If this Trump SOB is not guilty of impeachment then NO ONE will be guilty Is that what you want A trump moron running amok? Or a dem or repub in the future?
Lying fucking moron, charges of conspiracy need not have been made for obstruction to have occurred.
No charges of obstruction were made, dumbass.
Lying fucking moron, I didn't say they were. :cuckoo:
Now you're trying to distance yourself from your own dumbass theories. You said "it did say there was a ton of Obstruction by Rump." If that's irrelevant, then why did you bring it up?

I never said that, lying fucking moron. :eusa_doh:
I quoted it directly from your post, moron.

Not from me saying that since I never said that.

Want proof you're a lying fucking moron...?

Post a link to my post where I said that. When you can't and end up making up some stupid excuse for why you thought I said that, then everyone will laugh at you for being such a lying fucking moron.
No charges of obstruction were made, dumbass.
Lying fucking moron, I didn't say they were. :cuckoo:
Now you're trying to distance yourself from your own dumbass theories. You said "it did say there was a ton of Obstruction by Rump." If that's irrelevant, then why did you bring it up?

I never said that, lying fucking moron. :eusa_doh:
I quoted it directly from your post, moron.

Not from me saying that since I never said that.

Want proof you're a lying fucking moron...?

Post a link to my post where I said that. When you can't and end up making up some stupid excuse for why you thought I said that, then everyone will laugh at you for being such a lying fucking moron.

I just can't understand why they raid kennels for this S

Look at that Kaplan lady. She could scare a hot dog off a bun.............whewwww...Ida shot my parents for doing such a horrible job
She sure made a lot of good points. Ugly is the best you can do to refute them?
Ohhhh.....What man would ever want to touch that huh? Sure she likes girls. So sick of these ugly ugly repulsive looking people.
GOP witness: "We simply dont know what (the founding fathers meant in the constitution)..."

Thn why the fuck are you here as an expert, you jackass? The Republicans are an embarrassment.
"I am concerned about lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger. If the House proceeds solely on the Ukrainian allegations, this impeachment would stand out among modern impeachments as the shortest proceeding, with the thinnest evidentiary record, and the narrowest grounds ever used to impeach a president."

Prof. Turley, Dec. 4, 2019.

This is particularly instructive on the matter of chutzpah in Rightardia, similar to a murderer of his parents requesting clemency on account of being an orphan: Setting aside that there is no "paucity of evidence" in light of a detailed, 300-page report on Trump's corruption, if there were such paucity, it would be completely by dint of Trump's blocking his henchmen from testifying. So, the fine professor is trying to use Trump's obstruction of Congress further to demean and besmirch the impeachment inquiry.

Also, we've heard Turley's dog is mad. We got lucky, though, since Impeachment of Trump on that account was demanded by exactly no one.

Actually, Turnley makes a lot of sense. While I have no doubt that Rump should be dragged from the WH on his fat ass, The Courts need to be involved like it was with Nixon who by all in that room consider that as the
Gold Standard for impeachment. Nixon tried to do exactly what Rump is doing but the courts ate his lunch, it made him have to release the infrormation in it's fullest and resulted in Nixon to resign. When the Nixon impeachment stated, it was very partisan. But it slowly changed to bi-partisan when the courts got involved. Specifically, when the Supreme Court made those rulings. The Dems in the House have NOT gone that route because it's very time consuming. They want to finish before the December Recess and that is a huge mistake. They should be running the whole thing through the courts to get the testimonies that have been refused AND the rest of the records.

So far, the Courts have not been a friend of Rump. Even those that Rump has tried to stack in his favor. The fact remains that a Federal Court is bound by ruling according to the Constitution of the United States. And in this case, the Congressional Subpeonas not being honored should be backed up by any Federal Court. Executive Privelege does exist but as Rump has found out, it's not absolute in a Federal Court. Demanding some things by Congress is also not Absolute. In order to satisfy the Impeachment then the courts MUST be involved. I have pushed for this from the beginning but it's fallen on deaf ears. If a Congressional Subpeona is issued and it's ordered by the Courts, it becomes the US Marshal's duty to enforce it. And Barr wouldn't want to try and stop that. It would mean his own arrest and trial by the courts.

