The most damning sentence in the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment report

The House Intelligence Committee just released a 300-page report with the conclusions from its impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s actions involving Ukraine.

You can read the full report, and if you have the time and inclination, you should. Or you can read the much shorter executive summary.

But all you really need to read is this one sentence from the report, which encapsulates all of its major findings: “[T]he impeachment inquiry has found that President Trump, personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. government, solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his reelection.”

That’s it and that’s all.
The most damning sentence in the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment report
Constitutional impeachment by a co-equal branch of govt is the exact opposite of a "soviet style show trial", dope.
Too bad corrupt / compromised criminal Dems are running an Inquisition that tramples on the Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Due Process, and is based on 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' based on hearsay and rumor rather than such a democratic process.

Your hysterics aside.
Its progressing just as the last two impeachments did.

Explain why and how it is not.
Because it's a Stalinist show trial, shit for brains.
Don't know about Stalinist but it would be good to show America what this weasel in our WH has done that is impeachable . Will give the country an up close look at the cowards supporting their crook
Bri it's gonna look so bad for trump and his circle you might even turn Getting out of the trump cess pool can't be a bad thing
Preventing people under subpoena from testifying is obstruction
No, destroying thousands of subpoenaed official govt documents exposing thousands of criminal counts of violating the FOIA & FRA is MASSIVE criminal Obstruction.

Opposing continuous Democrat coup attempts poorly disguised as investigations of possible criminal activity when after 4 years the is no crime, no evidence, no whistle blower, and no witness is defending oneself and the nation from self-identified enemies of the state.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
Yes, we know he can run a Soviet style show trial if he likes. When are you douchebags going to quit pretending it's not one?

No one with a brain participates in a show trial, moron.
Republicans have no answer Bri They have no defense What they do have is trying to bash it The republican way Where are all those repubs that were under subpoena ?? Afraid to put their hands on a bible in defense of their idiot?
"Answer" for what, the Dim kangaroo court? Why should any Republican participate in this farce? That would only lend it an undeserved credibility. You know that nothing will come of this aside from a Republican majority.

It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
That is essentially the point I've been making on anther thread. Which begs the question, how will Senate Repubs rationalize not voting to convict with respect to the slam dunk charge of obstruction in the articles of impeachment?
Simple: Trump didn't obstruct jack shit.
Bri it's gonna look so bad for trump and his circle you might even turn Getting out of the trump cess pool can't be a bad thing
Spare me the details of your wet dreams. The public sees right through this charade.
Preventing people under subpoena from testifying is obstruction
No, destroying thousands of subpoenaed official govt documents exposing thousands of criminal counts of violating the FOIA & FRA is MASSIVE criminal Obstruction.

Opposing continuous Democrat coup attempts poorly disguised as investigations of possible criminal activity when after 4 years the is no crime, no evidence, no whistle blower, and no witness is defending oneself and the nation from self-identified enemies of the state.

your defense is up is down, and black is white trump guilty of obstruction of congress etc etc etc
Too bad corrupt / compromised criminal Dems are running an Inquisition that tramples on the Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Due Process, and is based on 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' based on hearsay and rumor rather than such a democratic process.

Your hysterics aside.
Its progressing just as the last two impeachments did.

Explain why and how it is not.
Because it's a Stalinist show trial, shit for brains.
Don't know about Stalinist but it would be good to show America what this weasel in our WH has done that is impeachable . Will give the country an up close look at the cowards supporting their crook
He's done nothing, moron. You and I both know that.
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Yes, we know he can run a Soviet style show trial if he likes. When are you douchebags going to quit pretending it's not one?

No one with a brain participates in a show trial, moron.
Republicans have no answer Bri They have no defense What they do have is trying to bash it The republican way Where are all those repubs that were under subpoena ?? Afraid to put their hands on a bible in defense of their idiot?
"Answer" for what, the Dim kangaroo court? Why should any Republican participate in this farce? That would only lend it an undeserved credibility. You know that nothing will come of this aside from a Republican majority.

It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
That is essentially the point I've been making on anther thread. Which begs the question, how will Senate Repubs rationalize not voting to convict with respect to the slam dunk charge of obstruction in the articles of impeachment?
Simple: Trump didn't obstruct jack shit.
He didn't forbid Giuliani and others from testifying ???Gee I must have read it wrong
Stark evidence of misconduct,,, Trumps call to Ukraine President,,,,,,,,High crimes and misdemeanors are coming his way
Preventing people under subpoena from testifying is obstruction
No, destroying thousands of subpoenaed official govt documents exposing thousands of criminal counts of violating the FOIA & FRA is MASSIVE criminal Obstruction.

Opposing continuous Democrat coup attempts poorly disguised as investigations of possible criminal activity when after 4 years the is no crime, no evidence, no whistle blower, and no witness is defending oneself and the nation from self-identified enemies of the state.

your defense is up is down, and black is white trump guilty of obstruction of congress etc etc etc
Ed, the day you are able to present any link / evidence to support your emotionally manipulated, hare-driven, Democrat crime-apologizing accusations and ridiculous debunked opinions hell will freeze over.

Go back to the kids' table & let the grown-up talk...
Republicans have no answer Bri They have no defense What they do have is trying to bash it The republican way Where are all those repubs that were under subpoena ?? Afraid to put their hands on a bible in defense of their idiot?
"Answer" for what, the Dim kangaroo court? Why should any Republican participate in this farce? That would only lend it an undeserved credibility. You know that nothing will come of this aside from a Republican majority.

