Officers, what are you, MORAL BASTARDS? asks Spiritual Leader of Russia Shiahumen Sergey (Romanov).How you can bomb cities in the order of Putin?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Putin is ready to bomb Russian cities in the case of revolution against his dictatoship.

Translation from Russian


Adm. Red. - Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Listen to Father Sergius and understand who Satanist Putin has turned our army into, our officers, who openly declare that if this anti-Christian "moth" orders, they will kill their loved ones, their parents, brothers and sisters.
What else should Putler and his Hagal do so that people understand that a merciless war for complete destruction is being waged against us?! Either we are theirs, or they are ours! There's no other way! He who has reason, let him have reason!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!
Dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters!
An ominous episode in our modern life. Officer, Senior Lieutenant Pavel Bulatovich Alkin asked his fellow officers a question: "Will you bomb the settlements where your relatives and friends are?
They replied: "If ordered, we will."
"But where are your fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, children?"
"If the Homeland gives the order, we will carry out the order."
Officers, what are you, bastards? Moral bastards? Bastards? Moral bastards? The devils in the flesh? You're worse than demons, you're the abomination of the Russian land, your homeland is hell, your father is the devil.
Fathers, mothers, you send your favorite sons to the army. Which of them are the Putins, Shoigu and their entourage? Artificial intelligence without pity or compassion.
I declare to you, Antichrist, with the Putins and the Hundians. Gundyaev, you will die like Nicodemus Roth at the feet of your master antichrist. Putin, you can't beat the word. Putin, you will not come to repentance. Your participation in the wrath of God's people and your days are numbered, you are weighed and found light. I remind all those who suffer fear, panic, silence, no matter what happens. God will come to judge the living and the dead.
Gundyaev, Putin, what name did you get at the Baptism and what have you become? Judas who betray Christ and the people of God. I showed you hellfire for your reasoning. Get up, the country is huge, get up for a mortal battle, with Khazar power dark, with a cursed horde.
Repentance, like faith, is dead without cause. The king is coming. Traitors and traitors await the fate, which was prophesied by Reverend Father Seraphim of Sarov miracle worker.
To God our Glory, always now and forever and ever. Amen to .

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