Official 2021 Georgia Runoff

Well, you DO cheat at elections - that's just a fact.

Nah. You're just a little whiny bitch who doesn't know how to lose.


Nah, you cheat at elections, every fucking time.
The cheating must be stopped or this nation is done. It may be to late already.

They'll blame Trump's arrogance for it, because he was truly a boss that gets things done, and now we will fall back into the abyss of leftist radicalism if the fraud can't be proven or won't be allowed to be proven. This has all been orchastrated by fecklace republicrat's who have betrayed this nation by standing against conservatives in favor of the left getting rid of Trump for them. They'll reep what they sew, but the people are gonna reep the whirlwind worst, because they have been abandoned to the wolves.

It's ok though, because these things have got to come to pass in order for the word to be fulfilled. God is in control, and it will be as he said it would be, so rejoice for the signs of the times are upon us. Amen, and not awoman.

Read my sig.

If the Maoists get away with this, America is over.

They just did. Trump, and Trumpsters, ensured it.
Well, you DO cheat at elections - that's just a fact.

Nah. You're just a little whiny bitch who doesn't know how to lose.


Nah, you cheat at elections, every fucking time.
The cheating must be stopped or this nation is done. It may be to late already.

What needs to stop is all the delusional whining going on in the Republican party. You hitched your wagon to con man, and now you're paying the price.
Back in reality, the Democrats still can't do anything groundbreakingly liberal, due to Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia. You know, the conservative Democrat who needs to keep on being conservative if he stands any chance for reelecton. Isn't he in a happy spot now. He'll really be able to bring home the bacon for West Virginia.

However, Biden's cabinet picks and judicial picks all sail through now. And the more moderate legislation all passes.
Guess enough idiots wanted $2000.00 instead of $600.00.
They won't get it now. These frauds will go quickly into tyrannical mode, and they will give the peasants what they want to given them, and no political pressure is gonna challenge that now. They will be like your local politician's who come out lying, smiling, and crying to get your vote, then quickly they will dissapere behind the curtain to pull the ropes for their friends and groupie's, and all to their shocked voters dispair.

Now if they can steal more of the working classes money somehow, then maybe they will throw some crumbs out there to their base through those means, but they don't want to get'em all upity and what-not or you know spoil them in any way. Can't have the commoners having anywhere close to the power the elite governing body has, ohhhh hell no not that. Just get use to being fleeced again America. Wait till the gas prices sky rocket again, and it takes you 60.00 dollars to fill your tank again. Rotflmbo.

Trump's policies straightened so much wrongful crap out, that it will be a great sadness watching it all go back to hell.

But remember America, you don't have to put up with the bullcrap, no matter what they try to make you believe. Keep your eyes and ears sharp on the situation, and take control before it gets out of hand again.
Well, you DO cheat at elections - that's just a fact.

Nah. You're just a little whiny bitch who doesn't know how to lose.


Nah, you cheat at elections, every fucking time.
The cheating must be stopped or this nation is done. It may be to late already.

What needs to stop is all the delusional whining going on in the Republican party. You hitched your wagon to con man, and now you're paying the price.
Well it's up to your side to hold the radicalness of your party off, so good luck on the imploding of your party because you have hitched your wagon to a team of out of control stubborn mules. American's won't stand for it, and you can't make them stand for it.
Now that the Useful Idiots have learned how to create fraudulent ballots there will never be another legitimate election in America.

America that we grew up in doesn't exist anymore. The Communists won. They will now raid the American treasury to get free stuff until the money made under Capitalism run out. Then we are all fucked.

Just like Democrat run California that use to be the Golden State. Now is leads the nation in poverty, worst schools, most homelessness, highest rents, most debt, highest taxes and most regulation. Democrat leadership is always a recipe for disaster.

The onoly difference is that Americans were able to flee Commie California to a freer state. There is no place in the world for Americans to flee the US. This was the world's last hope and now it is kaput thanks to the Useful Idiots that think they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills..
Well, you DO cheat at elections - that's just a fact.

Nah. You're just a little whiny bitch who doesn't know how to lose.


Nah, you cheat at elections, every fucking time.
The cheating must be stopped or this nation is done. It may be to late already.

What needs to stop is all the delusional whining going on in the Republican party. You hitched your wagon to con man, and now you're paying the price.
Well it's up to your side to hold the radicalness of your party off, so good luck on the imploding of your party because you have hitched your wagon to a team of out of control stubborn mules. American's won't stand for it, and you can't make them stand for it.

My side didn't win. It's up to all of us to fight off the progressive onslaught brought on by the Trump idiocy.
Black Atlanta is the cancer that killed Georgia, not the good citizens of Georgia.

There is no way that the people of Georgia elected a stupid pajama boy queer and a worthless low IQ hate filled Negro. No way they elected China Joe as President. It did not happen.

