So let me get this straight:

You wasted $40 Millions Dollars of the Taxpayer's money trying to railroad the president on a false charge that you dreamed up and financed yourself in the form of The Dirty Dossier.

You launched another 20 Investigations costing the taxpayer an additional $100 Million Dollars so far. Why bother which such farces? Only Communist Countries with Totalitarian Dictators have been able to pull off framing innocent men. You have tried to block The President's Constitutional Authority to issue Executive Orders, and secure our Borders, and Form Foreign and Domestic Policy which includes Immigration, and Trade.

In your first production called "I paid Putin for Russian Collusion and all I got was a lousy T-shirt," in that Clown Show (The Mueller Investigation,) there was Zero Due Process. The President was not allowed to submit testimony, submit exculpatory evidence, cross examine any witnesses. Mueller bent over backwards to ignore the origination of The Dirty Dossier that caused the Fake Russian Collusion Investigation, so he is not much of an Investigator, and furthermore is not an honest man since he Wiped Strozk and Page's Iphones to deceive the IG in to believing that their "COUP TEXTS" were irretrievably lost.

And Mueller's team was compromised with people involved in trying to not only cover up Clinton's Crimes, but they were seriously involved in a legitimate COUP attempt, had to be fired from Mueller's team, and are all under criminal investigation now.

And Mueller, despite a team of Leftist Hacks and an Obama administration and his holdover lackeys that was spying on The President, still could not name a single crime that The President had committed. It was a monumental flop. Nielsen was too embarrassed to post the ratings.

Fast forward past that failure.

You have again an identical situation, with again no DUE PROCESS, but even worse, Schiff is rejection all GOP witness requests, both in the Secret Scam Hearings, and not The Public Hearings.

I equate The Subpoena Cannon, with Operation Latitude, known by it's common name "The Insurance Policy" All part of the same COUP, same as "Putin Hacked my Server" and "I've fallen on Impeachment and I can't get up." Life Alert isn't going to answer your call. They probably are 'Russian Assets says Hillary' Isn't everyone these days?

As we find out more and more about how deep and ugly The Deep State is, with people like Kelly, Tillerson, Ciaramella, Vindman and others all trying to obstruct The President's Policies, simply because they disagree with them, America is seeing with their own eyes what The President meant by "The Swamp".

I'd watch these Swamp Proceedings if they were fair and Due Process were allowed and both parties were allowed to state their case and fight it out right in front of us, but Schiff and Pelosi do not want that. They still want secret meetings, secret witnesses, and secret accusations that no one is permitted to challenge. They also don't want to work on Border Security, Lowering Drug Prices, Health Care, Infrastructure, or sign an Anti-Lynching Bill sponsored by The President which The GOP has been trying to get passed for 160 years and has for some inexplicable reason been voted down every time by The Democrats, which is what they did between 1870 and 1964 when they opposed for nearly 100 years Civil Rights for African Americans.

There is No point in watching a rigged game when you know the score before the kickoff. The Transcripts which Schiff was forced to release already are contradicting his planned leaks. He is running the hearings like a scared rabbit, a nervous Nellie, and quite frankly they are going to be awful. If you need a nap, feel free to tune in and listen to Schiff read you a fairy tale, but I am not going to watch that Schitt Show.

Despite a rigged game again, I predict more embarrassment for Soviet Schiff and his Comrades, only I am not going to bother giving any of my precious time to it. Trump will be re-elected no matter how many times they try to frame the man. Globalism and The Green New Scam and The Plan to Bankrupt America hit a Speed Bump. By the time Trump is re-elected I hope that not only is he going to turn that speed bump in to a wall to protect America from Socialism, Graft, and Corruption, but he'll have to build a prison to incarcerate all the criminals from the Clinton and Obama Crime Familes that have been slowly outted these past three years.

I give the Schiff Show on a scale of 1-10, 10 Rotten Tomatoes. Too bad we can't actually throw them at role' Bobble Head.
You might have hit a record for.largest number of conspiracy theories in a single post.

