THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.

Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor
THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.

Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor

... Yeah, I have this dumb crackhead son, and he needs a job, since he's been kicked out of the army. You put him on board of directors, give him some private equity money so he has something to play with, and I'll help you out somehow. How about I demand firing of that prosecutor of yours...
THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.

Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor

... Yeah, I have this dumb crackhead son, and he needs a job, since he's been kicked out of the army. You put him on board of directors, give him some private equity money so he has something to play with, and I'll help you out somehow. How about I demand firing of that prosecutor of yours...
You should have given the moron a few million bucks and turn him loose to bankrupt 5 or 6 companies ,get married 3 times and cheat on them all ONLY THEN can you be proud of him Impeach the fn bastard
THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.

Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor

... Yeah, I have this dumb crackhead son, and he needs a job, since he's been kicked out of the army. You put him on board of directors, give him some private equity money so he has something to play with, and I'll help you out somehow. How about I demand firing of that prosecutor of yours...
You should have given the moron a few million bucks and turn him loose to bankrupt 5 or 6 companies ,get married 3 times and cheat on them all ONLY THEN can you be proud of him Impeach the fn bastard

At least he gave his own money to them. Whose money Dementia Joe has given?
THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.

Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor

... Yeah, I have this dumb crackhead son, and he needs a job, since he's been kicked out of the army. You put him on board of directors, give him some private equity money so he has something to play with, and I'll help you out somehow. How about I demand firing of that prosecutor of yours...
You should have given the moron a few million bucks and turn him loose to bankrupt 5 or 6 companies ,get married 3 times and cheat on them all ONLY THEN can you be proud of him Impeach the fn bastard

At least he gave his own money to them. Whose money Dementia Joe has given?
Try to remember you're talking about a guy who always uses Other Peoples Money A first class grifter Trump U lol

This is shocking:

“Adam Schiff Has Crossed a Line: He’s Obtained Phone Records of Devin Nunes, Nunes’ Aide, Rudy Giuliani and John Solomon.” The most stunning aspect of the report was the inclusion of telephone records of House Intelligence Committee ranking member.
Presumably such records were obtained through legal process, as opposed to computer hacking or bribery of telephone company employees. Offhand, however, I don’t know what the legal basis would be for obtaining these phone records, and Schiff’s refusal to comment does not inspire confidence. I also don’t understand how Schiff could have obtained these records–legally–without the knowledge of the ranking member of his committee, Devin Nunes.

John Solomon has been one of the best reporters on the subjects at issue here, and spying on his phone records reminds one of when Sharyl Attkisson’s home computer was intruded on at a time when her reporting was inconvenient for the Obama administration.

Schiff has crossed the line of decency with this move. Once again, he has abused his power. This is an abuse of the constitutional rights of all spied on. These are KGB tactics.

Now Republicans should obtain Schiff’s phone records, those of the so-called whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, and the colleague with whom he had a “bro-like” relationship, Sean Misko, the one Schiff hired as an aide the day after the whistleblower’s complaint was submitted.

The repellent Adam Schiff has managed to reach a new level of depravity.

Schiff’s depravity is unprecedented, but, we saw previews of it during the Obama administration.

This is shocking:

“Adam Schiff Has Crossed a Line: He’s Obtained Phone Records of Devin Nunes, Nunes’ Aide, Rudy Giuliani and John Solomon.” The most stunning aspect of the report was the inclusion of telephone records of House Intelligence Committee ranking member.
Presumably such records were obtained through legal process, as opposed to computer hacking or bribery of telephone company employees. Offhand, however, I don’t know what the legal basis would be for obtaining these phone records, and Schiff’s refusal to comment does not inspire confidence. I also don’t understand how Schiff could have obtained these records–legally–without the knowledge of the ranking member of his committee, Devin Nunes.

John Solomon has been one of the best reporters on the subjects at issue here, and spying on his phone records reminds one of when Sharyl Attkisson’s home computer was intruded on at a time when her reporting was inconvenient for the Obama administration.

