Actually, they can. I've voted Republican every presidential election except this last one when I did not vote for Trump.

I thought I was more conservative before Trump came along. He helped me realize that I no longer wanted any part of the GOP haterade.

I can't imagine I will ever go back to that flawed way of thinking and I'll NEVER trust the Republican party again. N.E.V.E.R. What a betrayal of people who thought right was right and wrong was wrong.

And to top it all off, they don't believe in science.

Republicans are gross. Just fucking gross.
Yeah, right. Sure you did.

The truth is that you have never voted Republican in your entire life. You have never posted anything that any Republican would support.

You're a lying leftwing douchebag.

Truth is, I could have got behind Trump even though I did not vote for him (nor did I vote for Hillary), if he had been any kind of decent person. The 2020 election will be my first ever Democrat Presidential vote.

It may seem odd now, but I WAS born and raised in Oklahoma City, lol.

More truth - Trump did not drive me from the GOP by himself, not at all. It was a long time coming. Trump was just the hard shove out the door with the deadbolt locked firmly behind. I didn't leave the Republican party, they left me.

From where I sit, it happened just in time.
Not knowing who that 2020 candidate would be, but you would just vote for them eh ?? You are as full of it as a Christmas Turkey.
Yes, 100% I will vote for the Democrat candidate. Have I not made it abundantly clear that I am a Never Trumper?
And that type of thinking is exactly why we see what we see today in America. Just be a never whatever, and this regardless of the incompetent no doers we have had in the past eh ?
That's what we have now, an incompetent moron. Hello?
Yeah, right. Sure you did.

The truth is that you have never voted Republican in your entire life. You have never posted anything that any Republican would support.

You're a lying leftwing douchebag.

Truth is, I could have got behind Trump even though I did not vote for him (nor did I vote for Hillary), if he had been any kind of decent person. The 2020 election will be my first ever Democrat Presidential vote.

It may seem odd now, but I WAS born and raised in Oklahoma City, lol.

More truth - Trump did not drive me from the GOP by himself, not at all. It was a long time coming. Trump was just the hard shove out the door with the deadbolt locked firmly behind. I didn't leave the Republican party, they left me.

From where I sit, it happened just in time.
Not knowing who that 2020 candidate would be, but you would just vote for them eh ?? You are as full of it as a Christmas Turkey.
Yes, 100% I will vote for the Democrat candidate. Have I not made it abundantly clear that I am a Never Trumper?
And that type of thinking is exactly why we see what we see today in America. Just be a never whatever, and this regardless of the incompetent no doers we have had in the past eh ?
That's what we have now, an incompetent moron. Hello?
Now you are lying.
Under Trump you have complete bullshit being thrown at America Imagine Nunes one of your leaders spouting that it was Ukraine not Russia involved in our election while ALL our agencies know it was Russia And the really sad thing is you moron republicans believe it You fall into the Russian trap You should all ,including the AH in the WH ,be called traitors

I don't believe I ever heard Nunes say that Russians were not involved. I think all our foes are involve and always have been. Successful? No, not really any evidence of that, but they all try.
New poll says Republicans say Trump a better president than Lincoln Now is that not proof of the idiocy of republicans?
Lincoln is the worst president we ever had, Trump is obviously better.

BRI are you completely bonkers?
  • Nearly 200 political scientists ranked the presidents by order of greatness in a survey, and President Donald Trump came in last.
  • President Abraham Lincoln was first.
  • Members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents & Executive Politics section completed the survey online between December 2017 and January 2018.
Presidential rankings tend to be subjective and divisive, but they also provide valuable insight into how historical views of presidents evolve over time.
New poll says Republicans say Trump a better president than Lincoln Now is that not proof of the idiocy of republicans?
Lincoln is the worst president we ever had, Trump is obviously better.

BRI are you completely bonkers?
  • Nearly 200 political scientists ranked the presidents by order of greatness in a survey, and President Donald Trump came in last.
  • President Abraham Lincoln was first.
  • Members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents & Executive Politics section completed the survey online between December 2017 and January 2018.
Presidential rankings tend to be subjective and divisive, but they also provide valuable insight into how historical views of presidents evolve over time.
Lincoln was a dictator and a tyrant who killed 850,000 Americans, shut down 300 news papers, arrested the entire stage legislature of Maryland, setup the first concentration camps, imprisoned thousands of Americans without a trial, executed countless Americans without a trial, destroyed private property, looted millions of dollars. His crimes are endless.
New poll says Republicans say Trump a better president than Lincoln Now is that not proof of the idiocy of republicans?
Lincoln is the worst president we ever had, Trump is obviously better.