More example of Democrat Dirty Tricks voter fraud in Black Atlanta.

The Democrats learned how to steal elections last year and they are getting good at it.

America is over now.

And...Stacey Abrams completes the hat trick!!! But these two seats come with an assist....from the #1 cancer sitting in the White House. You want to know who cost Perdue and Loeffler their seats? Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Donald Trump....So much winning!!!

Nothing was stolen. Nothing was rigged. Abrams just ran a better ground game...and ate Republicans lunch. Get used to it. I have a feeling that her approach will be used as a template in other states like OH, TX, FL, NC, SC, and IA. The ones that were close on November 3rd.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy Democrat Dirty Tricks Department learned how to create fraudulent mail in ballots and then be the ones to count them.

We will never than another legitimate election in this country.

Snaggletooth Abrams is nothing more than another dumbass low IQ uneducated Negro that has learned how to scam stupid White Guilt pukes.
I took screenshots of the results before I went to bed. I KNEW the Socialists would do what they did in Michigan and elsewhere


We did it!!!! BLUE AMERICA
You ever tried giving medicine to a stubborn kid ? You have to come up with all sorts of ways to get it done. All I can say is that you Democrat's aren't that clever or creative, so good luck pushing your bad medicine down the throat's of American's who now know what kind of poison not medicine you will be using.
Back in reality, the Democrats still can't do anything groundbreakingly liberal, due to Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia. You know, the conservative Democrat who needs to keep on being conservative if he stands any chance for reelecton. Isn't he in a happy spot now. He'll really be able to bring home the bacon for West Virginia.

However, Biden's cabinet picks and judicial picks all sail through now. And the more moderate legislation all passes.

The Maoists will end the Supreme Court. They plan to violate the Constitution and make the seat of federal government a state. And of course Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, to pack the Senate.
Black Atlanta is the cancer that killed Georgia, not the good citizens of Georgia.

There is no way that the people of Georgia elected a stupid pajama boy queer and a worthless low IQ hate filled Negro. No way they elected China Joe as President. It did not happen.

More example of Democrat Dirty Tricks voter fraud in Black Atlanta.

The Democrats learned how to steal elections last year and they are getting good at it.

America is over now.

And...Stacey Abrams completes the hat trick!!! But these two seats come with an assist....from the #1 cancer sitting in the White House. You want to know who cost Perdue and Loeffler their seats? Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Donald Trump....So much winning!!!

Nothing was stolen. Nothing was rigged. Abrams just ran a better ground game...and ate Republicans lunch. Get used to it. I have a feeling that her approach will be used as a template in other states like OH, TX, FL, NC, SC, and IA. The ones that were close on November 3rd.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy Democrat Dirty Tricks Department learned how to create fraudulent mail in ballots and then be the ones to count them.

We will never than another legitimate election in this country.

Snaggletooth Abrams is nothing more than another dumbass low IQ uneducated Negro that has learned how to scam stupid White Guilt pukes.

Pisses you off that she ran the table on you? Good. Get used to it.
Stop with the conspiracy theories. You lost. Man up. Deal with it.
Most if not all of the remaining counties are republican held.
You spelled Democrat wrong.

You're correct!
The proper spelling is 'D-I-M-O-C-R-A-T'.
No difference between the Bolsheviks and the Dims except the Demoncats can do it with a big nice smiley face and no blood
The Dems only get away with it because they are fellow American's or are they ????
Black Atlanta is the cancer that killed Georgia, not the good citizens of Georgia. There is no way that the people of Georgia elected a stupid pajama boy queer and a worthless low IQ hate filled Negro. No way they elected China Joe as President. It did not happen. More example of Democrat Dirty Tricks voter fraud in Black Atlanta. The Democrats learned how to steal elections last year and they are getting good at it. America is over now.
And...Stacey Abrams completes the hat trick!!! But these two seats come with an assist....from the #1 cancer sitting in the White House. You want to know who cost Perdue and Loeffler their seats? Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Donald Trump....So much winning!!! Nothing was stolen. Nothing was rigged. Abrams just ran a better ground game...and ate Republicans lunch. Get used to it. I have a feeling that her approach will be used as a template in other states like OH, TX, FL, NC, SC, and IA. The ones that were close on November 3rd.
You are confused Moon Bat. The filthy Democrat Dirty Tricks Department learned how to create fraudulent mail in ballots and then be the ones to count them. We will never than another legitimate election in this country. Snaggletooth Abrams is nothing more than another dumbass low IQ uneducated Negro that has learned how to scam stupid White Guilt pukes.
Bull shit. Ballots are counted by members of both parties. Don't blame it anything but the fact that you backed the wrong horse. No matter how loved he is by some, the fact is over 7M more DID NOT like him. That's what happens in a democratic society, unlike the fascistic "you must think out way" policy of the Trumpistas.

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