Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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No, that's bullshit because if the situation was reversed you'd be screaming the exact same things yourself while rioters burned city centers....... and you know it. You just don't care now because the cheating went your way.

If what situation was reversed? Election fraud?

I would have accepted the results of the election regardless of who won. I trust out democratic institutions to get the vote counts right.
Notice there isn’t any rioting. That’s a good thing. Let’s keep it this way.

Nobody is disputing that.
I guess you see quotes like "You're not making a very good argument" as compliments. Fair enough.

Ok. Let me rephrase it for you.

In my opinion, you have not provided a sufficient amount of evidence to justify the claim that you presented. As a result of this, I find your argument unconvincing.

Not intended to be a compliment or an insult.
No, that's bullshit because if the situation was reversed you'd be screaming the exact same things yourself while rioters burned city centers....... and you know it. You just don't care now because the cheating went your way.

Your refusing to hear his argument in no way invalidates his argument.

What cheating?
No, that's bullshit because if the situation was reversed you'd be screaming the exact same things yourself while rioters burned city centers....... and you know it. You just don't care now because the cheating went your way.

If what situation was reversed? Election fraud?

I would have accepted the results of the election regardless of who won. I trust out democratic institutions to get the vote counts right.
Notice there isn’t any rioting. That’s a good thing. Let’s keep it this way.
Not yet. What do you suppose the right is going to do when Trump is the certified loser after he's convinced his psychotic base he was cheated out of his office?
No, that's bullshit because if the situation was reversed you'd be screaming the exact same things yourself while rioters burned city centers....... and you know it. You just don't care now because the cheating went your way.

If what situation was reversed? Election fraud?

I would have accepted the results of the election regardless of who won. I trust out democratic institutions to get the vote counts right. I don't fall for conspiracy theory bullshit that is completely void of actual facts.
Yeah, I don't believe that.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization

It is huh.

Where are they based?

How are they set up? Who runs the joint? Who decides who runs the joint? Election? Appointment? King?

Where is their office? Their website? Their charter?

How do you "join"? Where do you go to "join"? Is there a pledge? Dues? Documents?
I guess you see quotes like "You're not making a very good argument" as compliments. Fair enough.

Ok. Let me rephrase it for you.

In my opinion, you have not provided a sufficient amount of evidence to justify the claim that you presented. As a result of this, I find your argument unconvincing.

Not intended to be a compliment or an insult.
No, that's bullshit because if the situation was reversed you'd be screaming the exact same things yourself while rioters burned city centers....... and you know it. You just don't care now because the cheating went your way.

Your refusing to hear his argument in no way invalidates his argument.

