Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Pedo Joe is illegit but leftards like yourself believe that you have "won" something? I have to laugh at leftards that can ignore the blatant voter fraud and then pretend that "the people have spoken".......that is what supporters of despots claim in banana republics. I wouldn't say diddly squat if Pedo Joe had won a legitimate and fair election but this abortion of an election is beyond the pale. But here in lies the rub, you would still be a disgusting, commie loser regardless of any election outcome. I recall your temper tantrums four years fucking soiled yourself as I recall.
I'm sorry for your loss, Dale. Now how about you STFU.
I don't participate in the election process of this corporate entity and I certainly wasn't surprised at the voter fraud that was done. This would have happened 4 years ago had the establishment taken Trump seriously. They certainly weren't going to allow this to happen again. 24/7 365 Trump bashing, commie fucks getting paid to protest, the spying, fake Russian collusion and then fake Ukrainian quid pro quo......and "Old Lady" and her fellow leftard cretins screaming "Lock Him Up!!!" even when it all turned out to be total bullshit..

BTW, don't tell me you're "sorry", I know how sorry you and your kind you can shut the fuck up...or not. It's not like you ever make a coherent point. You are like the hand-wringing nanny of this forum.

blatant voter fraud
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Don’t forget to pray for your new president, Joe Biden, chosen by God.

I understand he will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created.
Surpassing President Barack Hussein Obama in the jobs created department is a tall order, but with God’s hand on his shoulder all things are possible.

Did you know that Obama, Clinton, and even Shrub had better job creation numbers in their first term than Three Putt Donny?
blatant voter fraud
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Don’t forget to pray for your new president, Joe Biden, chosen by God.

I understand he will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created.
blatant voter fraud
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Don’t forget to pray for your new president, Joe Biden, chosen by God.
Jesuit Joe, the Pedophile? He needs more than prayer.......

:abgg2q.jpg: :itsok:
blatant voter fraud
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Don’t forget to pray for your new president, Joe Biden, chosen by God.

I understand he will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created.
Surpassing President Barack Hussein Obama in the jobs created department is a tall order, but with God’s hand on his shoulder all things are possible.

Did you know that Obama, Clinton, and even Shrub had better job creation numbers in their first term than Three Putt Donny?

That's so funny.

The numbers back you up. That is for sure.

The context does not.

My dead grandmother could do a better job than Obama.
blatant voter fraud
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Don’t forget to pray for your new president, Joe Biden, chosen by God.

I understand he will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created.
Surpassing President Barack Hussein Obama in the jobs created department is a tall order, but with God’s hand on his shoulder all things are possible.

Did you know that Obama, Clinton, and even Shrub had better job creation numbers in their first term than Three Putt Donny?

That's so funny.

The numbers back you up. That is for sure.

The context does not.

My dead grandmother could do a better job than Obama.
What context is missing? That he’s Black so it doesn’t count?
This is what Sun Devil wrote on Tuesday, Election Day:
So far, people just seem happy it's going to be over soon........
Even if it is contested....we won't have to listen to the news discuss the petrified piece of shit (Biden) for a while.
Guess you’ll have to listen to him for a bit longer now ...

Of course you can just turn off your TV for awhile, go for a walk with your wife, or even ... read a book.

Do you have a wife? Have you ever actually read a book?

I hear Trump already has plans to hire somebody to write a new book for him. Of course Trump will claim to have written it himself. You will surely love it. I hear it will be called ... “Art of the Steal”!

This is what Sun Devil wrote on Tuesday, Election Day:
So far, people just seem happy it's going to be over soon........
Even if it is contested....we won't have to listen to the news discuss the petrified piece of shit (Biden) for a while.
Guess you’ll have to listen to him for a bit longer now ...

Of course you can just turn off your TV for awhile, go for a walk with your wife, or even ... read a book.

Do you have a wife? Have you ever actually read a book?

I hear Trump already has plans to hire somebody to write a new book for him. Of course Trump will claim to have written it himself. You will surely love it. I hear it will be called ... “Art of the Steal”!


Look at you.....

Working so hard to sound clever.

You'll get there....someday.
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


S.O.S. calls bullshit.

Late votes breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

In Georgia.
Could it have been Kamala? There were women crying during her acceptance speech they were so moved. That and Georgia has a lot of people from away now, doesn't it? Not quite so deep south in the cities, anyway. I don't know. Just guesses.
I caught a few snippets of her "women have been victims and I am your champion!" bullshit. She should have titled her speech "I am woman, hear my bore".....
You're boring me.
Then go in the kitchen until you get over it.
Make some sandwiches while you're there.

