Schiff is Himler.

Absolutely Gestapo tactics by the Democrats

Of course. They are doing everything possible not to get at the facts, but to assure their own desired outcome.

In the Dark Ages, they used to drown witches first to test their innocence. If they drowned, then they weren't a witch.

A moron can see what is going on. Anyone defending these impeachment "investigations" as they are going is simply proving their own total political bias.

This nation will never stand for it.

I have news, This nation will LOT stand for a piece of shit like Donald Trump breaking laws trying to cheat (again) to win an election.

How dare you protect this action. You are no American. You want Trump to piss on the Constitution. Fuck off Trump Boy.
Why not, it did for the piece of shit Manchurian muslim who fucked up our economy with all his regulations!
I think it will almost be worth impeachment for the Senate to subpoena and cross examine the whistle blower, Schiff, Hunter and Joe Biden, Hell maybe even Obama should be cross examined to see what he knew about the Hunter Biden deal.

Let’s do it.
Schiff is Himler.

Absolutely Gestapo tactics by the Democrats

Of course. They are doing everything possible not to get at the facts, but to assure their own desired outcome.

In the Dark Ages, they used to drown witches first to test their innocence. If they drowned, then they weren't a witch.

A moron can see what is going on. Anyone defending these impeachment "investigations" as they are going is simply proving their own total political bias.

This nation will never stand for it.

I have news, This nation will LOT stand for a piece of shit like Donald Trump breaking laws trying to cheat (again) to win an election.

How dare you protect this action. You are no American. You want Trump to piss on the Constitution. Fuck off Trump Boy.

He never cheated the first time. Your puppet masters planted that in your head, just like they did with both Bush elections. And in fact, whenever Republicans win, that's the BS the left spews, because the suckers will buy that flimsy excuse.
Trump is not being legally charged with any crimes. He's being impeached. Articles of impeachment can include climes but most articles are not federal crimes. The most common articles are violation of oath of office, misuse of executive power, conduct unbecoming the office, and lying to congress.

Impeachment is a political process used to remove a president just as election is a political process for selecting a president. What this means is that all laws and regulation involving evidence and criminal court procedures do apply. The entire process is regulated by House and Senate rules and the constitution.

For example, the legal concept of hearsay applies in trials and related proceedings in court. It doesn’t apply and doesn’t make sense in the congressional impeachment inquiry, nor in any potential impeachment trial in the Senate.

Congress is not a court, and no rules of evidence apply to its activities, including impeachment. This is not a technical distinction: It’s a foundation part of the constitutional structure.

Why hearsay isn't a problem for Congress in impeachment hearings
You say mis-use of office, executive power etc, but what about the mis-use of government in the ways in which the demoncrats are using it in order to make bogus claims against the President for purely partisan political reasons ?

A power struggle between groups is exactly what's going on here, and anyone with a second grade education can see this for what it is, and for what it has been since 2016.

If anything the swamp has been paraded out, and through this farce it has been shown just how bad things can get if powerful brainwashing goes on for way to long in America. It has been educational in that regard for sure.
Exactly! The laws and the Constitution are there to protect the interests of America and Americans. They were never intended to be used as weapons to take down an adversary because you hate him or because of your lust for power.

What the Democrats have already done is open Pandora's box to a never ending cycle of "How do we use the system to take down President X?" The damage they have already caused to the 2 Party system of our government will take many years to undo.
No assfuck. Trump opened the God damn box when he tried to use government funds to bribe the President of the Ukraine for a political favor.

THAT is what opened the box,.

How do you open a box with something which as yet, you've totally failed yet to even prove? You cannot prove bribery or political motives when the the entire one side of the argument is conveniently kept safely locked away from questions or the public eye to challenge! You'd have a better chance of proving shoplifting without ever finding any store property stolen or in the possession of the defendant!

Your argument holds about as much water as Hitler claiming the Jew "opened the box" and caused their own gassing because they dared tried to flee the country to escape being put to death!!! Why are all you DemoNazis now defending the methods of Adolph Hitler?

I understand that you feeble minded fucks must protect Drumpf.

But to claim there was no quid pro quo at this point, is just plain retarded.

Not when you hear the opposite from the horses mouth.

No quid pro quo.

All bullshit.

Win at the polls, lefty losers.

Such pathetic losers.
Trump openly admitted to doing precisely that.
Multiple witnesses said he did precisely that, as well.
But Ukraine president said he didn't....You fucks just can't handle the truth!
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
Of course you know of so many trials where a case has been proven by only hearing from those standing to benefit from a guilty verdict while not allowing the defendant to present any of his own defense
Idiotic post. The trial will be in the Senate. Try to keep up.
I think after hearing all this stuff that Adam Schiff should be recalled by the good people of California who are tired of him lying to prop up the false case scenario that President Trump colluded, and that maybe that $45 million we spent on investigating Trump
Jim Jordan speaks about this unfair process, etc.

What is unfair?

The coup effort.
How can you charge Trump with crimes no one saw?

Bribery? Nope

Quid Pro Quo? Nope
Trump is not being legally charged with any crimes. He's being impeached. Articles of impeachment can include climes but most articles are not federal crimes. The most common articles are violation of oath of office, misuse of executive power, conduct unbecoming the office, and lying to congress.

Impeachment is a political process used to remove a president just as election is a political process for selecting a president. What this means is that all laws and regulation involving evidence and criminal court procedures do apply. The entire process is regulated by House and Senate rules and the constitution.

