You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.

Wrong. Your people started these corruptions. Trump is the most corrupted disgusting dishonest POTUS. Trump is not a good person.

If your boi was smart enough to make an illegal move. The whole country would not be in this predicament. The Trump team are so inept and stupid they could have done this very easily without all the other people involved.

But Nah! It has to be a grandeur.

Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple.

Trump asked a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political rival. Is very clear example of a corrupted POTUS.

"Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple."

Yes you should get it straight. But you won't because your hatred for Donald Trump has blinded you to the obvious truth. You have it ass backwards, but then you're a Democrat so that's normal.
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.

Wrong. Your people started these corruptions. Trump is the most corrupted disgusting dishonest POTUS. Trump is not a good person.

If your boi was smart enough to make an illegal move. The whole country would not be in this predicament. The Trump team are so inept and stupid they could have done this very easily without all the other people involved.

But Nah! It has to be a grandeur.

Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple.

Trump asked a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political rival. Is very clear example of a corrupted POTUS.

Investigating Soros and Biden's quid pro quo made him corrupt....uh huh
This is bizarro world, all of these Democrats seething with hate for Donald Trump were happy has clams when Obama was doing great damage to America and Americans. Well I hope Republicans are taking notes. When the next Democratic President is elected, BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUP! What goes around comes around.
You want to try me Americano?

Let me correct your last paragraph. Obama was the current POTUS in 2016 a Democrat. Any president I mean any Ukrainian President will support the current president because they are just beggars. Therefore he supported Clinton a Democrat.
There was no need for you to correct anything, since I have no dispute on who was the president in 2016.

Although I agree with you that they're beggars, their support for Clinton would mean meddling in our election, correct? Why did they work with DNC, and not with Barry's administration?

And while we're at it, they did beg for lethal military help, did they get it from the guy they were supporting?

Poroshenko tried to clean up the corruptions with the help of ambassador Yavanovich even with the new president Zelensky. That is why Guilliani tried to get rid of her because she won’t put up with corrupted cartels.

The same as zelensky support Trump.
You're jumping the gun here, so let's step back a little.

Poroshenko wasn't cleaning up corruption in Ukraine. He was part of their corruption. He was cleaning up Ukraine from his political opponents that were corrupted just as he was. Not just that he did not cleaned up their corrupt judges, police and prosecutors, and oligarchs from government, he kept them all, and his own corruption was the reason Zelensky got elected.

As for Ambassador Yovanovich, it is normal that Ambassador supports own president. She supported Barry while he was president, but she did not supported Trump. Is that normal? She also supported Poroshenko, and was against new president Zelensky. Is it normal that Zelensky have distrust in her and that our president, whom she doesn't like, replace her?

Manafort was already a known as bad dude even before Trump hired him. He hired him anyway. Like Flynn a military reject eating dinner with Putin. He hired him anyway.
Yes, Manafort had history, but that history was know long before he started working for Trump campaign. Why nobody went after him at the time when he committed crimes? Oh wait, they were after him, but he was cleared, right? But great, he's bad dude, let's get him. There are ways of doing so, and DNC secretly working with Ukrainians is not a proper channel.

You should know better.

Let’s get these facts straight.
1. Manafort resigned as Trump campaign manager when he was exposed of illegal activities. Then Mueller went after him now in jail.

2. Ambassador Yavanovich was employed by Trump for 3 years. She is a career diplomat with high remarks. She is a Trump supporter except when Guilliani went after her to inject Trump corrupted ideas. Going around bad mouthing her.
Why? Guilliani and cronies knew she is tough and would not put up corruptions. Obviously she is a good one to have that job for 3 years.

3. Obama military aid for Ukraine during Putin Crimea invasion. Do you honestly believe that those massive crates shipped to Ukraine are just blankets and first aid? It must be very powerful blankets and first aid that Russian separatists had not advanced an inch.

1. Zelensky never said any bad words against Yavanovich. Yavanovich never expressed anything against Zelensky. All of that came from lying president Trump.

2. The only proof you got that Ukraine meddle in 2016 came from conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and Guilliani trying to save Putin. How convenient.
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.

Wrong. Your people started these corruptions. Trump is the most corrupted disgusting dishonest POTUS. Trump is not a good person.

If your boi was smart enough to make an illegal move. The whole country would not be in this predicament. The Trump team are so inept and stupid they could have done this very easily without all the other people involved.

But Nah! It has to be a grandeur.

Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple.

Trump asked a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political rival. Is very clear example of a corrupted POTUS.

"Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple."

Yes you should get it straight. But you won't because your hatred for Donald Trump has blinded you to the obvious truth. You have it ass backwards, but then you're a Democrat so that's normal.