What cheating?
From the link;
On the morning of November 5th I compiled a list of some of the suspicious things from the election that were red flags. the 2020 election: fuckery is afoot As I explained at the time, a flag isn’t proof of fraud or mistakes, it is something that appears anomalous which an auditor would drill down on further to check for fraud or mistakes (and like I said last time, when the errors go in different ways they suggest mistakes, but when all the errors go in the same direction it suggest malfeasance). A couple of the things I listed turned out to be nothing or the original reporting on them was incorrect. However, several others did turn out to be serious improprieties, and there’s been a ton of new flags since.
On Thursday morning I said that I thought there was fuckery afoot. My opinion has not changed. There are an extraordinary number of red flags, both street level witnessing of fraud and overall statistical anomalies in a few places with violate the basic laws of the universe levels of improbability. A friend of mine used to work at the US State Department and observed south and central American elections and he’s blown away by how goofy this is.
Before I get into the flag update, I want to talk about the big picture situation as I see it, because there’s reality and then there’s the narrative getting crammed down everyone’s throat. We’ve now reached the point where whenever you open your mouth you’re going to get jumped on by a bunch of Caring Liberals that you’re stupid, insane, and imagined the whole thing. How dare you suggest that there could possibly be any impropriety in this new voting system we just crammed into place this year for the first time. It is the Great National Gas Lighting. The chosen lefty narrative is that voter fraud never happens, and when it does happen, it’s insignificant and changes nothing, the totally unbiased news media and big tech have called it for Biden, and you’re just crying and irrational because you’re a stupid Trumpkin, so let the healing begin.
Don’t fall for it. These are the same people who barked Not My President Trump’s whole term, even though we’ve got more evidence of voter fraud in four days than they found of Russian collusion in four years. However lots of people will be cowed and go along with this even though they know its bullshit, because social pressure is incredibly powerful and bullies wield it like a club. Every post I’ve made on Facebook about this subject has drawn random strangers to show up and scream that I’m an ignorant sucker conspiracy theorist.
Most of their “fact checks” and “debunking” just boil down to excuses. Like I saw one for the Dominion vote fuckery that moved 6k votes from Trump to 6k votes for Biden in ONE county. And the fact check headline was FALSE. But when you actually read it, it says they weren’t “stolen” it was an “error”. (except nobody actually knows that yet) Or the dead people voting in Detroit headline being FALSE, but when you click on it, their excuse isn’t that these dead people voted, it’s that we’re supposed to trust that the system totally would have caught that and thrown them out. Except they didn’t catch it, regular people on the internet tracked those down. So when were they going to check this, after Biden’s inauguration?
A note on the dead people voting and regular people tracking it down because our professional news media is oddly incurious about all these flags. I watched this unfold live on Thursday night. People would post a file of names of 100 year olds in Michigan, and then other people would check the state website to see if they had turned in ballots. Whenever somebody found one they would post that name so that other people could confirm it for themselves. They found hundreds just while I watched. But at the same time Twitter kept actively banning the accounts of anyone who shared the file, because the fix is in. Trust the system, comrades. Big Tech knows what’s best for you.
Keep in mind that just because there is fuckery afoot, be careful because there’s loads of bad information floating around. Lots of people asked me about the supposed leaked DHS press release. My gut reaction when I saw it was suspicion (I’ve worked with too many federal agencies and that simply didn’t read like their stuff) so I called some friends who still work there and it sounded like wishful thinking to them too.
On the same note, people keep asking me about the possibility of electronic vote meddling but I’m not a programmer or a software guy, so I’m not going to pretend to be one on the internet. No idea on that stuff. I can tell you if the end product appears statistically wonky but I’ve got no idea on the electronic mechanism that got to that.
On the overall statistical oddities here is an excellent break down of why the numbers in these swing states make no sense: Excuse Me While I Call BS
And the author of this piece told me that he is working on a follow up that goes into greater depth, breaking it down county by county, and he says it is nuts. EDIT: here is Wisconsin’s break down: Excuse Me While I Call BS: In Wisconsin Wow. Those swings are insane.
From physicist and author Travis Shane Taylor – “In a sample space of 1 million marbles, 800,000 blue and 200,000 red the probability of drawing a blue marble is 80% the first time. To draw about 30 blue in a row is 0.124%. To draw 100 in a row is 0.0000000235%. To draw 250 in a row is more zeros to right of decimal point than stars in the universe!!!! To draw 138,000 blue marbles in a row is mathematically impossible within the age of the universe without human intent and interaction. In other words, cheating.”
Of course, when he wrote that it was before the 138k “typo” got retracted. So of course all the liberals who can’t balance their own checkbook immediately dismissed the whole thing… Problem is his math is almost as damning for 1k, 2k, 4k, 14k, or 23k marbles. You could even change it so that a bucket is 95% blue marbles, and the odds of you getting a thousand blue marbles in a row are functionally impossible. He used MathCad to calculate this. Excel doesn’t have enough zeros.
You’ve probably also seen a lot of mention of Benford’s Law over the last few days. Posts talking about it have been getting vanished off of Facebook (that I can confirm firsthand). Articles Mentioning Benford’s Law Are Reportedly Banned on Facebook
Basically, when numbers are aggregated normally, they follow a distribution curve. When numbers are fabricated, they don’t. When human beings create what they think of as “random” numbers, they’re not. This is an auditing tool for things like looking for fabricated invoices. It also applies to elections. A normal election follows the expected curve. If you look at a 3rd world dictatorship’s election numbers, it looks like a spike or a saw.
There’s a bunch of different people out there running the numbers for themselves and posting the results so you can check their math. It appears that checking various places around the country Donald Trump’s votes follow the curve. The 3rd party candidates follow the curve. Down ballot races follow the curve. Hell, even Joe Biden’s votes follow the curve for MOST of the country. But then when you look at places like Pittsburgh the graph looks like something that would have made Hugo Chavez blush.
