Republicans are screaming that it is not a valid investigation because they don’t have access to the whistleblower

Meanwhile, Republicans block access to.....

Yep, if this is such a hoax nothing would be hidden or blocked.
I would like you to do us a favor though

A direct response to a request to buy Javelin missiles. When talking about the favors, it was clear they were personal in nature.

The usual response to the mention of Javelins should have been:

"The money for assistance has been appropriated. The DoD certified that your country made the required progress, particularly with respect to fighting corruption, for the appropriated funds to be delivered. That process meanders through the bowels of the U.S. bureaucracy, but there are no remaining obstacles to the release of the funds in the coming days."

Any answer other than that would raise alarm in Ukraine, and the ask for a favor doubly so. With that, the extortion attempt is complete. The subsequent ask for investigations of Crowdstrike and the Bidens amounts to soliciting a bribe in the form of a personal political benefit - that is, bribery.

That's the abuse of power right there.
he is the voice of the oppressed, he is the lush voice of the silent majority of Americans...DONALD J TRUMP!
No he's not. He's the white racist voice and whites aren't being oppressed. He's the voice of the 30 percent.
Derp. Derp. Not a personal favor. Derp. Derp.
Did I say "PERSONAL" favor... TWIT? NO!

Reading comprehension is your friend.

No. But Trump asked for a personal favor. Dumb shit.
Sorry, but that's bull shit. Please keep your bull shit to yourself. Normal people that know the truth don't need to hear that pathetic garbage.

So sad. You believe that Trump cares about corruption in general. He just asked for announcements about investigations into Biden and Crowdstrike because he was spitballin'.

Mother fucking bad faith mother fucker.
Trump campaigned on ending DC attention...

And he then came in and became the most corrupt president in modern history.
Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.


^ Extortion
Not even close. So how long do you republicans plan on being disingenuous?

Food for thought. It is what our foreign policy is based on and Trump was trying to weaponized it against his domestic opposition.

Yet Kent testified that Trumps policies on Ukraine are much better than maobamas was. Go figure. Kent also said he warned Bidens staff about Hunter.


Which of course is completely irrelevant to the misconduct in question.
He had 20 more days, LEGALLY, YOU DUMBFUCK!

And he didn't waste any time once he knew Congress had been informed of the whistleblower. The jig was up.
If that was the case why wait TWO DAYS...WHY NOT IMMEDIATELY???

What's the rush? He had 20 more days,
Trump sent weapons. Obama sent blankets.
Trump sent weapons. Obama sent blankets.

You are truly stupid if you believe that is somehow a viable defense.
Today's media hack echo chamber blabbering point....

View attachment 289635

Mark Quigley (D): "Hearsay can be much better evidence than direct, and it's certainly valid in this instance."

:wtf:'re calling for the "first hand" witnesses like Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, etc to testify then?

Republican strategy

Block access to those with direct involvement then proclaim......all you have is hearsay
Today's media hack echo chamber blabbering point....

View attachment 289635

Mark Quigley (D): "Hearsay can be much better evidence than direct, and it's certainly valid in this instance."

:wtf:'re calling for the "first hand" witnesses like Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, etc to testify then?

Republican strategy

Block access to those with direct involvement then proclaim......all you have is hearsay
Says the lackey for the shysters who've blocked access to the whistlegossip.
I watched quite a bit of it and heard nothing but hearsay. Hearsay isn't even legal in a court of law.

All the Dems are doing is paving the way for a Trump win in 2020. What a pack of imbeciles.

Go Dems
No. Not in any way, dope.
More like first hand corroboration of the WB's complaint.
Still purely opinion......

Sworn, first hand testimony, dope.
Pure opinion, dumbass.

Still sworn testimony, dope.
Opinions are not admissible in court unless it's from an expert witness.
Call it what you will, dope.
It's still sworn, first hand testimony. If this is the extent of your defense. You've already lost.
Today's media hack echo chamber blabbering point....

View attachment 289635

Mark Quigley (D): "Hearsay can be much better evidence than direct, and it's certainly valid in this instance."

:wtf:'re calling for the "first hand" witnesses like Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, etc to testify then?

Republican strategy

Block access to those with direct involvement then proclaim......all you have is hearsay
And Trump supporters are WILLFULLY dumb enough to believe it.
You gutless Dem clowns do something about it DO IT impeach Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
/—-/ From Fox. GOP plans counter attack:
Reports have emerged that, should Trump be impeached by a majority vote in the House, Senate Republicans might strategically hold a lengthy trial to "scramble" the 2020 Democratic presidential primary -- including by requiring several of the contenders to remain in Washington to handle the trial. Trump is all but certain to be acquitted by the GOP-controlled Senate in the event of impeachment, given that a two-thirds vote is required in the Senate to remove the president.
?They were there. What kind of information would satisfy you?
They were not there, they never were with the president, they never spoke to the president,
and they never were on the phone with the president.
Either stop your lying, or get your facts straight.
They had to rely on others to formulate their opinions.
You're usually fair. Don't call me a liar, please.

You are also relying on others to formulate your opinion, I take it. Does that mean your judgment has no merit?
I don't think I understand. This is not a criminal court and the rules of evidence is not the bar here, if that's what you're referring to.
well post some facts then
You just got two and a half hours of them. You should try listening to them.
unless either person was on the call, which they weren't, all of that was their belief systems that weren't voted for. Trump's were. so you listened to fiction.

The category of literature, drama, film, or other creative work whose content is imagined and is not necessarily based on fact.
I understand your objection to Taylor's testimony, but not being on the phone call has nothing to do with whether it happened. We've got the transcript, we know what was said. As for their "belief" system not being voted for, I never heard Trump saying he didn't support Ukraine's fight against the Russian's aggression.
I watched quite a bit of it and heard nothing but hearsay. Hearsay isn't even legal in a court of law.

All the Dems are doing is paving the way for a Trump win in 2020. What a pack of imbeciles.

Go Dems
Then you don't mind if Trump stops blocking witnesses and documents.
Damn, you get dumber by the post.
The president has no such duty, dope. The president cannot prosecute anyone.
The DOJ prosecutes scum like Biden, moron, and Trump is their boss.

You have to be brain damaged not to understand such simple concepts.

The president isn't the DOJ.
Where's Barr in this equation, dope?
The President runs the DOJ, moron. He's the AG's boss. He's the boss of everyone in the DOJ.

The president cannot prosecute anyone, dope.
He can tell his AG to prosecute them, moron.
No. The evidence determines if there is to be a prosecution, dope. Not the president.
Still purely opinion......

Sworn, first hand testimony, dope.
Pure opinion, dumbass.

Still sworn testimony, dope.
Opinions are not admissible in court unless it's from an expert witness.
Call it what you will, dope.
It's still sworn, first hand testimony. If this is the extent of your defense. You've already lost.
Hearsay is not first hand testimony.
Still purely opinion......

Sworn, first hand testimony, dope.
Pure opinion, dumbass.

Still sworn testimony, dope.
Opinions are not admissible in court unless it's from an expert witness.
Call it what you will, dope.
It's still sworn, first hand testimony. If this is the extent of your defense. You've already lost.
/——/ From Fox: ... impeachment inquiry against President Trump wrapped up with no major revelations -- but also highlighted weaknesses in Democrats' key witnesses, who relied primarily on second-hand information and never once interacted with the president.

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