New poll says Republicans say Trump a better president than Lincoln Now is that not proof of the idiocy of republicans?
Dishonest Abe was by far our worst president.

That poll merely proves statist propaganda works.
These same "political scientists" would vote for Stalin to be the best Russian leader if they taught in Russian universities.
amazing to me the people you believe and those you disbelieve and what's sad, many here go down that one way street with you
Why would any intelligent person believe a toady on the government payroll about who the best president is?
This is a colossal waste of time. And taxpayers money. On what amounts to a politically driven vendetta. I have yet to find out exactly what high crime or misdemeanor Trump is actually accused of committing. What IS the accusation here?
Try obstruction of congress and bribery for starters

"Obstruction of Congress"


Ever heard of separation of powers? Co-equal branches of government? No?

Are you saying Trump took a bribe?
If so, proof, and then yes, impeach away. Accusations are cheap and plentiful.

Let's step back a little.When founders put bribery as ground for impeachment, do you know what they were thinking of?
Read their minds no I have no idea But unlike republicans I think Pelosi knows better than I
Can you imagine the GOP charging Obumma with being an illegal Kenyan in the White House and demanding he appear before their hearing to answer a storm of questions?
There is no comparison there. Can you inagine several demicrats sayong that the information he is a Kenyan is disturbing? That he may very well be a Kenyan, but they dont care? No? Well thats what republicans are saying about trumps criminal dealings right now. Get a better comparison.
Trump has no "criminal dealings," moron.
I want to put this in perspective of a BOOMER. Trump originally was originally a Democrat, and friends with the Clintons. I am totally bemused the animus that neoliberals have for Trump, given their "flexible" ethics on just about everything else. Gender, Immigration or whatever else.
I want to put this in perspective of a BOOMER. Trump was originally a Democrat, and friends with the Clintons. I am totally bemused by the animus that neoliberals have for Trump, given their "flexible" ethics on just about everything else. Gender, Immigration or whatever else.
This is a colossal waste of time. And taxpayers money. On what amounts to a politically driven vendetta. I have yet to find out exactly what high crime or misdemeanor Trump is actually accused of committing. What IS the accusation here?
Try obstruction of congress and bribery for starters

"Obstruction of Congress"


Ever heard of separation of powers? Co-equal branches of government? No?

Are you saying Trump took a bribe?
Did Trump Commit 'Bribery'? Pelosi's Impeachment ... › 2019/11/15 › politics › bribery-impeachment-ex...

Nov 15, 2019 - WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week explicitly accused President Trump of “bribery,” suggesting after hearings in the ...

Pelosi can say whatever she wants. Yet, she has to proof that actually happened.

Second, despite that bribery is wrong, US was bribing other nations since the US. But that is not bribery that founding fathers were thinking of. Their concern was that president may take a bribe in order to create or change policy. If you read Federalist papers, you would know that, you won't learn that from HuffPost and Colbert.
So it's all revenge for you by admission here, and that means destroy Trump at all cost regardless if it delivers the country into the hands of the radical leftist ?? Wow.
He is a radical leftist. He's lying about ever being a Republican. No one who ever voted Republican could post the shit he posts in this forum.
Actually, they can. I've voted Republican every presidential election except this last one when I did not vote for Trump.

I thought I was more conservative before Trump came along. He helped me realize that I no longer wanted any part of the GOP haterade.

I can't imagine I will ever go back to that flawed way of thinking and I'll NEVER trust the Republican party again. N.E.V.E.R. What a betrayal of people who thought right was right and wrong was wrong.

And to top it all off, they don't believe in science.

Republicans are gross. Just fucking gross.
You need to see a physician quick. Your party comparison meter is broken big time.

There is no way that you can take the last 35 years or more, and know where this nation had gone in those years, and then think that what just happened in 2016 was a bad thing.
Yes I certainly can think Trump is a bad thing. He's stupid, can barely read, lies on an hourly basis, cozies up to murdering dictators, alienates our allies, and doesn't believe in science just to name a few reasons.

He's a fucking disaster. He's putting farmers out of business and putting them on farmer welfare. He separated children from their families and cannot get them back together because they did not keep records.

