DumBama came with more than himself and family, he brought Chicago with him. Trump is trying to turn Chicago DC back to Washington DC.

You mean he's trying to change it to the Don Corealone NY City. When they do a movie about Rumps time as President, they won't be able to find an actor to play him in his mind. Marlon Brando died. But maybe they can get some hack to just stuff his mouth full of toilet paper and mumble the part anyway.

I really feel bad for people like you, so prone to the power of suggestion. You really should try thinking for yourself once in a while. It's a very liberating feeling.

Ah, the old, "Look over there" deflection routine. You can't get around the facts, you can only do what you are doing and try and deflect away from them. Sorry, the sell by date is already run out.

Had Schiff Face never come out with that stupid Mafia skit he tried to pull off unsuccessfully, the thought of Trump being a mob boss would have never crossed your mind. But he understood that even if called out on it, people like you ate it up for lunch and can't get the taste out of your mouth.

I saw the correlation of a Mob Boss long ago.
Me too. Back when he called Micheal Cohen a 'rat' and tried to intimidate witnesses through his twitter account.

Shiffs parody of the phone call didn't really come across as a mob tactic, imo.
t has everything to do with which witnesses trump can and cannot call, dumbass.
I has absolutely nothing to do with that, nor does one word of any of your linked articles (that you did not read) mention any restrictions on any witnesses he may or may not call.. At all. Nor have you even attempted to connect those dots. You are embarrassing yourself.
How much are you willing to bet that Schiff-for-Brains will not testify before the Judiciary Committee?
Pfft, you must be smoking crack. This hot air about calling Schiff is going to go in the same file as the bitchy whining about trump not being able to participate in the hearings, or the hearings being behind closed doors. The second Schiff says, "Go ahead, call me up!", the GOP pussies will run for the hills.
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.
He does nothing for the country(?) in which is a bald face lie, and further more why is it keeping the demos from doing anything for the country ?? Using excuses has become the demos mantra of today.
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.
What do Democrats do for the country, spend us into bankruptcy? Trump does what we want, keeps government in check, cuts regulations, and cuts taxes. I realize parasites don't derive any benefits from a booming economy, but hardworking productive Americans appreciate it.
You mean he's trying to change it to the Don Corealone NY City. When they do a movie about Rumps time as President, they won't be able to find an actor to play him in his mind. Marlon Brando died. But maybe they can get some hack to just stuff his mouth full of toilet paper and mumble the part anyway.

I really feel bad for people like you, so prone to the power of suggestion. You really should try thinking for yourself once in a while. It's a very liberating feeling.

Ah, the old, "Look over there" deflection routine. You can't get around the facts, you can only do what you are doing and try and deflect away from them. Sorry, the sell by date is already run out.

Had Schiff Face never come out with that stupid Mafia skit he tried to pull off unsuccessfully, the thought of Trump being a mob boss would have never crossed your mind. But he understood that even if called out on it, people like you ate it up for lunch and can't get the taste out of your mouth.

I saw the correlation of a Mob Boss long ago.
Me too. Back when he called Micheal Cohen a 'rat' and tried to intimidate witnesses through his twitter account.

Shiffs parody of the phone call didn't really come across as a mob tactic, imo.

He didn't do anything as a mob tactic. He tried to make Trump look as if he was some sort of mob leader. Since he knew he really had nothing on Trump, the best he could do is attempt to demonize him.
t has everything to do with which witnesses trump can and cannot call, dumbass.
I has absolutely nothing to do with that, nor does one word of any of your linked articles (that you did not read) mention any restrictions on any witnesses he may or may not call.. At all. Nor have you even attempted to connect those dots. You are embarrassing yourself.
How much are you willing to bet that Schiff-for-Brains will not testify before the Judiciary Committee?
Pfft, you must be smoking crack. This hot air about calling Schiff is going to go in the same file as the bitchy whining about trump not being able to participate in the hearings, or the hearings being behind closed doors. The second Schiff says, "Go ahead, call me up!", the GOP pussies will run for the hills.
So you admit that the Republicans can't call the witnesses they want. They will when this goes to the Senate. It will be fun watching Schiff-for-Brains sweat.

The Repubs won't run for the hills because there are plenty of questions they want to ask him, like when he first met the whistleblower and what part his staff played in assembling his "complaint."
Is it possible to impeach a president in a full employment economy?

Absent a statutory high crime and broad bipartisan support, no.

