Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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blatant voter fraud
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Don’t forget to pray for your new president, Joe Biden, chosen by God.

I understand he will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created.
Surpassing President Barack Hussein Obama in the jobs created department is a tall order, but with God’s hand on his shoulder all things are possible.

Did you know that Obama, Clinton, and even Shrub had better job creation numbers in their first term than Three Putt Donny?
Syntho-homo SEZ???? "My beloved obamamonkey created MANY jobs like census workers and they paid really good do you hear me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Dude, seriously, you are a fucking joke......China ran roughshod over Americans. The Clintons opened up the patent to the Chi-coms and gave them a deep sea water port in California. Hacking by the Chi-coms wasn't meant by any response of the Bush clan or the Barrypuppet. Biden is a joke and there is nothing Pedo Joe proposes that could ever make me view this pervert with anything other than disdain.
blatant voter fraud
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Don’t forget to pray for your new president, Joe Biden, chosen by God.

I understand he will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created.
Surpassing President Barack Hussein Obama in the jobs created department is a tall order, but with God’s hand on his shoulder all things are possible.

Did you know that Obama, Clinton, and even Shrub had better job creation numbers in their first term than Three Putt Donny?
Syntho-homo SEZ???? "My beloved obamamonkey created MANY jobs like census workers and they paid really good do you hear me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Dude, seriously, you are a fucking joke......China ran roughshod over Americans. The Clintons opened up the patent to the Chi-coms and gave them a deep sea water port in California. Hacking by the Chi-coms wasn't meant by any response of the Bush clan or the Barrypuppet. Biden is a joke and there is nothing Pedo Joe proposes that could ever make me view this pervert with anything other than disdain.
Mention AzogtheDefiler to Synch and watch the bitch squirm. She ll cry that she put me on ignore because she is a dumb leftist.
If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

And when otherwise reasonable men find your corruption so objectionable that they are willing to take action themselves, if the law won't, you compare them to psychopaths and mass murderers, to deflect from your own bad behavior.

You sound like a dangerous man frey - Jus' Sayin'
If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

And when otherwise reasonable men find your corruption so objectionable that they are willing to take action themselves, if the law won't, you compare them to psychopaths and mass murderers, to deflect from your own bad behavior.

You sound like a dangerous man frey - Jus' Sayin'
I am.

Go to Kunar province and ask around.
What I am telling you is that you don't try to steal an election and our children's future freedom from us, right in front of us, and expect us not to object to that.
We will fix this legally if at all possible, but one way or the other, we will fix this.

Those of us who have been to civil wars, and insurgencies, and 3rd world shit shows, (all of them BTW, in countries much much less well armed than the US, and made up of less belligerent people), know just how ugly and bloody this could get, and we'd rather not.
But you all continue to ignore us, and disregard us, and even mock us....... and that tells me you're probably going to have to see some folks get dragged into the street and shot before you realize we're not kidding.

You talk about "reasonable" while holding your fingers in your ears and closing your eye's to the bullshit going on.

Hopefully someone is keeping a close eye on you. :icon_rolleyes:
What I am telling you is that you don't try to steal an election and our children's future freedom from us, right in front of us, and expect us not to object to that.
We will fix this legally if at all possible, but one way or the other, we will fix this.

Those of us who have been to civil wars, and insurgencies, and 3rd world shit shows, (all of them BTW, in countries much much less well armed than the US, and made up of less belligerent people), know just how ugly and bloody this could get, and we'd rather not.
But you all continue to ignore us, and disregard us, and even mock us....... and that tells me you're probably going to have to see some folks get dragged into the street and shot before you realize we're not kidding.

You talk about "reasonable" while holding your fingers in your ears and closing your eye's to the bullshit going on.

Hopefully someone is keeping a close eye on you. :icon_rolleyes:
I've been on file with the FBI since 2003 at least.

I'm an easy man to find.
Come anytime.
He's still Twitter raging.

View attachment 412784

This is sad.

Even more sad that people support this kind of behavior.
What is sad is that he may be right. Even if that chance is 1%. Mass mail in voting was always a bad idea because it creates controversies like this.
Hey buddy. He's both saying the late votes shouldn't count while also using them in his total he is boasting about.

You cannot fix retarded. Trump is baby Huey, and you're 110% ride or die for his spoiled ass.

Baby Trumpy ;)

Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


Not so fast.

BREAKING: The Georgia Secretary of State announced Saturday afternoon that an “issue” was discovered regarding the count in Fulton County, which could potentially affect the outcome of the election in the state. No information has been released at this time to describe what that issue was or what effect it will have, but to order everyone there on a Saturday to oversee the issue shows a bit of seriousness to the problem. Fulton County’s late votes were allegedly breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

the resisistence is just getting started:

Savanah Hernandez on Twitter: "“Stop the Steal” marches are being held at capitals all across the nation. Organized by ali. He is joined by Owen Shroyer leading hundreds of Trump supporters in downtown ATX." / Twitter.

Knock yourself out - Nobody cares. When you feel like acting human again, we'll be here for ya.
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


Not so fast.

