Trumps demands of Zelensky show intent
Link to his "demand".

Watch this dodge...............

Not only Trump, but the staff Trump told him to deal with

Read my Signature...
Are you really that stupid? Serious question.

"I would like you to do us a favor"

Is a DEMAND in your twisted, demented world?

Please............PLEASE tell us you aren't that stupid. Unless you come to your senses and admit that is in no way a "DEMAND' our only conclusion can be that you are a moron.

Your call...............
I would like you to do us a favor though

A direct response to a request to buy Javelin missiles. When talking about the favors, it was clear they were personal in nature.

The disingenuous never stops on the right.
Not even close. So how long do you republicans plan on being disingenuous?

Food for thought. It is what our foreign policy is based on and Trump was trying to weaponized it against his domestic opposition.

Yet Kent testified that Trumps policies on Ukraine are much better than maobamas was. Go figure. Kent also said he warned Bidens staff about Hunter.


Did he?

US-Russia Relations: Obama Signs Bill Giving Weapons To Ukraine, Allowing Economic Sanctions Against Russia

President Barack Obama signed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act on Thursday, but does not have immediate plans to enact the restrictions it authorizes. The law allows the U.S. to impose economic sanctions on Russia and give Ukraine up to $350 million in military aid as it resists pro-Russia rebels. The House of Representatives and Senate passed the bill earlier this week.

US-Russia Relations: Obama Signs Bill Giving Weapons To Ukraine, Allowing Economic Sanctions Against Russia

Yet maobama NEVER provided Ukraine with lethal aid, did he?

Also you seem to have jumped right over the 4 links I provided proving Ukraine intentionally interfered with the 2016 election. Why are you being such a coward? Can't admit you're wrong? Or does it just not fit your commie propaganda? Come on commie, man up.

He actually pulled some missiles out of THE UKRAINE, after he told PUTIN, "Wait until after the Election" WINK WINK, and then Putin took the Crimea.
Since that conversation was in reference to a missile defense system that got built...
Reminded me of the REO song:
Heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you’ve been messing around
The Ukraine military aid bill states that aid would be sent no later than Sept.30, Trump sent the aid on Sept.11, and there was NO INVESTIGATION of Biden by Ukraine as was alleged to a reason for the impeachment!

This legal deadline was taken care of 20 days before the deadline of the bill for military aid

Source, Kevin McCullough radio AM970 THE ANSWER

Correct! Trump released the aid within 48 hours of learning Congress had been informed of the whistleblower report. Nothing says release the military aid like, 'oh fuck, they're on to us'.

The aid to the Ukraine was released after the State Department found out it was illegal for Trump to withheld the aid.

Report: State Dept. found WH had no legal ground to block Ukraine aid
State Department lawyers found President Trump and the White House Office of Management and Budget had no legal ground to block the department sending military aid to Ukraine, Bloomberg reports.
Report: State Department found White House had no legal ground to block Ukraine aid
No Trump did not release the aid 48 hours after he learned about the whisleblower.
White House Knew of Whistle-Blower’s Allegations Soon After Trump’s Call With Ukraine Leader

I didn't say aid was released after Trump learned of the whistleblower, I said the aid was released within 48 hours of Trump learning Congress had been informed of the whistleblower complaint. If you recall, the DoJ initially buried the complaint and thought it had prevented it from being given to Congress.

That State released aid - possibly in defiance of a WH hold - is news.
Day 1:

This may come back to bite dems today's hearing pointless?

The reason I ask is, neither if these two had first hand knowledge, but only heard it from other people. That is hearsay. Now, during this portion of the events, it may make for a good show, but, hearsay is not admissible as evidence. What happens if it goes to trial in the senate, and they say that all these testimonies that rely on hearsay are to be disregarded?

Jim Jordan did make a good point to Taylor's, and that is, if he got his information second hand, how does he know the original source is not wrong, or got some facts wrong.

And I know some will say "but this is not a criminal court but a political court", doesnt matter, still cant use hearsay as evidence, people make up stuff all the time.

Both witnesses have first hand knowledge. Not of the call but of the policy to withhold aid and its effects. Both were on the ground working with the Ukrainian govt in real time. They have first hand knowledge of the efforts of Guiliani and others to obtain a public statement of an investigation from the Ukrainian govt.
Trump is President.
He's in charge.
Get over it.

There's your problem right there, a lack of education. Trump is not in charge. This is not a dictatorship. The presidency is a co-equal branch of government. Trump cannot do whatever he wants to do.

I know it can be confusing. Perhaps you are not from the USA and weren't taught this in grade school.
I understand your objection to Taylor's testimony, but not being on the phone call has nothing to do with whether it happened. We've got the transcript, we know what was said. As for their "belief" system not being voted for, I never heard Trump saying he didn't support Ukraine's fight against the Russian's aggression.

Just saying:

President Donald Trump told G7 leaders that Crimea is Russian because everyone who lives there speaks Russian, according to two diplomatic sources.​

"two diplomatic sources"


More fake news.

By the way, when did Russian occupied Crimea, and who was the president when that happen?
Link to his "demand".

Watch this dodge...............

Not only Trump, but the staff Trump told him to deal with

Read my Signature...
Are you really that stupid? Serious question.

"I would like you to do us a favor"

Is a DEMAND in your twisted, demented world?