Schiff has crossed the line of decency with this move. Once again, he has abused his power. This is an abuse of the constitutional rights of all spied on. These are KGB tactics.

Now Republicans should obtain Schiff’s phone records, those of the so-called whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, and the colleague with whom he had a “bro-like” relationship, Sean Misko, the one Schiff hired as an aide the day after the whistleblower’s complaint was submitted.

The repellent Adam Schiff has managed to reach a new level of depravity.

Schiff’s depravity is unprecedented, but, we saw previews of it during the Obama administration.
DEPRAVITY is Trumps middle name and republicans in the senate are cowardly scum

This is shocking:

“Adam Schiff Has Crossed a Line: He’s Obtained Phone Records of Devin Nunes, Nunes’ Aide, Rudy Giuliani and John Solomon.” The most stunning aspect of the report was the inclusion of telephone records of House Intelligence Committee ranking member.
Presumably such records were obtained through legal process, as opposed to computer hacking or bribery of telephone company employees. Offhand, however, I don’t know what the legal basis would be for obtaining these phone records, and Schiff’s refusal to comment does not inspire confidence. I also don’t understand how Schiff could have obtained these records–legally–without the knowledge of the ranking member of his committee, Devin Nunes.

John Solomon has been one of the best reporters on the subjects at issue here, and spying on his phone records reminds one of when Sharyl Attkisson’s home computer was intruded on at a time when her reporting was inconvenient for the Obama administration.

Schiff has crossed the line of decency with this move. Once again, he has abused his power. This is an abuse of the constitutional rights of all spied on. These are KGB tactics.

Now Republicans should obtain Schiff’s phone records, those of the so-called whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, and the colleague with whom he had a “bro-like” relationship, Sean Misko, the one Schiff hired as an aide the day after the whistleblower’s complaint was submitted.

The repellent Adam Schiff has managed to reach a new level of depravity.

Schiff’s depravity is unprecedented, but, we saw previews of it during the Obama administration.

Obtaining phone records is an abuse of power but getting a foreign leader to dig up dirt on a political rival is not??

Dayum, you rightards sure are brain-dead. :cuckoo:
So,the republicans are making it clear:

They have no actual defense of the president, and instead are just going to focus on painting the constitutional impeachment process as an unfair sham.
Well, except for those subpoenaed who have refused to testify, of course, dope.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
I always thought we were innocent until proven guilty in this country....When did that change?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

If he were innocent then he would present his case or have one of his minions do that for him. It starts tomorrow where Rump gets his chance. If he tries to continue to cover up, obstruct and just outright lie then that should be enough for him to work at a carwash in Florida after NY gets through with him.
Wrong. He would be stupid to participate in a Soviet style show trail. Schiff-for-Brains and Nadler have no intention of allowing him to present his case.

You fucking douchebags aren't fooling anyone. You are whining about Trump's refusal to participate because you want the sanction of the victim. If tramp doesn't participate, then you can't claim the process has any kind of legitimacy.

Of course, we already know this process is fraudulent. It's a con, a kangaroo court, a lynching. Anyone who condones it or defends it is lower than the henchmen Stalin employed to justify murdering innocent people. You are on exactly the same moral plane.

Funny, the scoffed at Mueller Report is coming up. Nadlers opening remarks brings up the parts of Russian Interferance, Rumps request which they followed up on in 2016 (not illegal since he wasn't President yet, just really, really bad form), Rump's blocking of his own sitting IG in 2017 to investigate Russian Interferance, intimidation of witnesses in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and Rump obstructing Congress in doing it's own investigation. Yes, it's not a good morning for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
The point you ignored, shit for brains, is that he didn't allow Republicans to call any witnesses.