It’s amazing how all these extremely improbable statistical events just keep on happening, but only in the places where they make the most difference. Go figure. “It’s a miracle!” declared the Party of Science.
One extremely dishonest tactic democrats are using to dismiss this stuff, when we talk about specific incidents of fraud, they declare it statistically insignificant. But when we talk about the big picture of overall mathematical oddities, they switch and say but that doesn’t provide specific examples. They motte and bailey between the two, when in reality they’re the same thing. It’s all the individual examples of fuckery that lead up to the big weirdness.
Since my last post there’s been so many flags popping up that I can’t keep up. I’m not a reporter, this isn’t my job. The reporters with their staff of researchers are all too busy trying to convince America that the Electoral College has been replaced by Jack Dorsey and Anderson Cooper.
There have been more USPS whistleblowers coming forward that they were ordered to illegally back date late ballots. The one I shared the video of last time is now identified as a real person.
In Nevada the GOP is pushing for criminal charges against people who voted who don’t legally live there, and I just saw a report about a Clark county whistleblower coming forward but that’s still developing. Nevada Whistleblower Says He Witnessed Illegitatmate Processing of Ballots While an Election Worker
In Wisconsin it appears that poll workers were directed to illegally alter thousands of absentee ballots. Ballot Clerks in Wisconsin Allegedly Added Witness Statements To Thousands of Invalid Ballots
In Pennsylvania, Supreme court justices tend to not like it when people straight up ignore their rulings.
There was a report the other night that declared the military absentee ballots for Pittsburgh broke 80-20 in favor of Biden. This was gleefully shared by some NeverTrumpers and it immediately set off my bullshit detector (I was a military contract accountant for years, and after that I was the bestselling author in Baghdad, so I know a couple vets!). The obnoxiously left wing Military Times did a poll earlier this year where they surveyed a thousand military personnel and they proudly said that Biden was ahead by something like three points (which every active duty guy I know laughed at), but even if the Military Times was far better at accurate sampling than Nate Silver and the entire US polling industry (hint, they’re not) 80 fucking 20?
So I delved into this on FB (I’ve kind of been on a tear on there) and had a pile of vets and active duty show up help, but as far as we could find the report said it was absentee ballots, with the military among them. So this one gets a big question mark for now because we don’t know the break down (but the whole county was only 59/40).
Amusingly I had one lefty immediately declare the 80-20 to be plausible because of Trump’s supposed “Losers and Suckers” comment from Anonymous DOD Official. (remember when Anonymous Senior Trump Official You All Heard Of was revealed to be some junior assistant deputy director nobody ever heard of? Good times). Even after being told by a ton of retired and active duty that none of them believe that, let alone 80% of them, he still libsplained to them that statistical anomalies routinely fall like rain upon Joe Biden. (And we’ve got Joe Biden on tape talking about how PTSD Marines will murder you and your dog and then rape your corpse, but the media didn’t fixate on that for some baffling reason)
The left keeps declaring that everybody who is finding this clusterfuck to be suspicious must be a Trumpkin blinded by their salty tears of sadness. Yet I’ve noticed most of my honest liberal friends have been suspiciously quiet on this subject. And clearly not everybody who is calling bullshit on this is a Trump supporter. For some fascinating reading, check out Tariq Nasheed’s Twitter feed.
If you know anything about politics, Tariq Nasheed is the last person anybody could accuse of being a Trump fan. He despises Trump. But he’s also pointing out that there’s no fucking way that the black community turned out more for Biden more than Obama and he’s worried that the black community is being used by white liberals as a shield, and if this blows up in their faces, white liberals will blame it on blacks to take the fall. Now the things that me and Tariq Nasheed could agree on could probably be counted on the fingers of one hand, but my gut tells me that he’s spot on this time.
Honestly I have no idea how this is going to shake out, but it is clear that the media and big tech will set the narrative and just gas light Republicans that there was no impropriety and we just imagined it all. I don’t think Trump will fold. I figure he will litigate this as far as possible, and just off the stuff the general populace like us can see, he’s got plenty of ammo for lawsuits.
So the real question is how chickenshit are the Republicans? And you can never go wrong assuming that most elected Republicans are invertebrates. One of my senators is Mitt Romney and he’s nothing but hair gel in a Ziplock bag. I’ve met jelly fish with more spine. When Romney lost his run for the presidency, Barack Obama got a statistically impossible 14,000 votes in a row out of Philly, and Romney didn’t do shit.
Trump will certainly litigate and there will certainly be evidence presented of impropriety. But we all know the media is so dishonest that they’ll just ignore reality and write a compelling narrative of Orangeman Dictator to isolate the Trump loyalists and pressure everyone else to fall in line. Now how many will, I have zero idea.
Even if Trump conceded today the election process has been irreparably tainted. Even the people pretending this process is sainted and innocent know they are full of shit, but they are going to keep up the polite lie, because they are cool with fraud as long as it benefits their interests. And the people who got robbed have little hope that the system will ever represent them again, because no matter how many votes they have on their side, what’s the point if some blue metroplex can middle of the night fabricate however many votes needed to counter them?
I believe most people on the right already believed that fraud happens in these machine cities, because duh. But I think most of us also believed that our votes still mattered because we could win by beating the margin of lawyer. But after this audacious fuckery? If they can pull off this level of blatant, clumsy, in your face bullshit and get away with it, no amount of regular votes will ever matter again. Even if we overcome Big Tech and the media controlling most information and get more people on our side, they’ll just stop the count when we are too far ahead and make more votes appear until they win. Then the media and Big Tech will declare nothing weird happened. Shut up.
So I can’t say how this is going to go, but none of the ends from this point will be good. At best this marriage goes back to an abusive relationship with irreconcilable differences, and at worst it ends in a murder suicide."

