New poll says Republicans say Trump a better president than Lincoln Now is that not proof of the idiocy of republicans?
Dishonest Abe was by far our worst president.

That poll merely proves statist propaganda works.
These same "political scientists" would vote for Stalin to be the best Russian leader if they taught in Russian universities.
amazing to me the people you believe and those you disbelieve and what's sad, many here go down that one way street with you
Do you deny all the tyrannical things Dishonest Abe did, or are you the typical clueless American who still is stuck on the third grade version of the mass murderer?
This is a colossal waste of time. And taxpayers money. On what amounts to a politically driven vendetta. I have yet to find out exactly what high crime or misdemeanor Trump is actually accused of committing. What IS the accusation here? Let alone the PROOF or even why we need be concerned...
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New poll says Republicans say Trump a better president than Lincoln Now is that not proof of the idiocy of republicans?
Dishonest Abe was by far our worst president.

That poll merely proves statist propaganda works.
These same "political scientists" would vote for Stalin to be the best Russian leader if they taught in Russian universities.
amazing to me the people you believe and those you disbelieve and what's sad, many here go down that one way street with you
Do you deny all the tyrannical things Dishonest Abe did, or are you the typical clueless American who still is stuck on the third grade version of the mass murderer?
yes I do deny all the things you accuse Abe of My only fault I can find is he should have lengthened the war a few more months Woulda been a more complete job
This is a colossal waste of time. And taxpayers money. On what amounts to a politically driven vendetta. I have yet to find out exactly what high crime or misdemeanor Trump is actually accused of committing. What IS the accusation here?
Try obstruction of congress and bribery for starters
So, after nearly 3 months of complaining about "lack of due process", Trump and his team have been invited to take part in the hearings.

White House: *crickets*
You believe that is all due process means, Trump being dragged before Congress to be interrogated?

Can you imagine the GOP charging Obumma with being an illegal Kenyan in the White House and demanding he appear before their hearing to answer a storm of questions?

What do you think his and the DNC's response would have been?
This is a colossal waste of time. And taxpayers money. On what amounts to a politically driven vendetta. I have yet to find out exactly what high crime or misdemeanor Trump is actually accused of committing. What IS the accusation here?
Try obstruction of congress and bribery for starters

"Obstruction of Congress"


Ever heard of separation of powers? Co-equal branches of government? No?

Are you saying Trump took a bribe?
The big question no one has yet answered is What does Putin have on Trump ? If you think nothing ,,you're not paying attention
This is a colossal waste of time. And taxpayers money. On what amounts to a politically driven vendetta. I have yet to find out exactly what high crime or misdemeanor Trump is actually accused of committing. What IS the accusation here? Let alone the PROOF or even why we need be concerned...
Mary, if the accusations by Nancy and Adam Sluggo had any weight and truth to them, they wouldn't be spinning them with lies, exaggerations, distortions and all the drama of a weekday afternoon soap opera.
This is a colossal waste of time. And taxpayers money. On what amounts to a politically driven vendetta. I have yet to find out exactly what high crime or misdemeanor Trump is actually accused of committing. What IS the accusation here?
Try obstruction of congress and bribery for starters

"Obstruction of Congress"


Ever heard of separation of powers? Co-equal branches of government? No?

Are you saying Trump took a bribe?
If so, prove it with facts. And then yes, impeach away. Proof is well worth its weight in gold. Accusations are cheap, plentiful and pretty dang meaningless.
The big question no one has yet answered is What does Putin have on Trump ? If you think nothing ,,you're not paying attention

Isn't Putin the guy who paid Clinton 500K for a speech in Russia, and bought 20% of US uranium after he donated hundreds of millions to Clinton Foundation?

That Putin?
This is a colossal waste of time. And taxpayers money. On what amounts to a politically driven vendetta. I have yet to find out exactly what high crime or misdemeanor Trump is actually accused of committing. What IS the accusation here?
Try obstruction of congress and bribery for starters

"Obstruction of Congress"


Ever heard of separation of powers? Co-equal branches of government? No?

Are you saying Trump took a bribe?
Did Trump Commit 'Bribery'? Pelosi's Impeachment ... › 2019/11/15 › politics › bribery-impeachment-ex...