He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
I always thought we were innocent until proven guilty in this country....When did that change?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

If he were innocent then he would present his case or have one of his minions do that for him. It starts tomorrow where Rump gets his chance. If he tries to continue to cover up, obstruct and just outright lie then that should be enough for him to work at a carwash in Florida after NY gets through with him.
Wrong. He would be stupid to participate in a Soviet style show trail. Schiff-for-Brains and Nadler have no intention of allowing him to present his case.

You fucking douchebags aren't fooling anyone. You are whining about Trump's refusal to participate because you want the sanction of the victim. If tramp doesn't participate, then you can't claim the process has any kind of legitimacy.

Of course, we already know this process is fraudulent. It's a con, a kangaroo court, a lynching. Anyone who condones it or defends it is lower than the henchmen Stalin employed to justify murdering innocent people. You are on exactly the same moral plane.

Funny, the scoffed at Mueller Report is coming up. Nadlers opening remarks brings up the parts of Russian Interferance, Rumps request which they followed up on in 2016 (not illegal since he wasn't President yet, just really, really bad form), Rump's blocking of his own sitting IG in 2017 to investigate Russian Interferance, intimidation of witnesses in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and Rump obstructing Congress in doing it's own investigation. Yes, it's not a good morning for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
You mean a bunch of lies and irrelevant bullshit are coming up?
He didn't need to. He's the chairman which of course has nothing at all to do with Ed's post or your dopey statement that I responded to.

Innocent people don't hide. They prove their innocence.
Yes, we know he can run a Soviet style show trial if he likes. When are you douchebags going to quit pretending it's not one?

No one with a brain participates in a show trial, moron.
Republicans have no answer Bri They have no defense What they do have is trying to bash it The republican way Where are all those repubs that were under subpoena ?? Afraid to put their hands on a bible in defense of their idiot?
"Answer" for what, the Dim kangaroo court? Why should any Republican participate in this farce? That would only lend it an undeserved credibility. You know that nothing will come of this aside from a Republican majority.

It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
It may be "legal," but that doesn't mean it isn't a show trial. It's just plain false to claim that "anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States." That's bullshit. It will get resolved when it goes to the Senate and they toss it into the waste bin. Of course, that's exactly what you don't want.

Defending yourself is not "obstruction," dumbfuck. That's a Stalinist argument if there ever was one.

You keep repeating that lie. If you repeat a lie long enough and hard enough does that make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. The Mueller report has come to hatch as well on this one. Not a good day for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
Yes, we know he can run a Soviet style show trial if he likes. When are you douchebags going to quit pretending it's not one?

No one with a brain participates in a show trial, moron.
Republicans have no answer Bri They have no defense What they do have is trying to bash it The republican way Where are all those repubs that were under subpoena ?? Afraid to put their hands on a bible in defense of their idiot?
"Answer" for what, the Dim kangaroo court? Why should any Republican participate in this farce? That would only lend it an undeserved credibility. You know that nothing will come of this aside from a Republican majority.

It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
It may be "legal," but that doesn't mean it isn't a show trial. It's just plain false to claim that "anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States." That's bullshit. It will get resolved when it goes to the Senate and they toss it into the waste bin. Of course, that's exactly what you don't want.

Defending yourself is not "obstruction," dumbfuck. That's a Stalinist argument if there ever was one.

You keep repeating that lie. If you repeat a lie long enough and hard enough does that make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. The Mueller report has come to hatch as well on this one. Not a good day for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
It's still a show trial. The Mueller report said "no collusion," dumbfuck. There is no "there" there.

This is shocking:

“Adam Schiff Has Crossed a Line: He’s Obtained Phone Records of Devin Nunes, Nunes’ Aide, Rudy Giuliani and John Solomon.” The most stunning aspect of the report was the inclusion of telephone records of House Intelligence Committee ranking member.
Presumably such records were obtained through legal process, as opposed to computer hacking or bribery of telephone company employees. Offhand, however, I don’t know what the legal basis would be for obtaining these phone records, and Schiff’s refusal to comment does not inspire confidence. I also don’t understand how Schiff could have obtained these records–legally–without the knowledge of the ranking member of his committee, Devin Nunes.

