you do realize you republicans are all cowards and traitors for standing up to this lying sack of shit trump?

Edward is angry and desperate for a sense of validity.
No I think that you guys are

No. Actually we're laughing at you idiots. We've been saying all along this Schiff's little "impeachment" was going to be yet another big fat nothingburger, and here it is.

Hope you don't choke on it. :21:
Hope you don't choke on the impeachment
We all know what you choke on every night.
Please don't share.

The Ukraine military aid bill states that aid would be sent no later than Sept.30, Trump sent the aid on Sept.11, and there was NO INVESTIGATION of Biden by Ukraine as was alleged to a reason for the impeachment!

This legal deadline was taken care of 20 days before the deadline of the bill for military aid

Source, Kevin McCullough radio AM970 THE ANSWER

Correct! Trump released the aid within 48 hours of learning Congress had been informed of the whistleblower report. Nothing says release the military aid like, 'oh fuck, they're on to us'.

The aid to the Ukraine was released after the State Department found out it was illegal for Trump to withheld the aid.

Report: State Dept. found WH had no legal ground to block Ukraine aid
State Department lawyers found President Trump and the White House Office of Management and Budget had no legal ground to block the department sending military aid to Ukraine, Bloomberg reports.
Report: State Department found White House had no legal ground to block Ukraine aid
No Trump did not release the aid 48 hours after he learned about the whisleblower.
White House Knew of Whistle-Blower’s Allegations Soon After Trump’s Call With Ukraine Leader
Undermining the foreign policy of the President, for starters.
You know what Trump did for Putin? Stalled long enough for Putin to move his tanks before the Ukrainians had weapons to take them out. Eventually the funds were THEN released.
Yeah, sure. Love all the evidence you brought.
The Javelin was designed to take out tanks. The Ukrainians want them, but Putin can't afford more tanks. You a f'n Russian?
So what military weapons did obama give to Ukraine? MRE'S and blankets don't count as weapons
Doesn't matter and I damn sure am not going to believe what a bunch of birthers have to say about it.

The original Birthers were Barry Soetoro's literary agents, who came up with the "Born in Kenya" narrative when the boss of Honolulu's notorious Choom Gang decide to reinvent himself as the angry African SJ Warrior, Barrack Hussein Obama, and make a living as an author.

It was actually Trump who investigated and determined that was a lie.
Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.
When the Dems started praising the witness' service and going to abject conjecture, it was over. From now on it's just rear-guard action.

Well, the D's are going to have to move to Plan C then. Or is it Plan F? K? P?
2 witnesses and more to come? Not over by far. Keep on repeating yourself.
Well, if you still haven't admitted failure with the Mueller probe, no one is expecting you to lose graciously on this.
Put your hero in front of a panel and have him (DJT) answer questions if you have so much confidence in him.
Undermining the foreign policy of the President, for starters.
You know what Trump did for Putin? Stalled long enough for Putin to move his tanks before the Ukrainians had weapons to take them out. Eventually the funds were THEN released.
Yeah, sure. Love all the evidence you brought.
The Javelin was designed to take out tanks. The Ukrainians want them, but Putin can't afford more tanks. You a f'n Russian?
So what military weapons did obama give to Ukraine? MRE'S and blankets don't count as weapons
This about Trump. Right?
WELL, since Trump sold them the weapons they needed and obama didn't what was your point of bringing it up?
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.
When the Dems started praising the witness' service and going to abject conjecture, it was over. From now on it's just rear-guard action.

Well, the D's are going to have to move to Plan C then. Or is it Plan F? K? P?
2 witnesses and more to come? Not over by far. Keep on repeating yourself.
Well, if you still haven't admitted failure with the Mueller probe, no one is expecting you to lose graciously on this.

Except the Mueller investigation did not fail. If it was such a failure why didn't Trump let people testify?

All kinds of people in the WH testified for the Mueller Witch Hunt.