I'll say it again, the Dems in Congress need to start filing Court Paperwork to get the information they believe they need. And then take what the courts feel they need. And suspend the hearings until that can be resolved. This includes getting testimony from the merry band of criminals.
INFRASTRUCTURE: While the Hate Filled Left Pursues Impeachment rather than working for the citizenry, rural areas are set to win big under Trump’s transportation plan for road, rail, and air.

After years of discrimination by Washington bureaucrats, rural communities are finally set to get a long-overdue share of federal money for roads, rail, and airports, a key promise of President Trump.​

In a major funding shift championed by Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, officials have revealed that rural areas that received 21% of $7-$8 billion in infrastructure funds in past years received up to 70% in an early campaign to improve transportation safety and capacity and will get half from now on.​

“Rural America is not looking for a handout … They merely want not to be overlooked or discriminated against and to have their fair share in the distribution of federal resources,” Chao told us about her new program, Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success, or ROUTES.​

In the less than two months after Chao first talked about it in St. Louis, ROUTES has been embraced by transportation officials around the country as a boost to help increase safety and move goods through small towns.​

Thank you President Trump!
We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.

Wrong. Your people started these corruptions. Trump is the most corrupted disgusting dishonest POTUS. Trump is not a good person.

If your boi was smart enough to make an illegal move. The whole country would not be in this predicament. The Trump team are so inept and stupid they could have done this very easily without all the other people involved.

But Nah! It has to be a grandeur.

Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple.

Trump asked a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political rival. Is very clear example of a corrupted POTUS.

"Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple."

Yes you should get it straight. But you won't because your hatred for Donald Trump has blinded you to the obvious truth. You have it ass backwards, but then you're a Democrat so that's normal.

Wrong again.
You are forgetting something. Let me repeat it again.

Trump asked a favor to a foreign leader to investigate his political enemies is a very good example of Trump corruptness.
I'm glad he did. 2016 was a mess election because of the demofks. time to point it all out to the world. why are you afraid of that?
FOX news has had three house dems and one never Trumper republican on this morning that are all saying they can't find an impeachable offense from the inquiry....you guys went too damn far....


So now you're up to 3 dems and 1 rep.

Impeachment not supported by any republican and not every dem will be laughed at in the senate....
You say that as though Republicans in the Senate would ever vote to convict Trump no matter what. You'll recall Senate Republicans were already saying they wouldn't vote to convict even before the hearings began. Trump could be impeached for shooting someone on 5th Avenue and Republicans would kick the corpse before voting to convict.

I heard that Mitch and his cronies will vote secretly and unanimously so Trump supporters won’t get pissed off when this idiot King is dethroned.
wow your hate is really noted. it seems you were damaged by trump some how. what did he do to you exactly?
Actually, Turnley makes a lot of sense. While I have no doubt that Rump should be dragged from the WH on his fat ass, The Courts need to be involved like it was with Nixon who by all in that room consider that as the
Gold Standard for impeachment. Nixon tried to do exactly what Rump is doing but the courts ate his lunch, it made him have to release the infrormation in it's fullest and resulted in Nixon to resign. When the Nixon impeachment stated, it was very partisan. But it slowly changed to bi-partisan when the courts got involved. Specifically, when the Supreme Court made those rulings. The Dems in the House have NOT gone that route because it's very time consuming. They want to finish before the December Recess and that is a huge mistake. They should be running the whole thing through the courts to get the testimonies that have been refused AND the rest of the records.

