Trump: "We can't call witnesses! We can't presenr evidence! Sham! Sham!"

House Judiciary Committee: "You are invited to call witnesses and present evidence."

Trump: *crickets*
Under Trump you have complete bullshit being thrown at America Imagine Nunes one of your leaders spouting that it was Ukraine not Russia involved in our election while ALL our agencies know it was Russia And the really sad thing is you moron republicans believe it You fall into the Russian trap You should all ,including the AH in the WH ,be called traitors
And you believe what with no proof ?? Investigations are not even done, and yet you somehow know the truth ??
Which Gov't agency disputes that ??? We have the best and brightest that knows what Russia did AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO because AH's don't believe our great agencies ,,They believe their moron Trump
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.

DumBama came with more than himself and family, he brought Chicago with him. Trump is trying to turn Chicago DC back to Washington DC.

You mean he's trying to change it to the Don Corealone NY City. When they do a movie about Rumps time as President, they won't be able to find an actor to play him in his mind. Marlon Brando died. But maybe they can get some hack to just stuff his mouth full of toilet paper and mumble the part anyway.
And you believe what with no proof ?? Investigations are not even done, and yet you somehow know the truth ??
Which Gov't agency disputes that ??? We have the best and brightest that knows what Russia did AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO because AH's don't believe our great agencies ,,They believe their moron Trump
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.

DumBama came with more than himself and family, he brought Chicago with him. Trump is trying to turn Chicago DC back to Washington DC.

You mean he's trying to change it to the Don Corealone NY City. When they do a movie about Rumps time as President, they won't be able to find an actor to play him in his mind. Marlon Brando died. But maybe they can get some hack to just stuff his mouth full of toilet paper and mumble the part anyway.


Trump: "We can't call witnesses! We can't presenr evidence! Sham! Sham!"

House Judiciary Committee: "You are invited to call witnesses and present evidence."

Trump: *crickets*
Hmmmm . . . . no. They were invited to call only the witnesses that Komrade Schiff allowed.

I love the way all you mouth breathers slobber all over yourselves to defend the kangaroo court.
Which Gov't agency disputes that ??? We have the best and brightest that knows what Russia did AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO because AH's don't believe our great agencies ,,They believe their moron Trump
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.

DumBama came with more than himself and family, he brought Chicago with him. Trump is trying to turn Chicago DC back to Washington DC.

You mean he's trying to change it to the Don Corealone NY City. When they do a movie about Rumps time as President, they won't be able to find an actor to play him in his mind. Marlon Brando died. But maybe they can get some hack to just stuff his mouth full of toilet paper and mumble the part anyway.


Still not 1/100th of the shit they have thrown at Trump.

They demanded his birth certificate? Oh, my . . . what an outrage!
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.

DumBama came with more than himself and family, he brought Chicago with him. Trump is trying to turn Chicago DC back to Washington DC.

You mean he's trying to change it to the Don Corealone NY City. When they do a movie about Rumps time as President, they won't be able to find an actor to play him in his mind. Marlon Brando died. But maybe they can get some hack to just stuff his mouth full of toilet paper and mumble the part anyway.


Still not 1/100th of the shit they have thrown at Trump.

They demanded his birth certificate? Oh, my . . . what an outrage!
And your moron still hasn't apologized
And you believe what with no proof ?? Investigations are not even done, and yet you somehow know the truth ??
Which Gov't agency disputes that ??? We have the best and brightest that knows what Russia did AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO because AH's don't believe our great agencies ,,They believe their moron Trump
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.

DumBama came with more than himself and family, he brought Chicago with him. Trump is trying to turn Chicago DC back to Washington DC.

You mean he's trying to change it to the Don Corealone NY City. When they do a movie about Rumps time as President, they won't be able to find an actor to play him in his mind. Marlon Brando died. But maybe they can get some hack to just stuff his mouth full of toilet paper and mumble the part anyway.

I really feel bad for people like you, so prone to the power of suggestion. You really should try thinking for yourself once in a while. It's a very liberating feeling.
Think about this Ray
Three investigating panels, led by the House Intelligence Committee, are due to release a formal evidence report this week after lawmakers return to Congress on Tuesday from their Thanksgiving recess. The report will outline evidence gathered by lawmakers on the panel, along with those on the House Foreign Affairs and Oversight committees.

Congressional investigators have been looking into whether Trump abused his power by pressuring Ukraine to launch investigations of former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, who is running to unseat him in the 2020 presidential election, and a discredited conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The president and his Republican allies in Congress say the inquiry has been unfair, because it did not allow the White House to have legal counsel present or call witnesses during weeks of closed-door testimony and open hearings before the House Intelligence Committee.

However, Republican lawmakers were able to question witnesses during the closed door hearings and called three witnesses during the public hearings that wrapped up last week.

"The president may well look at this, or his counsel may well look at this, and say: Why would we want to get in here and legitimize this process, when it was made illegitimate at the beginning by shutting us out?" said Republican Representative Tom Cole.

The House Judiciary Committee could vote on whether to recommend articles of impeachment within the next two weeks, setting the stage of a possible impeachment vote by the full House before Christmas, according to Democratic aides.
Which Gov't agency disputes that ??? We have the best and brightest that knows what Russia did AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO because AH's don't believe our great agencies ,,They believe their moron Trump
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.

DumBama came with more than himself and family, he brought Chicago with him. Trump is trying to turn Chicago DC back to Washington DC.

