Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

Couldn't wade through the entire thread.
It is such well-plowed ground.

Poster 'Winco' said it more succinctly than any. To wit:

Babbitt made a terrible mistake and her mistake led to her death.
.......If she doesn't breach that window, she doesn't die.
True that.
Bad mistakes kill people every day.

The barricade was violently smashed by her cohort of mobsters!
She was warned away! Warned to stop! Loudly. Repeatedly.
She was warned a gun was pointed at the barricade! Loudly. Repeatedly.
She jumped into the broken barricade (the
'terrible mistake', poster Winco refers to.)

Her decision cost her her life.
It's on her.
May she rest in peace, and her family find peace.

in a secret behind closed doors meeting of anonymous government officials who whitewashed the whole matter.

Poster Arthur, I sincerely believe that you are more aware of how the world prosecutors do their job....than your poor avatar does.
Your avatar is making you look bad. A dunce. A dense dunce.

Prosecutors today, yesterday, every day......make decisions on whether to prosecute individuals involved in a homicide.
And yeah, they do it behind closed doors. Duh! your avatar, he's making you look bad. Or worse.

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