BREAKING: The Georgia Secretary of State announced Saturday afternoon that an “issue” was discovered regarding the count in Fulton County, which could potentially affect the outcome of the election in the state. No information has been released at this time to describe what that issue was or what effect it will have, but to order everyone there on a Saturday to oversee the issue shows a bit of seriousness to the problem. Fulton County’s late votes were allegedly breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

the resisistence is just getting started:

Savanah Hernandez on Twitter: "“Stop the Steal” marches are being held at capitals all across the nation. Organized by ali. He is joined by Owen Shroyer leading hundreds of Trump supporters in downtown ATX." / Twitter. Twitter

Knock yourself out - Nobody cares. When you feel like acting human again, we'll be here for ya.
Unblock me, coward.
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


Not so fast.

BREAKING: The Georgia Secretary of State announced Saturday afternoon that an “issue” was discovered regarding the count in Fulton County, which could potentially affect the outcome of the election in the state. No information has been released at this time to describe what that issue was or what effect it will have, but to order everyone there on a Saturday to oversee the issue shows a bit of seriousness to the problem. Fulton County’s late votes were allegedly breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

the resisistence is just getting started:

Savanah Hernandez on Twitter: "“Stop the Steal” marches are being held at capitals all across the nation. Organized by ali. He is joined by Owen Shroyer leading hundreds of Trump supporters in downtown ATX." / Twitter. Twitter

Trump is 18K down in AZ with lots of votes still rolling in.

It should have done on November 3rd.

Trump will win AZ but it simply CANT take this fucking long.

I am in Florida. desantis had 10 million votes counted 30 minutes after polls closed. this should be the model.

Harrisburg capitol building. tons of Republicans protesting.

Cool, will Donnie pay for the audit? Cuz I can guarantee you that the RNC won't and his wealthy donors have had enough. Putin might pay - One never knows.
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


Not so fast.

BREAKING: The Georgia Secretary of State announced Saturday afternoon that an “issue” was discovered regarding the count in Fulton County, which could potentially affect the outcome of the election in the state. No information has been released at this time to describe what that issue was or what effect it will have, but to order everyone there on a Saturday to oversee the issue shows a bit of seriousness to the problem. Fulton County’s late votes were allegedly breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

the resisistence is just getting started:

Savanah Hernandez on Twitter: "“Stop the Steal” marches are being held at capitals all across the nation. Organized by ali. He is joined by Owen Shroyer leading hundreds of Trump supporters in downtown ATX." / Twitter. Twitter

Knock yourself out - Nobody cares. When you feel like acting human again, we'll be here for ya.
Girl, please, no one here was a bigger whiney bitch than you here...and you had no leg to stand on about a stolen election. THIS election was a total fucking, zero, nada, zilch oversight of mail-in ballots, they wouldn't let poll watchers within a 12 feet of the ballots to see anything. It's a 100 percent joke.
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


Not so fast.

BREAKING: The Georgia Secretary of State announced Saturday afternoon that an “issue” was discovered regarding the count in Fulton County, which could potentially affect the outcome of the election in the state. No information has been released at this time to describe what that issue was or what effect it will have, but to order everyone there on a Saturday to oversee the issue shows a bit of seriousness to the problem. Fulton County’s late votes were allegedly breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

the resisistence is just getting started:

Savanah Hernandez on Twitter: "“Stop the Steal” marches are being held at capitals all across the nation. Organized by ali. He is joined by Owen Shroyer leading hundreds of Trump supporters in downtown ATX." / Twitter. Twitter

Trump is 18K down in AZ with lots of votes still rolling in.

It should have done on November 3rd.

Trump will win AZ but it simply CANT take this fucking long.

I am in Florida. desantis had 10 million votes counted 30 minutes after polls closed. this should be the model.

Harrisburg capitol building. tons of Republicans protesting.

Cool, will Donnie pay for the audit? Cuz I can guarantee you that the RNC won't and his wealthy donors have had enough. Putin might pay - One never knows.

You’re a coward
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


Not so fast.

BREAKING: The Georgia Secretary of State announced Saturday afternoon that an “issue” was discovered regarding the count in Fulton County, which could potentially affect the outcome of the election in the state. No information has been released at this time to describe what that issue was or what effect it will have, but to order everyone there on a Saturday to oversee the issue shows a bit of seriousness to the problem. Fulton County’s late votes were allegedly breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

the resisistence is just getting started:

Savanah Hernandez on Twitter: "“Stop the Steal” marches are being held at capitals all across the nation. Organized by ali. He is joined by Owen Shroyer leading hundreds of Trump supporters in downtown ATX." / Twitter. Twitter

Knock yourself out - Nobody cares. When you feel like acting human again, we'll be here for ya.
Unblock me, coward.
DrLove is a bit of a pussy...but go ahead and bust on him. It doesn't matter if he acknowledges it, we will enjoy the beat down you give him.
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


Not so fast.

