Everyone is lamenting the dysfunction and partisanship in Congress and the country, yet few seem to correctly point out the obvious root cause of the discord, the Republican Party. And no, it doesn’t cut both ways.

Democrats have never in the history of this country comported themselves like these fools. The party of being willfully stupid has enabled a religious-like sect of the electorate that has been brainwashed to follow the party line no matter what, even if your lying eyes and existential reality tell you otherwise.

The congressional GOP has shown itself incapable of passing significant legislation with its asinine, intransigent cabals like the Freedom Caucus, and its gaming of the system with the Hastert Rule and Moscow Mitch’s hijacking of regular order in the Senate. And finally they have enabled and blindly support the most corrupt, inept, money-grubbing, hate-mongering president in the history of the country.

Trump is guilty on all counts, and impeachment and removal should be a no-brainer
but for the equivocation, false-equivalence, double-talk and downright refusal of the GOP Congress to confront the truth, and what’s worse is that all around him are also complicit in his betrayal of the American people and Constitution. - MailTribune

The Dims are responsible, douchebag. Dims comport themselves 1000 times worse. Just consider the Kavanaugh hearings. It's astounding to me that Dim Congress vermin can walk around in public.
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.

The only jokes in America are those who vote based on personality instead of accomplishments.

What accomplishments? He lied almost every time he opened his mouth.

Trump made Americans like a total joke a laughing stock all over the world.

Lisa Page oh Lisa oh Lisa oh Lisa during one of his rally in October having orgasm ..... I got copy of that video from Europe with cc copy in Asia ..... Your low life disgusting president of the US.

Siding and pardoning war crime Seal Eddie Gallagher. Fuck.

And you still support this piece of shit president.

Oh I can tell you his accomplishments, but you follow the commie talking points book and say it was Obama, or that Trump had nothing to do with it. It's simply dumb luck.

Instead, I'll just let you seethe in that comment because you know I'm correct.
You need to see a physician quick. Your party comparison meter is broken big time.

There is no way that you can take the last 35 years or more, and know where this nation had gone in those years, and then think that what just happened in 2016 was a bad thing.
Yes I certainly can think Trump is a bad thing. He's stupid, can barely read, lies on an hourly basis, cozies up to murdering dictators, alienates our allies, and doesn't believe in science just to name a few reasons.

He's a fucking disaster. He's putting farmers out of business and putting them on farmer welfare. He separated children from their families and cannot get them back together because they did not keep records.

Trump is WAY out of his league. He can't do the job because he's not smart enough.

Republicans had far better candidates to choose from, and they chose Trump. SMDH.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. DumBama separated families as well. The MSM even published pictures of kids in cages and tried to pass it off as if it was recent. Then it was discovered those were picture from the Hussein era. You people on the left support leaders that invite these illegals to our country, then complain when one of our leaders have to deal with the problem you leftists created.

Nobody put more people on welfare than DumBama. Between Commie Care and doubling the food stamp role, compare that to Trump any day of the week. Under Trump, we have a 50 year record low in unemployment, and more jobs than Americans to do them. And yes, with Republicans in charge, a reduction of government dependency.

You should know better posting these nonsense.
1. Obama separated families cases by cases who has criminal records. Trump separated families in general and still separate them and caged children as we speak today.

2. Obama faced recessions from the collapse of the real estate markets. Lots of Americans declared bankruptcy. At the same time GOPs assholes tried very hard to make him look bad. Is one of the primary reasons people applied food stamps and welfare.

3. The left invited these illegals? You’ve been brainwashed by your groups making left look bad.

DumBama expanded the welfare roles by expanding the criteria to apply. It didn't start to come back down until Republican Governors began to institute state requirements in which to collect.

Yes, Democrats invite immigrants with their sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states. Allowing them to get drivers licenses, and loans from banks, their refusal, and in some cities, laws that prohibit law enforcement from contacting ICE when they have a criminal alien in custody. In one case a Governor warning of ICE raids for them to hide. The longest government shutdown in history over stopping additional walls from being built. Yes, inviting them into this country.

You admitted to me you are racist piece of shit and totally hate minorities.

So. Tell me what is the credibility or any of what you are lying about? Just pure BULLSHIT.

Obama is and was respected both domestic and international with high remarks.

Trump is a horrible person and nothing but a piece of crap. Foreigners called him retarded.

