I have to agree somewhat. But there needs to be a way to take it directly to the Supreme Court in a timely fashion. Like within a month. Tying it up for 2 or 3 years doesn't cut it. Look how long it took to get it in front of the courts under Nixon. Otherwise, the Dems need to table it and just release what they have. It's not ready to go to the Senate by a long shot.

Look, I understand your point, and, in an ideal world, things would run as you say: All witnesses were called, all the evidence complete, and only then a well-rounded text is written up, Is dotted, Ts crossed and all.

As to court procedures, you don't get a district court ruling within a month. Supreme Court cases take years. Moreover, as the was the case in the McGahn trial, the government, as the losing party, has the role of determining what to do next, and they can drag this out forever, appealing to the next level, and then the next, and so on. As you say, that cannot work. At this time it cannot work since the integrity of the 2020 election is at stake. As I said before, the Nixon Supreme Court ruling set the standards for the Executives obligations, and it's controlling. What Trump is doing, with a nice assist by Turley, is to run out the clock, in effect rendering Congress's impeachment authority inoperable. Respect for the Constitution and the institutions this document establishes looks quite different.

I would suggest you read Turley's text on the matter. It is quite instructive. I contend, it demonstrates Turley is arguing in bad faith. Take, for instance, Turley's claim that Trump's would be the first attempt at impeaching a president without an underlying crime - as opposed to Johnson, Nixon, and Clinton. How he can even know that while the articles aren't yet written up, is a bit of a puzzle. Moreover, I, not a lawyer, can name at least three violations of federal laws Trump stands credibly accused to have perpetrated, namely, statutes against obstruction of justice, felony campaign finance violations (Stormy Daniels and the hush money, exacerbated by the subsequent cover-up), and the Impoundment Control Act (by illegally holding up properly appropriated funding). Turley, professor of law, and following that case, surely knows that.

And that's before we begin to examine Turley's deliberately stupid reading the memorandum the July 25 phone call, in which he finds no extortion, no quid pro quo, no bribery, and no abuse of office. You really have to suspend disbelief, common sense, and logic altogether, to arrive at that conclusion. Turley's lame defense is that there may - may - be innocent explanations, when we already know that the White House lawyers, having been shown the memorandum, moved with lightning speed to hide it as best they could. Of course, those fine lawyers hid the call because, as Turley suggests, Trump was driven by a genuine desire to eradicate corruption in Ukraine. I used to respect Turley. That ended roughly two years ago when he disparaged the Mueller investigation, and by now I am disappointed almost beyond measure.
THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.

Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor
Yeah send me anything you know about these crats corruptly using you, and this prior to them trying to set me up and/or them spying on my campaign while blaming you for it all. Oh and if ya got those emails of Hillary's, yes of course send them also. Thanks
THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.

Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor
Yeah send me anything you know about these crats corruptly using you, and this prior to them trying to set me up and/or them spying on my campaign while blaming you for it all. Oh and if ya got those emails of Hillary's, yes of course send them also. Thanks
Beagle ,,,China Russia Do you hear me ?? Trump is scum
"Answer" for what, the Dim kangaroo court? Why should any Republican participate in this farce? That would only lend it an undeserved credibility. You know that nothing will come of this aside from a Republican majority.

It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
It may be "legal," but that doesn't mean it isn't a show trial. It's just plain false to claim that "anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States." That's bullshit. It will get resolved when it goes to the Senate and they toss it into the waste bin. Of course, that's exactly what you don't want.

Defending yourself is not "obstruction," dumbfuck. That's a Stalinist argument if there ever was one.

You keep repeating that lie. If you repeat a lie long enough and hard enough does that make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. The Mueller report has come to hatch as well on this one. Not a good day for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
It's still a show trial. The Mueller report said "no collusion," dumbfuck. There is no "there" there.

No Collusion but it did say there was a ton of Obstruction by Rump. While there is nothing illegal about Collusion, obstruction is impeachable. And that is coming to roost right now. Get it through your head, we are not going to be distracted. Your "Hey, look over there" routine has long since reached it's sell by date.
Can't obstruct anything that was a farce to begin with. LOL
THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.

Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor
Yeah send me anything you know about these crats corruptly using you, and this prior to them trying to set me up and/or them spying on my campaign while blaming you for it all. Oh and if ya got those emails of Hillary's, yes of course send them also. Thanks
Beagle ,,,China Russia Do you hear me ?? Trump is scum
Trump is within his rights as an American to defend himself on any bullcrap attack the Dems want to throw at him. This is not a Cratzie/Nazi state yet, and hopefully Trump stops it from becoming that every single time.
THE MOUNTAIN LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: This impeachment drive is a huge political bust for Democrats.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff haven’t gotten any closer to convincing a single Senate Republican to remove the president. It’s highly probable that a Senate trial run by Republicans, with new witnesses and evidence, would further corrode the Democrats’ case.