Please............PLEASE tell us you aren't that stupid. Unless you come to your senses and admit that is in no way a "DEMAND' our only conclusion can be that you are a moron.

Your call...............
I would like you to do us a favor though

A direct response to a request to buy Javelin missiles. When talking about the favors, it was clear they were personal in nature.

The disingenuous never stops on the right.
And the suspension of logic and hypocrisy never stops on the left!
You gutless Dem clowns do something about it DO IT impeach Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
/—-/ From Fox. GOP plans counter attack:
Reports have emerged that, should Trump be impeached by a majority vote in the House, Senate Republicans might strategically hold a lengthy trial to "scramble" the 2020 Democratic presidential primary -- including by requiring several of the contenders to remain in Washington to handle the trial. Trump is all but certain to be acquitted by the GOP-controlled Senate in the event of impeachment, given that a two-thirds vote is required in the Senate to remove the president.

While that would serve them right I'm not in favor of stooping to the Dem's level.
Reminded me of the REO song:
Heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you’ve been messing around
No, the head ambassador in the Ukraine was far more informed. But since you want to make this an issue, certainly you will be petitioning Trump to stop blocking witnesses and documents.
The head Ambassador the Ukraines testimony is hardly based on hearsay. Apparently you don't mind if Trump stops blocking witnesses and documents if this is going to be your argument..

He said it himself, moron, he did not heard it himself.

Meaning of "hearsay" is not what you wish it is.
Trumps demands of Zelensky show intent
Link to his "demand".

Watch this dodge...............

Not only Trump, but the staff Trump told him to deal with

Read my Signature...
Are you really that stupid? Serious question.

"I would like you to do us a favor"

Is a DEMAND in your twisted, demented world?

Please............PLEASE tell us you aren't that stupid. Unless you come to your senses and admit that is in no way a "DEMAND' our only conclusion can be that you are a moron.

Your call...............
I would like you to do us a favor though

A direct response to a request to buy Javelin missiles. When talking about the favors, it was clear they were personal in nature.

They weren`t getting the money if they refused to fire a corrupt prosecutor. It`s not really the same as asking for a bogus investigation of a political rival. The drive to oust the crooked prosecutor was an international effort. Got anything else?
Let it happen. Let republicans take until November 1 to remind the other 70 percent of the American people who aren't "we'll do anything for Trump" suckers about how corrupt this president is.

Trump isn't corrupt stop lying. The only real corruption to emerge from this mess is the Biden's corruption.
Not only Trump, but the staff Trump told him to deal with

Read my Signature...
Are you really that stupid? Serious question.

"I would like you to do us a favor"

Is a DEMAND in your twisted, demented world?

Please............PLEASE tell us you aren't that stupid. Unless you come to your senses and admit that is in no way a "DEMAND' our only conclusion can be that you are a moron.

Your call...............
I would like you to do us a favor though

A direct response to a request to buy Javelin missiles. When talking about the favors, it was clear they were personal in nature.

The disingenuous never stops on the right.
And the suspension of logic and hypocrisy never stops on the left!
Those are other additional right wing problems.
The Ukraine military aid bill states that aid would be sent no later than Sept.30, Trump sent the aid on Sept.11, and there was NO INVESTIGATION of Biden by Ukraine as was alleged to a reason for the impeachment!

This legal deadline was taken care of 20 days before the deadline of the bill for military aid

Source, Kevin McCullough radio AM970 THE ANSWER

Correct! Trump released the aid within 48 hours of learning Congress had been informed of the whistleblower report. Nothing says release the military aid like, 'oh fuck, they're on to us'.

The aid to the Ukraine was released after the State Department found out it was illegal for Trump to withheld the aid.

Report: State Dept. found WH had no legal ground to block Ukraine aid
State Department lawyers found President Trump and the White House Office of Management and Budget had no legal ground to block the department sending military aid to Ukraine, Bloomberg reports.
Report: State Department found White House had no legal ground to block Ukraine aid
No Trump did not release the aid 48 hours after he learned about the whisleblower.
White House Knew of Whistle-Blower’s Allegations Soon After Trump’s Call With Ukraine Leader

I didn't say aid was released after Trump learned of the whistleblower, I said the aid was released within 48 hours of Trump learning Congress had been informed of the whistleblower complaint. If you recall, the DoJ initially buried the complaint and thought it had prevented it from being given to Congress.

That State released aid - possibly in defiance of a WH hold - is news.
Would 72 hours make a difference how about 96 hours?

The President had been consulting with his national security leadership team to determine the best use of Ukraine security assistance funds to achieve US national security interests,” Office of Management and Budget staff wrote in an email to House Appropriations Committee staff aides. Agencies, OMB said, “must wait to obligate them until the policy review process is complete and the President had made a final determination.
Today's media hack echo chamber blabbering point....

View attachment 289635

Mark Quigley (D): "Hearsay can be much better evidence than direct, and it's certainly valid in this instance."

:wtf:'re calling for the "first hand" witnesses like Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, etc to testify then?

Republican strategy

Block access to those with direct involvement then proclaim......all you have is hearsay
Says the lackey for the shysters who've blocked access to the whistlegossip.
Republicans pout that they can’t interview the whistleblower while they block access to Trump, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo

Republicans are not blocking access to any of them.

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