A conspiracy theory has no basis in fact.
Every single item in the OP is not only factual but backed up by PROOF.
I watched an hour of it was wasn't the least bit surprised. The GOPers are shredding the Dims who are doing their best to silence them.
You're beyond brain-dead.... I never said it has anything to do with Biden.
Hmmm......then who was the Trump political rival you referenced?

Watch this....................
Dumbfuck, I was talking about the treaty. It matters not what Trump wanted investigated, he was not authorized to use that treaty for any purpose.
Let me refresh your feeble memory about exactly what you said:

Trump's not authorized by that treaty to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate a political rival.

You are now claiming you were not talking about Biden, so who were you referencing?

Watch this..................
And it still doesn't matter what Trump asked to be investigated since he is not authorized by the treaty to invoke it. Something you don't know because you either didn't read the treaty or you're simply not intelligent enough to understand it.
Once again I will ask...........and you will me the part of the treaty that says corruption can't be looked into if your name is Biden.

While you are doing that, explain which political rival you were referencing if it wasn't Biden.

It sure is fun painting you into a corner. (this is where you claim I didn't paint you into a corner in a feeble attempt to ignore the two challenges in this post)
And I will tell you again, the treaty was not about Biden, try as hard as you wish to make it about him. The treaty is about Trump, who again, was not authorized to use it.

That's now twice you've asked that and twice I gave you an answer you don't like. If you keep asking you will keep getting the same answer; and you know what repeating yourself but expecting a different response symptomatic of, right? :badgrin:
No, they don't, ya lying fucking moron. They report to the president -- they don't take orders from the president. The president can fire them, but they still don't have to take orders from the president. Did you learn nothing from Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre, lying fucking moron?
Yes they do take orders from the President. That's what it means to report to him. What do you believe it means?

We can all tell our bosses to fuck off if we don't care about getting fired.
You're deranged, lying fucking moron.... :cuckoo:

From you first link:

The Department of Justice and the Special Prosecutor disagreed about whether the President, as head of the Executive Branch under Article II of the U.S. Constitution, could direct individual prosecutions if he so chose. The Supreme Court in United States v. Nixon left the issue unresolved and has never revisited it.

Your second link isn't even from this century and the third doesn't work.

But all this is, is more opinions and non-working links, good job commie, GOOD JOB!


The first link states:

The history and policy strongly suggest that, as a general matter, the Attorney General and subordinate prosecutors may not accept direction from the President but must make the ultimate decisions about how to conduct individual investigations and prosecutions, even at the risk of being fired for disobeying the President.​

Which was proven to be true by Nixon who fired multiple people who refused to follow his orders.

Age of the second link is irrelevant.

And this fixes the link to the third link:

Yeah, ya don't do what the boss says, your job may not be too secure. And your solution for the third link it to put it behind a pay wall, REALLY? BTW presidents have been directing the DOJ since Thomas Jefferson was president. Hell, Eric holder said he was maobamas wing man.

I never said presidents can't tell the DoJ what to do. I said the DoJ doesn't have to do what the president says.
The United States senate is red so you should pray that you have enough along with those six psychopaths

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I don't believe anyone really believes the Senate republicans would vote to impeach Trump regardless of the the evidence. It Trump was convicted and removed from office, the republicans would be handing the election to democrats. There are 3 republicans who have announced a run for the presidency other than Trump. If you are like most voters, you've probably never heard of any of them. They have little if any backing and stand no chance. Others could come forward, but January is a little late to start organizing a campaign and raising funds.

What is really happening is the case against Trump is being presented to the voters. I expect the House to impeach him and the Senate to conduct the shortest impeach trial in history. I doubt the impeachment will have any effect on Trump's base but certainly will have an effect on other voters.
That's exactly right. The voting public will serve, in effect, as a jury. And it all comes down to whether or not we feel the Senate is right or if they abrogated their duty. But one party is likely to win the Senate, House and White House next year.
Hmmm......then who was the Trump political rival you referenced?

Watch this....................
Dumbfuck, I was talking about the treaty. It matters not what Trump wanted investigated, he was not authorized to use that treaty for any purpose.
Let me refresh your feeble memory about exactly what you said:

Trump's not authorized by that treaty to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate a political rival.