Such common sense reasoning is lost on Democrats in Washington, along with their enablers in the deep state and the mainstream media—all of whom are still outraged after three years that Donald Trump was elected president and is still sitting comfortably in the White House. It is easy to advise them to “get over it.” They are not going to get over it, and will spend the rest of their working lives trying to exact revenge for that outrageous assault on their presumed status as powerbrokers and arbiters of political morality in Washington. That is one reason why they must impeach the President: they are determined to put him in his place.

With peace and prosperity, good luck. With the drumbeat for impeachment coming from their base, along with the news outlets, who see impeachment as beneficial for their circulation, ratings, and advertising fees, they've gone too far into it to turn back now. Democrats are in danger of walking into a trap that President Trump will spring on them next November.

Elderly Democrats look back fondly on a semi-magical period summarized by the word “Watergate,” when they drove Richard Nixon from office. A major factor in Nixon’s demise was a collapsing economy in 1973 and 1974, set off by the first Arab oil embargo, which drove his popularity down into the 20 to 30 percent range by the time he resigned in August of 1974. Nixon made plenty of mistakes—hiring a liberal operative as White House counsel (John Dean), appointing a Kennedy ally as his Attorney General (Elliot Richardson), and taping his private White House conversations—the latter on the advice of his predecessor, Lyndon Johnson. But these mistakes alone would not have brought him down without the economic troubles that eroded his standing with the voters, and forced Republican leaders in the Senate to advise him to resign.

The Clinton impeachment took place in a completely different environment. The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Clinton in December of 1998 for committing perjury before a grand jury in a civil case, after months of investigations and hearings. The Senate acquitted him on those charges in February (1999), on a party line vote. During that period, in 1998 and 1999, the U.S. economy was on a roll, fueled by favorable interest rates, a balanced federal budget, divided government in Washington, and peaceful conditions abroad. During 1998 and 1999 the U.S. economy grew by 4.5 and 4.8 percent in real (inflation adjusted) terms. The stock market advanced by 20 percent between September of 1998 and February of 1999—the five or six months during which impeachment and trial took place. Clinton’s popularity in the Gallup survey was well over 50 percent when the process began, and it improved steadily as impeachment went forward. The public, assaying the conditions at home and abroad, did not want to destabilize the situation by getting rid of the President on the basis of something that may have been a crime, but a “low” crime not important enough to justify removal. The voters saw Al Gore waiting in the wings, and decided that they were better off with the Clinton they knew than with the Gore they did not.
t has everything to do with which witnesses trump can and cannot call, dumbass.
I has absolutely nothing to do with that, nor does one word of any of your linked articles (that you did not read) mention any restrictions on any witnesses he may or may not call.. At all. Nor have you even attempted to connect those dots. You are embarrassing yourself.
How much are you willing to bet that Schiff-for-Brains will not testify before the Judiciary Committee?
Pfft, you must be smoking crack. This hot air about calling Schiff is going to go in the same file as the bitchy whining about trump not being able to participate in the hearings, or the hearings being behind closed doors. The second Schiff says, "Go ahead, call me up!", the GOP pussies will run for the hills.
So you admit that the Republicans can't call the witnesses they want. They will when this goes to the Senate. It will be fun watching Schiff-for-Brains sweat.

The Repubs won't run for the hills because there are plenty of questions they want to ask him, like when he first met the whistleblower and what part his staff played in assembling his "complaint."

Schiff made the Invitation for Rump and his representatives to contribute starting next week. Rump and his merry band of Criminals are silent on that. They leave that for you to keep lying out your kiester about how they can't be represented. They can't be represented if they don't show up. Of course, if the band of merry criminals do show up, they stand to be slammed into a chair for about a 4 hour question and answer period of their own criminal activity.
t has everything to do with which witnesses trump can and cannot call, dumbass.
I has absolutely nothing to do with that, nor does one word of any of your linked articles (that you did not read) mention any restrictions on any witnesses he may or may not call.. At all. Nor have you even attempted to connect those dots. You are embarrassing yourself.
How much are you willing to bet that Schiff-for-Brains will not testify before the Judiciary Committee?
Pfft, you must be smoking crack. This hot air about calling Schiff is going to go in the same file as the bitchy whining about trump not being able to participate in the hearings, or the hearings being behind closed doors. The second Schiff says, "Go ahead, call me up!", the GOP pussies will run for the hills.
So you admit that the Republicans can't call the witnesses they want. They will when this goes to the Senate. It will be fun watching Schiff-for-Brains sweat.