So far, the Courts have not been a friend of Rump. Even those that Rump has tried to stack in his favor. The fact remains that a Federal Court is bound by ruling according to the Constitution of the United States. And in this case, the Congressional Subpeonas not being honored should be backed up by any Federal Court. Executive Privelege does exist but as Rump has found out, it's not absolute in a Federal Court. Demanding some things by Congress is also not Absolute. In order to satisfy the Impeachment then the courts MUST be involved. I have pushed for this from the beginning but it's fallen on deaf ears. If a Congressional Subpeona is issued and it's ordered by the Courts, it becomes the US Marshal's duty to enforce it. And Barr wouldn't want to try and stop that. It would mean his own arrest and trial by the courts.

I'll say it again, the Dems in Congress need to start filing Court Paperwork to get the information they believe they need. And then take what the courts feel they need. And suspend the hearings until that can be resolved. This includes getting testimony from the merry band of criminals.

Turley makes no sense at all. What he's advocating is emasculating Congress in favor of the Executive and the Judiciary on a hilariously transparent non-argument. There is plenty of evidence on abuse of office, obstruction of justice and obstruction of Congress. Also, the Constitution does not mandate there be any crime as a precondition for Impeachment, and neither is there a requirement that, say, 90% of the population agree.

The Supreme Court has ruled on the Executive branch's duty to supply requested evidence. That ruling establishes an obligation not just for the Nixon administration, but for all subsequent administrations as well, until the ruling is overturned. There is plainly no need for the courts to get involved again. Also, there is judge Jackson's ruling in the McGahn case, making plain there is no such thing as a blanked "executive privilege" that would allow Trump to block all his henchmen's testimonies. Anyway, it isn't a valid exercise of executive privilege to cover up the planning, execution, and concealment of a crime against the U.S. of A. If McGahn, Mulvaney, Bolton, Pompeo, and Trump were men of honor, they'd read the ruling, and ask to show up before Congress as required. Judge Jackson's ruling leaves really no doubt about that obligation, and also none on the dishonorable characters we're dealing with here. In light of all that, I cannot see how you would arrive at a demand for more courts' involvement.

In effect, what Turley is saying is this: Any administration can tie up an impeachment inquiry for years until the cases have percolated through the court system. Then, they can call in the witnesses - but don't rush it! - and then they can impeach him after he's left office.

Did I say that Turley makes no sense? That would be, none whatsoever. It's actually saddening to behold him making himself into a permanent resident of Trump's cavernous rectum.
Actually, Turnley makes a lot of sense. While I have no doubt that Rump should be dragged from the WH on his fat ass, The Courts need to be involved like it was with Nixon who by all in that room consider that as the
Gold Standard for impeachment. Nixon tried to do exactly what Rump is doing but the courts ate his lunch, it made him have to release the infrormation in it's fullest and resulted in Nixon to resign. When the Nixon impeachment stated, it was very partisan. But it slowly changed to bi-partisan when the courts got involved. Specifically, when the Supreme Court made those rulings. The Dems in the House have NOT gone that route because it's very time consuming. They want to finish before the December Recess and that is a huge mistake. They should be running the whole thing through the courts to get the testimonies that have been refused AND the rest of the records.

So far, the Courts have not been a friend of Rump. Even those that Rump has tried to stack in his favor. The fact remains that a Federal Court is bound by ruling according to the Constitution of the United States. And in this case, the Congressional Subpeonas not being honored should be backed up by any Federal Court. Executive Privelege does exist but as Rump has found out, it's not absolute in a Federal Court. Demanding some things by Congress is also not Absolute. In order to satisfy the Impeachment then the courts MUST be involved. I have pushed for this from the beginning but it's fallen on deaf ears. If a Congressional Subpeona is issued and it's ordered by the Courts, it becomes the US Marshal's duty to enforce it. And Barr wouldn't want to try and stop that. It would mean his own arrest and trial by the courts.