Nov 15, 2019 - WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week explicitly accused President Trump of “bribery,” suggesting after hearings in the ...
The big question no one has yet answered is What does Putin have on Trump ? If you think nothing ,,you're not paying attention
Apparently you didn't pay attention when your own Mueller Investigation came up with BoSquat Didley Empty-Hands on any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia! If you know more, you really need to catch the next flight out to Washington to meet up with Nancy and Adam Sluggo! They need you FAST!
The big question no one has yet answered is What does Putin have on Trump ? If you think nothing ,,you're not paying attention
Apparently you didn't pay attention when your own Mueller Investigation came up with BoSquat Didley Empty-Hands on any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia! If you know more, you really need to catch the next flight out to Washington to meet up with Nancy and Adam Sluggo! They need you FAST!
And how many examples of OBSTRUCTION ??
If he committed a crime, punish him. I have no desire to back crooks & thieves & liars like you do.
Well, with his own words spoken, that IS exactly what you're doing. Who are you trying to kid?

His own words were the words of the United States of America. And it got results. Enough that Ukraine was removed from the Corrupt country list and could receive Offensive Weapons from the US. he showed a level of Statesmanship far beyond what you are capable of understanding. So, by his own words, he helped to change Ukraine from a completely corrupt nation to a near honest one. Not 100% honest but close enough compared to the other Eastern Block countries. What part of this are you having trouble understanding or did Putins GRU tell you to keep stirring that pot?

let's clean up Rump and his band of Criminals and then you can go after Biden if it trips your trigger. But having the Criminal Rump and his Sycophants do it is just a way to try and make us look the other way on their crimes. Sorry, Blackmail, Election Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, just to name three of a long list, we need to take care of those (and don't try and tell the rest of us that those charges aren't real) first. The only reason that they aren't being taken care of is the AG is working as Rumps personal Lawyer instead of representing the US and the Republicans in the Senate and House are all afraid that Rump is needed to get them, reelected. And then is Moscow Mitch. Congress has NEVER been this weak and the Executive Branch has never been this strong. Rump is closer to a King than a President which was what he wanted in the first place, the US Constitution of the United States be damned.

Again, having a bunch of criminals do a criminal investigation on anyone never ends well.
I'll tell you what.....let's go after Biden first, okay? I want you to rip into Biden like you have Trump.
I want you to besmirch one of your own, Daryl. Until then your words mean nothing to me.
Sure, prove Burisma was under an active investigation when Biden got shokin fired...
September 4, 2019: In a sworn deposition, Viktor Shokin testifies that he was fired after refusing to close the Burisma corruption cases.
Shokin Statement

Do you have any evidence whatsoever that Burisma was not under investigation?

If you do, please add it to the timeline in the Debate Now forum.Debate Now - The Biden-Ukraine corruption timeline.

Do you expect anything honest coming from Shokin? A well known corrupted prosecutor general.
There are other bad cases that this dude has not prosecuted not just Burisma.
This is a colossal waste of time. And taxpayers money. On what amounts to a politically driven vendetta. I have yet to find out exactly what high crime or misdemeanor Trump is actually accused of committing. What IS the accusation here?
Try obstruction of congress and bribery for starters

"Obstruction of Congress"


Ever heard of separation of powers? Co-equal branches of government? No?

Are you saying Trump took a bribe?
If so, proof, and then yes, impeach away. Accusations are cheap and plentiful.

Let's step back a little.When founders put bribery as ground for impeachment, do you know what they were thinking of?
The problem with dumb ignorant sick people like you is...... You don’t have anything to prove that the Biden are corrupt. Nothing.

But we have a clear evidence that Trump is corrupted before he even became a president.

You have this president trying to save Putin and traitors like you supported him. That’s fucked up dude.

On top of that YOU are also a very a big liar. Show us where Biden has account all over in Europe. Where?

Democrats Must Admit Joe Biden’s Family Profits Off Him

Anything else stupid?....

Bullshit. Coming from unknown media the intercept?
You should know better than that stupid.

Head in the sand....truth denier extraordinaire.....

You’ve been here since 2010 and it’s hard to believe you are using an unknown piece of shit media that catered to your kind of ignorance.

You are dumber than I thought.

The known piece of shit media sources hate Trump and are are operating on out and out lies and only half the story dummy....

Using unknown media is the worst you can do to post your ignorance. And I don’t lie.
Can you imagine the GOP charging Obumma with being an illegal Kenyan in the White House and demanding he appear before their hearing to answer a storm of questions?
There is no comparison there. Can you inagine several demicrats sayong that the information he is a Kenyan is disturbing? That he may very well be a Kenyan, but they dont care? No? Well thats what republicans are saying about trumps criminal dealings right now. Get a better comparison.
The big question no one has yet answered is What does Putin have on Trump ? If you think nothing ,,you're not paying attention

Isn't Putin the guy who paid Clinton 500K for a speech in Russia, and bought 20% of US uranium after he donated hundreds of millions to Clinton Foundation?

That Putin?
Good god, you guys really don't care when one of your retarded talking points is clearly and completely debunked, do ya?

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