BRI are you completely bonkers?
  • Nearly 200 political scientists ranked the presidents by order of greatness in a survey, and President Donald Trump came in last.
  • President Abraham Lincoln was first.
  • Members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents & Executive Politics section completed the survey online between December 2017 and January 2018.
Presidential rankings tend to be subjective and divisive, but they also provide valuable insight into how historical views of presidents evolve over time.
Lincoln was a dictator and a tyrant who killed 850,000 Americans, shut down 300 news papers, arrested the entire stage legislature of Maryland, setup the first concentration camps, imprisoned thousands of Americans without a trial, executed countless Americans without a trial, destroyed private property, looted millions of dollars. His crimes are endless.
You remind me of Trump saying he's smarter than generals ,,,You're saying you're smarter than all those brilliant political scientists
New poll says Republicans say Trump a better president than Lincoln Now is that not proof of the idiocy of republicans?
Lincoln is the worst president we ever had, Trump is obviously better.

BRI are you completely bonkers?
  • Nearly 200 political scientists ranked the presidents by order of greatness in a survey, and President Donald Trump came in last.
  • President Abraham Lincoln was first.
  • Members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents & Executive Politics section completed the survey online between December 2017 and January 2018.
Presidential rankings tend to be subjective and divisive, but they also provide valuable insight into how historical views of presidents evolve over time.
Lincoln was a dictator and a tyrant who killed 850,000 Americans, shut down 300 news papers, arrested the entire stage legislature of Maryland, setup the first concentration camps, imprisoned thousands of Americans without a trial, executed countless Americans without a trial, destroyed private property, looted millions of dollars. His crimes are endless.
You remind me of Trump saying he's smarter than generals ,,,You're saying you're smarter than all those brilliant political scientists
Political scientists aren't scientists. They are propagandists. I don't know if I am smarter than them. However, I do know they are wrong. They are lackeys on the government payroll who are paid to indoctrinate students with ideas the government favors.
Schiff's impeachment farce seems to have run aground.

I'm not nearly as far left as you'd imagine I was a republican all my life ,even voting for GWB in 2000 my last repub vote ,,,,, It's just that I can't stand a degenerate liar like trump
So it's all revenge for you by admission here, and that means destroy Trump at all cost regardless if it delivers the country into the hands of the radical leftist ?? Wow.
He is a radical leftist. He's lying about ever being a Republican. No one who ever voted Republican could post the shit he posts in this forum.
Actually, they can. I've voted Republican every presidential election except this last one when I did not vote for Trump.

I thought I was more conservative before Trump came along. He helped me realize that I no longer wanted any part of the GOP haterade.

I can't imagine I will ever go back to that flawed way of thinking and I'll NEVER trust the Republican party again. N.E.V.E.R. What a betrayal of people who thought right was right and wrong was wrong.

And to top it all off, they don't believe in science.

Republicans are gross. Just fucking gross.

It's not traditional Republicans. It's Rumpsters and the part of Rump. They aren't conservatives or what the old party was which was Progressive Conservatives. And they certainly are not fiscal conservatives. In fact, they don't fit into any category traditionally. But they do fit into the Mobster category. Until you look at it that way, they just won't make any sense at all.
Polls show that 95% of Republicans support Trump.

Your post is pure horseshit.

What Poll. Please post a cite for your outlandish claim. And please, not one of those ultrarightwingnut conspiracy sites.
So it's all revenge for you by admission here, and that means destroy Trump at all cost regardless if it delivers the country into the hands of the radical leftist ?? Wow.
He is a radical leftist. He's lying about ever being a Republican. No one who ever voted Republican could post the shit he posts in this forum.
Actually, they can. I've voted Republican every presidential election except this last one when I did not vote for Trump.

I thought I was more conservative before Trump came along. He helped me realize that I no longer wanted any part of the GOP haterade.

I can't imagine I will ever go back to that flawed way of thinking and I'll NEVER trust the Republican party again. N.E.V.E.R. What a betrayal of people who thought right was right and wrong was wrong.

