Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

I just finished reading a history book about WWI (time on my hands).

There is an interesting statistic in it. On the western front in western Europe, 48,000 American soldiers were killed in battle...62,000 soldiers died of influenza.

The so-called "Spanish" flu (which originated in Kansas when some dimbulb got the bright idea to burn shit, and I mean literally shit) killed over half a million Americans, more than all the wars of that century combined. And we had our own Ministry of Information suppressing news about it, not to mention shipping a million and a half soldiers off to Europe, crammed onto boats, which is how it got to Europe. People were leaving bodies of family members outside the front of the house to be picked up by morgue wagons.

It was called "Spanish" flu for the perverse reason that Spain was the major affected country that was NOT lying about it. Britain, France, Germany and the US, belligerents in battle, were all sweeping it under the news rug, because epidemics are bad for the business of war.
The so-called "Spanish" flu (which originated in Kansas when some dimbulb got the bright idea to burn shit, and I mean literally shit) killed over half a million Americans, more than all the wars of that century combined. And we had our own Ministry of Information suppressing news about it, not to mention shipping a million and a half soldiers off to Europe, crammed onto boats, which is how it got to Europe. People were leaving bodies of family members outside the front of the house to be picked up by morgue wagons.

It was called "Spanish" flu for the perverse reason that Spain was the major affected country that was NOT lying about it. Britain, France, Germany and the US, belligerents in battle, were all sweeping it under the news rug, because epidemics are bad for the business of war.
At the farm, burning cow sh*t is a "mosquito repellent".

It is a method used in farms of Central American countries were "industrial repellent products" are not available or small farmers can't afford to buy.

Why lock down a state for a phony crisis? This is straight from the CDC and it shows an anomalous drop far beyond any normal statistical deviation in the number of flu/pnuemonia deaths at the exact same time corona deaths are rising. The answer is fairly obvious even to the blind. Deaths are being coded as corona just because of a positive regardless of whether it had anything to do with the death. If corona alnoe were indeed causing so many deaths then these deaths would not have fallen at the same time. case closed
OK. It DOES show that "social distancing" vastly reduces flu cases. Seen down here to a great degree too

This is another quite fascinating chart from the CDC. It shows all US deaths weekly in the US. And please draw your attention once again to that red line representing 2019/20. All of a sudden as corona deaths are rising, all other deaths have a plunge that cant be explained by a normal margin of error. It can however be explained by also assuming other deaths like cancer and heart disease may be also coded as corona deaths. case closed and shut. No state should be closed down for a phony crisis. I will post later the head of italian ministry of health saying the same thing is occuring in italy Case Closed.
I have to think he should not have been fired. The personnel on an aircraft carrier or the people on cruise liners are in confined quarters. That is the ultimate in getting COVID-19. What the USG and Navy should have done is provided them test kits right away in order to determine who had it and quarantine them. Some would be asymptomatic so would not know. Once you have the quarantined those who have in, then the worst ones in danger could be treated with the hydroxychloroquine cocktail and a doctor who knows how to administer. I'm not sure what the Navy is doing? Does anyone?

siap. Navy Captain who was fired tests positive.
just that second sentence should be all a thinking person would need to know a lockdown isn't needed. Confined. Confined. funny shit. confined quarters is the opposite of what was needed.
Corona deaths in italy overstated

"But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus."

Same thing that is happening here. Case closed and shut. There is a german official saying the same thing in germany. Its happening all over europe
I just finished reading a history book about WWI (time on my hands).

There is an interesting statistic in it. On the western front in western Europe, 48,000 American soldiers were killed in battle...62,000 soldiers died of influenza.

The so-called "Spanish" flu (which originated in Kansas when some dimbulb got the bright idea to burn shit, and I mean literally shit) killed over half a million Americans, more than all the wars of that century combined. And we had our own Ministry of Information suppressing news about it, not to mention shipping a million and a half soldiers off to Europe, crammed onto boats, which is how it got to Europe. People were leaving bodies of family members outside the front of the house to be picked up by morgue wagons.

It was called "Spanish" flu for the perverse reason that Spain was the major affected country that was NOT lying about it. Britain, France, Germany and the US, belligerents in battle, were all sweeping it under the news rug, because epidemics are bad for the business of war.
so it's ok to lie to us today because of that? that's your takeaway?

This is another quite fascinating chart from the CDC. It shows all US deaths weekly in the US. And please draw your attention once again to that red line representing 2019/20. All of a sudden as corona deaths are rising, all other deaths have a plunge that cant be explained by a normal margin of error. It can however be explained by also assuming other deaths like cancer and heart disease may be also coded as corona deaths. case closed and shut. No state should be closed down for a phony crisis. I will post later the head of italian ministry of health saying the same thing is occuring in italy Case Closed.
Chart of what? The image you posted doesn't say.