I'll say it again, the Dems in Congress need to start filing Court Paperwork to get the information they believe they need. And then take what the courts feel they need. And suspend the hearings until that can be resolved. This includes getting testimony from the merry band of criminals.

Turley makes no sense at all. What he's advocating is emasculating Congress in favor of the Executive and the Judiciary on a hilariously transparent non-argument. There is plenty of evidence on abuse of office, obstruction of justice and obstruction of Congress. Also, the Constitution does not mandate there be any crime as a precondition for Impeachment, and neither is there a requirement that, say, 90% of the population agree.

The Supreme Court has ruled on the Executive branch's duty to supply requested evidence. That ruling establishes an obligation not just for the Nixon administration, but for all subsequent administrations as well, until the ruling is overturned. There is plainly no need for the courts to get involved again. Also, there is judge Jackson's ruling in the McGahn case, making plain there is no such thing as a blanked "executive privilege" that would allow Trump to block all his henchmen's testimonies. Anyway, it isn't a valid exercise of executive privilege to cover up the planning, execution, and concealment of a crime against the U.S. of A. If McGahn, Mulvaney, Bolton, Pompeo, and Trump were men of honor, they'd read the ruling, and ask to show up before Congress as required. Judge Jackson's ruling leaves really no doubt about that obligation, and also none on the dishonorable characters we're dealing with here. In light of all that, I cannot see how you would arrive at a demand for more courts' involvement.

In effect, what Turley is saying is this: Any administration can tie up an impeachment inquiry for years until the cases have percolated through the court system. Then, they can call in the witnesses - but don't rush it! - and then they can impeach him after he's left office.

Did I say that Turley makes no sense? That would be, none whatsoever. It's actually saddening to behold him making himself into a permanent resident of Trump's cavernous rectum.
but it still goes to the Senate for removal. think that will happen? all partisan bitches in the house of demofks.
Yes I certainly can think Trump is a bad thing. He's stupid, can barely read, lies on an hourly basis, cozies up to murdering dictators, alienates our allies, and doesn't believe in science just to name a few reasons.

He's a fucking disaster. He's putting farmers out of business and putting them on farmer welfare. He separated children from their families and cannot get them back together because they did not keep records.

Trump is WAY out of his league. He can't do the job because he's not smart enough.

Republicans had far better candidates to choose from, and they chose Trump. SMDH.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. DumBama separated families as well. The MSM even published pictures of kids in cages and tried to pass it off as if it was recent. Then it was discovered those were picture from the Hussein era. You people on the left support leaders that invite these illegals to our country, then complain when one of our leaders have to deal with the problem you leftists created.

Nobody put more people on welfare than DumBama. Between Commie Care and doubling the food stamp role, compare that to Trump any day of the week. Under Trump, we have a 50 year record low in unemployment, and more jobs than Americans to do them. And yes, with Republicans in charge, a reduction of government dependency.

You should know better posting these nonsense.
1. Obama separated families cases by cases who has criminal records. Trump separated families in general and still separate them and caged children as we speak today.

2. Obama faced recessions from the collapse of the real estate markets. Lots of Americans declared bankruptcy. At the same time GOPs assholes tried very hard to make him look bad. Is one of the primary reasons people applied food stamps and welfare.

3. The left invited these illegals? You’ve been brainwashed by your groups making left look bad.

DumBama expanded the welfare roles by expanding the criteria to apply. It didn't start to come back down until Republican Governors began to institute state requirements in which to collect.

Yes, Democrats invite immigrants with their sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states. Allowing them to get drivers licenses, and loans from banks, their refusal, and in some cities, laws that prohibit law enforcement from contacting ICE when they have a criminal alien in custody. In one case a Governor warning of ICE raids for them to hide. The longest government shutdown in history over stopping additional walls from being built. Yes, inviting them into this country.

You admitted to me you are racist piece of shit and totally hate minorities.

So. Tell me what is the credibility or any of what you are lying about? Just pure BULLSHIT.

