Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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All this moaning and groaning is for nothing. Biden and Harris are neocons. They aren’t going to do much different from Don. Though they are likely to get us into more wars. Otherwise, nothing changes.
I think looking at US foreign policy in a simplistic perspective of war vs no war is not very useful.
All this moaning and groaning is for nothing. Biden and Harris are neocons. They aren’t going to do much different from Don. Though they are likely to get us into more wars. Otherwise, nothing changes.
I think looking at US foreign policy in a simplistic perspective of war vs no war is not very useful.
Lol. War is never simplistic. It’s the worst thing any potus can do.
Lol. War is never simplistic. It’s the worst thing any potus can do.
War isn’t simplistic, but it’s a small fragment of US foreign policy. Failing to consider the full scope is simplistic.
Finish the damn vote counts!
Nope-----------file criminal charges for voter fraud instead and take up to the supreme court.

Funny thing about courts, supreme or otherwise. They tend to require shit like what's called "evidence". And "standing".

That means you can't just file frivolous shit on the basis of "I'm butthurt".

Butthurt? you wish it was just butthurt---I see voter fraud----

DO ya now.



and I see a clear double dip recession coming......

Yes, I see the FACTS..........despite the hype and spin that others like to put out there.

Might wanna change your watch battery. That happened like eight months ago.
Here is a fact and Biden is most likely will have 75+ million votes and Trump will most likely will finish with 72+ million votes and that is really impressive that so many people voted!

I doubt this will ever be replicated unless we go with voting via Android and Apple Phones along with in person voting...
I hope we never have a need to replicate it. It wasn't easy cleaning up this mistake, and we're not quite done. Like those cockroaches that will survive nuclear war, he's still there, making as much noise and mayhem as possible.. Christ, will I be glad when January 20 gets here, because I highly doubt we will have a moment of peace until then.

oh, it’s not going to stop there, we remember the past 4 years.
This pretty much sums it up:

View attachment 413140

And this pretty much sums the above up:


-- which in turn is summed up by:

... leaving us with Lord Buckley's inimitable wisdom of long ago:
"IF you get to it and you can NOT do it.... there you jolly well are (whew) ... aren't you"

Then you should have no problem letting them audit the vote.

Which nobody does, speaking of strawmen nobody brought up.

FUCK outta here.
This pretty much sums it up:

View attachment 413140

And this pretty much sums the above up:


-- which in turn is summed up by:

... leaving us with Lord Buckley's inimitable wisdom of long ago:
"IF you get to it and you can NOT do it.... there you jolly well are (whew) ... aren't you"

Then you should have no problem letting them audit the vote.

Which nobody does, speaking of strawmen nobody brought up.

FUCK outta here.

If you support 6 corrupt Democratic cities, who stuffed the vote tallies with fraudulent ballots, deciding the outcome of the election, then you're not really for representative Democracy, bub.
This pretty much sums it up:

View attachment 413140

And this pretty much sums the above up:


-- which in turn is summed up by:

... leaving us with Lord Buckley's inimitable wisdom of long ago:
"IF you get to it and you can NOT do it.... there you jolly well are (whew) ... aren't you"

Only to the Globalist Socialist Corruptocrats, bub.

Haha, you misspelled "the courts".

It's funny how the TDS is now even worse. Get help. ObabbleCare is there for you!
This pretty much sums it up:

View attachment 413140

And this pretty much sums the above up:


-- which in turn is summed up by:

... leaving us with Lord Buckley's inimitable wisdom of long ago:
"IF you get to it and you can NOT do it.... there you jolly well are (whew) ... aren't you"

Then you should have no problem letting them audit the vote.

Which nobody does, speaking of strawmen nobody brought up.

FUCK outta here.

If you support 6 corrupt Democratic cities, who stuffed the vote tallies with fraudulent ballots, deciding the outcome of the election, then you're not really for representative Democracy, bub.

"Democratic cities" :laughing0301:

Derailed in the first phrase, followed by a case of Ipse Dixit beer. Two funny.

And sad at the same time to watch the child psychology of "waaah, if the game doesn't go my way it's 'fraud' waaah"
Rudy is on louder with Crowder. he says the intermingled votes that were ordered to be counted separately can be tracked. Crowder also presents obituaries with the vote.

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