No one asked anyone to kill anybody.

No one was harmed in the making of my conspiracy straw man. A's wife is still alive and well, but is looking for an attorney.

Evidently you are new to how world leaders negotiate thinks looking for a win win for both their nation's interests.

Getting the aid is a win for Ukraine. Something they already won, so they thought. Not sure how it was a win for them to being strong armed into announcing an investigation into the Republicans political rivals. Certainly wouldn't have been a win for the Democrat part of our country now would it?
Allies have a responsibility to expose corruption by high level government officials. You know, like a US VP getting his lightweight son a high paying job he isn't qualified for at a corrupt company and then demanding that the nation fire their prosecutor investigating the company. There is no statute of limitations on that kind of thing. It helps both nations stay above board.
During the July 25 phone call, President Zelensky was unaware Trump had put a freeze on the military aid a few days prior to that phone call. That's why Zelensky began thanking Trump for sending the aid.

Zelensky's main focus during the call, with the misunderstanding the aid was on the way, was a White House visit. That was his second need. He needed aid to negotiate from a position of greater strength with Russia, and he needed a White House photo op to show the world he had strong US backing.

As soon as Zelensky began thanking Trump for the Javelins, Trump said, "I would like you to do us a favor though..."

Trump held up the aid, unbeknownst to Zelensky, and as soon as the aid was mentioned, Trump immediately coupled it to the Bidens and Crowdstrike.

Prior to the phone call, there were several back channel communications between Trump, Giuliani, and Sondland and the Ukrainians about a quid pro quo for the White House get together.

Trump had to eventually release the military aid because the fiscal year was ending.

But he has yet to grant Zelensky the White House visit.
So how do you have a quid pro quo when the party supposedly recieving the quid pro quo has no idea about aid being held up?....You need a victim, and you don't have it!
I will use small words for you.

TWO quos. First, military aid. Second, White House visit.

Zelensky was aware the White House visit was being held up.

The Ukrainian military, and others, were aware the military aid was being held up.

Once Zelenksy was informed of the military aid being held up, then he would understand Trump asking for a favor was a two-fer. White House visit plus military aid in exchange for dirt on the Bidens.
Small words for YOU - You are dumb as a rock. You're welcome.
Witnesses who didn't actually witness anything themselves.
Except they did. But this is just the beginning.

Tell me, "Who witnessed Ukraine trying to influence the 2016 election?"


A Ukraine court said individuals in Ukraine put out bogus information to assist the bitch. Of course all the Americans involved won't be called because they're commiecrats. One woman, I don't recall her name, who was a DNC contractor, was the point person and had meetings at the Ukraine embassy in DC.


For your reading pleasure.

Ukraine Court Rules Manafort Disclosure Caused ‘Meddling’ in U.S. Election

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Ukrainian Embassy Confirms DNC Contractor Solicited 'Dirt On Trump' In 2016

Gee Golly gee I didn't know that, I guess your right then if Clinton did that then it is Ok for scum bag to do it.
The problem you snowflakes have is you have no credibility...for 4 years you have made false accusation after false accusation against this President and nothing to show for it....except exposed Democrat crimes.

Bill Clinton was Impeached after he was found in Contempt of Court and stripped of his license to temporarily practice law, which had nothing to do with him having yet another affair.

Barak Obama was found in Contempt of Court TWICE for disobeying federal court judge orders and found TWICE to be in Violation of the Constitution by the USSC...not to mention the crimes / violations he committed, some he openly admitted.

I am sorry FACTS and RECORDED HISTORY offends you, lil' snowflake.

Ya know, snowflakes need to be reminded that in this country we have a lot of Constitutional Rights....but the 'right' NOT to be offended is NOT one of them....


Link to Obama Contempt of court case ruling by judge?
It is disgusting that Trump committed a thoroughly corrupt act under the guise of hunting for corruption.

The man is sick in the head.

He could have been a hero for delivering missiles to Ukraine which Obama had refused to give them. Instead, he tried to use them for his own personal political gain, thus forever exposing his true motives which had nothing to do with saving Ukraine from Putin's attempts to reconstitute the Soviet Union.
All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.


^ Extortion
Not even close. So how long do you republicans plan on being disingenuous?

Food for thought. It is what our foreign policy is based on and Trump was trying to weaponized it against his domestic opposition.
  • Thanks
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Why would that be your only question?

Sound very much like a rear-guard action, and we understand why.
There are many questions I don't have time for all The closing bell is coming
No closing bell needed. Dems have been KOed and no amount of spin is worth a rat's ass
There was a KO but you have the wrong guy KOed The noose is tighter around your crooks neck What trump has done CAN'T become the new normal

Remember what I predicted yesterday?

