Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Here are the current projections for death, from covid-19, in Texas, Florida and Arizona by October 1, 2020

Current total deaths from covid-19: 2,334
Total deaths from covid-19 by October 1, 2020: 13,736
Number that will die from covid-19 in between now and October 1, 2020: 11,402

Current total deaths from covid-19: 3,329
Total deaths from covid-19 by October 1, 2020: 15,393
Number that will die from covid-19 in between now and October 1, 2020: 12,064

Current total deaths from covid-19: 1,490
Total deaths from covid-19 by October 1, 2020: 5,687
Number that will die from covid-19 in between now and October 1, 2020: 4,197

That's nearly 28,000 people dying from Covid-19 in these three states combined over the next three months. This is a total disaster. There was NO sensible reason to open up and loosen restrictions. Those restrictions should have remained in place.
These three states had the virus suppressed or going in downward trend by early May. You don't let up when your making progress.

If these projections pan out, these states will throw out their current leaders and they won't be supporting Trump in November.

Can you please link me to the source you're using for those?

Sure, here is the link:

Then click on the USA in the list
Then go down to the state you want(don't click it), and then go all the way to the last column on the far right where it says "projections"
Click on projections for Texas.

I think it gets updated so, the numbers are changing every day. Current projection for Texas is 13,736 total dead from Covid-19 by October 1, 2020. With 2,367 already dead from Covid-19 in Texas, that's another 11,400 dead from covid-19 in Texas over the next three months.
Here are the current projections for death, from covid-19, in Texas, Florida and Arizona by October 1, 2020

Current total deaths from covid-19: 2,334
Total deaths from covid-19 by October 1, 2020: 13,736
Number that will die from covid-19 in between now and October 1, 2020: 11,402

Current total deaths from covid-19: 3,329
Total deaths from covid-19 by October 1, 2020: 15,393
Number that will die from covid-19 in between now and October 1, 2020: 12,064

Current total deaths from covid-19: 1,490
Total deaths from covid-19 by October 1, 2020: 5,687
Number that will die from covid-19 in between now and October 1, 2020: 4,197

That's nearly 28,000 people dying from Covid-19 in these three states combined over the next three months. This is a total disaster. There was NO sensible reason to open up and loosen restrictions. Those restrictions should have remained in place.
These three states had the virus suppressed or going in downward trend by early May. You don't let up when your making progress.

If these projections pan out, these states will throw out their current leaders and they won't be supporting Trump in November.

I usually don't read your bullshit, but I thought I'd take a chance today that you might say something sane.

I was disappointed but not surprised by this moronic load of tripe.

Back to ignore.

I hope these projections don't come true, but its the direction Texas, Arizona and Florida are headed in currently. I think I just heard that Texas and Florida are closing all bars which is a start and could definitely lower these numbers by October 1, 2020. In my opinion, they need to go back into full lockdown to prevent these deaths.

Based on June 25, 2020 death totals for Arizona, Texas and Florida, if that daily death toll held steady, 112 combined deaths a day, through October 1, 2020, that would add 11,200 deaths combined in these three states. The projection though is for that rate to nearly double over the next 100 days producing nearly 21,000 deaths instead of just 11,200.
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Here are the current projections for death, from covid-19, in Texas, Florida and Arizona by October 1, 2020

Current total deaths from covid-19: 2,334
Total deaths from covid-19 by October 1, 2020: 13,736
Number that will die from covid-19 in between now and October 1, 2020: 11,402

Current total deaths from covid-19: 3,329
Total deaths from covid-19 by October 1, 2020: 15,393
Number that will die from covid-19 in between now and October 1, 2020: 12,064

Current total deaths from covid-19: 1,490
Total deaths from covid-19 by October 1, 2020: 5,687
Number that will die from covid-19 in between now and October 1, 2020: 4,197

That's nearly 28,000 people dying from Covid-19 in these three states combined over the next three months. This is a total disaster. There was NO sensible reason to open up and loosen restrictions. Those restrictions should have remained in place.
These three states had the virus suppressed or going in downward trend by early May. You don't let up when your making progress.

If these projections pan out, these states will throw out their current leaders and they won't be supporting Trump in November.

Can you please link me to the source you're using for those?