That cheating, right there.
No, that's bullshit because if the situation was reversed you'd be screaming the exact same things yourself while rioters burned city centers....... and you know it. You just don't care now because the cheating went your way.

If what situation was reversed? Election fraud?

I would have accepted the results of the election regardless of who won. I trust out democratic institutions to get the vote counts right.
Notice there isn’t any rioting. That’s a good thing. Let’s keep it this way.
Not yet. What do you suppose the right is going to do when Trump is the certified loser after he's convinced his psychotic base he was cheated out of his office?
Nothing. They will do absolutely nothing.
Faun insult in 1...2...
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization

It is huh.

Where are they based?

How are they set up? Who runs the joint? Who decides who runs the joint? Election? Appointment? King?

Where is their office? Their website? Their charter?

How do you "join"? Where do you go to "join"? Is there a pledge? Dues? Documents?

Google is your friend. You asked me for proof before on other topics, I provide it and you run away. Stop trolling.
It is? Can you show me one state that has certified?

If you think the result will change, then prepare to be disappointed again.

You lost.
I actually Hope you are correct because if you’re not it will show a major flaw in our elections and there will be riots galore in the streets with massive amounts of damage and deaths. Which would be ridiculously stupid and sad.

I’m confident in it.

Trump supporters are just in denial because they lost.

Was Al Gore in denial for 37 days, and two SC rulings?

Did that outcome change? No.

Never said it did. However, it was Gore’s right to challenge, just as it is Trump’s right today...This rush to declare, and have Trump concede smacks of Democrats knowing they cheated, and are trying to have people not look at it too closely...Speaks volumes to me.

I don’t care if you look at it closely. Im just saying that you’re in denial. They always call a winner before all the recount stuff.

Were you celebrating on Election Day in 2016 when Trump was declared the winner? Or were you concerned with some bullshit conspiracy theory then too?

Its not official...Trump has the right, and responsibility to challenge...If everything is so above reproach then why do you seem so frightened of sunshine?
Not for you to decide.
Right. It’s for a judge to decide. The only reason I say they cases lack merit is because the judges have been dismissing them left and right due to lack of merit.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization

It is huh.

Where are they based?

How are they set up? Who runs the joint? Who decides who runs the joint? Election? Appointment? King?

Where is their office? Their website? Their charter?

How do you "join"? Where do you go to "join"? Is there a pledge? Dues? Documents?

Google is your friend. You asked me for proof before on other topics, I provide it and you run away. Stop trolling.

This just in, dateline eternity ---- burden of proof continues to be on the asserter.

You made an assertion, and you can't support it.

You lose.
No, that's bullshit because if the situation was reversed you'd be screaming the exact same things yourself while rioters burned city centers....... and you know it. You just don't care now because the cheating went your way.

If what situation was reversed? Election fraud?

I would have accepted the results of the election regardless of who won. I trust out democratic institutions to get the vote counts right.
Notice there isn’t any rioting. That’s a good thing. Let’s keep it this way.
Not yet. What do you suppose the right is going to do when Trump is the certified loser after he's convinced his psychotic base he was cheated out of his office?
Nothing. They will do absolutely nothing.
Faun insult in 1...2...
I disagree.

I think people are going to get seriously creative in how they register their displeasure with this shit. I expect everything from people refusing to pay taxes (no taxation without representation), to tradesman either refusing service or actively sabotaging progressive folks' cars, homes, and property. Life can get kind of shitty when your HVAC doesn't get fixed for weeks, your plumber can't get to your house to unclog your toilets for weeks, and someone keeps cutting the brake lines on your car, and the auto shop having Trump flags everywhere doesn't exactly reassure them.
And then there are all the hackers who are going to get busy...... expect all manner of shit on that front as well.
It is? Can you show me one state that has certified?