You mean he's trying to change it to the Don Corealone NY City. When they do a movie about Rumps time as President, they won't be able to find an actor to play him in his mind. Marlon Brando died. But maybe they can get some hack to just stuff his mouth full of toilet paper and mumble the part anyway.

I really feel bad for people like you, so prone to the power of suggestion. You really should try thinking for yourself once in a while. It's a very liberating feeling.

Ah, the old, "Look over there" deflection routine. You can't get around the facts, you can only do what you are doing and try and deflect away from them. Sorry, the sell by date is already run out.
And BTW ray and other republican traitors here We know it won't pass the cowardly repubs in the senate BUT it will let America see the cowards for what they are ,and it might even lose the senate for the yellow belly's
Trump: "We can't call witnesses! We can't presenr evidence! Sham! Sham!"

House Judiciary Committee: "You are invited to call witnesses and present evidence."

Trump: *crickets*
Call witnesses to what ??? A sham political scheme trial/witch Hunt, otherwise to finally get Trump caught up in their snare or trap laid ??? Rotflmbo.
Which Gov't agency disputes that ??? We have the best and brightest that knows what Russia did AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO because AH's don't believe our great agencies ,,They believe their moron Trump
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.

DumBama came with more than himself and family, he brought Chicago with him. Trump is trying to turn Chicago DC back to Washington DC.

You mean he's trying to change it to the Don Corealone NY City. When they do a movie about Rumps time as President, they won't be able to find an actor to play him in his mind. Marlon Brando died. But maybe they can get some hack to just stuff his mouth full of toilet paper and mumble the part anyway.


When a political agenda was at stake, you play it nice. Especially when it was known that such an agenda would have to be forced on the American people against their will.
And BTW ray and other republican traitors here We know it won't pass the cowardly repubs in the senate BUT it will let America see the cowards for what they are ,and it might even lose the senate for the yellow belly's

Actually, I'm thinking just the opposite. Americans don't like impeachment no matter who it is. If it's a real crime, that might be different. But they're trying to impeach over a phone call; a silly little phone call. The charges the Democrats are leveling never happened. There was no quid pro quo, Trump never mentioned military or any US aid, and Trump never got anything in return once it was released.

Their entire focus since they took leadership of the House was to find a way to try and get rid of Trump--a President that was elected by the people.

So I'm figuring that since they are losing ground with Independents, they are also risking losing leadership of the House. Correct, the Americans in the Senate will not vote for impeachment based on he said-she said, assumptions, or extremely partisan interpretations. Until Democrats can demonstrate they have mind reading abilities, the charges of what Trump was thinking when he withheld aid cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It's just a silly excuse to try and overturn the will of the people.
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.

DumBama came with more than himself and family, he brought Chicago with him. Trump is trying to turn Chicago DC back to Washington DC.

You mean he's trying to change it to the Don Corealone NY City. When they do a movie about Rumps time as President, they won't be able to find an actor to play him in his mind. Marlon Brando died. But maybe they can get some hack to just stuff his mouth full of toilet paper and mumble the part anyway.

I really feel bad for people like you, so prone to the power of suggestion. You really should try thinking for yourself once in a while. It's a very liberating feeling.

Ah, the old, "Look over there" deflection routine. You can't get around the facts, you can only do what you are doing and try and deflect away from them. Sorry, the sell by date is already run out.

Had Schiff Face never come out with that stupid Mafia skit he tried to pull off unsuccessfully, the thought of Trump being a mob boss would have never crossed your mind. But he understood that even if called out on it, people like you ate it up for lunch and can't get the taste out of your mouth.
And BTW ray and other republican traitors here We know it won't pass the cowardly repubs in the senate BUT it will let America see the cowards for what they are ,and it might even lose the senate for the yellow belly's

Actually, I'm thinking just the opposite. Americans don't like impeachment no matter who it is. If it's a real crime, that might be different. But they're trying to impeach over a phone call; a silly little phone call. The charges the Democrats are leveling never happened. There was no quid pro quo, Trump never mentioned military or any US aid, and Trump never got anything in return once it was released.

Their entire focus since they took leadership of the House was to find a way to try and get rid of Trump--a President that was elected by the people.

So I'm figuring that since they are losing ground with Independents, they are also risking losing leadership of the House. Correct, the Americans in the Senate will not vote for impeachment based on he said-she said, assumptions, or extremely partisan interpretations. Until Democrats can demonstrate they have mind reading abilities, the charges of what Trump was thinking when he withheld aid cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It's just a silly excuse to try and overturn the will of the people.
I wonder why it is that if it is known that Trump is a victim of a multi-pronged political ASSASINATION, that treason trials aren't immediately conducted as a result of it all ??

In the Nuremberg trials, we see the results of the justice brought to bare against a cult that formed into the Nazi party, and one that had caused great damage unto the German nation in which has lasted for decades upon decades afterwards. These things taking place today are just as serious as it was in those days, yet it is toyed with on and on with no serious consequences ???

The agenda being forced upon the nation by the crats, is seemingly similar to the Nazis and their movement to create a police state, and a government run "oppressed" nation in order to achieve their ultimate goals.
Hmmmm . . . . no. They were invited to call only the witnesses that Komrade Schiff allowed.
False. Goddamn you people are so misinformed. Step outside the bubble. Read some news.
I have read plenty of news. Show me where they where invited to call any witnesses they chose.

If you're referring to the next set of hearings, only experts on the Constitution are being allowed by Nadler. We don't need no stinking committee to tell us what the Constitution means.

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