Sure, here is the link:

Then click on the USA in the list
Then go down to the state you want(don't click it), and then go all the way to the last column on the far right where it says "projections"
Click on projections for Texas.

I think it gets updated so, the numbers are changing every day. Current projection for Texas is 13,736 total dead from Covid-19 by October 1, 2020. With 2,367 already dead from Covid-19 in Texas, that's another 11,400 dead from covid-19 in Texas over the next three months.

Ah, I never noticed that column. Thanks! That's really helpful.
We're at 47,230 new cases toady, which is a complete disaster.

And interestingly enough, Brazil is right behind us at 46,907 new cases for today.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Friday that all bars in the state must close (though they can remain open for take out and delivery) and restaurants must limit capacity—that edict comes just one day after Abbott said Texas must pause any further reopening as it grapples with record case numbers

Florida will shut down bars in an effort to mitigate a record spike in cases across the state, according to a Friday announcement from Halsey Beshears, Secretary of the Department of Business & Professional Regulation.

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards extended his state’s Phase 2 reopening Thursday for another 28 days; Louisiana was originally planning to move to Phase 3 on Friday.

Idaho Gov. Brad Little announced Thursday that reopening would pause because the state did not yet meet its own criteria: “we're tapping on the brakes,” he said.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday that he will delay the reopening of malls, gyms and movie theaters—originally scheduled to open as early as Friday in some parts of the state

North Carolina will delay entering Phase Three of reopening and continue in the “safer at home” phase for another three weeks, Gov. Roy Cooper said Wednesday.

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly recommended this week that the state stay in Phase 3 of its reopening plan for two more weeks; Kansas was originally supposed to begin lifting Phase 3 restrictions on Monday.

Maine Gov. Janet Mills announced Monday that indoor bars in the state would not be allowed to reopen on July 1 as scheduled.

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak announced last week that reopening plans would pause: “Now is not the time to abandon these protective measures,” he said.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced a one-week pause to the state’s reopening plans on June 11, citing concerns about rising case numbers in rural and urban areas;

Utah Republican Gov. Gary Herbert announced a similar pause that same week.


They opened too soon.
512 deaths yesterday.

It's clear we are not dealing with the same situation we had lost March/April.

Oh, its the same situation. Just because the current death count is not currently as high does not make it any different. Its the same first wave. There was only a small dip in new daily cases in May. Then with the stupid re-openings, everything shot back up towards the end of May.

Now we have a disaster in Texas, especially Houston.

Houston no longer has capacity to care for COVID-19 patients. If you need hospitalization with COVID-19 in Houston, your being sent to Woodlands Texas 30 miles north or Galveston Texas 55 miles to the south of Houston.

What a total clusterfuck by the leadership in Texas.

Texas peaked on May 15, with 2,012 cases. Texas was down to 527 cases by May 25. Then the idea is YAY, lets open up! On June 30, 2020, Texas reported 7,959 cases, nearly 4 times as many cases as the peak on May 15, 2020.

Smart leadership would have continued the lockdown and you'd be down to 50 cases a day by June 30, 2020 instead of exploding to 8,000 cases by June 30, 2020. The United States looks like the Dumbest country on the planet and Texas is helping lead the way in that department.

Although daily deaths in Texas have not set a new record yet, all indications are that the old record of 63 in one day will soon be broken.

Finally, lets remember that just because you don't die from covid-19 does not mean your out of the woods and make a 100% recovery. There are thousands of patients, both young and old who have survived, but have sustained massive damage to the lungs, heart, other parts of the body as well as blood clots. Covid-19 is doing more damage to some survivors than smoking a pack a day for 30 years has done to people. This is the hidden number, the number of people that have survived but now have illness and injury from Covid-19 and uncertainty when or if they will make a full recovery. THIS IS NOT SEASONAL FLU! If you get Covid-19, regardless of your age, you are rolling the dice with your life and health.

How pathetic looking it is to see these states locking business's back up when they NEVER should have been opened in the first place. How many people will have to die or be injured unnecessarily for this stupidity?

The United States was at 46,000 cases for June 30, 2020. Fauci now believes we could see 100,000 cases a day.