Wrong again.
You are forgetting something. Let me repeat it again.

Trump asked a favor to a foreign leader to investigate his political enemies is a very good example of Trump corruptness.
The Prosecutor at that time was not cleaning up the corruption. So we told the Ukraine that we would not give them aid unless they replaced that prosecutor to show they are fighting that corruption
That is the Biden response but its false...its actually 100% backwards....That prosecutor was investigating a corrupt company that was stealing millions of dollars most of which was aid from the U.S. and since Hunter worked for that company Biden wanted the guy that is impeachable....

Dude you can’t even get your lying story straight.
If there is a Senate trial for impeachment, Schiff, Joe, Hunter, and the whistleblower will be subpoenaed.

It’ll be fantastic.

Schiff keeps saying he has no idea who the whistleblower is. You know he is lying!

Somebody better reveal who the rat is, because the Senate needs the rat to testify.

Everyone’s CIA agent Eric Ciaramella.

Why are there men in Black suits knocking on my door?

Hold on, BRB...

Adam is scared Schiffless about the rat being questioned by the Republicans. That's why he reneged on having him or her testify in the House. If the rat answers honestly, it would reveal a small part of the huge deep state we are dealing with.

There’s a law to protect the identity of a whistle blower. Are you responsible for his/her safety and the families?

Are you and the republicans above the law? Or the same as Trump lawlessness?
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
Rumor? Biden, himself, admitted to it on video tape. It's out there for all to see.
Liar. Biden never admitted to corruption. He admitted to fighting corruption by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie , they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

I could find the video and link it for ya but I thought I would give you a break from feeling stupid on Friday....Biden is a dumbass and he was bragging about strong arming the president of the Ukraine...he was trying to be a tough guy...we have all seen him do that before....and yes if what Trump did was illegal then so is what Biden did with Obama's should we retroactively impeach both Biden and Obama?....
Liar. The two events are not equivalent.

Biden was serving the U.S.

Trump was serving Trump.

That being, it wasn't only Biden who wanted Shokin removed. It was several countries (including Ukraine) and several international bodies. And they didn't just want him removed in March, 2016, when Biden got him fired; the push to get Shokin removed began no less than six months earlier. And the reason multiple countries and international bodies wanted Shokin removed was because he was sift on corruption. There were even accusations he was taking bribes to not investigate crimes. But admittedly, those are unproven accusations. Still, the point is it wasn't just Biden who wanted Shokin out. Nor is there evidence Biden wanted him out because he was investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden as the news reports Shokin was not actively investigating either when Biden got Shokin sacked.

As opposed to Trump who asked a foreign national to investigate Biden over that. Biden is running for the same office as Trump. Biden is leading every Democrat in the polls and is leading Trump by a bigger margin than every other Democrat. Biden's margins were even bigger in July when Trump asked Zelensky to investigate Biden. There's been testimony that Trump would have been satisfied with Ze6 with even just a public declaration that Biden was being investigated, even if he really wasn't being investigated; since even just the air of such a scandal could end Biden's chances of winning the election. That served no one but Trump. That helps Trump's chances at being re-elected. Now while you brain-dead cons don't care if Trump breaks the law as long as he's re-elected, he still broke the law; for which, he's [rightfully] getting impeached.


Real facts hurts you?
Rumor? Biden, himself, admitted to it on video tape. It's out there for all to see.
Liar. Biden never admitted to corruption. He admitted to fighting corruption by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie , they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

I could find the video and link it for ya but I thought I would give you a break from feeling stupid on Friday....Biden is a dumbass and he was bragging about strong arming the president of the Ukraine...he was trying to be a tough guy...we have all seen him do that before....and yes if what Trump did was illegal then so is what Biden did with Obama's should we retroactively impeach both Biden and Obama?....

Trump is trying to encourage the Republican Senate to subpoena Joe and his son. That would be a real hoot.
And they'll get to do that in the trial, if not on the hearings.
FOX news has had three dems on this morning that are saying they can't find an impeachable offense from the guys went too damn far....

From Fox News? Absolutely..... must be credible.
FOX news has had three house dems and one never Trumper republican on this morning that are all saying they can't find an impeachable offense from the guys went too damn far....


So now you're up to 3 dems and 1 rep.

Impeachment not supported by any republican and not every dem will be laughed at in the senate....
You say that as though Republicans in the Senate would ever vote to convict Trump no matter what. You'll recall Senate Republicans were already saying they wouldn't vote to convict even before the hearings began. Trump could be impeached for shooting someone on 5th Avenue and Republicans would kick the corpse before voting to convict.