John Solomon has been one of the best reporters on the subjects at issue here, and spying on his phone records reminds one of when Sharyl Attkisson’s home computer was intruded on at a time when her reporting was inconvenient for the Obama administration.

Schiff has crossed the line of decency with this move. Once again, he has abused his power. This is an abuse of the constitutional rights of all spied on. These are KGB tactics.

Now Republicans should obtain Schiff’s phone records, those of the so-called whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, and the colleague with whom he had a “bro-like” relationship, Sean Misko, the one Schiff hired as an aide the day after the whistleblower’s complaint was submitted.

The repellent Adam Schiff has managed to reach a new level of depravity.

Schiff’s depravity is unprecedented, but, we saw previews of it during the Obama administration.
DEPRAVITY is Trumps middle name and republicans in the senate are cowardly scum

Look! Over there! An excuse!

This is shocking:

“Adam Schiff Has Crossed a Line: He’s Obtained Phone Records of Devin Nunes, Nunes’ Aide, Rudy Giuliani and John Solomon.” The most stunning aspect of the report was the inclusion of telephone records of House Intelligence Committee ranking member.
Presumably such records were obtained through legal process, as opposed to computer hacking or bribery of telephone company employees. Offhand, however, I don’t know what the legal basis would be for obtaining these phone records, and Schiff’s refusal to comment does not inspire confidence. I also don’t understand how Schiff could have obtained these records–legally–without the knowledge of the ranking member of his committee, Devin Nunes.

John Solomon has been one of the best reporters on the subjects at issue here, and spying on his phone records reminds one of when Sharyl Attkisson’s home computer was intruded on at a time when her reporting was inconvenient for the Obama administration.

Schiff has crossed the line of decency with this move. Once again, he has abused his power. This is an abuse of the constitutional rights of all spied on. These are KGB tactics.

Now Republicans should obtain Schiff’s phone records, those of the so-called whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, and the colleague with whom he had a “bro-like” relationship, Sean Misko, the one Schiff hired as an aide the day after the whistleblower’s complaint was submitted.

The repellent Adam Schiff has managed to reach a new level of depravity.

Schiff’s depravity is unprecedented, but, we saw previews of it during the Obama administration.

Obtaining phone records is an abuse of power but getting a foreign leader to dig up dirt on a political rival is not??

Dayum, you rightards sure are brain-dead. :cuckoo:

If they break the law trying to attack the president, they are accountable to that. We let a lot of people get away with a lot of stuff because we don't follow the law when prosecuting them.
Republicans have no answer Bri They have no defense What they do have is trying to bash it The republican way Where are all those repubs that were under subpoena ?? Afraid to put their hands on a bible in defense of their idiot?
"Answer" for what, the Dim kangaroo court? Why should any Republican participate in this farce? That would only lend it an undeserved credibility. You know that nothing will come of this aside from a Republican majority.

It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
It may be "legal," but that doesn't mean it isn't a show trial. It's just plain false to claim that "anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States." That's bullshit. It will get resolved when it goes to the Senate and they toss it into the waste bin. Of course, that's exactly what you don't want.

Defending yourself is not "obstruction," dumbfuck. That's a Stalinist argument if there ever was one.

You keep repeating that lie. If you repeat a lie long enough and hard enough does that make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. The Mueller report has come to hatch as well on this one. Not a good day for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
It's still a show trial. The Mueller report said "no collusion," dumbfuck. There is no "there" there.

No Collusion but it did say there was a ton of Obstruction by Rump. While there is nothing illegal about Collusion, obstruction is impeachable. And that is coming to roost right now. Get it through your head, we are not going to be distracted. Your "Hey, look over there" routine has long since reached it's sell by date.