Obama OK’d $310 million in free legal advice to illegal immigrants

Obama gives free pass to businesses that hire illegals

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch


Is Obama the 'food stamp president?'

New Mexico: Food stamp recipients must work 20 hours per week

Republicans won the food stamp war

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

States follow Maine in declining federal funds for food stamps
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.

The only jokes in America are those who vote based on personality instead of accomplishments.

What accomplishments? He lied almost every time he opened his mouth.

Trump made Americans like a total joke a laughing stock all over the world.

Lisa Page oh Lisa oh Lisa oh Lisa during one of his rally in October having orgasm ..... I got copy of that video from Europe with cc copy in Asia ..... Your low life disgusting president of the US.

Siding and pardoning war crime Seal Eddie Gallagher. Fuck.

And you still support this piece of shit president.
Oh so Trump is the disgusting one all by his wittle lonesome, and this in regards to those two eh ?), even though this Lisa and that feller she liked had some sort of affair going on, and worse alledgedly collaborating with each other in order to take down a president maybe, but orange man bad ?? LOL

Get help !!
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.

The only jokes in America are those who vote based on personality instead of accomplishments.

What accomplishments? He lied almost every time he opened his mouth.

Trump made Americans like a total joke a laughing stock all over the world.

Lisa Page oh Lisa oh Lisa oh Lisa during one of his rally in October having orgasm ..... I got copy of that video from Europe with cc copy in Asia ..... Your low life disgusting president of the US.

Siding and pardoning war crime Seal Eddie Gallagher. Fuck.

And you still support this piece of shit president.
Oh so Trump is the disgusting one all by his wittle lonesome, and this in regards to those two eh ?), even though this Lisa and that feller she liked had some sort of affair going on, and worse alledgedly collaborating with each other in order to take down a president maybe, but orange man bad ?? LOL

Get help !!

They are entertaining. Anything that goes wrong in this country, the Republicans are at fault. Anything that goes right when Republicans are in charge, the Republicans had nothing to do with it.
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.
He does nothing for the country(?) in which is a bald face lie, and further more why is it keeping the demos from doing anything for the country ?? Using excuses has become the demos mantra of today.

He is doing something as a president..... but this president is a total joke...

He doesn’t even know what he is doing with the economy. Except trying to sabotage it. This asshole has nothing to do with the booming economy.

Do you know how many times cult followers like you tried to show me list of his BULLSHIT accomplishments? About zero or none.
So tell me what is his accomplishments?
One shouldn't cast one's pearls amongst the mockers, and after reading so much bullcrap over time, and especially bullcrap that is born of mostly butthurt hate, then it best not to entertain the trolls who are just cramming for shady political reason's here.
This is from the transcript of the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky. It was provided by the White House. The following is a quote from Trump.

Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair._·A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor bf New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in.the Ukraine.were bad news so I jtist want to_let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot of.talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

Rudy Giuliani @RudyGiuliani

The investigation I conducted concerning 2016 Ukrainian collusion and corruption, was done solely as a defense attorney to defend my client against false charges, that kept changing as one after another were disproven.

12:43 PM - Nov 6, 2019

Trump is a joke.

USA Today reports, "House Republicans drafted a report to counter Democratic arguments for the impeachment of President Donald Trump for his dealings with Ukraine.

"Republicans wrote in a 123-page draft report that the evidence doesn’t support accusations of pressure or that Trump tried to cover up his conversation with Zelensky. Trump released a summary of the July 25 call on Sept. 25 and has argued that he was justified in encouraging an investigation because of widespread corruption in Ukraine."

The only problem with that is that in his April 21 phone call and his July 25 phone call, Trump never mentioned general corruption in Ukraine, only the possible, unexplained corruption of Hunter Biden, his main rival's son. AP FACT CHECK: Trump, GOP claims on Ukraine corruption

The GOP report largely claims there is no evidence of Trump's crimes. “The evidence presented does not prove any of these Democrat allegations, and none of the Democrats’ witnesses testified to having evidence of bribery, extortion, or any high crime or misdemeanor,” said the draft report from Republican Reps. Devin Nunes of California on the Intelligence Committee, Jim Jordan of Ohio on the Oversight and Reform Committee and Michael McCaul of Texas on the Foreign Affairs Committee. "The fundamental disagreement apparent in the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry is a difference of world views and a discomfort with President Trump’s policy decisions."