I heard that Mitch and his cronies will vote secretly and unanimously so Trump supporters won’t get pissed off when this idiot King is dethroned.
I heard that Mitch and his cronies will vote secretly and unanimously so Trump supporters won’t get pissed off when this idiot King is dethroned.
WOW take it easy you are going to get your panties in a twist.
You are so butt hurt you cant see straight to funny.
just think 5yrs to go
I heard that Mitch and his cronies will vote secretly and unanimously so Trump supporters won’t get pissed off when this idiot King is dethroned.
WOW take it easy you are going to get your panties in a twist.
You are so butt hurt you cant see straight to funny.
just think 5yrs to go
You know, everyone knows that your stupid post is a result of you being frustrated and angry.
Last edited:
If there is a Senate trial for impeachment, Schiff, Joe, Hunter, and the whistleblower will be subpoenaed.

It’ll be fantastic.

Schiff keeps saying he has no idea who the whistleblower is. You know he is lying!

Somebody better reveal who the rat is, because the Senate needs the rat to testify.

Everyone’s CIA agent Eric Ciaramella.

Why are there men in Black suits knocking on my door?

Hold on, BRB...

Adam is scared Schiffless about the rat being questioned by the Republicans. That's why he reneged on having him or her testify in the House. If the rat answers honestly, it would reveal a small part of the huge deep state we are dealing with.

There’s a law to protect the identity of a whistle blower. Are you responsible for his/her safety and the families?

Are you and the republicans above the law? Or the same as Trump lawlessness?

Cite the text of the law. You will not find anonymity in there. The ONLY protection the WB has is from retaliation on the job. There is no law preventing anyone from revealing who he is and talking about him.
FOX news has had three house dems and one never Trumper republican on this morning that are all saying they can't find an impeachable offense from the guys went too damn far....


So now you're up to 3 dems and 1 rep.

Impeachment not supported by any republican and not every dem will be laughed at in the senate....
You say that as though Republicans in the Senate would ever vote to convict Trump no matter what. You'll recall Senate Republicans were already saying they wouldn't vote to convict even before the hearings began. Trump could be impeached for shooting someone on 5th Avenue and Republicans would kick the corpse before voting to convict.

I heard that Mitch and his cronies will vote secretly and unanimously so Trump supporters won’t get pissed off when this idiot King is dethroned.

If there is a Senate trial for impeachment, Schiff, Joe, Hunter, and the whistleblower will be subpoenaed.

It’ll be fantastic.

Schiff keeps saying he has no idea who the whistleblower is. You know he is lying!

Somebody better reveal who the rat is, because the Senate needs the rat to testify.

Everyone’s CIA agent Eric Ciaramella.

Why are there men in Black suits knocking on my door?

Hold on, BRB...

Adam is scared Schiffless about the rat being questioned by the Republicans. That's why he reneged on having him or her testify in the House. If the rat answers honestly, it would reveal a small part of the huge deep state we are dealing with.

There’s a law to protect the identity of a whistle blower. Are you responsible for his/her safety and the families?

Are you and the republicans above the law? Or the same as Trump lawlessness?

No, there is no such law. Riddle me this: how is the rat and informant in any more danger than the people that already testified? You threw your hat in the ring, show up for the fight.

The rat is safe as long as he or she has nothing that would expose the Clintons.
We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.

Wrong. Your people started these corruptions. Trump is the most corrupted disgusting dishonest POTUS. Trump is not a good person.

If your boi was smart enough to make an illegal move. The whole country would not be in this predicament. The Trump team are so inept and stupid they could have done this very easily without all the other people involved.

But Nah! It has to be a grandeur.

Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple.

Trump asked a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political rival. Is very clear example of a corrupted POTUS.

"Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple."

Yes you should get it straight. But you won't because your hatred for Donald Trump has blinded you to the obvious truth. You have it ass backwards, but then you're a Democrat so that's normal.

Wrong again.
You are forgetting something. Let me repeat it again.

Trump asked a favor to a foreign leader to investigate his political enemies is a very good example of Trump corruptness.

So who is his political enemy IN NEARLY A YEAR from now?
You should know better.

I do know better, at least know better than you.

Let’s get these facts straight.
The word "fact" doesn't mean what you wish it to mean.

1. Manafort resigned as Trump campaign manager when he was exposed of illegal activities. Then Mueller went after him now in jail.
None of those activities are related to Trump campaign or Trump. They were all process crimes that Trump didn't know about, and when he find out, he fired him. That doesn't discredit Trump in any way.

2. Ambassador Yavanovich was employed by Trump for 3 years. She is a career diplomat with high remarks. She is a Trump supporter except when Guilliani went after her to inject Trump corrupted ideas. Going around bad mouthing her.
Why? Guilliani and cronies knew she is tough and would not put up corruptions. Obviously she is a good one to have that job for 3 years.