For example, the legal concept of hearsay applies in trials and related proceedings in court. It doesn’t apply and doesn’t make sense in the congressional impeachment inquiry, nor in any potential impeachment trial in the Senate.

Congress is not a court, and no rules of evidence apply to its activities, including impeachment. This is not a technical distinction: It’s a foundation part of the constitutional structure.

Why hearsay isn't a problem for Congress in impeachment hearings

So dems are impeaching simply because they're a temporary majority in the House
You say mis-use of office, executive power etc, but what about the mis-use of government in the ways in which the demoncrats are using it in order to make bogus claims against the President for purely partisan political reasons ?

A power struggle between groups is exactly what's going on here, and anyone with a second grade education can see this for what it is, and for what it has been since 2016.

If anything the swamp has been paraded out, and through this farce it has been shown just how bad things can get if powerful brainwashing goes on for way to long in America. It has been educational in that regard for sure.
Exactly! The laws and the Constitution are there to protect the interests of America and Americans. They were never intended to be used as weapons to take down an adversary because you hate him or because of your lust for power.

What the Democrats have already done is open Pandora's box to a never ending cycle of "How do we use the system to take down President X?" The damage they have already caused to the 2 Party system of our government will take many years to undo.
No assfuck. Trump opened the God damn box when he tried to use government funds to bribe the President of the Ukraine for a political favor.

THAT is what opened the box,.

How do you open a box with something which as yet, you've totally failed yet to even prove? You cannot prove bribery or political motives when the the entire one side of the argument is conveniently kept safely locked away from questions or the public eye to challenge! You'd have a better chance of proving shoplifting without ever finding any store property stolen or in the possession of the defendant!

Your argument holds about as much water as Hitler claiming the Jew "opened the box" and caused their own gassing because they dared tried to flee the country to escape being put to death!!! Why are all you DemoNazis now defending the methods of Adolph Hitler?

I understand that you feeble minded fucks must protect Drumpf.

But to claim there was no quid pro quo at this point, is just plain retarded.

Not when you hear the opposite from the horses mouth.

He’s not a libbie witness if he saw or heard it directly.
Only second or third hand hearing or never saw anything is accepted
Sondland testified that Trump said “No quid pro quo”.


There is no corruption. This is all bullshit.
In September you God damn stupid fuck. After he knew he was caught.
All of the Leftist anger in the world will not create the reality they want. They realize this and that just makes them angrier. Not a good place to be.
No quid pro quo.

All bullshit.

Win at the polls, lefty losers.

Such pathetic losers.
Trump openly admitted to doing precisely that.
Multiple witnesses said he did precisely that, as well.
But Ukraine president said he didn't....You fucks just can't handle the truth!
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
How can you charge Trump with crimes no one saw?

Bribery? Nope

Quid Pro Quo? Nope
Trump is not being legally charged with any crimes. He's being impeached. Articles of impeachment can include climes but most articles are not federal crimes. The most common articles are violation of oath of office, misuse of executive power, conduct unbecoming the office, and lying to congress.

Impeachment is a political process used to remove a president just as election is a political process for selecting a president. What this means is that all laws and regulation involving evidence and criminal court procedures do apply. The entire process is regulated by House and Senate rules and the constitution.

For example, the legal concept of hearsay applies in trials and related proceedings in court. It doesn’t apply and doesn’t make sense in the congressional impeachment inquiry, nor in any potential impeachment trial in the Senate.

Congress is not a court, and no rules of evidence apply to its activities, including impeachment. This is not a technical distinction: It’s a foundation part of the constitutional structure.

Why hearsay isn't a problem for Congress in impeachment hearings
You say mis-use of office, executive power etc, but what about the mis-use of government in the ways in which the demoncrats are using it in order to make bogus claims against the President for purely partisan political reasons ?

A power struggle between groups is exactly what's going on here, and anyone with a second grade education can see this for what it is, and for what it has been since 2016.

If anything the swamp has been paraded out, and through this farce it has been shown just how bad things can get if powerful brainwashing goes on for way to long in America. It has been educational in that regard for sure.
Exactly! The laws and the Constitution are there to protect the interests of America and Americans. They were never intended to be used as weapons to take down an adversary because you hate him or because of your lust for power.

What the Democrats have already done is open Pandora's box to a never ending cycle of "How do we use the system to take down President X?" The damage they have already caused to the 2 Party system of our government will take many years to undo.
No assfuck. Trump opened the God damn box when he tried to use government funds to bribe the President of the Ukraine for a political favor.

THAT is what opened the box,.
where was the bribe? All those demofk cry babies and not one of em said trump did anything except hurt their feelings. whahahahahahhaaha
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.

Wrong. Your people started these corruptions. Trump is the most corrupted disgusting dishonest POTUS. Trump is not a good person.

If your boi was smart enough to make an illegal move. The whole country would not be in this predicament. The Trump team are so inept and stupid they could have done this very easily without all the other people involved.

But Nah! It has to be a grandeur.

Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple.

Trump asked a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political rival. Is very clear example of a corrupted POTUS.
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.

Wrong. Your people started these corruptions. Trump is the most corrupted disgusting dishonest POTUS. Trump is not a good person.

If your boi was smart enough to make an illegal move. The whole country would not be in this predicament. The Trump team are so inept and stupid they could have done this very easily without all the other people involved.

But Nah! It has to be a grandeur.

Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple.

Trump asked a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political rival. Is very clear example of a corrupted POTUS.

Investigating Soros and Biden's quid pro quo made him corrupt....uh huh

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