The last is a crock. The House Intelligence Committee has been very specific in its charges against Trump, and none of it has to do with Trump's policies.

Also, Trump incriminated himself when he held up the military aid approved by Congress days before the July 25 call. Then, when Zelensky expressed interest in buying Javelins, Trump immediately replied, "I would like you to do us a favor, though."

The GOP defense is ridiculous, although I agree with them in one instance. Trump did not say, "President Zelensky, I am going to ask your government to interfere in our Presidential election for my personal benefit, then I will bribe you to provide incentive."

The report said there was nothing wrong with this request.

"None of the Democrats’ witnesses testified to having evidence of bribery, extortion, or any high crime or misdemeanor.” That is a lie. Several witnesses corroborated the extortion, but they didn't have to. Trump's chief of staff admitted that the money was held up to get Zelensky to investigate what Trump wanted investigated. The he told the nation, "Get over it." The GOP report made no mention of Mulvaney.

USA Today continues, "The report noted that Trump has a right to block witnesses and documents from being provided because the inquiry has been “an unfair, abusive, and partisan process, and does not constitute obstruction of a legitimate impeachment inquiry.'"

Republicans say this a lot. There is only one problem. They never say why the impeachment inquiry "does not constitute obstruction of a legitimate impeachment inquiry." Neither does this report. Trump Republicans just say it, and we are supposed to believe it on their say so alone.

This is a perfunctory defense of Trump because Nunes, Jordan, and McCall all know Trump is guilty as charged, and they are relying on Trump's flunkies in the Senate to exonerate him. Trump isn't even sending his lawyers to the hearings to defend him. Why bother? He is guilty.
This is from the transcript of the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky. It was provided by the White House. The following is a quote from Trump.

Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair._·A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor bf New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in.the Ukraine.were bad news so I jtist want to_let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot of.talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

Rudy Giuliani @RudyGiuliani

The investigation I conducted concerning 2016 Ukrainian collusion and corruption, was done solely as a defense attorney to defend my client against false charges, that kept changing as one after another were disproven.

12:43 PM - Nov 6, 2019

USA Today reports, "House Republicans drafted a report to counter Democratic arguments for the impeachment of President Donald Trump for his dealings with Ukraine.

"Republicans wrote in a 123-page draft report that the evidence doesn’t support accusations of pressure or that Trump tried to cover up his conversation with Zelensky. Trump released a summary of the July 25 call on Sept. 25 and has argued that he was justified in encouraging an investigation because of widespread corruption in Ukraine."

The only problem with that is that in his April 21 phone call and his July 25 phone call, Trump never mentioned general corruption in Ukraine, only the possible, unexplained corruption of Hunter Biden, his main rival's son. AP FACT CHECK: Trump, GOP claims on Ukraine corruption

The GOP report largely claims there is no evidence of Trump's crimes. “The evidence presented does not prove any of these Democrat allegations, and none of the Democrats’ witnesses testified to having evidence of bribery, extortion, or any high crime or misdemeanor,” said the draft report from Republican Reps. Devin Nunes of California on the Intelligence Committee, Jim Jordan of Ohio on the Oversight and Reform Committee and Michael McCaul of Texas on the Foreign Affairs Committee. "The fundamental disagreement apparent in the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry is a difference of world views and a discomfort with President Trump’s policy decisions."

The last is a crock. The House Intelligence Committee has been very specific in its charges against Trump, and none of it has to do with Trump's policies.

Also, Trump incriminated himself when he held up the military aid approved by Congress days before the July 25 call. Then, when Zelensky expressed interest in buying Javelins, Trump immediately replied, "I would like you to do us a favor, though."

The GOP defense is ridiculous, although I agree with them in one instance. Trump did not say, "President Zelensky, I am going to ask your government to interfere in our Presidential election for my personal benefit, then I will bribe you to provide incentive."

The report said there was nothing wrong with this request.

"None of the Democrats’ witnesses testified to having evidence of bribery, extortion, or any high crime or misdemeanor.” That is a lie. Several witnesses corroborated the extortion, but they didn't have to. Trump's chief of staff admitted that the money was held up to get Zelensky to investigate what Trump wanted investigated. The he told the nation, "Get over it." The GOP report made no mention of Mulvaney.

USA Today continues, "The report noted that Trump has a right to block witnesses and documents from being provided because the inquiry has been “an unfair, abusive, and partisan process, and does not constitute obstruction of a legitimate impeachment inquiry.'"

