Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
I always thought we were innocent until proven guilty in this country....When did that change?

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The testimony has proven him guilty. He should defend himself from those charges or STFU.
The "testimony" proved exactly nothing. Only a fool participates voluntarily in his own lynching.
At least you admit he deserves a lynching ,,,I'd bring the rope
What should he apologize for?
For lying about Obama not a citizen For lying about his close relationship with Putin and his screwing up our election ,,,,,,for starters then to all the people the nasty POS bullied and bashed
You mean he should apologize for your delusions? Trump only bashed people who bashed him. I'm sorry if you snowflakes can dish it out but can't take it. Being a flaming hypocrite is so typically liberal.
Dead vets parents are off limits but this moron has no limits Now no deal with China until after election I thought the moron said trade wars were easy in 2016 Remember that? Think he should shut his big mouth??
You mean that lying asshole and his wife at the Dim convention?

Here's news for you: no one who attacks Trump is off limits. The claim that they are is just another stupid Dim rule that no one is obligated to observe. If the dumbass didn't want to be criticized, then he should have kept his big mouth shut.
Trump is half the man ,half the president Obama is and was. Trump is Americas great embarrassment
Non sequitur, and just plain wrong.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
I always thought we were innocent until proven guilty in this country....When did that change?

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The testimony has proven him guilty. He should defend himself from those charges or STFU.
The "testimony" proved exactly nothing. Only a fool participates voluntarily in his own lynching.
At least you admit he deserves a lynching ,,,I'd bring the rope
I "admitted" nothing of the sort, moron.

You seem intent on proving what a dumbass you are.
Still not 1/100th of the shit they have thrown at Trump.

They demanded his birth certificate? Oh, my . . . what an outrage!
And your moron still hasn't apologized
What should he apologize for?
Sorry Bri Appeals court rules Deutsche bank MUST turn over Trump financial papers to congress If it goes through want to make a small bet it proves trump is a pos? We'll get a non partisan judge Like GG or faun or dragon lady
It's being appealed, moron. I doubt the SC will rule in Congresses favor.
I doubt it too America is turning into shit under republican rule BTW It is an appeals court that made the ruling
The SC is the ultimate appeals court, moron.

How is America "turning into shit?"
He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
I always thought we were innocent until proven guilty in this country....When did that change?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

The testimony has proven him guilty. He should defend himself from those charges or STFU.
The "testimony" proved exactly nothing. Only a fool participates voluntarily in his own lynching.
At least you admit he deserves a lynching ,,,I'd bring the rope
I "admitted" nothing of the sort, moron.

You seem intent on proving what a dumbass you are.
I'm a dumb ass and your man trump is what?? I venture to say trump is the dumbest POS ever to walk into our WH and almost as dump are his supporters like you
And your moron still hasn't apologized
What should he apologize for?
Sorry Bri Appeals court rules Deutsche bank MUST turn over Trump financial papers to congress If it goes through want to make a small bet it proves trump is a pos? We'll get a non partisan judge Like GG or faun or dragon lady
It's being appealed, moron. I doubt the SC will rule in Congresses favor.
I doubt it too America is turning into shit under republican rule BTW It is an appeals court that made the ruling
The SC is the ultimate appeals court, moron.

How is America "turning into shit?"
How?? With this AH appointing right wing judges SC judges ,having our market going up and down like a see saw for angering all our allies with his bullying Having a lie a minute vomiting from his mouth etc etc
Hey bri Are trade wars easy to win like your moron said 3 years ago? The pos can't even make a deal on a BS phase 1 deal Now DOW off 412,,,Wonder how many of his people got the word to short the market?
Hey Easy How are the trade wars treating you ?/ Easy Huh ?? lol
Great! How is advocating the US get down on its knees in front of the Chicoms as they unzip their collective flies and be their bit@h working out for you?
Trump: "We can't call witnesses! We can't presenr evidence! Sham! Sham!"

House Judiciary Committee: "You are invited to call witnesses and present evidence."

Trump: *crickets*
Nah, you can't say that when all minority witnesses have to be approved by the majority, and the majority simply denies them.