And to top it all off, they don't believe in science.

Republicans are gross. Just fucking gross.
Yeah, right. Sure you did.

The truth is that you have never voted Republican in your entire life. You have never posted anything that any Republican would support.

You're a lying leftwing douchebag.

Truth is, I could have got behind Trump even though I did not vote for him (nor did I vote for Hillary), if he had been any kind of decent person. The 2020 election will be my first ever Democrat Presidential vote.

It may seem odd now, but I WAS born and raised in Oklahoma City, lol.

More truth - Trump did not drive me from the GOP by himself, not at all. It was a long time coming. Trump was just the hard shove out the door with the deadbolt locked firmly behind. I didn't leave the Republican party, they left me.

From where I sit, it happened just in time.
You have never been in the GOP. You are what Rush Limbaugh calls a "seminar caller." You pretend to be a Republican or a conservative only so you can get past the call screener or so you can make your attacks on Republicans seem more credible.

You aren't credible. You're a scumbag.

Bingo. It's the same people who claim that Mueller and Comey are Republicans, regardless they did everything against the interest of Republicans.

Sometimes I think those "Republicans" are Democrats with specific mission.
So, after nearly 3 months of complaining about "lack of due process", Trump and his team have been invited to take part in the hearings.

White House: *crickets*
You believe that is all due process means, Trump being dragged before Congress to be interrogated?
Under Trump you have complete bullshit being thrown at America Imagine Nunes one of your leaders spouting that it was Ukraine not Russia involved in our election while ALL our agencies know it was Russia And the really sad thing is you moron republicans believe it You fall into the Russian trap You should all ,including the AH in the WH ,be called traitors
And you believe what with no proof ?? Investigations are not even done, and yet you somehow know the truth ??
Which Gov't agency disputes that ??? We have the best and brightest that knows what Russia did AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO because AH's don't believe our great agencies ,,They believe their moron Trump
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.
New poll says Republicans say Trump a better president than Lincoln Now is that not proof of the idiocy of republicans?
Dishonest Abe was by far our worst president.

That poll merely proves statist propaganda works.
New poll says Republicans say Trump a better president than Lincoln Now is that not proof of the idiocy of republicans?
Dishonest Abe was by far our worst president.

That poll merely proves statist propaganda works.
These same "political scientists" would vote for Stalin to be the best Russian leader if they taught in Russian universities.
Under Trump you have complete bullshit being thrown at America Imagine Nunes one of your leaders spouting that it was Ukraine not Russia involved in our election while ALL our agencies know it was Russia And the really sad thing is you moron republicans believe it You fall into the Russian trap You should all ,including the AH in the WH ,be called traitors
And you believe what with no proof ?? Investigations are not even done, and yet you somehow know the truth ??
Which Gov't agency disputes that ??? We have the best and brightest that knows what Russia did AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO because AH's don't believe our great agencies ,,They believe their moron Trump
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.
I don’t think so. They have been awful for a long time. They just came out from under their rocks, because of Trump.

Had they gotten Hillary elected, we might all be dead by now from a full nuclear exchange.
New poll says Republicans say Trump a better president than Lincoln Now is that not proof of the idiocy of republicans?
Dishonest Abe was by far our worst president.

That poll merely proves statist propaganda works.
These same "political scientists" would vote for Stalin to be the best Russian leader if they taught in Russian universities.
amazing to me the people you believe and those you disbelieve and what's sad, many here go down that one way street with you
Under Trump you have complete bullshit being thrown at America Imagine Nunes one of your leaders spouting that it was Ukraine not Russia involved in our election while ALL our agencies know it was Russia And the really sad thing is you moron republicans believe it You fall into the Russian trap You should all ,including the AH in the WH ,be called traitors
And you believe what with no proof ?? Investigations are not even done, and yet you somehow know the truth ??
Which Gov't agency disputes that ??? We have the best and brightest that knows what Russia did AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO because AH's don't believe our great agencies ,,They believe their moron Trump
Great agencies that have been compromised severely ?

We used to be proud of those agencies.

All it took is one socialist scumbag to destroy that.

DumBama came with more than himself and family, he brought Chicago with him. Trump is trying to turn Chicago DC back to Washington DC.

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