If you think the result will change, then prepare to be disappointed again.

You lost.
I actually Hope you are correct because if you’re not it will show a major flaw in our elections and there will be riots galore in the streets with massive amounts of damage and deaths. Which would be ridiculously stupid and sad.

I’m confident in it.

Trump supporters are just in denial because they lost.

Was Al Gore in denial for 37 days, and two SC rulings?

Did that outcome change? No.

Never said it did. However, it was Gore’s right to challenge, just as it is Trump’s right today...This rush to declare, and have Trump concede smacks of Democrats knowing they cheated, and are trying to have people not look at it too closely...Speaks volumes to me.

I don’t care if you look at it closely. Im just saying that you’re in denial. They always call a winner before all the recount stuff.

Were you celebrating on Election Day in 2016 when Trump was declared the winner? Or were you concerned with some bullshit conspiracy theory then too?

Its not official...Trump has the right, and responsibility to challenge...If everything is so above reproach then why do you seem so frightened of sunshine?

Ain't nobody frightened of no sunshine. I myself inject sunshine every day, with a bleach chaser. Keeps the Corona away. Believe me.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization

It is huh.

Where are they based?

How are they set up? Who runs the joint? Who decides who runs the joint? Election? Appointment? King?

Where is their office? Their website? Their charter?

How do you "join"? Where do you go to "join"? Is there a pledge? Dues? Documents?

Google is your friend. You asked me for proof before on other topics, I provide it and you run away. Stop trolling.

This just in, dateline eternity ---- burden of proof continues to be on the asserter.

You made an assertion, and you can't support it.

You lose.

Not when I consistently oblige you and you run away. Hard pass.
No, that's bullshit because if the situation was reversed you'd be screaming the exact same things yourself while rioters burned city centers....... and you know it. You just don't care now because the cheating went your way.

If what situation was reversed? Election fraud?

I would have accepted the results of the election regardless of who won. I trust out democratic institutions to get the vote counts right.
Notice there isn’t any rioting. That’s a good thing. Let’s keep it this way.
Not yet. What do you suppose the right is going to do when Trump is the certified loser after he's convinced his psychotic base he was cheated out of his office?
Nothing. They will do absolutely nothing.
Faun insult in 1...2...
I disagree.

I think people are going to get seriously creative in how they register their displeasure with this shit. I expect everything from people refusing to pay taxes (no taxation without representation), to tradesman either refusing service or actively sabotaging progressive folks' cars, homes, and property. Life can get kind of shitty when your HVAC doesn't get fixed for weeks, your plumber can't get to your house to unclog your toilets for weeks, and someone keeps cutting the brake lines on your car, and the auto shop having Trump flags everywhere doesn't exactly reassure them.
And then there are all the hackers who are going to get busy...... expect all manner of shit on that front as well.
I mean You won’t see open burning, looting, rioting, killing.
No, that's bullshit because if the situation was reversed you'd be screaming the exact same things yourself while rioters burned city centers....... and you know it. You just don't care now because the cheating went your way.

If what situation was reversed? Election fraud?

I would have accepted the results of the election regardless of who won. I trust out democratic institutions to get the vote counts right.
Notice there isn’t any rioting. That’s a good thing. Let’s keep it this way.
Not yet. What do you suppose the right is going to do when Trump is the certified loser after he's convinced his psychotic base he was cheated out of his office?
Nothing. They will do absolutely nothing.
Faun insult in 1...2...
I disagree.

I think people are going to get seriously creative in how they register their displeasure with this shit. I expect everything from people refusing to pay taxes (no taxation without representation), to tradesman either refusing service or actively sabotaging progressive folks' cars, homes, and property. Life can get kind of shitty when your HVAC doesn't get fixed for weeks, your plumber can't get to your house to unclog your toilets for weeks, and someone keeps cutting the brake lines on your car, and the auto shop having Trump flags everywhere doesn't exactly reassure them.
And then there are all the hackers who are going to get busy...... expect all manner of shit on that front as well.
I mean You won’t see open burning, looting, rioting, killing.
Oh I think there will be plenty of killing, I just think serious people are going to be doing it, and they aren't the type to spazz out in the streets in futile gestures.
They tend more towards the tyvek coveralls, shoe booties, eye pro, nitrile gloves, and a hatchet from behind in the dark, followed by some tarp wrapping, transportation, and either digging a hole, sinking into a body of water, or just disposal at a landfill somewhere.
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