Official Election results thread

First order of business for President Trump....Make polling illegal.
Ok, the house is definitely Republican, and the Senate is going to be majority Republican, but what percent does it take to repeal Obamacare?
They have enough. The problem will be what do they replace it with?

I actually just read:

It’s unlikely that Republicans will have a 60-vote majority in the Senate in 2017. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats have been unanimous against repeal, and the number of Democrats in the chamber next year is predicted to increase over their current 46.

In Opinion: How hard would it be to repeal Obamacare?

That's not going to happen.

"I am going to repeal and replace ObamaCare!" - Trump lie number 1001.

Watch him, douche bag. He only needs 51 votes in the Senate.

60, the number is 60 you clueless dolt.

Nope, not for tax bills, and the Supreme court ruled Obamacare to be a tax. it will only take 51 votes to kill it. It only took 51 votes to pass it.
BO & MO must be really scratching their heads.

Scratching their heads? Moochelle is likely breaking a lot of china while Obabble smokes up a couple packs of unfiltered menthols.
Never kick anyone when they're down. I agree and I knew you'd be like that Mrs M - you are very inspirational.

Kick me..I deserve it if anyone does!!!!
What brand of shoe do you prefer?

Say goodbye to Obamacare and all these stupid Obama EOs.

If I was Jim Comey I would be worried.Crooked Hillary may very well wind up in jail unless that asshole Obama gives her some general pardon before he gets out of office.

Mexico better figure out how to come up with the money to build the wall.

The good news is that the Supreme Court will be saved.
I don't think we should jump to conclusions yet. Both are still in it, both have won their "must win" states so far.

Looks like Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Hampshire will be key.
Trump is projected to win 315 electoral votes, Clinton 225:

How are you feeling now, Mrs M :thup:

I'm on cloud nine!
Awww. God bless you!!! Me too!
Never kick anyone when they're down. I agree and I knew you'd be like that Mrs M - you are very inspirational.

Kick me..I deserve it if anyone does!!!!

We'll be nice if you are.


My God, if Trump wins, with a Repub House and Senate...conservative Justices appointments.....we are going to take this country back!!!
The liberal press will beat him EVERY DAMN DAY the way they did Bush and Reagan until the People turn on him.

They are at war with America. They won't take a Clinton loss lightly. This was HER time dammit!
That's why they need me! I'll write for free and make sure everyone knows I got my start at USMB! We'll all be famous!
NYT forecasts over 95% chance Trump wins presidency

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