Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

No. The videos have been posted dozens of times. You’ll just lie and cry and dismiss it anyway. Asshole? That’s you and yours you lying moron. Perhaps see an eye doctor.
The videos prove you're lying. That's why you won't post any showing what you claim. Because you can't.

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backup remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out. There is only one cop remaining, standing near the top of the stairs. All the other cops are down the stairs.

Byrd was in plain site with his gun drawn and pointed in her direction. Babbitt was all the way to the right of the hallway. Even from the camera view of the first video, Byrd's drawn gun was in plain site. From the other direction, where Babbitt was, and there's a second video that shows it, Byrd is in plain site as well. But in both videos, his arm and gun were plainly visible. She knew the threat and chose to ignore it. She thought he was bluffing and she called... and lost.
Michael Brown and George Floyd got what they deserved too then. Release Derek Chauvin.
All I am reading is you talking shit on the internet. Youre a fucking joke. A pathetic piece of shit trying to ride for a dumb bitch that got smoked doing what you were afraid to do. :lol:
What a tantrum Asslips is throwing. Going to hold your breath next?
Sorry bitch. I took a screen shot of this and reported you to the FBI. This is a direct threat. Watch your back.

"Remember this when we start shooting you savages In the street for burning and looting. "
No you didn’t. There are screenshots of YOU attempting to get somebody to commit murder and break somebody out of prison.
Note that Asslips doesn’t tell anybody where to find him. Don’t worry mommy will hide you in the basement.

26:55. this is the House Chamber, NOT where Babbitt breached (tried and died) the window.
27:09. Babbitt leads/follows (does it really matter, lol) to a different way to get in.
27:18. Babbitt is one of the first to arrive at the rear of the house (where she entered and died)
27:30. They see the lawmakers retreating, you also see 3 unprotected officers ( no riot gear) and a security officer stand guard.
28:03. Four Armed and protected officers come to (help/aide/replace) the other 4 mentioned at ........27:30
28:09. This bad situation allows the attackers/insurrectionists to smash the windows.
28:23. Warnings from Insurrectionists of "There's a Gun". "He has a Gun"
........this is on Babbitts side of the window. She was warned.
28:34. Babbitt commits a crime, she was warned, I've heard many times. STOP when warned.
28:39. Babbitt is shot and falls, there are NO officers visible in the video. It's unclear, are those arriving officers on the stairs.


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