Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

So murder is now an acceptable form of protection?

Look at the video in #458. When Babbett is shot and falls to the ground Capitol police are standing there.

The shooting was 100% unnecessary and a cowardly act of murder.

You are cheer leading for a lie! You can shove those lies up your ass!

I cannot believe that you are as naive as you sound. Your own elected government and your own Constitution got attacked by a terrorist mob and you attempt to defend it. Stunning. I caannot mourn a terrorist thug.
Yea...well in order to do that that they had to beat the shit out of cops and blow out doors and windows.
FUCK what they wanted and fuck you.

And that whole "Hang Mike Pence" chant kinda puts the lie you your bullshit

So does the gallows they built outside the capitol.

They built it then went into the capitol screaming HANG MIKE PENCE!

Utter bullshit! A complete lie. Contemptible dishonesty.
I hope he winds up so deep in debt he never sees the light of day again.
That will never happen. Can you imagine how many talk shows and interview requests he is going to get? :lol:
I cannot believe that you are as naive as you sound. Your own elected government and your own Constitution got attacked by a terrorist mob and you attempt to defend it. Stunning. I caannot mourn a terrorist thug.
Sorry you are perplexed. It must be because I have a sense of right and wrong, and following
the law whereas you don't seem to.

My Constitution and government will survive the actions of angry mobs, like BLM or this
1/6 attack which seems to be made up in large part by FBI informants and agent provocateurs
as well as outraged Trump supporters who saw the election stolen away.

To think Joe Biden, an unloved candidate no one seemed to be enthused about (we see why considering
how he has really fucked up in Afghanistan) gained more votes than Barack Obama did.
It's mind boggling.

What it will not survive is the police murdering citizens (unarmed citizens) and then exonerating them
in a private closed door whitewash session conducted in by Joe Biden's (In)Justice Department
(which is one hand washing the other).

Think what a precedent this sets for future killings cleared in anti judicial courts away from any examination or review. What you want and approve of is Soviet Union style "justice".
The state clearing the state in backroom deals.

Ashli Babbitt was hardly a "terrorist thug" (retired Air Force corpsman) though it
props up your lies and b.s. to claim she was.
The real injustice is if Michael Byrd isn't grilled in an open courtroom and has to pay
for pure murder he committed.

You aren't fit to lick Babbett's shoes. Your repugnant posts prove that.
You should be the attorney at the criminal trial.

My bad. He was already cleared. Never mind. :auiqs.jpg:
There's no statute of limitations for murder. It's "cleared for now".

I still see it getting mercilessly shit-dicked by federal convicts at some point in the future.... unless it gets offed or kills itself....

The family needs to take every fucking penny that shit beast has.... first things first....

She didnt just disagree. She attacked the capitol in a insurrection to deprive me of my vote. For that the bitch deserved to die. So guess what? She did.
George Floyd, Michael Brown deserved to die, she didn't. You're an idiot. Monkey man.
And I know you must have failed all your courses in which you were required to contrast and compare two different items or situations because you aren't bright enough to be able to discern the differences between the U.S. Constitutionally protected act of protesting and the criminal acts which Babbitt and the mob were engaged in at the time she lost her life. On second thought, maybe you never had any classes that required you to think that hard, that would explain a lot.

On the other hand, you make it sound as if you believe the upcoming trial is going to be a criminal proceeding. Just like you all are anxiously awaiting what the Babbitt attorney will reveal during the proceedings, you act as if the officer's attorney doesn't also have the ability to summon witnesses and subpoena records, etc.

You know what I think would be REALLY funny? If his attorney received a gift wrapped package of all the identities of the people making threats upon the officer and his family's lives right here on U.S. Message Board. Don't you think that would be a hoot? I do.

Thanks "Chris" :)
I suppose you support the criminal blm and antifa riots which are unconstitutional?

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