The Left pretends that Senate Republicans are members of a reactionary Trump cult, but if there had been incontrovertible proof of “bribery,” a number of them would be compelled to act differently. No such evidence was provided.

Adding an obstruction article, based on the Mueller report, would only make the proceedings even more intractably partisan. Yet the recent push to force White House counsel Don McGahn to testify suggests Democrats could be headed in that direction.

We can look forward to a Senate trial with more Ukrainian drama. Far from weakening Trump in 2020, the story might end up dragging Joe Biden into a defensive posture. Journalists perfunctorily refer to anything related to Ukrainians or the Bidens as a “conspiracy theory,” but it’s clear that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s influence, and it’s still unclear what Joe Biden did about it.

Republicans have already requested transcripts of conversations between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko over the vice president’s requests to fire Viktor Shokin. It’s going to become a difficult story to ignore.

Democrats claimed that polls were irrelevant because impeachment was a moral and patriotic imperative. Once national support spiked, numbers suddenly mattered very much, and the usual suspects couldn’t stop talking about them. What most polls now confirm is that while Americans were paying attention to the breathless media coverage, public support for the inquiry is at best stagnant and probably declining.

The FiveThirtyEight average for support among independents topped out at 47.7 percent in late October. It sank to 41 percent during the hearings. A November Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voter opposition to the impeachment inquiry is at its highest point since it started asking the question.

Will support for impeachment miraculously surge upward in battleground states such as Wisconsin as the election approaches? It seems unlikely.

Democrats and the media have covered every development of the many investigations into Trump, tending into histrionics. That has, in many ways, obscured legitimate criticism of the president. By constantly overpromising and underdelivering, Democrats have guaranteed not only skepticism but apathy from voters.

Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor
Yeah send me anything you know about these crats corruptly using you, and this prior to them trying to set me up and/or them spying on my campaign while blaming you for it all. Oh and if ya got those emails of Hillary's, yes of course send them also. Thanks
Beagle ,,,China Russia Do you hear me ?? Trump is scum
Trump is within his rights as an American to defend himself on any bullcrap attack the Dems want to throw at him. This is not a Cratzie/Nazi state yet, and hopefully Trump stops it from becoming that every single time.

Except he ISN"T like a normal Citizen. He's far above that. And, yes, he has the right to defend himself in the hearings. He hasn't done that. In fact, he's tried to hide as much as possible to make the hearings work that much harder to come to any conclusion. It's another case of using his position of President for his own personal ends. By stonewalling like he has and instructing all cabinet members and others to ignore the subpeos, he is guilty of a lot more. But the biggest is using his position as President to obstruct justice for his own personal ends. It doesn't matter if the original charge are real or not, he's guilty as sin of what I just stated. And NO President is above the law. Rump needs gone.
It's a legal House Congressional Impeachment Inquiry. And anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States. You want it resolved, have your Rump and his merry band of criminals show up and testify. I doubt any Democrat would block any of them. Until then, it's impeding and obstructing which is exactly what got Nixon in such deep trouble. I voted for Nixon twice (even with the problem of the breakin not being resolved). He got what he deserved.
It may be "legal," but that doesn't mean it isn't a show trial. It's just plain false to claim that "anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States." That's bullshit. It will get resolved when it goes to the Senate and they toss it into the waste bin. Of course, that's exactly what you don't want.

Defending yourself is not "obstruction," dumbfuck. That's a Stalinist argument if there ever was one.

You keep repeating that lie. If you repeat a lie long enough and hard enough does that make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. The Mueller report has come to hatch as well on this one. Not a good day for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
It's still a show trial. The Mueller report said "no collusion," dumbfuck. There is no "there" there.

No Collusion but it did say there was a ton of Obstruction by Rump. While there is nothing illegal about Collusion, obstruction is impeachable. And that is coming to roost right now. Get it through your head, we are not going to be distracted. Your "Hey, look over there" routine has long since reached it's sell by date.
Can't obstruct anything that was a farce to begin with. LOL

Were they farces? Most Constitutional Lawyers disagree. But even so, obstructing the investigation is the crime in itself. Without the series of obstructions, they very well have found that there was nothing to impeach. But with the obstruction it moves into a series of impeachable offenses.
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign pounced Wednesday evening after a viral video featuring frustrated world leaders mocking President Donald Trump circulated online. The Democratic candidate released a new attack ad saying the country needed a leader the “world respects.”