Trump is WAY out of his league. He can't do the job because he's not smart enough.

Republicans had far better candidates to choose from, and they chose Trump. SMDH.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. DumBama separated families as well. The MSM even published pictures of kids in cages and tried to pass it off as if it was recent. Then it was discovered those were picture from the Hussein era. You people on the left support leaders that invite these illegals to our country, then complain when one of our leaders have to deal with the problem you leftists created.

Nobody put more people on welfare than DumBama. Between Commie Care and doubling the food stamp role, compare that to Trump any day of the week. Under Trump, we have a 50 year record low in unemployment, and more jobs than Americans to do them. And yes, with Republicans in charge, a reduction of government dependency.

You should know better posting these nonsense.
1. Obama separated families cases by cases who has criminal records. Trump separated families in general and still separate them and caged children as we speak today.

2. Obama faced recessions from the collapse of the real estate markets. Lots of Americans declared bankruptcy. At the same time GOPs assholes tried very hard to make him look bad. Is one of the primary reasons people applied food stamps and welfare.

3. The left invited these illegals? You’ve been brainwashed by your groups making left look bad.
The big question no one has yet answered is What does Putin have on Trump ? If you think nothing ,,you're not paying attention

Isn't Putin the guy who paid Clinton 500K for a speech in Russia, and bought 20% of US uranium after he donated hundreds of millions to Clinton Foundation?

That Putin?
Good god, you guys really don't care when one of your retarded talking points is clearly and completely debunked, do ya?

Who debunked it? Snoopes or FactCheck?

Of Hillary said it's debunked, so it is.
Trying what? to sell some BS, and tell everyone it's chocolate ice cream? I don't buy that anyone in their advanced 80s is as far left as you are portraying...So, I have my doubts about you.
I'm not nearly as far left as you'd imagine I was a republican all my life ,even voting for GWB in 2000 my last repub vote ,,,,, It's just that I can't stand a degenerate liar like trump
So it's all revenge for you by admission here, and that means destroy Trump at all cost regardless if it delivers the country into the hands of the radical leftist ?? Wow.
He is a radical leftist. He's lying about ever being a Republican. No one who ever voted Republican could post the shit he posts in this forum.
Actually, they can. I've voted Republican every presidential election except this last one when I did not vote for Trump.

I thought I was more conservative before Trump came along. He helped me realize that I no longer wanted any part of the GOP haterade.

I can't imagine I will ever go back to that flawed way of thinking and I'll NEVER trust the Republican party again. N.E.V.E.R. What a betrayal of people who thought right was right and wrong was wrong.

And to top it all off, they don't believe in science.

Republicans are gross. Just fucking gross.
Yeah, right. Sure you did.

The truth is that you have never voted Republican in your entire life. You have never posted anything that any Republican would support.

You're a lying leftwing douchebag.

Face reality.

How many decent Americans do you think sick and tired of this pathological liar hypocrite incompetent president?

1. Siding with criminal soldier Gallagher facing court martial. Just imagine how many of these active and veteran soldiers hated this dude. Think again they spit on his grave.

2. Never ending lies bullshit.
I'm not nearly as far left as you'd imagine I was a republican all my life ,even voting for GWB in 2000 my last repub vote ,,,,, It's just that I can't stand a degenerate liar like trump
So it's all revenge for you by admission here, and that means destroy Trump at all cost regardless if it delivers the country into the hands of the radical leftist ?? Wow.
He is a radical leftist. He's lying about ever being a Republican. No one who ever voted Republican could post the shit he posts in this forum.
Actually, they can. I've voted Republican every presidential election except this last one when I did not vote for Trump.

I thought I was more conservative before Trump came along. He helped me realize that I no longer wanted any part of the GOP haterade.

I can't imagine I will ever go back to that flawed way of thinking and I'll NEVER trust the Republican party again. N.E.V.E.R. What a betrayal of people who thought right was right and wrong was wrong.

And to top it all off, they don't believe in science.

Republicans are gross. Just fucking gross.
Yeah, right. Sure you did.

The truth is that you have never voted Republican in your entire life. You have never posted anything that any Republican would support.

You're a lying leftwing douchebag.

Face reality.