BREAKING: The Georgia Secretary of State announced Saturday afternoon that an “issue” was discovered regarding the count in Fulton County, which could potentially affect the outcome of the election in the state. No information has been released at this time to describe what that issue was or what effect it will have, but to order everyone there on a Saturday to oversee the issue shows a bit of seriousness to the problem. Fulton County’s late votes were allegedly breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

the resisistence is just getting started:

Savanah Hernandez on Twitter: "“Stop the Steal” marches are being held at capitals all across the nation. Organized by ali. He is joined by Owen Shroyer leading hundreds of Trump supporters in downtown ATX." / Twitter. Twitter

Knock yourself out - Nobody cares. When you feel like acting human again, we'll be here for ya.
Unblock me, coward.
DrLove is a bit of a pussy...but go ahead and bust on him. It doesn't matter if he acknowledges it, we will enjoy the beat down you give him.
He and I had a debate on convalescent plasma. He said it was for research only. Since I am a donor and the Red Cross tells me who gets my plasma I showed him proof that he was wrong and how much of a douche bag he is. He immediately blocked me. True story. Didn’t want the record of looking stupid. Spread the word. So yes, he is a pussy.
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


Not so fast.

BREAKING: The Georgia Secretary of State announced Saturday afternoon that an “issue” was discovered regarding the count in Fulton County, which could potentially affect the outcome of the election in the state. No information has been released at this time to describe what that issue was or what effect it will have, but to order everyone there on a Saturday to oversee the issue shows a bit of seriousness to the problem. Fulton County’s late votes were allegedly breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

the resisistence is just getting started:

Savanah Hernandez on Twitter: "“Stop the Steal” marches are being held at capitals all across the nation. Organized by ali. He is joined by Owen Shroyer leading hundreds of Trump supporters in downtown ATX." / Twitter. Twitter

Trump is 18K down in AZ with lots of votes still rolling in.

It should have done on November 3rd.

Trump will win AZ but it simply CANT take this fucking long.

I am in Florida. desantis had 10 million votes counted 30 minutes after polls closed. this should be the model.

Harrisburg capitol building. tons of Republicans protesting.

Cool, will Donnie pay for the audit? Cuz I can guarantee you that the RNC won't and his wealthy donors have had enough. Putin might pay - One never knows.

The beautiful thing is that when faced with overwhelming circumstantial proof of voter fraud, campaign contributions will pay for any costs not covered. I guaran-fucking-tee you that if leftrards were denied access to mail-in ballots and told to stay away? You would be soiling yourself with indignant outrage. Leftards have no line in the sand that they will no cross because the ends justifies the means...
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


Not so fast.

BREAKING: The Georgia Secretary of State announced Saturday afternoon that an “issue” was discovered regarding the count in Fulton County, which could potentially affect the outcome of the election in the state. No information has been released at this time to describe what that issue was or what effect it will have, but to order everyone there on a Saturday to oversee the issue shows a bit of seriousness to the problem. Fulton County’s late votes were allegedly breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

the resisistence is just getting started:

Savanah Hernandez on Twitter: "“Stop the Steal” marches are being held at capitals all across the nation. Organized by ali. He is joined by Owen Shroyer leading hundreds of Trump supporters in downtown ATX." / Twitter. Twitter

Knock yourself out - Nobody cares. When you feel like acting human again, we'll be here for ya.

And who put you in charge of deciding what "acting human" looks like ?

Be here for ya ?

We'd rather you were a long long ways Cuba.

Fuck off.
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


Not so fast.

BREAKING: The Georgia Secretary of State announced Saturday afternoon that an “issue” was discovered regarding the count in Fulton County, which could potentially affect the outcome of the election in the state. No information has been released at this time to describe what that issue was or what effect it will have, but to order everyone there on a Saturday to oversee the issue shows a bit of seriousness to the problem. Fulton County’s late votes were allegedly breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

the resisistence is just getting started:

Savanah Hernandez on Twitter: "“Stop the Steal” marches are being held at capitals all across the nation. Organized by ali. He is joined by Owen Shroyer leading hundreds of Trump supporters in downtown ATX." / Twitter. Twitter

Knock yourself out - Nobody cares. When you feel like acting human again, we'll be here for ya.
Unblock me, coward.
DrLove is a bit of a pussy...but go ahead and bust on him. It doesn't matter if he acknowledges it, we will enjoy the beat down you give him.
He and I had a debate on convalescent plasma. He said it was for research only. Since I am a donor and the Red Cross tells me who gets my plasma I showed him proof that he was wrong and how much of a douche bag he is. He immediately blocked me. True story. Didn’t want the record of looking stupid. Spread the word. So yes, he is a pussy.

That troll has been a proven coward for a long time and when the Mueller fraud produced nothing? The "doctor" beat a hasty retreat.......he is an empty vessel.
That is categorically false, and if you believe that, why did you vote against the guy who hasn't started any new wars, and has brokered multiple mid-east peace deals?
Whatever. You’re the one fantasizing about murder because your candidate lost.

There is nothing reasonable about that.

Frey sounds like he got hold of a very bad batch of moonshine. ;)

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