Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

That's because the fight seemed to go out of them after Ashli was shot which resulted in them no longer trying to advance.

They certainly didn't try going through the window again.
She was the only one that attempted that and it was obviously not possible to crawl through that window and the doors were locked and a barricade was up with several cops behind it. They obviously had nowhere to go and not even to mention though it has been mentioned many times there were as many cops in that space as there were protestors.
No one ever heard of her before she was shot so spare me. She was a dirtbag that mooched off the military. She was like e-4 or e-5 and had years in the military. Ultimately she was a traitor which is even more egregious because she wore the uniform. The final note is that she is a dead traitor now.
What I always found strange was that she was like a 12 year Vet. Retirement is d0 years. SOMETHING happened for her to leave the service with that much time in
Ya fuckin think??? But then it's what he wanted then to do. "Will be WILD@!"

She was a nutjob who fell down the QAnon rabbit hole
No she was an ordinary American with a good record of service.
When you get shot your momentum tends to go backwards and all the formerly brave clowns turn into pussies which also stops their momentum. Its a good thing she is dead.
Blood spatter on the wall tends to unnerve the uninitiated. They tend to scatter. It’s a very well known tactic to redirect your adversaries. It buys your team time to move and do what they need to. If any of these yahoos had any balls at all they would recognize the effectiveness of such a tactic.
What I always found strange was that she was like a 12 year Vet. Retirement is d0 years. SOMETHING happened for her to leave the service with that much time in
Lots of people put in years and leave before retirement time nothing unusual about that.
Blood spatter on the wall tends to unnerve the uninitiated. They tend to scatter. It’s a very well known tactic to redirect your adversaries. It buys your team time to move and do what they need to. If any of these yahoos had any balls at all they would recognize the effectiveness of such a tactic.
Shock and awe. Learned that in the 6th grade.
Because she got shot in the face and stopped those rioters in their tracks

Good on this guy
Did you know taking the life of another human being is against the law?
Your reasoning will not impress a judge.

Your rationalizations don't mean crap! You're a sick fucker!
ALWAYS? Under any circumstance?

Go sit in the corner stupid
Not in cases of self defense. And even then the judge will want to see evidence your own life was in
danger. You don't to murder others because it will scare some people.

Some things are so self evident even dumb fucks like you and your fellow fans of murder get it.

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