The minute-long clip begins with a supercut of diplomats and world leaders laughing at Trump, including footage from a speech at the United Nations in 2018 and this week’s video from the NATO conference in London.

“The world sees Trump for what he is: insincere, ill-informed, corrupt,” Biden says in a voiceover in the ad. “Dangerously incompetent and incapable, in my view, of world leadership.”
Excellent post Zorro!

Now, put yourself "in their shoes" for a second. This is how it looks, from their perspective...

In the span of just a few years your side went from totally controlling whats "hip" and "in fashion" and being the "party of le SCIENCE!" to being a bunch of ugly, fat, pierced, tattooed, yellow tooth'd, soiboy, hamplanet girls who bawl in public, who believe in a doomsday cult, who are riddled with STDs.

Everyone thinks you're a loser, you haven't had any meaningful relationships in years, your side has lost all political power, (D) politicians run in terror from your support, everything you see on the internet dogs you and your beliefs.

You may see a couple memes that back up your beliefs, but the messages that resonate, the ones that have lasting impact, the messages that hurt are the ones who support the positions of the people who you are (or at least were) thoroughly convinced are "the bad guys", "evil nazis", "on the wrong side of history".

You're loosing control since your far left side of things keeps springing out farther and farther into insanity and you are forced to either keep pace or become a nazi yourself, even if all you do is stand still with what you believed 5 years ago.

Meanwhile Donald fucking TRUMP is president. Your party has been trying to take him out for 4 years and hasn't even gotten close. Oh and by the way, you realize that Dementia Joe is who your candidate is going to be for the 2020 election.

Leftist socialists have nothing, absolutely nothing to be happy or enthusiastic about. Their entire existence, all day, everyday is pink wojaks.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor
Yeah send me anything you know about these crats corruptly using you, and this prior to them trying to set me up and/or them spying on my campaign while blaming you for it all. Oh and if ya got those emails of Hillary's, yes of course send them also. Thanks
Beagle ,,,China Russia Do you hear me ?? Trump is scum
Trump is within his rights as an American to defend himself on any bullcrap attack the Dems want to throw at him. This is not a Cratzie/Nazi state yet, and hopefully Trump stops it from becoming that every single time.

Except he ISN"T like a normal Citizen. He's far above that. And, yes, he has the right to defend himself in the hearings. He hasn't done that. In fact, he's tried to hide as much as possible to make the hearings work that much harder to come to any conclusion. It's another case of using his position of President for his own personal ends. By stonewalling like he has and instructing all cabinet members and others to ignore the subpeos, he is guilty of a lot more. But the biggest is using his position as President to obstruct justice for his own personal ends. It doesn't matter if the original charge are real or not, he's guilty as sin of what I just stated. And NO President is above the law. Rump needs gone.
He hasn't been allowed to defend himself, douchebag. As Prof Turley explained, You can't be accused of obstruction of justice for using the legal process. You TDS assholes are insane.
It may be "legal," but that doesn't mean it isn't a show trial. It's just plain false to claim that "anything that is done to impede it is contrary to the Constitution of the United States." That's bullshit. It will get resolved when it goes to the Senate and they toss it into the waste bin. Of course, that's exactly what you don't want.

Defending yourself is not "obstruction," dumbfuck. That's a Stalinist argument if there ever was one.

You keep repeating that lie. If you repeat a lie long enough and hard enough does that make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. The Mueller report has come to hatch as well on this one. Not a good day for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
It's still a show trial. The Mueller report said "no collusion," dumbfuck. There is no "there" there.

No Collusion but it did say there was a ton of Obstruction by Rump. While there is nothing illegal about Collusion, obstruction is impeachable. And that is coming to roost right now. Get it through your head, we are not going to be distracted. Your "Hey, look over there" routine has long since reached it's sell by date.
Can't obstruct anything that was a farce to begin with. LOL

Were they farces? Most Constitutional Lawyers disagree. But even so, obstructing the investigation is the crime in itself. Without the series of obstructions, they very well have found that there was nothing to impeach. But with the obstruction it moves into a series of impeachable offenses.
Following the legal process is not a crime, asshole. Didn't you pay attention to the hearing yesterday?
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign pounced Wednesday evening after a viral video featuring frustrated world leaders mocking President Donald Trump circulated online. The Democratic candidate released a new attack ad saying the country needed a leader the “world respects.”

The minute-long clip begins with a supercut of diplomats and world leaders laughing at Trump, including footage from a speech at the United Nations in 2018 and this week’s video from the NATO conference in London.