I notice you got her name wrong several times, it's Yovanovitch, by the way.

Before being US Ambassador during Trump presidency, she was Ambassador in Ukraine for President Barry, who appointed her there. I don't know where did you get that, but she was not Trump supporter. There was no smear campaign against her, those are her claims that nobody else can back up. There are several reasons she was replaced, and from what I understood it goes like this.

In March 2019, while she was still US Ambassador in Ukraine, she delivered speech where she openly called for firing of then current Ukrainian prosecutor general, and that would be Yuriy Lutsenko. Although Lutsenko was corrupt, and deserve firing, it's not up to her to call for his firing, since as US Ambassador she has to follow rules of Vienna Convention that regulate conduct of foreign diplomats in host countries. She violated the international rule that foreign diplomats avoid becoming involved in the internal affairs and elections of their host country.

Vienna Convention Chapter III

Second, she is US Ambassador and serve at the pleasure of the president. Not former president, but the current president. According to the letter written in May 2018 (notice the date that is way before Giuliani got involved, and way before the elections in Ukraine) by House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions to Secretary Pompeo, about Ambassador Yovanovitch was making anti-Trump comments and he suggested she should be recalled. That has nothing to do with Giuliani or anybody else, it's just her disliking the president she was serving.

I'm sure you can find the letter yourself if you tried. If you have SCRIBD account, you can read the letter HERE.

3. Obama military aid for Ukraine during Putin Crimea invasion. Do you honestly believe that those massive crates shipped to Ukraine are just blankets and first aid? It must be very powerful blankets and first aid that Russian separatists had not advanced an inch.

Unlike you, I don't speculate, i support what I write with links to documents and articles. During this impeachment inquiry, several witnesses testified that Ukraine did not get lethal military help from Barry's administration. Even Ambassador Yovanovitch testified so. I don't have to think what Barry send to Ukraine, all I have to do is listen to people that were involved.

1. Zelensky never said any bad words against Yavanovich. Yavanovich never expressed anything against Zelensky. All of that came from lying president Trump.

2. The only proof you got that Ukraine meddle in 2016 came from conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and Guilliani trying to save Putin. How convenient.

As for lying, compare what I wrote to your own writings. As I said above, unlike you I don't speculate. I provide documents that are actually facts you mentioned at the top of your post. Speculations are not facts. All you have so far are just that... speculations.
Last edited:
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.

Wrong. Your people started these corruptions. Trump is the most corrupted disgusting dishonest POTUS. Trump is not a good person.

If your boi was smart enough to make an illegal move. The whole country would not be in this predicament. The Trump team are so inept and stupid they could have done this very easily without all the other people involved.

But Nah! It has to be a grandeur.

Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple.

Trump asked a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political rival. Is very clear example of a corrupted POTUS.

HIs so-called political rival got his drug addicted son a job paying 80K a month in an industry he had no experience in, in a country he had no business in; didn't even know a word of their language. And you want to label who is corrupt?

None of what you and the other commies claim can be proven. Unless you can testify and show how Democrats are able to read minds, then you have no legitimate case.
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.

Wrong. Your people started these corruptions. Trump is the most corrupted disgusting dishonest POTUS. Trump is not a good person.

If your boi was smart enough to make an illegal move. The whole country would not be in this predicament. The Trump team are so inept and stupid they could have done this very easily without all the other people involved.

But Nah! It has to be a grandeur.

Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple.

Trump asked a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political rival. Is very clear example of a corrupted POTUS.

HIs so-called political rival got his drug addicted son a job paying 80K a month in an industry he had no experience in, in a country he had no business in; didn't even know a word of their language. And you want to label who is corrupt?

None of what you and the other commies claim can be proven. Unless you can testify and show how Democrats are able to read minds, then you have no legitimate case.
And ivanka's daddy abused the power of his office to get her millions via trademarks in China. But you don't care. So don't pretend you give a shit about hunter Biden, you arent fooling anyone. You're not a good actor.

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Chalupa merely “dug up” the court filings in the Black Ledger case in the Ukraine. This ledger was evidence that the previous Ukrainian President stolen billions millions from the national treasury before fleeing to Russia. Manafort name appears besides millions of dollars of payments.

She was an is a DNC operative who's mission was to dig up Political Dirt on a Political opponent from Foreign officials during an election. PERIOD........

The dirt on Manafort wasn't for was to use for ammo during the election against Trump.

Ukraine ruled in Court by doing so they Influenced the U.S. elections in favor of Hillary.......Who still lost.

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