Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.


There is, complete and full from the cdc. Flu/pnuemonia deaths falling while corona deaths rise. phony crisis

This is another quite fascinating chart from the CDC. It shows all US deaths weekly in the US. And please draw your attention once again to that red line representing 2019/20. All of a sudden as corona deaths are rising, all other deaths have a plunge that cant be explained by a normal margin of error. It can however be explained by also assuming other deaths like cancer and heart disease may be also coded as corona deaths. case closed and shut. No state should be closed down for a phony crisis. I will post later the head of italian ministry of health saying the same thing is occuring in italy Case Closed.

A teeny weeny chart no one can read that has no link for itself "demonstrates" nothing.

Moreover, your rationalization that "other deaths like cancer and heart disease may be also coded as corona deaths" is equally true (or false) for any country reported, so it would even out even if it were true.
well then you need both pieces of data. Let's see it. go for it, show us the total deaths in the last six month vs since when the wuhan virus deaths started. Let's see the chart. A thinking man adds in the virus supposed deaths and guess what happens to that red line?

Again this is all US deaths weekly. week 1 is the start of january. Again, there is an unexplainable drop in deaths that can only be explained because deaths are being corded as corona falsely. This chart is again all deaths so we can also conclude some cancer and heart disease deaths have been considered corona

Again this is all US deaths weekly. week 1 is the start of january. Again, there is an unexplainable drop in deaths that can only be explained because deaths are being corded as corona falsely. This chart is again all deaths so we can also conclude some cancer and heart disease deaths have been considered corona
BTW, the weeks line up correctly to the spike in the cdc deaths for wuhan, week 9.

This is another quite fascinating chart from the CDC. It shows all US deaths weekly in the US. And please draw your attention once again to that red line representing 2019/20. All of a sudden as corona deaths are rising, all other deaths have a plunge that cant be explained by a normal margin of error. It can however be explained by also assuming other deaths like cancer and heart disease may be also coded as corona deaths. case closed and shut. No state should be closed down for a phony crisis. I will post later the head of italian ministry of health saying the same thing is occuring in italy Case Closed.
Chart of what? The image you posted doesn't say.

She explained it dumbass.

Thats a handy little chart from a few days ago in NYC. As you can see out of 789 male cases only 14 did not have a co-morbidity factor. In females again 14 out of 699. In other words unless you are old and dying of something else you aint got a damn thing to worry about.

I wasnt going to post in any corona thread until i felt more was known. Its clear now this simply is not a big deal. My curiosity was piqued when i began to realize none of the sports players, coaches, politicians, actors like the old diabetic tom hanks that tested positive were dying. Then i realized the obvious truth. The vast majority of deaths were of people already in the hospital dying of something else.
Huge progress in the United States has been made in cutting the rate of increase per day in the United States. The United States has gone from a rate of 25% increase per day to now just 8% increase per day in just 10 days. That is nearly a 70% cut in the daily rate of increase in new infections per day, in just 10 days.

Where did the majority of that take place ?

About 20 to 25 states have no real issues. They have (in some cases) less than 10 total deaths.

New York and New Jersey (and it is really NYC and Newark) have been ground zero for the U.S.

The rest of the statistics are pretty low all things considered. You have a couple of states that have had some issues...but not like those two.

So tell me again...why does the whole country need to lock down because the Mayor of New York is a moron ?

It only takes one person to rapidly infect large numbers of people in a state. It would be possible to reopen, or stay open PROVIDED, you had enough testing capability to keep track, through contact tracing of the infected, and everyone that came in contact with the infected. Unfortunately, the United States is way behind in testing and does not have that ability yet. So, there are people in these states that are infected and we don't know it, because they have not been tested. There are also people that are dying at the hospital who have not been tested, so the number of deaths is actually an undercount.

Its the United States failure on the testing front which makes it necessary to lock down the country. You could kill the pathogen in less than a month everywhere in the country, if you kept every American isolated for the next month. You can't do that obviously, because essential services must continue, but shutting down the non-essential services will limit the spread and cases, lower the time it takes to arrive at a point where testing catches up with the number of active cases still in the country. When that happens, you can reopen.

Also, remember that there is a lag in testing results and what you are seeing today. Today's testing results for infection are where the country was 10 days to two weeks ago.

Michigan and Louisiana are hot spots that are rapidly increasing in cases. South Dakota does not expect to see its peak number of infections until mid-June.

The reason New York State and New York City is much more impacted than the rest of the country is because New York City is the center for international travel around the world. Trump failed to shut the borders and travel down back in January. He only blocked travel from one country which was meaningless given how people travel around the world in hours and the virus ignores borders and just hitches a ride on people moving around the world. Blocking one country has no real effect. You have to shut down all foreign travel to see an impact. That's one reason why Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore have done so much better than the United States.

Thats a handy little chart from a few days ago in NYC. As you can see out of 789 male cases only 14 did not have a co-morbidity factor. In females again 14 out of 699. In other words unless you are old and dying of something else you aint got a damn thing to worry about.

