Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

I don't care which way you swing. Suck it on principle!

Wrong, jackass! Look at the video I've posted several times now. The Capitol police were at the top of the stairs in numbers shortly after Ashli was assassinated!
And how does arriving at the top of the stairs, the only way to that door and window, "the wrong way"?

You're just a clueless immoral liar.
And how did the cop that shot Babbitt know that reinforcements would arrive in a few seconds? He made his decision based on what was in front of him at that moment, not what would be behind him later. And, had those other cops arrived sooner, they likely would have just added to the shots Babbitt took.

She breached a secured area, an area secured for the protection of life, not just physical security of offices. And she absolutely knew the cop was there with his gun drawn. He was in plain site. She thought she was dealing with the pussy cops in Portland or Seattle. She was not.
Really? You talked to them?


They said that somewhere?


You're talkin out yer ass again?

You are one ignorant moron. Did any of those officer IN THERE with Babbitt shoot idiot? Think before opening your pie hole lush. Haven’t embarrassed yourself enough here yet have you? Facts. Something you and everybody agreeing with you ignore.
If necessary to protect the lives of others or his own, yes, most definitely.

Why do you think they carry guns?!? They're not fashion accessories.
Still lying. This cowardly shitstain’s life was not in danger. Your ignorance is just astounding. Notice you run away from the fact that officers next to Babbitt did not fire.
Murder is now appropriate. Good to know. By the way lush there were no legislators in that room. Next lie....
Bullshit. There was nothing between those legislators and those rioters after that barricade except unlocked doors. The House Chamber doors were in SIGHT of that incident and many were still in there.
3 cops?

The ones coming up the stairs to replace the ones that left?
Where they supposed to arrest her BEFORE she jumped into the window?
You make no sense.
Best to keep your mouth shut rather than than show how dumb you are. The officers IN THE ROOM with Babbitt did not fire idiot. Another leftard okay with murder. Noted.
Idiot! You think those cops were there for a picnic? You've posted the most fucking idiotic
thing anyone has so far spewed out.
What an absolute imbecile!

They weren't there when Babbitt was shot, remember? Byrd responded to the present; he couldn't predict the future, even a few seconds into the future. You're arguing like a leftist; no logic, no reason, and repeating stuff that just does not make sense.
Bullshit. There was nothing between those legislators and those rioters after that barricade except unlocked doors. The House Chamber doors were in SIGHT of that incident and many were still in there.
Hahahah! Poor little lying LUSH. There were no legislators in that room dumbfuck. Were you there? NO. Did you talk to a legislator? NO. Are you lying out your ass again. YES.
I think you're the person on drugs here.

I also think you are too much of a dishonest and cowardly person to click the link below:

That was not just a mob but a very angry mob that literally punched and smashed windows that ashli tried to go through.

No, it’s been very well established that YOU are an ignorant, cowardly, no facts ever liar.
Best to keep your mouth shut rather than than show how dumb you are. The officers IN THE ROOM with Babbitt did not fire idiot. Another leftard okay with murder. Noted.
None had a clear shot at her when she climbed up into that window frame.
Watch the video, stooge! You know, your stupidity is offensive and tiresome to me.
I don't have to put up with such ape feces.
You need to watch the video. The cops on Babbitt's side of the door were overpowered and moved for their own safety. The crowd is on video with members of the crowd screaming to kill the cops and kill the cops with the cops' own guns.

Babbitt was shot coming through the window; she was only going to be the first out-of-control rioter with no regard to the calls of the cops on both sides of the door for them to stop. Following Babbitt, especially had she been allowed to enter without a response, would have been dozens more. Dozens of rioters some calling for violence, regardless of what the others intended. Remember your own statements about the violent rioters in the Antifa/BLM riots?

It was a violent riot. Everyone who didn't stand down was a violent rioter. Babbitt was a violent rioter. Whether she intended to be violent herself, she was part of the violent riot and was supporting and enabling them. Does the getaway driver in a gang shooting intend to do the shooting? No; but he's as guilty as those who did.
Best to keep your mouth shut rather than than show how dumb you are. The officers IN THE ROOM with Babbitt did not fire idiot. Another leftard okay with murder. Noted.
There is video.
Show us where (time stamp) of the officers you are talking about.
From the video, Byrd was the Officer in the other room, the one Babbitt was attempting to get into, with direct access to the congress members.
Whereas there are NO officers within view, I don't know, I don't see these officers you claim are "IN THE ROOM" with Babbitt.

Can you quit being an asshole, and just point out which officers you are referring too, and what is the time stamp on the video.

It's an easy question, just provide the video proof, with time stamp, of what you claim.
And try Not to deflect.
Murder is a legal term you get charged with after committing a criminal homicide you fucking idiot. :lol:

Yes homicide is an acceptable form of protection. If you want to test that last sentence, fuck around and find out.
Like a cowardly shitstain like you would do anything but run away and cry once we call your bluff Asslips.
There is video.
Show us where (time stamp) of the officers you are talking about.
From the video, Byrd was the Officer in the other room, the one Babbitt was attempting to get into, with direct access to the congress members.
Whereas there are NO officers within view, I don't know, I don't see these officers you claim are "IN THE ROOM" with Babbitt.

Can you quit being an asshole, and just point out which officers you are referring too, and what is the time stamp on the video.

It's an easy question, just provide the video proof, with time stamp, of what you claim.
And try Not to deflect.
No. The videos have been posted dozens of times. You’ll just lie and cry and dismiss it anyway. Asshole? That’s you and yours you lying moron. Perhaps see an eye doctor.
Babbitt was shot coming through the window; she was only going to be the first out-of-control rioter with no regard to the calls of the cops on both sides of the door for them to stop. Following Babbitt, especially had she been allowed to enter without a response, would have been dozens more. Dozens of rioters some calling for violence, regardless of what the others intended. Remember your own statements about the violent rioters in the Antifa/BLM riots?
This ^^^^^ is so FACTUAL and cannot be disputed.
Yet these trump supporters and supporter of a military traitor, keep finding ways to spin the FACTS.

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