Republicans say this a lot. There is only one problem. They never say why the impeachment inquiry "does not constitute obstruction of a legitimate impeachment inquiry." Neither does this report. Trump Republicans just say it, and we are supposed to believe it on their say so alone.

This is a perfunctory defense of Trump because Nunes, Jordan, and McCall all know Trump is guilty as charged, and they are relying on Trump's flunkies in the Senate to exonerate him. Trump isn't even sending his lawyers to the hearings to defend him. Why bother? He is guilty.
Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron. Furthermore, none of the "witnesses" who testified said Trump was guilty of anything

Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron.

Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.
Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron. Furthermore, none of the "witnesses" who testified said Trump was guilty of anything

Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron.

Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron. Furthermore, none of the "witnesses" who testified said Trump was guilty of anything

Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron.

Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
Prove what, that Joe Biden comitted a crime by using a quid pro quo in order to protect his sons position in a company being investigated ?? Just go after the innocent while letting the guilty slide these days eh ?

The innocent need to prove themselves not guilty where no crime was committed, instead of the guilty (by one's own admittance) needing to prove their innocence these days eh ? A little backwards don't ya think ?
Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron. Furthermore, none of the "witnesses" who testified said Trump was guilty of anything

Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron.

Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
Prove what, that Joe Biden comitted a crime by using a quid pro quo in order to protect his sons position in a company being investigated ?? Just go after the innocent while letting the guilty slide these days eh ?

The innocent need to prove themselves not guilty where no crime was committed, instead of the guilty (by one's own admittance) needing to prove their innocence these days eh ? A little backwards don't ya think ?
Prove what,
That the president didn't commit bribery of course, dope. Innocent people don't remain silent.

Biden has not a thing to do with Trump's criminal actions.
Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron. Furthermore, none of the "witnesses" who testified said Trump was guilty of anything

Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron.

Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
I always thought we were innocent until proven guilty in this country....When did that change?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron. Furthermore, none of the "witnesses" who testified said Trump was guilty of anything

Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron.

Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
I always thought we were innocent until proven guilty in this country....When did that change?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

The testimony has proven him guilty. He should defend himself from those charges or STFU.
Trump: "We can't call witnesses! We can't presenr evidence! Sham! Sham!"

House Judiciary Committee: "You are invited to call witnesses and present evidence."

Trump: *crickets*
Nah, you can't say that when all minority witnesses have to be approved by the majority, and the majority simply denies them.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Mr Bergs post
If Mike Pompeo had exculpatory evidence to offer in Vlad's chosen candidate's defense he would have been told to run, not walk, to Capital Hill to testify to it.
If Mick Mulvaney had exculpatory evidence to offer in Vlad's chosen candidate's defense he would have been told to run, not walk, to Capital Hill to testify to it.
If Rick Perry had exculpatory evidence to offer in Vlad's chosen candidate's defense he would have been told to run, not walk, to Capital Hill to testify to it.
If John Bolton had exculpatory evidence to offer in Vlad's chosen candidate's defense he would have been told to run, not walk, to Capital Hill to testify to it.

If anyone in the admin had exculpatory evidence to offer in Vlad's chosen candidate's defense they would have been told to run, not walk, to Capital Hill to testify to it.

If the WH felt having an attorney present at the Judiciary Committee hearing could provide a viable defense for the bloviating former reality TV star they would send one.

But when there is no defense the best defense is to complain that the hearings are being held in secret.........until they aren't. Or that Repubs aren't being allowed to participate.......which they were. Or that the prez isn't being allowed to defend himself.........which he is. In other words.........................
"If the facts are against you argue the law, if the law is against you argue the facts, if the law and the facts are against you, yell like hell."

Baby Donald is shaking his rattle as loudly as he can. He's calling the inquiry a sham, he is illegally blocking witness testimony, he's throwing shyte on the wall, mud in the water, doing everything he (and his right wing media enablers) can to confuse, obfuscate, and obstruct. It's not how innocent people act.
Trump: "We can't call witnesses! We can't presenr evidence! Sham! Sham!"

House Judiciary Committee: "You are invited to call witnesses and present evidence."

Trump: *crickets*
Nah, you can't say that when all minority witnesses have to be approved by the majority, and the majority simply denies them.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Yes. The privilege that comes with being the majority. Nothing new.

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