“The world sees Trump for what he is: insincere, ill-informed, corrupt,” Biden says in a voiceover in the ad. “Dangerously incompetent and incapable, in my view, of world leadership.”
Last I heard, you don't speak for the world, dumbass.
CHINA, RUSSIA are you listening ?? I want you to do me a favor
Yeah send me anything you know about these crats corruptly using you, and this prior to them trying to set me up and/or them spying on my campaign while blaming you for it all. Oh and if ya got those emails of Hillary's, yes of course send them also. Thanks
Beagle ,,,China Russia Do you hear me ?? Trump is scum
Trump is within his rights as an American to defend himself on any bullcrap attack the Dems want to throw at him. This is not a Cratzie/Nazi state yet, and hopefully Trump stops it from becoming that every single time.

Except he ISN"T like a normal Citizen. He's far above that. And, yes, he has the right to defend himself in the hearings. He hasn't done that. In fact, he's tried to hide as much as possible to make the hearings work that much harder to come to any conclusion. It's another case of using his position of President for his own personal ends. By stonewalling like he has and instructing all cabinet members and others to ignore the subpeos, he is guilty of a lot more. But the biggest is using his position as President to obstruct justice for his own personal ends. It doesn't matter if the original charge are real or not, he's guilty as sin of what I just stated. And NO President is above the law. Rump needs gone.
He hasn't been allowed to defend himself, douchebag. As Prof Turley explained, You can't be accused of obstruction of justice for using the legal process. You TDS assholes are insane.

Look bri you republican asshole IF it was Obama instead of Trump getting getting the same treatment you'd be jumping for joy Trump and you are both morons and there's no cure
Yeah send me anything you know about these crats corruptly using you, and this prior to them trying to set me up and/or them spying on my campaign while blaming you for it all. Oh and if ya got those emails of Hillary's, yes of course send them also. Thanks
Beagle ,,,China Russia Do you hear me ?? Trump is scum
Trump is within his rights as an American to defend himself on any bullcrap attack the Dems want to throw at him. This is not a Cratzie/Nazi state yet, and hopefully Trump stops it from becoming that every single time.

Except he ISN"T like a normal Citizen. He's far above that. And, yes, he has the right to defend himself in the hearings. He hasn't done that. In fact, he's tried to hide as much as possible to make the hearings work that much harder to come to any conclusion. It's another case of using his position of President for his own personal ends. By stonewalling like he has and instructing all cabinet members and others to ignore the subpeos, he is guilty of a lot more. But the biggest is using his position as President to obstruct justice for his own personal ends. It doesn't matter if the original charge are real or not, he's guilty as sin of what I just stated. And NO President is above the law. Rump needs gone.
He hasn't been allowed to defend himself, douchebag. As Prof Turley explained, You can't be accused of obstruction of justice for using the legal process. You TDS assholes are insane.

Look bri you republican asshole IF it was Obama instead of Trump getting getting the same treatment you'd be jumping for joy Trump and you are both morons and there's no cure
You attack me for what you imagine I would do? that's just more proof that you're a douchebag.
You keep repeating that lie. If you repeat a lie long enough and hard enough does that make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. The Mueller report has come to hatch as well on this one. Not a good day for Rump, his band of merry criminals and you.
It's still a show trial. The Mueller report said "no collusion," dumbfuck. There is no "there" there.

No Collusion but it did say there was a ton of Obstruction by Rump. While there is nothing illegal about Collusion, obstruction is impeachable. And that is coming to roost right now. Get it through your head, we are not going to be distracted. Your "Hey, look over there" routine has long since reached it's sell by date.
Can't obstruct anything that was a farce to begin with. LOL

Were they farces? Most Constitutional Lawyers disagree. But even so, obstructing the investigation is the crime in itself. Without the series of obstructions, they very well have found that there was nothing to impeach. But with the obstruction it moves into a series of impeachable offenses.
Following the legal process is not a crime, asshole. Didn't you pay attention to the hearing yesterday?
Schiff's report makes no reference to the CFR because they are trying to impeach with NO statutory crime.

Rats start to jump ship: IT’S A SAFE BET HE WOULDN’T FEEL SO WEARY IF IMPEACHMENT WERE A WINNER: Democrat announces retirement, says Russia probe and impeachment inquiry ‘have rendered my soul weary.’
Beagle ,,,China Russia Do you hear me ?? Trump is scum
Trump is within his rights as an American to defend himself on any bullcrap attack the Dems want to throw at him. This is not a Cratzie/Nazi state yet, and hopefully Trump stops it from becoming that every single time.