I wasnt going to post in any corona thread until i felt more was known. Its clear now this simply is not a big deal. My curiosity was piqued when i began to realize none of the sports players, coaches, politicians, actors like the old diabetic tom hanks that tested positive were dying. Then i realized the obvious truth. The vast majority of deaths were of people already in the hospital dying of something else.

Well, guess what, people with underlying conditions can live for decades. They have as much right to life as anyone else. Its the ASSHOLES who label this as an old persons disease that are getting people killed. You may be safer from death at a younger age, but your also far more likely to catch and give it to someone you don't know and end up killing them. Young people who are not following lock down orders are the reason this virus continues to spread and kill people. Stop thinking about yourself and start worrying about other people and your potential to transmit the virus to them and KILL THEM!

It takes everyone in this country, young and old to successfully defeat this pathogen. This pathogen needs hosts to spread and the people that are not following the rules HELP THE PATHOGEN SURVIVE AND KILL MORE PEOPLE!
Spain and Italy continue to show downward trends in cases and deaths.

Even Sweden, who refused to go on lockdown (unless something has changed) is trending down.

Un needed panic....

Sweden has the 12 highest per capita number of deaths in the world from coronavirus. Terrible job Sweden has done and their citizens are suffering the results.
Let's see it. go for it, show us the total deaths in the last six month vs since when the wuhan virus deaths started. Let's see the chart. A thinking man adds in the virus supposed deaths and guess what happens to that red line?

Hey jc456. Do you shop at Lowe's -- I mean Low's?

‘You Don’t Need To Plant Your Tulips Right Now:’ Lowe’s Home Improvement Employee Speaks Out

As the majority of non-life-sustaining businesses will soon enter the fourth week of closures, people flocked to home improvement stores like Lowe’s on Saturday across the Pittsburgh area.

Our cameras captured packed parking lots, people not adhering to social distancing guidelines, and people not wearing masks.

KDKA talked to an employee at one local Lowe’s store, who did not want to be identified out of fear of losing her job, but said she believes the company is putting profit ahead of her safety.

“This is an epidemic where you need to stay home, not come out and go shopping. You don’t need to plant your tulips right now! You can wait!”'


There is, complete and full from the cdc. Flu/pnuemonia deaths falling while corona deaths rise. phony crisis

Were at the natural end of the seasonal flu season. Seasonal flu always is falling in early April every year. Coronavirus is not the flu. It is 10 to 30 times more deadly than seasonal flu and there is no vaccine available. Deaths are going up from coronavirus because the Pathogen has successfully spread to many parts of the country due to our failure to lock down the country over a month ago.

Sorry, but there is no conspiracy to inflate deaths from coronavirus. If anything, deaths from coronavirus are understated, because many people have died without a test for coronavirus being administered. There is some information from Italy that indicates the number of deaths may actually be 3 to 4 times higher from coronavirus, but due to a lack of testing, we can't confirm that.
Let's see it. go for it, show us the total deaths in the last six month vs since when the wuhan virus deaths started. Let's see the chart. A thinking man adds in the virus supposed deaths and guess what happens to that red line?

Hey jc456. Do you shop at Lowe's -- I mean Low's?

‘You Don’t Need To Plant Your Tulips Right Now:’ Lowe’s Home Improvement Employee Speaks Out

As the majority of non-life-sustaining businesses will soon enter the fourth week of closures, people flocked to home improvement stores like Lowe’s on Saturday across the Pittsburgh area.

Our cameras captured packed parking lots, people not adhering to social distancing guidelines, and people not wearing masks.

KDKA talked to an employee at one local Lowe’s store, who did not want to be identified out of fear of losing her job, but said she believes the company is putting profit ahead of her safety.

“This is an epidemic where you need to stay home, not come out and go shopping. You don’t need to plant your tulips right now! You can wait!”'

why not? social distancing rules in order. not sure your point.
This is straight from the CDC and it shows an anomalous drop far beyond any normal statistical deviation in the number of flu/pnuemonia deaths at the exact same time corona deaths are rising. The answer is fairly obvious even to the blind. Deaths are being coded as corona just because of a positive regardless of whether it had anything to do with the death
Or you're nuts, and flu cases are dropping due to the social distancing, and some who would otherwise suffer flu are suffering from covid-19, and flu cases are dropping naturally due to it being the end of flu season. You should really think things through a bit more before making such assertions.
This is straight from the CDC and it shows an anomalous drop far beyond any normal statistical deviation in the number of flu/pnuemonia deaths at the exact same time corona deaths are rising. The answer is fairly obvious even to the blind. Deaths are being coded as corona just because of a positive regardless of whether it had anything to do with the death
Or you're nuts, and flu cases are dropping due to the social distancing, and some who would otherwise suffer flu are suffering from covid-19. You should really think things through a bit more before making such assertions.
That would seem unlikely especially unlikely since adding in corona deaths all you get is a normal curve quite like 2013-2018

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