How many decent Americans do you think sick and tired of this pathological liar hypocrite incompetent president?


1. Siding with criminal soldier Gallagher facing court martial. Just imagine how many of these active and veteran soldiers hated this dude. Think again they spit on his grave.

He isn't a criminal. The evidence indicates he's innocent

2. Never ending lies bullshit.

This is a colossal waste of time. And taxpayers money. On what amounts to a politically driven vendetta. I have yet to find out exactly what high crime or misdemeanor Trump is actually accused of committing. What IS the accusation here?
Try obstruction of congress and bribery for starters

"Obstruction of Congress"


Ever heard of separation of powers? Co-equal branches of government? No?

Are you saying Trump took a bribe?
Did Trump Commit 'Bribery'? Pelosi's Impeachment ... › 2019/11/15 › politics › bribery-impeachment-ex...

Nov 15, 2019 - WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week explicitly accused President Trump of “bribery,” suggesting after hearings in the ...

Pelosi can say whatever she wants. Yet, she has to proof that actually happened.

Second, despite that bribery is wrong, US was bribing other nations since the US. But that is not bribery that founding fathers were thinking of. Their concern was that president may take a bribe in order to create or change policy. If you read Federalist papers, you would know that, you won't learn that from HuffPost and Colbert.
Well, all that being said, I am no constitutional lawyer so I don't know my yin from my yang . But what actual crime or misdemeanor has Trump committed? Not subjective or theoretically that actually deserves impeachment? If there was one, we would all be on the same page here and Trump would be history.

Bullshit. Coming from unknown media the intercept?
You should know better than that stupid.

Head in the sand....truth denier extraordinaire.....

You’ve been here since 2010 and it’s hard to believe you are using an unknown piece of shit media that catered to your kind of ignorance.

You are dumber than I thought.

The known piece of shit media sources hate Trump and are are operating on out and out lies and only half the story dummy....

Using unknown media is the worst you can do to post your ignorance. And I don’t lie.

You are a sponge for misinformation....
So it's all revenge for you by admission here, and that means destroy Trump at all cost regardless if it delivers the country into the hands of the radical leftist ?? Wow.
He is a radical leftist. He's lying about ever being a Republican. No one who ever voted Republican could post the shit he posts in this forum.
Actually, they can. I've voted Republican every presidential election except this last one when I did not vote for Trump.

I thought I was more conservative before Trump came along. He helped me realize that I no longer wanted any part of the GOP haterade.

I can't imagine I will ever go back to that flawed way of thinking and I'll NEVER trust the Republican party again. N.E.V.E.R. What a betrayal of people who thought right was right and wrong was wrong.

And to top it all off, they don't believe in science.

Republicans are gross. Just fucking gross.

It's not traditional Republicans. It's Rumpsters and the part of Rump. They aren't conservatives or what the old party was which was Progressive Conservatives. And they certainly are not fiscal conservatives. In fact, they don't fit into any category traditionally. But they do fit into the Mobster category. Until you look at it that way, they just won't make any sense at all.
Polls show that 95% of Republicans support Trump.

Your post is pure horseshit.

What Poll. Please post a cite for your outlandish claim. And please, not one of those ultrarightwingnut conspiracy sites.
Oh you mean not like those ultra-leftoast conspiracy sites that are used so much out there ?
Under Trump you have complete bullshit being thrown at America Imagine Nunes one of your leaders spouting that it was Ukraine not Russia involved in our election while ALL our agencies know it was Russia And the really sad thing is you moron republicans believe it You fall into the Russian trap You should all ,including the AH in the WH ,be called traitors
And you believe what with no proof ?? Investigations are not even done, and yet you somehow know the truth ??
Which Gov't agency disputes that ??? We have the best and brightest that knows what Russia did AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO because AH's don't believe our great agencies ,,They believe their moron Trump
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.
Yep, and if people don't think that these people aren't taking their liberal leftist leanings with them where ever they go in life, then they are completely insane.
He is a radical leftist. He's lying about ever being a Republican. No one who ever voted Republican could post the shit he posts in this forum.
Actually, they can. I've voted Republican every presidential election except this last one when I did not vote for Trump.

I thought I was more conservative before Trump came along. He helped me realize that I no longer wanted any part of the GOP haterade.