This is shocking:

“Adam Schiff Has Crossed a Line: He’s Obtained Phone Records of Devin Nunes, Nunes’ Aide, Rudy Giuliani and John Solomon.” The most stunning aspect of the report was the inclusion of telephone records of House Intelligence Committee ranking member.
Presumably such records were obtained through legal process, as opposed to computer hacking or bribery of telephone company employees. Offhand, however, I don’t know what the legal basis would be for obtaining these phone records, and Schiff’s refusal to comment does not inspire confidence. I also don’t understand how Schiff could have obtained these records–legally–without the knowledge of the ranking member of his committee, Devin Nunes.

John Solomon has been one of the best reporters on the subjects at issue here, and spying on his phone records reminds one of when Sharyl Attkisson’s home computer was intruded on at a time when her reporting was inconvenient for the Obama administration.

Schiff has crossed the line of decency with this move. Once again, he has abused his power. This is an abuse of the constitutional rights of all spied on. These are KGB tactics.

Now Republicans should obtain Schiff’s phone records, those of the so-called whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, and the colleague with whom he had a “bro-like” relationship, Sean Misko, the one Schiff hired as an aide the day after the whistleblower’s complaint was submitted.

The repellent Adam Schiff has managed to reach a new level of depravity.

Schiff’s depravity is unprecedented, but, we saw previews of it during the Obama administration.

Obtaining phone records is an abuse of power but getting a foreign leader to dig up dirt on a political rival is not??

Dayum, you rightards sure are brain-dead. :cuckoo:

If they break the law trying to attack the president, they are accountable to that. We let a lot of people get away with a lot of stuff because we don't follow the law when prosecuting them.
Great, let's see your evidence they broke the law...
"Answer" for what, the Dim kangaroo court? Why should any Republican participate in this farce? That would only lend it an undeserved credibility. You know that nothing will come of this aside from a Republican majority.

It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
It may be "legal," but that doesn't mean it isn't a show trial. It's just plain false to claim that "anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States." That's bullshit. It will get resolved when it goes to the Senate and they toss it into the waste bin. Of course, that's exactly what you don't want.

Defending yourself is not "obstruction," dumbfuck. That's a Stalinist argument if there ever was one.

You keep repeating that lie. If you repeat a lie long enough and hard enough does that make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. The Mueller report has come to hatch as well on this one. Not a good day for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
It's still a show trial. The Mueller report said "no collusion," dumbfuck. There is no "there" there.

No Collusion but it did say there was a ton of Obstruction by Rump. While there is nothing illegal about Collusion, obstruction is impeachable. And that is coming to roost right now. Get it through your head, we are not going to be distracted. Your "Hey, look over there" routine has long since reached it's sell by date.
Sorry turd, but no charges were listed in the report. Therefore, no obstruction. Mueller didn't list any such charges because he knew he would be laughed out of town if he did. Furthermore, Mueller's theory on obstruction were absurd, but he knew that.
It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
It may be "legal," but that doesn't mean it isn't a show trial. It's just plain false to claim that "anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States." That's bullshit. It will get resolved when it goes to the Senate and they toss it into the waste bin. Of course, that's exactly what you don't want.

Defending yourself is not "obstruction," dumbfuck. That's a Stalinist argument if there ever was one.

You keep repeating that lie. If you repeat a lie long enough and hard enough does that make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. The Mueller report has come to hatch as well on this one. Not a good day for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
It's still a show trial. The Mueller report said "no collusion," dumbfuck. There is no "there" there.

No Collusion but it did say there was a ton of Obstruction by Rump. While there is nothing illegal about Collusion, obstruction is impeachable. And that is coming to roost right now. Get it through your head, we are not going to be distracted. Your "Hey, look over there" routine has long since reached it's sell by date.
Sorry turd, but no charges were listed in the report. Therefore, no obstruction. Mueller didn't list any such charges because he knew he would be laughed out of town if he did. Furthermore, Mueller's theory on obstruction were absurd, but he knew that.
Lying fucking moron, charges of conspiracy need not have been made for obstruction to have occurred.

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