Pedo Joe is illegit but leftards like yourself believe that you have "won" something? I have to laugh at leftards that can ignore the blatant voter fraud and then pretend that "the people have spoken".......that is what supporters of despots claim in banana republics. I wouldn't say diddly squat if Pedo Joe had won a legitimate and fair election but this abortion of an election is beyond the pale. But here in lies the rub, you would still be a disgusting, commie loser regardless of any election outcome. I recall your temper tantrums four years fucking soiled yourself as I recall.
I'm sorry for your loss, Dale. Now how about you STFU.
I don't participate in the election process of this corporate entity and I certainly wasn't surprised at the voter fraud that was done. This would have happened 4 years ago had the establishment taken Trump seriously. They certainly weren't going to allow this to happen again. 24/7 365 Trump bashing, commie fucks getting paid to protest, the spying, fake Russian collusion and then fake Ukrainian quid pro quo......and "Old Lady" and her fellow leftard cretins screaming "Lock Him Up!!!" even when it all turned out to be total bullshit..

BTW, don't tell me you're "sorry", I know how sorry you and your kind you can shut the fuck up...or not. It's not like you ever make a coherent point. You are like the hand-wringing nanny of this forum.

That was excellent, Dale.

blatant voter fraud
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Don’t forget to pray for your new president, Joe Biden, chosen by God.

I understand he will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created.
Surpassing President Barack Hussein Obama in the jobs created department is a tall order, but with God’s hand on his shoulder all things are possible.

Did you know that Obama, Clinton, and even Shrub had better job creation numbers in their first term than Three Putt Donny?

That's so funny.

The numbers back you up. That is for sure.

The context does not.

My dead grandmother could do a better job than Obama.
What context is missing? That he’s Black so it doesn’t count?
I'm a tattooed east Texas Harley riding pickup driving peckerwood and I'm blacker than Obama is.
blatant voter fraud
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Don’t forget to pray for your new president, Joe Biden, chosen by God.

I understand he will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created.
Surpassing President Barack Hussein Obama in the jobs created department is a tall order, but with God’s hand on his shoulder all things are possible.

Did you know that Obama, Clinton, and even Shrub had better job creation numbers in their first term than Three Putt Donny?

That's so funny.

The numbers back you up. That is for sure.

The context does not.

My dead grandmother could do a better job than Obama.
What context is missing? That he’s Black so it doesn’t count?

Did I say black anywhere ?
Folks, it looks like Republicans will win the House and Senate as long as Dems are blocked from voter fraud which the so clearly inflicted at the Presidential level.
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


S.O.S. calls bullshit.

Late votes breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

In Georgia.
Could it have been Kamala? There were women crying during her acceptance speech they were so moved. That and Georgia has a lot of people from away now, doesn't it? Not quite so deep south in the cities, anyway. I don't know. Just guesses.
Only 35% of women supported Trump. He got most of the men but the electorate is now 53% women
I did not know that. So far, I don't like her much, but she's got 4 years to change my mind, and I hope she does.

Anyway, the days of voting for someone just because she's a woman are long gone, fortunately.

Speak for yourself. I did it just last month.
blatant voter fraud
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Don’t forget to pray for your new president, Joe Biden, chosen by God.

I understand he will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created.
Surpassing President Barack Hussein Obama in the jobs created department is a tall order, but with God’s hand on his shoulder all things are possible.

Did you know that Obama, Clinton, and even Shrub had better job creation numbers in their first term than Three Putt Donny?

That's so funny.

The numbers back you up. That is for sure.

The context does not.

My dead grandmother could do a better job than Obama.
What context is missing? That he’s Black so it doesn’t count?

Did I say black anywhere ?
Mention my name and watch the leftist squirm. She blocked me he he. Dumb coward.
Biden is up 9k in GA.

He's going to win GA


S.O.S. calls bullshit.

Late votes breaking 9 to 1 for Biden.

In Georgia.
Could it have been Kamala? There were women crying during her acceptance speech they were so moved. That and Georgia has a lot of people from away now, doesn't it? Not quite so deep south in the cities, anyway. I don't know. Just guesses.
Only 35% of women supported Trump. He got most of the men but the electorate is now 53% women
I did not know that. So far, I don't like her much, but she's got 4 years to change my mind, and I hope she does.

Anyway, the days of voting for someone just because she's a woman are long gone, fortunately.

Speak for yourself. I did it just last month.

Pogo is an idiot and doesn’t know who Jo Jorgenesen is.
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