Official Election results thread

This is going to be great.

Crooked Hillary is going to lose in the Electoral College but probably win the popular vote.

That will give these goofy Moon Bats something to wail about for the next four years. It will be comical.
I don't think we should jump to conclusions yet. Both are still in it, both have won their "must win" states so far.

Looks like Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Hampshire will be key.
Trump is projected to win 315 electoral votes, Clinton 225:

How are you feeling now, Mrs M :thup:

I'm on cloud nine!
Awww. God bless you!!! Me too!

How can you be ?

This country just nominated two turds.
This is going to be great.

Crooked Hillary is going to lose in the Electoral College but probably win the popular vote.

That will give these goofy Moon Bats something to wail about for the next four years. It will be comical.


Trump will not be allowed to win!
They have enough. The problem will be what do they replace it with?

I actually just read:

It’s unlikely that Republicans will have a 60-vote majority in the Senate in 2017. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats have been unanimous against repeal, and the number of Democrats in the chamber next year is predicted to increase over their current 46.

In Opinion: How hard would it be to repeal Obamacare?

That's not going to happen.

"I am going to repeal and replace ObamaCare!" - Trump lie number 1001.

Watch him, douche bag. He only needs 51 votes in the Senate.

60, the number is 60 you clueless dolt.

Nope, not for tax bills, and the Supreme court ruled Obamacare to be a tax. it will only take 51 votes to kill it. It only took 51 votes to pass it.

You need to read the article. It says exactly how it works. Changing the rule from 60 Senators to just 51 is up to one person, whom will not trigger that rule.
This is going to be great.

Crooked Hillary is going to lose in the Electoral College but probably win the popular vote.

That will give these goofy Moon Bats something to wail about for the next four years. It will be comical.


Trump will not be allowed to win!

Trump was able to win even with a rigged system.
Nobody is talking about the underage rape case.

Good grief.

Both these lingydingers are crap.
This is going to be great.

Crooked Hillary is going to lose in the Electoral College but probably win the popular vote.

That will give these goofy Moon Bats something to wail about for the next four years. It will be comical.


Trump will not be allowed to win!

Trump was able to win even with a rigged system.

You are sooo irreparably retarded.

LMAO - Karl Rove saying Trump should thank Walker and Ryan for Wisconsin. What a f*cking tool.
Not a Rove fan, but he's right about a newly elected President not picking a fight within the party.

To a degree; but Trump needs to do what he was elected to do. If PR is gonna be a RINO, Trump needs to destroy him.

Except a small nuance - IT IS NOT POSSIBLE to do.

Your bosses ain't paying no more. You can quit now.
How long before hildabeast brings a lawsuit against the FBI and Comey?

I'll bet she's almost glad it's over......I can't see her running in four years.

Than again, four years from now.......

I can't see her running in four years.

I'll be shocked if she survives the next 4 months.

If she loses the Clintons are done in politics. Good for everyone, Dem or Repub IMO. The DNC especially needs an enema. I dislike Trump but could not bring myself to vote for Clinton either. Hopefully this election is a big shake up for both parties. I wish Johnson and the Libertarians could have made more headway.
This is going to be great.

Crooked Hillary is going to lose in the Electoral College but probably win the popular vote.

That will give these goofy Moon Bats something to wail about for the next four years. It will be comical.


Trump will not be allowed to win!

Trump was able to win even with a rigged system.

You are sooo irreparably retarded.


The retards are the idiot Moon Bats that elected that jackass Crooked Hillary as the Democrat Presidential nominee. What the hell were you clowns thinking? She has more baggage than Delta Airlines.

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