I can't imagine I will ever go back to that flawed way of thinking and I'll NEVER trust the Republican party again. N.E.V.E.R. What a betrayal of people who thought right was right and wrong was wrong.

And to top it all off, they don't believe in science.

Republicans are gross. Just fucking gross.
Yeah, right. Sure you did.

The truth is that you have never voted Republican in your entire life. You have never posted anything that any Republican would support.

You're a lying leftwing douchebag.

Truth is, I could have got behind Trump even though I did not vote for him (nor did I vote for Hillary), if he had been any kind of decent person. The 2020 election will be my first ever Democrat Presidential vote.

It may seem odd now, but I WAS born and raised in Oklahoma City, lol.

More truth - Trump did not drive me from the GOP by himself, not at all. It was a long time coming. Trump was just the hard shove out the door with the deadbolt locked firmly behind. I didn't leave the Republican party, they left me.

From where I sit, it happened just in time.
You have never been in the GOP. You are what Rush Limbaugh calls a "seminar caller." You pretend to be a Republican or a conservative only so you can get past the call screener or so you can make your attacks on Republicans seem more credible.

You aren't credible. You're a scumbag.

Bingo. It's the same people who claim that Mueller and Comey are Republicans, regardless they did everything against the interest of Republicans.

Sometimes I think those "Republicans" are Democrats with specific mission.
That specific mission is to be close by so they can drive a knife between our shoulder blades.
He is a radical leftist. He's lying about ever being a Republican. No one who ever voted Republican could post the shit he posts in this forum.
Actually, they can. I've voted Republican every presidential election except this last one when I did not vote for Trump.

I thought I was more conservative before Trump came along. He helped me realize that I no longer wanted any part of the GOP haterade.

I can't imagine I will ever go back to that flawed way of thinking and I'll NEVER trust the Republican party again. N.E.V.E.R. What a betrayal of people who thought right was right and wrong was wrong.

And to top it all off, they don't believe in science.

Republicans are gross. Just fucking gross.
You need to see a physician quick. Your party comparison meter is broken big time.

There is no way that you can take the last 35 years or more, and know where this nation had gone in those years, and then think that what just happened in 2016 was a bad thing.
Yes I certainly can think Trump is a bad thing. He's stupid, can barely read, lies on an hourly basis, cozies up to murdering dictators, alienates our allies, and doesn't believe in science just to name a few reasons.

He's a fucking disaster. He's putting farmers out of business and putting them on farmer welfare. He separated children from their families and cannot get them back together because they did not keep records.

Trump is WAY out of his league. He can't do the job because he's not smart enough.

Republicans had far better candidates to choose from, and they chose Trump. SMDH.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. DumBama separated families as well. The MSM even published pictures of kids in cages and tried to pass it off as if it was recent. Then it was discovered those were picture from the Hussein era. You people on the left support leaders that invite these illegals to our country, then complain when one of our leaders have to deal with the problem you leftists created.

Nobody put more people on welfare than DumBama. Between Commie Care and doubling the food stamp role, compare that to Trump any day of the week. Under Trump, we have a 50 year record low in unemployment, and more jobs than Americans to do them. And yes, with Republicans in charge, a reduction of government dependency.

You should know better posting these nonsense.
1. Obama separated families cases by cases who has criminal records. Trump separated families in general and still separate them and caged children as we speak today.

2. Obama faced recessions from the collapse of the real estate markets. Lots of Americans declared bankruptcy. At the same time GOPs assholes tried very hard to make him look bad. Is one of the primary reasons people applied food stamps and welfare.

3. The left invited these illegals? You’ve been brainwashed by your groups making left look bad.

DumBama expanded the welfare roles by expanding the criteria to apply. It didn't start to come back down until Republican Governors began to institute state requirements in which to collect.

Yes, Democrats invite immigrants with their sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states. Allowing them to get drivers licenses, and loans from banks, their refusal, and in some cities, laws that prohibit law enforcement from contacting ICE when they have a criminal alien in custody. In one case a Governor warning of ICE raids for them to hide. The longest government shutdown in history over stopping additional walls from being built. Yes, inviting them into this country.

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