In the mean time, Taiwan has only had 447 cases, 5 of which occurred during the month of June. Only 7 people have died in Taiwan. There are only TWO active cases of coronavirus left in Taiwan.

Daily cases June 30, 2020:

United States - 46,042
Taiwan - 0
New Zealand - 0
Germany - 440
Italy - 142
France - 541
Spain - 301
United Kingdom - 689
Japan - 117
Australia - 69
South Korea - 43
Singapore - 246
Switzerland - 62
Austria - 43
Ireland - 11
Netherlands - 50
Belgium - 66
Luxembourg - 43
Denmark - 17
Norway - 17
Finland - 5
Canada - 286
Estonia - 2
Slovenia - 15
Andorra - 0
Monaco - 0
Liechtenstein - 0
Malta - 0
San Marino - 0
Vatican City - 0
Iceland - 2
Cyprus - 2
Greece - 19

As you can see from the above list of first world countries, over 90% of the new cases of covid-19, in the first world, occurred in just ONE country, THE UNITED STATES.
US at 760 deaths.

California over 100.

Northeast still a contributor...but not as high a percentage

AZ/TX/Florida ==> 161 combined.
California just announced that they're closing down indoor operations for restaurants, wineries, movie theaters, zoos, museums, and card rooms in 19 counties.

We opened back up too soon. Like we said the first time.

We should be looking at the data and going from there.
This indecisive closing and re-opening and then re-closing is just hurting our economy more. We should have just stayed closed longer and had our leaders more actively push proactive measures.

We botched this about as horribly as we possibly could have.
California just announced that they're closing down indoor operations for restaurants, wineries, movie theaters, zoos, museums, and card rooms in 19 counties.

We opened back up too soon. Like we said the first time.

We should be looking at the data and going from there.
There is no "too soon". It'll be the same if you closed for five years. This critter is here to cane toads, the pythons in the glades, MS13,the 'killer" Japanese hornet,Dengue,herpes,sub subterranean termites,hair hat Shameekaz and men in dresses. KAGA..... Hey. Did that new "news disaster" arrive yet ? The New and Improved swine flu ?

It still beats opening a news site and hearing about 6-8 million real estate thieves on an hourly basis
California just announced that they're closing down indoor operations for restaurants, wineries, movie theaters, zoos, museums, and card rooms in 19 counties.

We opened back up too soon. Like we said the first time.

We should be looking at the data and going from there.
There is no "too soon". It'll be the same if you closed for five years. This critter is here to cane toads, the pythons in the glades, MS13,the 'killer" Japanese hornet,Dengue,herpes,sub subterranean termites,hair hat Shameekaz and men in dresses. KAGA..... Hey. Did that new "news disaster" arrive yet ? The New and Improved swine flu ?

It still beats opening a news site and hearing about 6-8 million real estate thieves on an hourly basis

Other countries have this contained MUCH better than we do. Why is that?
California just announced that they're closing down indoor operations for restaurants, wineries, movie theaters, zoos, museums, and card rooms in 19 counties.

We opened back up too soon. Like we said the first time.

We should be looking at the data and going from there.
There is no "too soon". It'll be the same if you closed for five years. This critter is here to cane toads, the pythons in the glades, MS13,the 'killer" Japanese hornet,Dengue,herpes,sub subterranean termites,hair hat Shameekaz and men in dresses. KAGA..... Hey. Did that new "news disaster" arrive yet ? The New and Improved swine flu ?

It still beats opening a news site and hearing about 6-8 million real estate thieves on an hourly basis

Other countries have this contained MUCH better than we do. Why is that?
Because in other countries common sense is a common trait.I know six assholes who just traveled to Maimi from all over the country for a dudes 50th planes ! Like THAT was some kind of "priority". These fuckers all live in great fishing areas around the country. SO. They caught a bunch of fish and took them to a restaurant that cleans them and cooks them for you and "celebrated"there...Lets see a couple weeks as to how that worked out. It's not as stupid as going to a concert or nigga run up and down dat field "event"but it's close. If there had been a sporting event they'd have gone there too.
It's about time to see if the rioters start showing up with it too. It takes more than a few days most of the time.Weeks and weeks and a carrier may never show a symptom while he spreads it all around. Others wind up on their back in a few days. It Depends. Like Joe Bidens undies. Just Depends

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