This is another quite fascinating chart from the CDC. It shows all US deaths weekly in the US. And please draw your attention once again to that red line representing 2019/20. All of a sudden as corona deaths are rising, all other deaths have a plunge that cant be explained by a normal margin of error. It can however be explained by also assuming other deaths like cancer and heart disease may be also coded as corona deaths. case closed and shut. No state should be closed down for a phony crisis. I will post later the head of italian ministry of health saying the same thing is occuring in italy Case Closed.

A teeny weeny chart no one can read that has no link for itself "demonstrates" nothing.

Moreover, your rationalization that "other deaths like cancer and heart disease may be also coded as corona deaths" is equally true (or false) for any country reported, so it would even out even if it were true.

This is another quite fascinating chart from the CDC. It shows all US deaths weekly in the US. And please draw your attention once again to that red line representing 2019/20. All of a sudden as corona deaths are rising, all other deaths have a plunge that cant be explained by a normal margin of error. It can however be explained by also assuming other deaths like cancer and heart disease may be also coded as corona deaths. case closed and shut. No state should be closed down for a phony crisis. I will post later the head of italian ministry of health saying the same thing is occuring in italy Case Closed.
Chart of what? The image you posted doesn't say.
Its a chart of all deaths weekly in the US.

Why lock down a state for a phony crisis? This is straight from the CDC and it shows an anomalous drop far beyond any normal statistical deviation in the number of flu/pnuemonia deaths at the exact same time corona deaths are rising. The answer is fairly obvious even to the blind. Deaths are being coded as corona just because of a positive regardless of whether it had anything to do with the death. If corona alnoe were indeed causing so many deaths then these deaths would not have fallen at the same time. case closed

Again your itty bitty chart only an ant can read DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A LEGEND ON IT, let alone a link.

Why lock down a state for a phony crisis? This is straight from the CDC and it shows an anomalous drop far beyond any normal statistical deviation in the number of flu/pnuemonia deaths at the exact same time corona deaths are rising. The answer is fairly obvious even to the blind. Deaths are being coded as corona just because of a positive regardless of whether it had anything to do with the death. If corona alnoe were indeed causing so many deaths then these deaths would not have fallen at the same time. case closed
Those are deaths from flu/pnuemonia

This is another quite fascinating chart from the CDC. It shows all US deaths weekly in the US. And please draw your attention once again to that red line representing 2019/20. All of a sudden as corona deaths are rising, all other deaths have a plunge that cant be explained by a normal margin of error. It can however be explained by also assuming other deaths like cancer and heart disease may be also coded as corona deaths. case closed and shut. No state should be closed down for a phony crisis. I will post later the head of italian ministry of health saying the same thing is occuring in italy Case Closed.
Chart of what? The image you posted doesn't say.
Its a chart of all deaths weekly in the US.

Sure it is. And I am the President of Asia. It says so right here on the internets. Wanna buy a bridge?
Where did the majority of that take place ?

About 20 to 25 states have no real issues. They have (in some cases) less than 10 total deaths.

New York and New Jersey (and it is really NYC and Newark) have been ground zero for the U.S.

The rest of the statistics are pretty low all things considered. You have a couple of states that have had some issues...but not like those two.

So tell me again...why does the whole country need to lock down because the Mayor of New York is a moron ?

Take away New York and New Jersey, and the United States STILL has the most active cases in the world. Even without those two states, still nearly double the country with the next most amount of cases.

How convenient that you want to blame everyone except for Trump.

This is another quite fascinating chart from the CDC. It shows all US deaths weekly in the US. And please draw your attention once again to that red line representing 2019/20. All of a sudden as corona deaths are rising, all other deaths have a plunge that cant be explained by a normal margin of error. It can however be explained by also assuming other deaths like cancer and heart disease may be also coded as corona deaths. case closed and shut. No state should be closed down for a phony crisis. I will post later the head of italian ministry of health saying the same thing is occuring in italy Case Closed.
Chart of what? The image you posted doesn't say.
Its a chart of all deaths weekly in the US.
Deaths caused by what? Again, that chart doesn't say. Why not post a link to it for context?
March 24, 2020 - United States - 54,916
March 25, 2020 - United States - 68,489 - 24.7% increase
March 26, 2020 - United States - 85,594 - 24.97% increase
March 27, 2020 - United States - 104,256 - 21.8% increase
March 28, 2020 - United States - 123,776 - 18.7% increase
March 29, 2020 - United States - 142,224 - 14.9% increase
March 30, 2020 - United States - 164,266 - 15.5% increase
March 31, 2020 - United States - 188,578 - 14.8% increase
April 1, 2020 - United States - 215,300 - 14.2% increase
April 2, 2020 - United States - 245,193 - 13.9% increase
April 3, 2020 - United States - 277,475 - 13.2% increase
April 4, 2020 - United States - 311,635 - 12.3% increase
April 5, 2020 - United States - 336,830 - 8.1% increase

Note that those numbers are driven not only by how many infections there are, but by how many tests are done. So a decrease in these numbers would also be driven by a decrease in testing.

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