Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Arizona at 3,600 new cases today. New record for them. They're starting to see more businesses close again.

Just over 36,000 new cases for June 23, 2020 in the United States. That is the third highest number of daily new cases ever in the United States. There are FIVE states that accounted for 60% of that figure! California, Texas, Florida, Arizona and Georgia. 836 Americans died from covid-19 on June 23, 2020. Dr. Fauci has said that deaths usually trail behind new cases by 3 to 4 weeks. Sadly this means the United States death toll from Covid-19 for the month of July might exceed that death toll for the month of June.

The only thing opening up has done appears to be returning the United States to its worst situation with covid-19 in April. The economy will take another hit as the virus continues to spread across the country and people start to retreat in reaction to that.

The United States has 2,242,492 confirmed covid-19 infections and 123,476 deaths from covid-19. Meanwhile in TAIWAN, they still have only had a total of 446 cases and 7 deaths after 5 months. In a country of 25 million people, there are currently only FOUR active cases of the virus. Those four active cases are the only four infections of covid 19 that TAIWAN has experienced in June.

The United States had a chance to be like Taiwan, but TRUMP failed to protect the country by not restricting all travel into the country back in January like Taiwan did.

That FAILURE is compounded by the fact that Trump's response to that failure has been a failure to lead the country through a proper lockdown figure to reduce the virus, followed up by a program of testing, contact tracing, and isolation to protect from further outbreaks has the numbers dropped.

Italy at one point was the epicenter of the outbreak, but through their lockdowns, they have made amazing process reducing daily infections from 6,540 on March 21, 2020 to just 113 infections on June 23, 2020. That is a 98% reduction in new cases from the peak. Deaths in Italy have also declined by 98% from a high of 919 back in March, to just 18 yesterday.

Despite Trump's failure to stop the virus from entering much of the country like Taiwan did, as bad as things got, the United States still had an opportunity to be like Italy, but here again it failed. If the United States were like Italy right now, the U.S. would be experiencing less than 800 new infections per day and less than 55 deaths per day.

Deaths back up to 800 (used to be 800 would be a great day).

CA, Northeast, and east coast still the bulk.

AZ was at 43.
The North East is implementing travel restrictions on people arriving from the following states:
  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Arizona
  • Florida
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Washington
  • Utah
  • Texas

Already 29,000 new cases today. Man we can not get this thing under control.


Starting to see several states implementing a mask policy as things are just getting worse. I'm wondering if we'll see another lock-down.

I wonder what schools are going to do in a few months. If public schools go remote again, that's going to put a lot of strain on parents going to work.

38,200 new cases today. This is the second highest total we have had.

Leading the way are Texas (6,200) and Florida (5,500). Both states just went way past their previous highest numbers.

This is getting bad.

38,200 new cases today. This is the second highest total we have had.

Leading the way are Texas (6,200) and Florida (5,500). Both states just went way past their previous highest numbers.

This is getting bad.

In Houston, 97% of ICU beds are occupied. That could rise to 100% by tomorrow depending on how many people get sick tomorrow at the current rate. After that, how sick people who need ICU beds and where they will get them becomes a more difficult question.

Then there is ARIZONA:

In Arizona, emergency rooms are seeing about 1,200 suspected COVID-19 patients a day, compared with around 500 a month ago. If the trends continue, hospitals will probably exceed capacity within the next several weeks, said Dr. Joseph Gerald, a University of Arizona public health policy professor.

“We are in deep trouble,” said Gerald, urging the state to impose new restrictions on businesses, which Gov. Doug Ducey has refused to do.

This is a result of TRUMP strategy and TRUMP ways of thinking about the virus. If these states had remained locked down like they were in April, there would be very little virus at all at this point in these states and they would be looking at a situation where testing, contact tracing, and preventive isolation could take over from lockdown measures and allow the state to safely reopen.
Already 29,000 new cases today. Man we can not get this thing under control.

View attachment 354518

Starting to see several states implementing a mask policy as things are just getting worse. I'm wondering if we'll see another lock-down.

I wonder what schools are going to do in a few months. If public schools go remote again, that's going to put a lot of strain on parents going to work.

Parents shouldn't be going to work unless they work in an essential service. Were now seeing why maintaining extensive lockdowns are necessary and reopening does not work, until you have brought the infection rate down low enough that contact tracing can handle it. .
Already 29,000 new cases today. Man we can not get this thing under control.

View attachment 354518

Starting to see several states implementing a mask policy as things are just getting worse. I'm wondering if we'll see another lock-down.

I wonder what schools are going to do in a few months. If public schools go remote again, that's going to put a lot of strain on parents going to work.

Parents shouldn't be going to work unless they work in an essential service. Were now seeing why maintaining extensive lockdowns are necessary and reopening does not work, until you have brought the infection rate down low enough that contact tracing can handle it. .

Why would we listen to you ?

You are a panicked little old lady.

38,200 new cases today. This is the second highest total we have had.

Leading the way are Texas (6,200) and Florida (5,500). Both states just went way past their previous highest numbers.

This is getting bad.

In Houston, 97% of ICU beds are occupied. That could rise to 100% by tomorrow depending on how many people get sick tomorrow at the current rate. After that, how sick people who need ICU beds and where they will get them becomes a more difficult question.

Then there is ARIZONA:

In Arizona, emergency rooms are seeing about 1,200 suspected COVID-19 patients a day, compared with around 500 a month ago. If the trends continue, hospitals will probably exceed capacity within the next several weeks, said Dr. Joseph Gerald, a University of Arizona public health policy professor.

“We are in deep trouble,” said Gerald, urging the state to impose new restrictions on businesses, which Gov. Doug Ducey has refused to do.

This is a result of TRUMP strategy and TRUMP ways of thinking about the virus. If these states had remained locked down like they were in April, there would be very little virus at all at this point in these states and they would be looking at a situation where testing, contact tracing, and preventive isolation could take over from lockdown measures and allow the state to safely reopen.

Just making sure we have this where we need it.

Already 29,000 new cases today. Man we can not get this thing under control.

View attachment 354518

Starting to see several states implementing a mask policy as things are just getting worse. I'm wondering if we'll see another lock-down.

I wonder what schools are going to do in a few months. If public schools go remote again, that's going to put a lot of strain on parents going to work.

Parents shouldn't be going to work unless they work in an essential service. Were now seeing why maintaining extensive lockdowns are necessary and reopening does not work, until you have brought the infection rate down low enough that contact tracing can handle it. .

Why would we listen to you ?

You are a panicked little old lady.

Most panicked little old ladies are far more intelligent than the people running the government in Arizona and Texas. If only there was a little old Lady in charge in both Texas and Arizona, perhaps the lockdown would have remained in place, and you wouldn't now be having record numbers of infections, hospitalizations and deaths for those states.

Guess who the President of Taiwan is? Tsai Ing-wen. Not sure that she qualifies as a little old lady, but she is 63.

Guess which country has the best record on covid-19 pandemic? TAIWAN

TAIWAN - population 25 million - 447 infections, 7 deaths, only 5 active cases left.

United States - population 332 million - 2,500,000 infections, 127,000 dead, 1.3 million active cases.

That right there is why you should listen to Little Old Ladies. They kick ass when it comes to fighting a pandemic!
Just making sure we have this where we need it.

Meanwhile in Taiwan, only 7 people have died from coronavirus. The United States could have been like Taiwan, but Trump led the country in a different direction.

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