Except he ISN"T like a normal Citizen. He's far above that. And, yes, he has the right to defend himself in the hearings. He hasn't done that. In fact, he's tried to hide as much as possible to make the hearings work that much harder to come to any conclusion. It's another case of using his position of President for his own personal ends. By stonewalling like he has and instructing all cabinet members and others to ignore the subpeos, he is guilty of a lot more. But the biggest is using his position as President to obstruct justice for his own personal ends. It doesn't matter if the original charge are real or not, he's guilty as sin of what I just stated. And NO President is above the law. Rump needs gone.
He hasn't been allowed to defend himself, douchebag. As Prof Turley explained, You can't be accused of obstruction of justice for using the legal process. You TDS assholes are insane.

Look bri you republican asshole IF it was Obama instead of Trump getting getting the same treatment you'd be jumping for joy Trump and you are both morons and there's no cure
You attack me for what you imagine I would do? that's just more proof that you're a douchebag.

Bri You're an easy read Every candidate is shit except yours and you'll fight to the death for him even if the world knows he's lying cheating bullying loudmouth
Actually, Turnley makes a lot of sense. While I have no doubt that Rump should be dragged from the WH on his fat ass, The Courts need to be involved like it was with Nixon who by all in that room consider that as the
Gold Standard for impeachment. Nixon tried to do exactly what Rump is doing but the courts ate his lunch, it made him have to release the infrormation in it's fullest and resulted in Nixon to resign. When the Nixon impeachment stated, it was very partisan. But it slowly changed to bi-partisan when the courts got involved. Specifically, when the Supreme Court made those rulings. The Dems in the House have NOT gone that route because it's very time consuming. They want to finish before the December Recess and that is a huge mistake. They should be running the whole thing through the courts to get the testimonies that have been refused AND the rest of the records.

So far, the Courts have not been a friend of Rump. Even those that Rump has tried to stack in his favor. The fact remains that a Federal Court is bound by ruling according to the Constitution of the United States. And in this case, the Congressional Subpeonas not being honored should be backed up by any Federal Court. Executive Privelege does exist but as Rump has found out, it's not absolute in a Federal Court. Demanding some things by Congress is also not Absolute. In order to satisfy the Impeachment then the courts MUST be involved. I have pushed for this from the beginning but it's fallen on deaf ears. If a Congressional Subpeona is issued and it's ordered by the Courts, it becomes the US Marshal's duty to enforce it. And Barr wouldn't want to try and stop that. It would mean his own arrest and trial by the courts.

I'll say it again, the Dems in Congress need to start filing Court Paperwork to get the information they believe they need. And then take what the courts feel they need. And suspend the hearings until that can be resolved. This includes getting testimony from the merry band of criminals.

Turley makes no sense at all. What he's advocating is emasculating Congress in favor of the Executive and the Judiciary on a hilariously transparent non-argument. There is plenty of evidence on abuse of office, obstruction of justice and obstruction of Congress. Also, the Constitution does not mandate there be any crime as a precondition for Impeachment, and neither is there a requirement that, say, 90% of the population agree.

The Supreme Court has ruled on the Executive branch's duty to supply requested evidence. That ruling establishes an obligation not just for the Nixon administration, but for all subsequent administrations as well, until the ruling is overturned. There is plainly no need for the courts to get involved again. Also, there is judge Jackson's ruling in the McGahn case, making plain there is no such thing as a blanked "executive privilege" that would allow Trump to block all his henchmen's testimonies. Anyway, it isn't a valid exercise of executive privilege to cover up the planning, execution, and concealment of a crime against the U.S. of A. If McGahn, Mulvaney, Bolton, Pompeo, and Trump were men of honor, they'd read the ruling, and ask to show up before Congress as required. Judge Jackson's ruling leaves really no doubt about that obligation, and also none on the dishonorable characters we're dealing with here. In light of all that, I cannot see how you would arrive at a demand for more courts' involvement.

In effect, what Turley is saying is this: Any administration can tie up an impeachment inquiry for years until the cases have percolated through the court system. Then, they can call in the witnesses - but don't rush it! - and then they can impeach him after he's left office.

Did I say that Turley makes no sense? That would be, none whatsoever. It's actually saddening to behold him making himself into a permanent resident of Trump's cavernous rectum.
Informative. One question: If it is so clear the court's prior decisions on this, why is Trump still obstructing and withholding evidence and testimony? The decisions seem to be worthless without enforcement, and the only enforcement seems to be another court Order. Which requires a court case.
You referred to the President, saying IF he were a man of honor. Well, we know that is not the case. So previous cases notwithstanding, we are still in the same pickle as if no cases had already been decided.

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