The Repubs won't run for the hills because there are plenty of questions they want to ask him, like when he first met the whistleblower and what part his staff played in assembling his "complaint."

Schiff made the Invitation for Rump and his representatives to contribute starting next week. Rump and his merry band of Criminals are silent on that. They leave that for you to keep lying out your kiester about how they can't be represented. They can't be represented if they don't show up. Of course, if the band of merry criminals do show up, they stand to be slammed into a chair for about a 4 hour question and answer period of their own criminal activity.
"Contribute?" Are you serious? You want Trump to "contribute" to his own lynching? How fucking stupid can you possibly be? Neither Trump nor the Republicans are interested in "contributing." They aren't interested in having one witness for every three the Democrats have. They aren't interested in Nadler having veto power on their witness or their questions. What they want is due process. They want equal treatment. They want justice. They don't want to "contribute" like some inmate in a concentration camp "contributes" to the Nazi war effort.

You are Stalinist to the bone.
THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.
Actually, they can. I've voted Republican every presidential election except this last one when I did not vote for Trump.

I thought I was more conservative before Trump came along. He helped me realize that I no longer wanted any part of the GOP haterade.

I can't imagine I will ever go back to that flawed way of thinking and I'll NEVER trust the Republican party again. N.E.V.E.R. What a betrayal of people who thought right was right and wrong was wrong.

And to top it all off, they don't believe in science.

Republicans are gross. Just fucking gross.
You need to see a physician quick. Your party comparison meter is broken big time.

There is no way that you can take the last 35 years or more, and know where this nation had gone in those years, and then think that what just happened in 2016 was a bad thing.
Yes I certainly can think Trump is a bad thing. He's stupid, can barely read, lies on an hourly basis, cozies up to murdering dictators, alienates our allies, and doesn't believe in science just to name a few reasons.

He's a fucking disaster. He's putting farmers out of business and putting them on farmer welfare. He separated children from their families and cannot get them back together because they did not keep records.

Trump is WAY out of his league. He can't do the job because he's not smart enough.

Republicans had far better candidates to choose from, and they chose Trump. SMDH.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. DumBama separated families as well. The MSM even published pictures of kids in cages and tried to pass it off as if it was recent. Then it was discovered those were picture from the Hussein era. You people on the left support leaders that invite these illegals to our country, then complain when one of our leaders have to deal with the problem you leftists created.

Nobody put more people on welfare than DumBama. Between Commie Care and doubling the food stamp role, compare that to Trump any day of the week. Under Trump, we have a 50 year record low in unemployment, and more jobs than Americans to do them. And yes, with Republicans in charge, a reduction of government dependency.

You should know better posting these nonsense.
1. Obama separated families cases by cases who has criminal records. Trump separated families in general and still separate them and caged children as we speak today.

2. Obama faced recessions from the collapse of the real estate markets. Lots of Americans declared bankruptcy. At the same time GOPs assholes tried very hard to make him look bad. Is one of the primary reasons people applied food stamps and welfare.

3. The left invited these illegals? You’ve been brainwashed by your groups making left look bad.

DumBama expanded the welfare roles by expanding the criteria to apply. It didn't start to come back down until Republican Governors began to institute state requirements in which to collect.

Yes, Democrats invite immigrants with their sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states. Allowing them to get drivers licenses, and loans from banks, their refusal, and in some cities, laws that prohibit law enforcement from contacting ICE when they have a criminal alien in custody. In one case a Governor warning of ICE raids for them to hide. The longest government shutdown in history over stopping additional walls from being built. Yes, inviting them into this country.

You admitted to me you are racist piece of shit and totally hate minorities.

So. Tell me what is the credibility or any of what you are lying about? Just pure BULLSHIT.

Obama is and was respected both domestic and international with high remarks.

Trump is a horrible person and nothing but a piece of crap. Foreigners called him retarded.
You need to see a physician quick. Your party comparison meter is broken big time.

There is no way that you can take the last 35 years or more, and know where this nation had gone in those years, and then think that what just happened in 2016 was a bad thing.
Yes I certainly can think Trump is a bad thing. He's stupid, can barely read, lies on an hourly basis, cozies up to murdering dictators, alienates our allies, and doesn't believe in science just to name a few reasons.

He's a fucking disaster. He's putting farmers out of business and putting them on farmer welfare. He separated children from their families and cannot get them back together because they did not keep records.

Trump is WAY out of his league. He can't do the job because he's not smart enough.