Obama is and was respected both domestic and international with high remarks.

Trump is a horrible person and nothing but a piece of crap. Foreigners called him retarded.

Obama OK’d $310 million in free legal advice to illegal immigrants

Obama gives free pass to businesses that hire illegals

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch


Is Obama the 'food stamp president?'

New Mexico: Food stamp recipients must work 20 hours per week

Republicans won the food stamp war

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

States follow Maine in declining federal funds for food stamps

So what are these links supposed to mean with the impeachment thread? Trying to deflect?
Trump supporters have to be slimy bat shit just like him. He does nothing for the country because he is a narcist who does nothing that does not benefit himself. He is a shit-hole of a president of all shit-holes. And other shit hole countries are laughing their ass off at him. He is a joke in America.

The only jokes in America are those who vote based on personality instead of accomplishments.

What accomplishments? He lied almost every time he opened his mouth.

Trump made Americans like a total joke a laughing stock all over the world.

Lisa Page oh Lisa oh Lisa oh Lisa during one of his rally in October having orgasm ..... I got copy of that video from Europe with cc copy in Asia ..... Your low life disgusting president of the US.

Siding and pardoning war crime Seal Eddie Gallagher. Fuck.

And you still support this piece of shit president.
Oh so Trump is the disgusting one all by his wittle lonesome, and this in regards to those two eh ?), even though this Lisa and that feller she liked had some sort of affair going on, and worse alledgedly collaborating with each other in order to take down a president maybe, but orange man bad ?? LOL

Get help !!

You may not be disgusted a president acting humping his podium having an orgasm. But others are not.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.

Wrong. Your people started these corruptions. Trump is the most corrupted disgusting dishonest POTUS. Trump is not a good person.

If your boi was smart enough to make an illegal move. The whole country would not be in this predicament. The Trump team are so inept and stupid they could have done this very easily without all the other people involved.

But Nah! It has to be a grandeur.

Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple.

Trump asked a favor from a foreign leader to investigate his political rival. Is very clear example of a corrupted POTUS.

"Let’s get this straight. Biden bragged and fired a corrupted prosecutor general. Clear and simple."

Yes you should get it straight. But you won't because your hatred for Donald Trump has blinded you to the obvious truth. You have it ass backwards, but then you're a Democrat so that's normal.

Wrong again.
You are forgetting something. Let me repeat it again.

Trump asked a favor to a foreign leader to investigate his political enemies is a very good example of Trump corruptness.
I'm glad he did. 2016 was a mess election because of the demofks. time to point it all out to the world. why are you afraid of that?

Go back and start reading this thread to update yourself.
Uber-Lib Jonathan Turley destroys this impeachment farce with his testimony today.

Stick a fork in it, impeachment is done.

I would like to start, perhaps incongruously, with a statement of three irrelevantfacts. First, I am not a supporter of President Trump. I voted against him in 2016 and Ihave previously voted for Presidents Clinton and Obama. Second, I have been highlycritical of President Trump, his policies, and his rhetoric, in dozens of columns. Third, Ihave repeatedly criticized his raising of the investigation of the Hunter Biden matter withthe Ukrainian president. These points are not meant to curry favor or approval. Ratherthey are meant to drive home a simple point: one can oppose President Trump’s policiesor actions but still conclude that the current legal case for impeachment is not justwoefully inadequate, but in some respects, dangerous, as the basis for the impeachmentof an American president. To put it simply, I hold no brief for President Trump. My personal and political views of President Trump, however, are irrelevant to myimpeachment testimony, as they should be to your impeachment vote. Today, my onlyconcern is the integrity and coherence of the constitutional standard and process ofimpeachment. President Trump will not be our last president and what we leave in thewake of this scandal will shape our democracy for generations to come. I am concernedabout lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance ofanger. If the House proceeds solely on the Ukrainian allegations, this impeachment wouldstand out among modern impeachments as the shortest proceeding, with the thinnestevidentiary record, and the narrowest grounds ever used to impeach a president.
Thatdoes not bode well for future presidents who are working in a country often sharply and,at times, bitterly divided

Read: Jonathan Turley impeachment inquiry testimony

You don’t expect all the experts will agree 100%.