It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
That is essentially the point I've been making on anther thread. Which begs the question, how will Senate Repubs rationalize not voting to convict with respect to the slam dunk charge of obstruction in the articles of impeachment?
Simple: Trump didn't obstruct jack shit.
He didn't forbid Giuliani and others from testifying ???Gee I must have read it wrong
Yep, he's following the legal process - appealing it to the court system.
"Answer" for what, the Dim kangaroo court? Why should any Republican participate in this farce? That would only lend it an undeserved credibility. You know that nothing will come of this aside from a Republican majority.

It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
That is essentially the point I've been making on anther thread. Which begs the question, how will Senate Repubs rationalize not voting to convict with respect to the slam dunk charge of obstruction in the articles of impeachment?
Simple: Trump didn't obstruct jack shit.
He didn't forbid Giuliani and others from testifying ???Gee I must have read it wrong
Yep, he's following the legal process - appealing it to the court system.
Where the court is loaded in his favor
It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
That is essentially the point I've been making on anther thread. Which begs the question, how will Senate Repubs rationalize not voting to convict with respect to the slam dunk charge of obstruction in the articles of impeachment?
Simple: Trump didn't obstruct jack shit.
He didn't forbid Giuliani and others from testifying ???Gee I must have read it wrong
Yep, he's following the legal process - appealing it to the court system.
Where the court is loaded in his favor
So? Are you objecting to the Constitution now? You were perfectly happy with the part that allows a Soviet style show trial.
And your moron still hasn't apologized
What should he apologize for?
For lying about Obama not a citizen For lying about his close relationship with Putin and his screwing up our election ,,,,,,for starters then to all the people the nasty POS bullied and bashed
You mean he should apologize for your delusions? Trump only bashed people who bashed him. I'm sorry if you snowflakes can dish it out but can't take it. Being a flaming hypocrite is so typically liberal.
Dead vets parents are off limits but this moron has no limits Now no deal with China until after election I thought the moron said trade wars were easy in 2016 Remember that? Think he should shut his big mouth??
You mean that lying asshole and his wife at the Dim convention?

Here's news for you: no one who attacks Trump is off limits. The claim that they are is just another stupid Dim rule that no one is obligated to observe. If the dumbass didn't want to be criticized, then he should have kept his big mouth shut.
Amazes one doesn't it ?? Unbelievable how the Democrats can attack Trump, but when he responds then somehow he's the bully... LOL.
He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
Yes, we know he can run a Soviet style show trial if he likes. When are you douchebags going to quit pretending it's not one?

No one with a brain participates in a show trial, moron.
Republicans have no answer Bri They have no defense What they do have is trying to bash it The republican way Where are all those repubs that were under subpoena ?? Afraid to put their hands on a bible in defense of their idiot?
"Answer" for what, the Dim kangaroo court? Why should any Republican participate in this farce? That would only lend it an undeserved credibility. You know that nothing will come of this aside from a Republican majority.

It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
That is essentially the point I've been making on anther thread. Which begs the question, how will Senate Repubs rationalize not voting to convict with respect to the slam dunk charge of obstruction in the articles of impeachment?
Because there is literally nothing wrong he can do that trumper humpers won't ignore. Just like with Jim Jones. Even committing suicide was an avenue they'd drive down. Conservatism is a cult.
Senate Republicans are all over the place when it comes to Trump's conspiracy theories. Kennedy from Louisiana has reversed himself twice. First, he says Ukraine interfered in our election. Then he said they didn't, and the Russians did it. Then, on Sunday, he said Ukraine did it.

Now Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, has said, "I don’t know if it’s true or not. But let somebody look, but when it comes to hacking into the DNC, that was all Russia. The Ukraine had nothing to do with it. So as to the Ukraine, they had zero to do with the hacking of the DNC and the stealing of the emails."

Live updates: Democrats release Trump impeachment report - CNNPolitics
Many watched Rep. Adam Schiff and his summary of the House Intelligence Committee's impeachment report. He was calm, professional, informative, and convincing. He was competent and skillful in his presentation.

This is our President:

“I learn nothing from Adam Schiff, I think he’s a maniac. I think Adam Schiff is a deranged human being. I think he grew up with a complex for lots of reasons that are obvious. I think he’s a very sick man, and he lies.”

Trump's press secretary said "Chairman Schiff’s report reads like the ramblings of a basement blogger straining to prove something when there is evidence of nothing.”

Trump's fans love this in their President.
ADAM SCHIFF CROSSES LINE: He’s Obtained Phone Records of Devin Nunes, Nunes’ Aide, Rudy Giuliani and John Solomon.

“Well, fair is fair. Republicans should obtain Schiff’s phone records, those of the so-called whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, and the colleague with whom he had a “bro-like” relationship, you know, Sean Misko, the one Schiff hired as an aide the day after the whistleblower’s complaint was submitted…Once Schiff passes this to the Senate, it will be the Democrats on trial."
It's long past time for the Republicans to take off the gloves and fight back.

Schiff refused to say how he was able to obtain the phone records. He needs to be put under oath by the Senate and examined on this point. This is a remarkable abuse of the constitutional rights of all these folks. These are KGB tactics.
THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.

Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.

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