"You have nothing. When this is over, you idiots are gonna be standing there in the spotlight with your pants down around your ankles, your limp dick in your hand, and a surprised look on your face.

And the majority of people in this country will be laughing at you like the clowns you are..."

It's happening. :21:
Once more galt ,you're wrong People are seeing your crook trump coming out of the dark People like you who are for party above country are losing

You're desperately looking for something that isn't there. There is no "there" there.

Might as well fold it up and go home.
Why would that be your only question?

Sound very much like a rear-guard action, and we understand why.
There are many questions I don't have time for all The closing bell is coming
No closing bell needed. Dems have been KOed and no amount of spin is worth a rat's ass
There was a KO but you have the wrong guy KOed The noose is tighter around your crooks neck What trump has done CAN'T become the new normal
Seriously Eddie? You honestly didn't get what happened.

Millions of people watched that and decided.
Meat I watched and never saw one of your cowards say nobody is above the law and trump wasn't interested in getting Biden investigated . He was interested in corruption Can you mention one time this pos in our WH has been interested in corruption any where else?

99.9 % of the conversation in question was about corruption that didn't involve Biden
Unless you think that he was involved in the 2016 election corruption.
It is disgusting that Trump committed a thoroughly corrupt act under the guise of hunting for corruption.

The man is sick in the head.

He could have been a hero for delivering missiles to Ukraine which Obama had refused to give them. Instead, he tried to use them for his own personal political gain, thus forever exposing his true motives which had nothing to do with saving Ukraine from Putin's attempts to reconstitute the Soviet Union.
Hey, DUMMY, no one cares what you think. You're a DIM DEM. Now go away to your safe place.
You have to have very deliberately avoided exposing yourself to a single word of testimony to believe Trump did not hold up the military aid.

You have to be a thoroughly submissive dumb fuck who parrots what he is told to parrot to repeat such a profound lie.
you do realize you republicans are all cowards and traitors for standing up to this lying sack of shit trump?

Edward is angry and desperate for a sense of validity.
No I think that you guys are

No. Actually we're laughing at you idiots. We've been saying all along this Schiff's little "impeachment" was going to be yet another big fat nothingburger, and here it is.

Hope you don't choke on it. :21:
All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.
When the Dems started praising the witness' service and going to abject conjecture, it was over. From now on it's just rear-guard action.

Well, the D's are going to have to move to Plan C then. Or is it Plan F? K? P?
2 witnesses and more to come? Not over by far. Keep on repeating yourself.
Taylor may be a career guy, so he might be safe from firing. But he shouldn't be surprised if he is sent to a duty post at an outlying consulate in the Kingdom of Shithole.
For what?
Undermining the foreign policy of the President, for starters.
You know what Trump did for Putin? Stalled long enough for Putin to move his tanks before the Ukrainians had weapons to take them out. Eventually the funds were THEN released.
Yeah, sure. Love all the evidence you brought.
The Javelin was designed to take out tanks. The Ukrainians want them, but Putin can't afford more tanks. You a f'n Russian?
So what military weapons did obama give to Ukraine? MRE'S and blankets don't count as weapons
All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.
When the Dems started praising the witness' service and going to abject conjecture, it was over. From now on it's just rear-guard action.

Well, the D's are going to have to move to Plan C then. Or is it Plan F? K? P?
2 witnesses and more to come? Not over by far. Keep on repeating yourself.
Witness to what?
you do realize you republicans are all cowards and traitors for standing up to this lying sack of shit trump?

Edward is angry and desperate for a sense of validity.
No I think that you guys are

No. Actually we're laughing at you idiots. We've been saying all along this Schiff's little "impeachment" was going to be yet another big fat nothingburger, and here it is.

Hope you don't choke on it. :21:
Hope you don't choke on the impeachment
All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.


^ Extortion
Not even close. So how long do you republicans plan on being disingenuous?

Food for thought. It is what our foreign policy is based on and Trump was trying to weaponized it against his domestic opposition.
That food as you call it sounds like what a bull dumps in the field. I suspect you think it's steak most call it bullshit. but to each their own
From what I heard, Schiff is getting desperate and may actually allow Eric Ciaramella to testify.

Here is a clip of him doing that very thing in Schiff's Underground Secret Bunker meetings.

You obviously have not read them.

Try this one, dope and report back.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist

In other words "orange man bad."

No. Not in any way, dope.
More like first hand corroboration of the WB's complaint.
Still purely opinion......

Sworn, first hand testimony, dope.
The only people with first hand testimony won't be allowed to testify.

People with first hand knowledge have already testified, dope.

Read it.
READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist

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