You are now claiming you were not talking about Biden, so who were you referencing?

Watch this..................
And it still doesn't matter what Trump asked to be investigated since he is not authorized by the treaty to invoke it. Something you don't know because you either didn't read the treaty or you're simply not intelligent enough to understand it.
Shit is going to come out about Burisma,
the fallout in Ukraine began 48 hours ago

Hope you're intelligent enough to understand and follow along
It dropped several hours ago and it's devastating!

HUGE! EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL: Documents Released by Ukrainian General Prosecutor's Office Reveal MILLIONS Funneled to Hunter Biden and the John Kerry Family

BREAKING: A large cache of confidential foreign documents have just been leaked implicating Joe Biden, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Joseph Misfud's collusion and possible criminal activity in Ukraine.
Looks like annual bonuses, probably went to all board members. Your point is...?
The United States senate is red so you should pray that you have enough along with those six psychopaths

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I don't believe anyone really believes the Senate republicans would vote to impeach Trump regardless of the the evidence. It Trump was convicted and removed from office, the republicans would be handing the election to democrats. There are 3 republicans who have announced a run for the presidency other than Trump. If you are like most voters, you've probably never heard of any of them. They have little if any backing and stand no chance. Others could come forward, but January is a little late to start organizing a campaign and raising funds.

What is really happening is the case against Trump is being presented to the voters. I expect the House to impeach him and the Senate to conduct the shortest impeach trial in history. I doubt the impeachment will have any effect on Trump's base but certainly will have an effect on other voters.
That's exactly right. The voting public will serve, in effect, as a jury. And it all comes down to whether or not we feel the Senate is right or if they abrogated their duty. But one party is likely to win the Senate, House and White House next year.
That's not necessarily what it comes down to at all. You're assuming that House Democrats will vote to impeach and I don't think a majority is stupid enough to crawl out on that skinny limb. There's just no proof of any crime.
The United States senate is red so you should pray that you have enough along with those six psychopaths

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I don't believe anyone really believes the Senate republicans would vote to impeach Trump regardless of the the evidence. It Trump was convicted and removed from office, the republicans would be handing the election to democrats. There are 3 republicans who have announced a run for the presidency other than Trump. If you are like most voters, you've probably never heard of any of them. They have little if any backing and stand no chance. Others could come forward, but January is a little late to start organizing a campaign and raising funds.

What is really happening is the case against Trump is being presented to the voters. I expect the House to impeach him and the Senate to conduct the shortest impeach trial in history. I doubt the impeachment will have any effect on Trump's base but certainly will have an effect on other voters.
That's exactly right. The voting public will serve, in effect, as a jury. And it all comes down to whether or not we feel the Senate is right or if they abrogated their duty. But one party is likely to win the Senate, House and White House next year.
That's not necessarily what it comes down to at all. You're assuming that House Democrats will vote to impeach and I don't think a majority is stupid enough to crawl out on that skinny limb. There's just no proof of any crime.
Sure there is. Trump himself unwittingly confessed he solicited a foreign national to help with his campaign by opening up an investigation into a political rival. That in itself is a crinme.
After yesterday's massive FAIL, I can't wait to see what today's meltdown will bring for Schiff and his fellow traitors...
The question of whether or not Trump is guilty isn't up for debate anymore. He's clearly guilty.

The question is if Republicans care.
Can you quote something that Trump is "clearly guilty" of, besides being your political opponent, in regard to the impeachment?

This is an allegation, not a quote.

The reason you "overlooked" the part of my post that specifically asks for a "quote", is because you CANNOT quote something that he is clearly guilty of. You saw that I asked specifically for a quote, and you would have posted a quote, but there is nothing to quote.

I've already provided you a quote in your other retarded thread and you abandoned ship faster than Trump throws his associates under the bus.
Jesus, after the devastating failure and butthurt embarrassment of the Mueller failure to support the Russia Hoax, some moron has his avatar. :p
I am asking for information from folks who have more experience with this forum. Does anybody know if lefties are the ones responsible for taking the dozens of impeachment threads and dumping them all into a great big thread merge dumpster? I am all caught up with what the news of the day now, but I had to go to another forum to see all the different threads about the shiff show. Are the staff of usmb trying to hide how bad lefties looked at the shiff show today by censoring the DOZENS of shiff show threads that should exist here into this huge thread merge dumpster? Any info from the folks who are more familiar with this would be appreciated. This is the only board I have found that doesn't have the MANY threads required to properly encompass the shiff show.