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Yes. The privilege that comes with being the majority. Nothing new.
The privilege of conducting a kangaroo court, moron.

You mean impeachment, dope.
Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron. Furthermore, none of the "witnesses" who testified said Trump was guilty of anything

Schiff-for-Brains has only called the ones who hate Trump, you fucking moron.

Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
Yes, we know he can run a Soviet style show trial if he likes. When are you douchebags going to quit pretending it's not one?

No one with a brain participates in a show trial, moron.

Constitutional impeachment by a co-equal branch of govt is the exact opposite of a "soviet style show trial", dope.

It's not necessary for Trump to participate or mount a defense. All crying aside. It will happen with or without his input.
I can only say how glad I am that you dummies got what you voted for ,,God is great


Strongest economy in DECADES
Highest Stock Market EVER
Lowest unemployment in DECADES
Lowest female unemployment in DECADES
Lowest minority unemployment EVER
Most Americans working at 1 time EVER
More jobs, more hours, more money, raises, bonuses


No criminal self-serving treasonous Hillary

God IS reat
Constitutional impeachment by a co-equal branch of govt is the exact opposite of a "soviet style show trial", dope.
Too bad corrupt / compromised criminal Dems are running an Inquisition that tramples on the Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Due Process, and is based on 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' based on hearsay and rumor rather than such a democratic process.

I can only say how glad I am that you dummies got what you voted for ,,God is great


Strongest economy in DECADES
Highest Stock Market EVER
Lowest unemployment in DECADES
Lowest female unemployment in DECADES
Lowest minority unemployment EVER
Most Americans working at 1 time EVER
More jobs, more hours, more money, raises, bonuses

View attachment 292998

No criminal self-serving treasonous Hillary

God IS reat
No just a lying criminal whose whole cabinet made up by liars cheats and crooks And hows phase 1 the easiest part of the deal doing ?? Trade wars are easy and I bet you bought that BS too
Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
Prove what, that Joe Biden comitted a crime by using a quid pro quo in order to protect his sons position in a company being investigated ?? Just go after the innocent while letting the guilty slide these days eh ?

The innocent need to prove themselves not guilty where no crime was committed, instead of the guilty (by one's own admittance) needing to prove their innocence these days eh ? A little backwards don't ya think ?
Prove what,
That the president didn't commit bribery of course, dope. Innocent people don't remain silent.

Biden has not a thing to do with Trump's criminal actions.
Trump has been silent? Biden is mentioned in the phone call that the Dims are trying to impeach him for. How can he have nothing to do with it?
Yes. Silent. He has not allowed for the release of any exculpatory documents or testimony. He has mounted no defense.

Biden has nothing to do with Trump's own actions despite your dopey assertions.
Constitutional impeachment by a co-equal branch of govt is the exact opposite of a "soviet style show trial", dope.
Too bad corrupt / compromised criminal Dems are running an Inquisition that tramples on the Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Due Process, and is based on 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' based on hearsay and rumor rather than such a democratic process.

Come on stop acting dumb Only trampling on our constitution is by Trump He forbids those under subpoena from testifying?? Call with Ukraine president stark evidence of obstruction, ,witness intimidation
Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
I always thought we were innocent until proven guilty in this country....When did that change?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

The testimony has proven him guilty. He should defend himself from those charges or STFU.
The "testimony" hasn't proven jack shit.
The "testimony" hasn't proven jack shit.

Sure, dope.

House Democrats release 300-page report on findings from impeachment inquiry
House Democrats’ impeachment report accuses Trump of obstruction, other misconduct
House Democrats' impeachment report accuses Trump of obstruction, other misconduct

"Democrats on Tuesday publicly released a new report accusing President Donald Trump of soliciting Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election for his benefit and obstructing the impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives.

The 300-page report alleges that, “In furtherance of this scheme, President Trump conditioned official acts on a public announcement by the new Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, of politically-motivated investigations” into former Vice President Joe Biden, currently a top presidential candidate, and his son Hunter.

“In pressuring President Zelensky to carry out his demand, President Trump withheld a White House meeting desperately sought by the Ukrainian President, and critical U.S. military assistance to fight Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine,” the report says."

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