna be the Dem candidate.
The president does not have the right to break the law; and soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival breaks the law.
Good to know for future reference, Dumbfuck.
Yeah, them and some two dozen others.


Opponents have yet to be determined. Claiming quid pro joe is Trumps political rival is like saying every commiecrat is. Commiecrats like you for instance. LMAO

They both running for the same office, dumbfuck.

Yeah, them and some two dozen others.

You want to do this all night? I can copy and paste the same reply over and over if you wish. LMAO


As if it matters how many people are running for that office. Biden was still a political rival of Trump's.

Yeah, them and some two dozen others.

Apparently all Dems, all who support this impeachment sham against President Trump simply for asking Ukraine to crack down on corruption. Why else would they be claiming this personally benefits President Trump? It only benefits him if Biden is guilty of corruption.
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.


Why wouldn’t he ask the foreign government to investigate Burisma? It’s their company. Are you saying that we don’t work with foreign allies and their authorities when investigating crimes that happened overseas?

Because if you are, that makes you the brain dead one.
Well sure, if a political rival wasn't connected to Burisma, then he could have asked Zelensky to investigate Burisma.


We have disagreement about what "political rival" is, but let it be your way for the sake of argument.

Answer this, if hypothetically, "political rival" did use his political position for financial gain for him or his family, and/or used his political position to influence foreign country to dig dirt on his political opponent, would you be OK with investigation?

OK, great.

I know your argument, that "Trump can't solicit..." although I don't agree with it, let's keep it. For now.

Bare with me for a moment and let's go back to Ukrainian elections.

Zelensky run on anti-corruption platform. I would assume you agree with me on that.

The fact that he run on that platform, and that Ukrainians overwhelmingly elected Zelensky says that there was corruption present in administration he was running against, and before of that. Agree, no?

The president he was running against (Poroshenko) was part of that corrupted government. Agree so far, no?

During our 2016 presidential election cycle, then current Ukrainian administration was supporting Clinton candidacy, and part of that administration (head of anticorruption office) was helping DNC to release information on Manafort, which they admitted doing, therefore they were interfering in our elections. Agree so far?
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.


Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.

Sorry, comrade, it doesn't prove "shakes down" at all. I know that the trolls like you want to claim there is the implication of a "shakes down" but it doesn't wash. The word "though" in the context was used as a conjunction, not an adverb. Nothing conditional implied.

I am not anybody's "comrade, nor am I a troll. I'm wondering where you saw the word "though, since that word doesn't appear in either my post, or the one I'm responding to.

Trump's release of the transcript was a mistake of massive proportion, exceeded only by Mulvaney's "Get over it!"

But this morning's attempt to denigrate and vilify Lt. Col. Vindman by Nunez and Jordan was disgusting. Everyone who disagrees with or criticizes the President is not his "enemy" nor is it wise to attempt to portray those moral people of character who are prepared to stand up for their principles as "enemies of the country", versus career suckups, like Jordan and Nunez who are prepared to lie and slander their patriotism and the risks they took in coming forward.

Americans should fear a President who considers anyone who disagrees with him an "enemy" to be professionally destroyed for daring to speak up for their beliefs. Trump doesn't care about the nation, but only his own interests. This is a disgrace for your nation, that ANYONE in the Republican Party is standing up for Trump's odious behaviour.

You are ABSOLUTELY a troll and you've proven it repeatedly. I did fold "though" into your reply because I was in a hurry. Vindman seems like a guy who takes himself and his job so seriously he doesn't want even his boss, the President of the United States, to "interfere" even though the President sets foreign policy.

Your trollish impression of what Trump cares about or doesn't isn't evidence and since you are obviously a foreigner, I have no idea why you would care to comment on it. Dasvidaniya
Why can’t he
You presume it’s soley because Biden is a potential political rival. There are other reasons which include the fact that Biden’s son gravy train ride is self serving to the Biden’s and disadvantageous to the USA.
"Why can’t he"

Because there's a fucking law against it, ya con moron.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

The DOJ criminal division has already dismissed that fantasy.

The House didn't.


That's ok, the senate will, if it ever gets that far.

Then the people will decide in the election.

Yep, Trump in a landslide. LMAO

At least you admit your IQ is sub-70, Dumbfuck.:5_1_12024:
Poor dumbfuck ^^^ demonstrates his IQ is even lower than that.

Nope. Not even close.

But I must note you do not dispute your IQ being sub-70.

No wonder you are the resident DUMBFUCK.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:

Since I never admitted it, as you idiotically thought; and since no one said that of me, there's nothing for me to dispute.

Meanwhile, you actually did demonstrate yours is lower than that, despite your hollow denial.

Opponents have yet to be determined. Claiming quid pro joe is Trumps political rival is like saying every commiecrat is. Commiecrats like you for instance. LMAO

They both running for the same office, dumbfuck.

Yeah, them and some two dozen others.

You want to do this all night? I can copy and paste the same reply over and over if you wish. LMAO


As if it matters how many people are running for that office. Biden was still a political rival of Trump's.

Yeah, them and some two dozen others.

And still a rival.

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Chalupa merely “dug up” the court filings in the Black Ledger case in the Ukraine. This ledger was evidence that the previous Ukrainian President stolen billions millions from the national treasury before fleeing to Russia. Manafort name appears besides millions of dollars of payments.
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.


Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.

Sorry, comrade, it doesn't prove "shakes down" at all. I know that the trolls like you want to claim there is the implication of a "shakes down" but it doesn't wash. The word "though" in the context was used as a conjunction, not an adverb. Nothing conditional implied.

I am not anybody's "comrade, nor am I a troll. I'm wondering where you saw the word "though, since that word doesn't appear in either my post, or the one I'm responding to.

Trump's release of the transcript was a mistake of massive proportion, exceeded only by Mulvaney's "Get over it!"

But this morning's attempt to denigrate and vilify Lt. Col. Vindman by Nunez and Jordan was disgusting. Everyone who disagrees with or criticizes the President is not his "enemy" nor is it wise to attempt to portray those moral people of character who are prepared to stand up for their principles as "enemies of the country", versus career suckups, like Jordan and Nunez who are prepared to lie and slander their patriotism and the risks they took in coming forward.

Americans should fear a President who considers anyone who disagrees with him an "enemy" to be professionally destroyed for daring to speak up for their beliefs. Trump doesn't care about the nation, but only his own interests. This is a disgrace for your nation, that ANYONE in the Republican Party is standing up for Trump's odious behaviour.

You are ABSOLUTELY a troll and you've proven it repeatedly. I did fold "though" into your reply because I was in a hurry. Vindman seems like a guy who takes himself and his job so seriously he doesn't want even his boss, the President of the United States, to "interfere" even though the President sets foreign policy.

Your trollish impression of what Trump cares about or doesn't isn't evidence and since you are obviously a foreigner, I have no idea why you would care to comment on it. Dasvidaniya

Well done!

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