Damn. RW nutbag Trombies sure are easily confused.
I am asking for information from folks who have more experience with this forum. Does anybody know if lefties are the ones responsible for taking the dozens of impeachment threads and dumping them all into a great big thread merge dumpster? I am all caught up with what the news of the day now, but I had to go to another forum to see all the different threads about the shiff show. Are the staff of usmb trying to hide how bad lefties looked at the shiff show today by censoring the DOZENS of shiff show threads that should exist here into this huge thread merge dumpster? Any info from the folks who are more familiar with this would be appreciated. This is the only board I have found that doesn't have the MANY threads required to properly encompass the shiff show.
I'm guessing staff is trying to hide just how bad it was for Dimwingers today. There was a mass consolidation of impeachment threads, many of which were on other boards and have been around for days.

I wonder if the same approach will be taken with all the anti-Trump threads. Will they all be consolidated into one thread?

Trombies and other RW nutbags are professional victims.
Something we can say with confidence:

None of the Dem candidates will get in front of a mic and say:

"Russia, if you have the recording of Trump discussing his crime with Sondland, the media will reward you bigly if you release it"
I am asking for information from folks who have more experience with this forum. Does anybody know if lefties are the ones responsible for taking the dozens of impeachment threads and dumping them all into a great big thread merge dumpster? I am all caught up with what the news of the day now, but I had to go to another forum to see all the different threads about the shiff show. Are the staff of usmb trying to hide how bad lefties looked at the shiff show today by censoring the DOZENS of shiff show threads that should exist here into this huge thread merge dumpster? Any info from the folks who are more familiar with this would be appreciated. This is the only board I have found that doesn't have the MANY threads required to properly encompass the shiff show.
I'm guessing staff is trying to hide just how bad it was for Dimwingers today. There was a mass consolidation of impeachment threads, many of which were on other boards and have been around for days.

I wonder if the same approach will be taken with all the anti-Trump threads. Will they all be consolidated into one thread?

Trombies and other RW nutbags are professional victims.

Yep. They are, to be more precise, the victims of egregious shenanigans set in motion by one MarathonMike, who complained about the space multiple impeachment threads were taking up: ENOUGH! 20 Impeachment threads already!

So yeah, typical liberal hiding tactics.
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Democrats have yet to prove intent. I ll wait patiently.

Trumps demands of Zelensky show intent
Link to his "demand".

Watch this dodge...............

Not only Trump, but the staff Trump told him to deal with

Read my Signature...
Are you really that stupid? Serious question.

"I would like you to do us a favor"

Is a DEMAND in your twisted, demented world?

Please............PLEASE tell us you aren't that stupid. Unless you come to your senses and admit that is in no way a "DEMAND' our only conclusion can be that you are a moron.

Your call...............
I would like you to do us a favor though

A direct response to a request to buy Javelin missiles. When talking about the favors, it was clear they were personal in nature.
Eisenhower sent aid and advisors . So who's war is it then. Your scum ball leader is going down and his followers are going back under the rocks they came from. You won't be able to turn this country into a dictatorship as you want and we won't let you piss on our flag and constitution. We have the military and the majority so your threats with all you guns is comical . We will have you run over with your 32 guns on your back with a tank. You can't have my country. God Bless America

What makes you think you have the tank?
Simply because the military has a oath to protect our democracy

We are not a democracy, but a Republic, and you people are trying to destroy it.

You might at least learn what it is that you're trying to destroy.
We know what we are, that's why we oppose Trump.

Actually, you haven't a clue. You lack historical background. Otherwise you would not be what you are.

My historical background is far, far better than yours. That's why I oppose Trump.
Republicans are screaming that it is not a valid investigation because they don’t have access to the whistleblower

Meanwhile, Republicans block access to.....

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