Republicans had far better candidates to choose from, and they chose Trump. SMDH.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. DumBama separated families as well. The MSM even published pictures of kids in cages and tried to pass it off as if it was recent. Then it was discovered those were picture from the Hussein era. You people on the left support leaders that invite these illegals to our country, then complain when one of our leaders have to deal with the problem you leftists created.

Nobody put more people on welfare than DumBama. Between Commie Care and doubling the food stamp role, compare that to Trump any day of the week. Under Trump, we have a 50 year record low in unemployment, and more jobs than Americans to do them. And yes, with Republicans in charge, a reduction of government dependency.

You should know better posting these nonsense.
1. Obama separated families cases by cases who has criminal records. Trump separated families in general and still separate them and caged children as we speak today.

2. Obama faced recessions from the collapse of the real estate markets. Lots of Americans declared bankruptcy. At the same time GOPs assholes tried very hard to make him look bad. Is one of the primary reasons people applied food stamps and welfare.

3. The left invited these illegals? You’ve been brainwashed by your groups making left look bad.

DumBama expanded the welfare roles by expanding the criteria to apply. It didn't start to come back down until Republican Governors began to institute state requirements in which to collect.

Yes, Democrats invite immigrants with their sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states. Allowing them to get drivers licenses, and loans from banks, their refusal, and in some cities, laws that prohibit law enforcement from contacting ICE when they have a criminal alien in custody. In one case a Governor warning of ICE raids for them to hide. The longest government shutdown in history over stopping additional walls from being built. Yes, inviting them into this country.

You admitted to me you are racist piece of shit and totally hate minorities.

So. Tell me what is the credibility or any of what you are lying about? Just pure BULLSHIT.

Obama is and was respected both domestic and international with high remarks.

Trump is a horrible person and nothing but a piece of crap. Foreigners called him retarded.
Obama is respected only by gullible morons like you.
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.

So, if we paint him up black, we couldn't yell him and Obama apart?
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.

The only jokes in America are those who vote based on personality instead of accomplishments.

What accomplishments? He lied almost every time he opened his mouth.

Trump made Americans like a total joke a laughing stock all over the world.

Lisa Page oh Lisa oh Lisa oh Lisa during one of his rally in October having orgasm ..... I got copy of that video from Europe with cc copy in Asia ..... Your low life disgusting president of the US.

Siding and pardoning war crime Seal Eddie Gallagher. Fuck.

And you still support this piece of shit president.
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.
He does nothing for the country(?) in which is a bald face lie, and further more why is it keeping the demos from doing anything for the country ?? Using excuses has become the demos mantra of today.

He is doing something as a president..... but this president is a total joke...

He doesn’t even know what he is doing with the economy. Except trying to sabotage it. This asshole has nothing to do with the booming economy.

Do you know how many times cult followers like you tried to show me list of his BULLSHIT accomplishments? About zero or none.
So tell me what is his accomplishments?
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.
What do Democrats do for the country, spend us into bankruptcy? Trump does what we want, keeps government in check, cuts regulations, and cuts taxes. I realize parasites don't derive any benefits from a booming economy, but hardworking productive Americans appreciate it.

Did you check the current deficits?

What percentage of Americans benefited with his tax cuts?

Keeps government in checks? This country is in chaos and crisis created by this lousy POTUS.

Cut regulations? What benefits did we got from cutting regulations?

Imposing tariffs hurting Americans.

Please tell me how the hell this lousy dude even know what he is doing with the economy? He is a shit hole of president.
Everyone is lamenting the dysfunction and partisanship in Congress and the country, yet few seem to correctly point out the obvious root cause of the discord, the Republican Party. And no, it doesn’t cut both ways.

Democrats have never in the history of this country comported themselves like these fools. The party of being willfully stupid has enabled a religious-like sect of the electorate that has been brainwashed to follow the party line no matter what, even if your lying eyes and existential reality tell you otherwise.

The congressional GOP has shown itself incapable of passing significant legislation with its asinine, intransigent cabals like the Freedom Caucus, and its gaming of the system with the Hastert Rule and Moscow Mitch’s hijacking of regular order in the Senate. And finally they have enabled and blindly support the most corrupt, inept, money-grubbing, hate-mongering president in the history of the country.

Trump is guilty on all counts, and impeachment and removal should be a no-brainer
but for the equivocation, false-equivalence, double-talk and downright refusal of the GOP Congress to confront the truth, and what’s worse is that all around him are also complicit in his betrayal of the American people and Constitution. - MailTribune


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