Just when it was over, and Trump was exonerated, he said that's it. No more witch hunts, we have work to do
The GOP defense of Trump has essentially cratered. "The Ukraine President felt no pressure" since he didn't know at the time of the phone call that the aid to Ukraine had already been withheld--and illegally to boot. The matter of Treaty-bound "investigation" was in the OP.

The withholding was illegal all by itself, and then matters go to when even hearsay is admissible, even in Court. The opening witnesses had been aware for some time that aid was being withheld, and unlawfully. The government employees assigned to Ukraine seem to have known about it. Ukraine officials seemed to know about it. Comments about it are admissible--usual federal rules of evidence.

Then if Ukraine President didn't know about the Banzai Surprise Attack already in progress: Then White House now has major explaining to do. At the moment, even hoping that the appropriations illegally not sent to Ukraine--might prompt some Russian response: Is then an appropriate inquiry. The Congress was going one way. State Department was Going a different way. Guliani was going nowhere, and Ukraine had badly equipped boots on the ground.

US Government provoking a Russian military initiative--met with a Vietnam-war like response?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Being on the phone call, but not in the room(?): Too far away to be anything other than on the phone call--asking GOP?)
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It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.
When the Dems started praising the witness' service and going to abject conjecture, it was over. From now on it's just rear-guard action.

Well, the D's are going to have to move to Plan C then. Or is it Plan F? K? P?
2 witnesses and more to come? Not over by far. Keep on repeating yourself.
Well, if you still haven't admitted failure with the Mueller probe, no one is expecting you to lose graciously on this.
Put your hero in front of a panel and have him (DJT) answer questions if you have so much confidence in him.

President Trump did answer Mueller's questions. The Mule submitted them, and Trump responded to them.
All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.


^ Extortion
Not even close. So how long do you republicans plan on being disingenuous?

Food for thought. It is what our foreign policy is based on and Trump was trying to weaponized it against his domestic opposition.

Yet Kent testified that Trumps policies on Ukraine are much better than maobamas was. Go figure. Kent also said he warned Bidens staff about Hunter.

No one asked anyone to kill anybody.

No one was harmed in the making of my conspiracy straw man. A's wife is still alive and well, but is looking for an attorney.

Evidently you are new to how world leaders negotiate thinks looking for a win win for both their nation's interests.

Getting the aid is a win for Ukraine. Something they already won, so they thought. Not sure how it was a win for them to being strong armed into announcing an investigation into the Republicans political rivals. Certainly wouldn't have been a win for the Democrat part of our country now would it?
Allies have a responsibility to expose corruption by high level government officials. You know, like a US VP getting his lightweight son a high paying job he isn't qualified for at a corrupt company and then demanding that the nation fire their prosecutor investigating the company. There is no statute of limitations on that kind of thing. It helps both nations stay above board.

The corruption occurred before Biden was hired. In the age of Trump are you suggesting that a persons name by right of birth has no monetary value? The reason everybody wanted the prosecutor fired was because the investigating into the corruption was stopped. Not because he wasn't investigating them.
I don't think I understand. This is not a criminal court and the rules of evidence is not the bar here, if that's what you're referring to.
You get that you've lost again. Dingbats, snowflakes and prigs rarely prevail...thank God.
I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

I've already responded to this about three times, so I'm done with it. You can say it 'til you're blue in the face, but the Pecker in Chief withheld military aid until Zelensky did what he wanted, which was a personal political favor.
Zelensky has not started an investigation into the 2016 election collusion between the dems or have they started an investigation into biden.
It was started 6 months before President Trump even had the phone call.
"Do this little thing for me and............."
Where did he say 'and'???? He asked for a favor. Period. NO "and". Quit fucking lying like a schiff.
He is not entitled to ask for a personal favour. The US is not a fucking banana republic.
Oh really? Please show the AMERICAN LAW that specifically states the president can't ask a favor of a foreign government.


For Christ sake, GET A CLUE.

Derp. Derp. Not a personal favor. Derp. Derp.
Did I say "PERSONAL" favor... TWIT? NO!

