Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

No. The videos have been posted dozens of times. You’ll just lie and cry and dismiss it anyway. Asshole? That’s you and yours you lying moron. Perhaps see an eye doctor.
I know, I've posted the video, a day of rage.
I've watched it 50+ times.

I asked you to time stamp the video of the officers "IN THE ROOM" and you refuse to do it?
Why, because you are wrong, and your ONLY defense is to pull a trump, call it FAKE NEWS and lie.

Show us the officers "IN THE ROOM"
We can tell from your comments you have shaken baby syndrome. People despised Drumpf just that much. They would have voted for the local dog catcher over Drumpf. I know it sucks for you Drumpf dick suckers but you need to get over it. Drumpf lost because Biden simply whipped his ass in the election.
Fuck off you piece of shit. You aren’t fit to lick Babitt’s shoes you scum. Keep hiding like the coward you are. Karma will take of this murdering sleaze.
Nope. Keep lying. He was never threatened. The three cops IN THE ROOM with Babbitt saw no threat. He’s a coward and a murderer. Period.
Byrd was in plain site with his gun drawn and pointed in her direction. Babbitt was all the way to the right of the hallway. Even from the camera view of the first video, Byrd's drawn gun was in plain site. From the other direction, where Babbitt was, and there's a second video that shows it, Byrd is in plain site as well. But in both videos, his arm and gun were plainly visible. She knew the threat and chose to ignore it. She thought he was bluffing and she called... and lost.
I know, I've posted the video, a day of rage.
I've watched it 50+ times.

I asked you to time stamp the video of the officers "IN THE ROOM" and you refuse to do it?
Why, because you are wrong, and your ONLY defense is to pull a trump, call it FAKE NEWS and lie.

Show us the officers "IN THE ROOM"
A heavily edited video is your “proof”. Hahahahaha! Already been shown blind boy.
Byrd was in plain site with his gun drawn and pointed in her direction. Babbitt was all the way to the right of the hallway. Even from the camera view of the first video, Byrd's drawn gun was in plain site. From the other direction, where Babbitt was, and there's a second video that shows it, Byrd is in plain site as well. But in both videos, his arm and gun were plainly visible. She knew the threat and chose to ignore it. She thought he was bluffing and she called... and lost.
Pathetic spin attempt. No warning. Shoot then run like a bitch. Murder. Period. Another one okay with murder. Noted for when we start mowing down BLM rioters.
Pathetic spin attempt. No warning. Shoot then run like a bitch. Murder. Period. Another one okay with murder. Noted for when we start mowing down BLM rioters.
The bitch is dead. If you were about it you would have already done something. Stop stalling you gutless bitch.
Try what? You havent done shit except infect your keyboard with covid talking shit on the internet.
Learn to read coward. Ironic statement from an asshole hiding in mommy’s basement. Though good of you to admit your cowardice.
Sorry you are perplexed. It must be because I have a sense of right and wrong, and following
the law whereas you don't seem to.

My Constitution and government will survive the actions of angry mobs, like BLM or this
1/6 attack which seems to be made up in large part by FBI informants and agent provocateurs
as well as outraged Trump supporters who saw the election stolen away.

To think Joe Biden, an unloved candidate no one seemed to be enthused about (we see why considering
how he has really fucked up in Afghanistan) gained more votes than Barack Obama did.
It's mind boggling.

What it will not survive is the police murdering citizens (unarmed citizens) and then exonerating them
in a private closed door whitewash session conducted in by Joe Biden's (In)Justice Department
(which is one hand washing the other).

Think what a precedent this sets for future killings cleared in anti judicial courts away from any examination or review. What you want and approve of is Soviet Union style "justice".
The state clearing the state in backroom deals.

Ashli Babbitt was hardly a "terrorist thug" (retired Air Force corpsman) though it
props up your lies and b.s. to claim she was.
The real injustice is if Michael Byrd isn't grilled in an open courtroom and has to pay
for pure murder he committed.

You aren't fit to lick Babbett's shoes. Your repugnant posts prove that.
You're right that Babbitt wasn't a terrorist thug. She was, though, an indiot tool, manipulated by the FBI and their agents that planned and instigated the violent attack. She was stupid enough to fall into the trap of the FBI and she paid the price. That's why the phrase " play stupid games, win stupid prizes" fits here so well. If you want to blame someone, blame Christopher Wray. Blame the FBI. Blame Pelosi. But Michael Byrd is a hero.

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