But 3 to 1........ Turley’s testimony doesn’t mean jack.
Actually, Turnley makes a lot of sense. While I have no doubt that Rump should be dragged from the WH on his fat ass, The Courts need to be involved like it was with Nixon who by all in that room consider that as the
Gold Standard for impeachment. Nixon tried to do exactly what Rump is doing but the courts ate his lunch, it made him have to release the infrormation in it's fullest and resulted in Nixon to resign. When the Nixon impeachment stated, it was very partisan. But it slowly changed to bi-partisan when the courts got involved. Specifically, when the Supreme Court made those rulings. The Dems in the House have NOT gone that route because it's very time consuming. They want to finish before the December Recess and that is a huge mistake. They should be running the whole thing through the courts to get the testimonies that have been refused AND the rest of the records.

So far, the Courts have not been a friend of Rump. Even those that Rump has tried to stack in his favor. The fact remains that a Federal Court is bound by ruling according to the Constitution of the United States. And in this case, the Congressional Subpeonas not being honored should be backed up by any Federal Court. Executive Privelege does exist but as Rump has found out, it's not absolute in a Federal Court. Demanding some things by Congress is also not Absolute. In order to satisfy the Impeachment then the courts MUST be involved. I have pushed for this from the beginning but it's fallen on deaf ears. If a Congressional Subpeona is issued and it's ordered by the Courts, it becomes the US Marshal's duty to enforce it. And Barr wouldn't want to try and stop that. It would mean his own arrest and trial by the courts.

I'll say it again, the Dems in Congress need to start filing Court Paperwork to get the information they believe they need. And then take what the courts feel they need. And suspend the hearings until that can be resolved. This includes getting testimony from the merry band of criminals.

Turley makes no sense at all. What he's advocating is emasculating Congress in favor of the Executive and the Judiciary on a hilariously transparent non-argument. There is plenty of evidence on abuse of office, obstruction of justice and obstruction of Congress. Also, the Constitution does not mandate there be any crime as a precondition for Impeachment, and neither is there a requirement that, say, 90% of the population agree.

The Supreme Court has ruled on the Executive branch's duty to supply requested evidence. That ruling establishes an obligation not just for the Nixon administration, but for all subsequent administrations as well, until the ruling is overturned. There is plainly no need for the courts to get involved again. Also, there is judge Jackson's ruling in the McGahn case, making plain there is no such thing as a blanked "executive privilege" that would allow Trump to block all his henchmen's testimonies. Anyway, it isn't a valid exercise of executive privilege to cover up the planning, execution, and concealment of a crime against the U.S. of A. If McGahn, Mulvaney, Bolton, Pompeo, and Trump were men of honor, they'd read the ruling, and ask to show up before Congress as required. Judge Jackson's ruling leaves really no doubt about that obligation, and also none on the dishonorable characters we're dealing with here. In light of all that, I cannot see how you would arrive at a demand for more courts' involvement.

In effect, what Turley is saying is this: Any administration can tie up an impeachment inquiry for years until the cases have percolated through the court system. Then, they can call in the witnesses - but don't rush it! - and then they can impeach him after he's left office.

Did I say that Turley makes no sense? That would be, none whatsoever. It's actually saddening to behold him making himself into a permanent resident of Trump's cavernous rectum.

I have to agree somewhat. But there needs to be a way to take it directly to the Supreme Court in a timely fashion. Like within a month. Tying it up for 2 or 3 years doesn't cut it. Look how long it took to get it in front of the courts under Nixon. Otherwise, the Dems need to table it and just release what they have. It's not ready to go to the Senate by a long shot.

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