Reading comprehension is your friend.

No. But Trump asked for a personal favor. Dumb shit.
It is disgusting that Trump committed a thoroughly corrupt act under the guise of hunting for corruption.

The man is sick in the head.

He could have been a hero for delivering missiles to Ukraine which Obama had refused to give them. Instead, he tried to use them for his own personal political gain, thus forever exposing his true motives which had nothing to do with saving Ukraine from Putin's attempts to reconstitute the Soviet Union.
Hey, DUMMY, no one cares what you think. You're a DIM DEM. Now go away to your safe place.

Ignore the reality of the impeachment hearing, start as many lies about it as possible, and call people childish names.

Trump got his fat ass busted. Nothing can be said to reverse the hearing.

F YOU, your pony, and TRUMP.
Where did he say 'and'???? He asked for a favor. Period. NO "and". Quit fucking lying like a schiff.
He is not entitled to ask for a personal favour. The US is not a fucking banana republic.
Oh really? Please show the AMERICAN LAW that specifically states the president can't ask a favor of a foreign government.


For Christ sake, GET A CLUE.

Derp. Derp. Not a personal favor. Derp. Derp.
Did I say "PERSONAL" favor... TWIT? NO!

Reading comprehension is your friend.

No. But Trump asked for a personal favor. Dumb shit.
Sorry, but that's bull shit. Please keep your bull shit to yourself. Normal people that know the truth don't need to hear that pathetic garbage.
You know what Trump did for Putin? Stalled long enough for Putin to move his tanks before the Ukrainians had weapons to take them out. Eventually the funds were THEN released.
Yeah, sure. Love all the evidence you brought.
The Javelin was designed to take out tanks. The Ukrainians want them, but Putin can't afford more tanks. You a f'n Russian?
So what military weapons did obama give to Ukraine? MRE'S and blankets don't count as weapons
This about Trump. Right?
WELL, since Trump sold them the weapons they needed and obama didn't what was your point of bringing it up?
Are you retarded? WELL? Did I ever mention Obama in this thread? WELL? Whataboutism deluxe.
No one asked anyone to kill anybody.

No one was harmed in the making of my conspiracy straw man. A's wife is still alive and well, but is looking for an attorney.

Evidently you are new to how world leaders negotiate thinks looking for a win win for both their nation's interests.

Getting the aid is a win for Ukraine. Something they already won, so they thought. Not sure how it was a win for them to being strong armed into announcing an investigation into the Republicans political rivals. Certainly wouldn't have been a win for the Democrat part of our country now would it?
Allies have a responsibility to expose corruption by high level government officials. You know, like a US VP getting his lightweight son a high paying job he isn't qualified for at a corrupt company and then demanding that the nation fire their prosecutor investigating the company. There is no statute of limitations on that kind of thing. It helps both nations stay above board.

The corruption occurred before Biden was hired. In the age of Trump are you suggesting that a persons name by right of birth has no monetary value? The reason everybody wanted the prosecutor fired was because the investigating into the corruption was stopped. Not because he wasn't investigating them.
The corruption occurred Because Biden was hired and not so much before.
You know what Trump did for Putin? Stalled long enough for Putin to move his tanks before the Ukrainians had weapons to take them out. Eventually the funds were THEN released.
Yeah, sure. Love all the evidence you brought.
The Javelin was designed to take out tanks. The Ukrainians want them, but Putin can't afford more tanks. You a f'n Russian?
So what military weapons did obama give to Ukraine? MRE'S and blankets don't count as weapons
Doesn't matter and I damn sure am not going to believe what a bunch of birthers have to say about it.
It matters when the public is lead to believe obama aided the Ukrainians when he didn't.

It doesn't matter when lies are told about Obama by people who still call him a Kenyan.
All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.

It's called comprehension. Look it up. Trump never once mentioned any kind of threat or consideration in getting US aid. Not once. The Democrats simply made it up, because Democrats think they can read minds.

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