Official Election results thread

The Rector criminal links in Virginia, when the George Washington DNA link to Rector is in Ohio, the Trump-Rector link. Trump outsmarted the deadly Rector line connected to MI6. No, Virginia, there's a Santa Claus (and [italics]) an MI5.
Still too close to call yet but Trump is already overperforming everywhere, not a lock but looks like Trump is going to win. Looks like Repubs will retain the Senate as well. This is shaping up to be a massive fuck up by the DNC.
Agreed about Trump overperforming. It appears the Democrats massively underread the frustration and angst Americans are feeling.

This is a huge repudiation of the Democratic party agenda. 8 years ago they promised hope and change, now Americans are demanding it since the Democrats failed to deliver.

A lot of voters are angry. The Republicans went with the outsider populist. The Democrats chose the status quo boring flawed candidate with tons of baggage.

Of course they are angry, who made them angry you think? The same lying blowhards as Trump.

Nope. It's about more than that. Look at our economy and it has rebounded and unemployment has gone down. However most of the good paying new jobs are in select places, mostly large cities. Everywhere else wages are down and good paying jobs are gone. People are pissed. The middle class is shrinking. This result for Trump is about voters being pissed off at the status quo and desperate for change for the better.
The Molotov cocktail
I don't think we should jump to conclusions yet. Both are still in it, both have won their "must win" states so far.

Looks like Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Hampshire will be key.
Trump is projected to win 315 electoral votes, Clinton 225:

How are you feeling now, Mrs M :thup:

I'm on cloud nine!
I have to say:

The Fall of the House of Clinton gives me hope that America still has a beating heart.
Ok, the house is definitely Republican, and the Senate is going to be majority Republican, but what percent does it take to repeal Obamacare?
They have enough. The problem will be what do they replace it with?

I actually just read:

It’s unlikely that Republicans will have a 60-vote majority in the Senate in 2017. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats have been unanimous against repeal, and the number of Democrats in the chamber next year is predicted to increase over their current 46.

In Opinion: How hard would it be to repeal Obamacare?

That's not going to happen.

"I am going to repeal and replace ObamaCare!" - Trump lie number 1001.

You mean President Trump lie number 1001.

It is the same glitzy asshole as far as I'm concerned.
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So so so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:2up:

President Trump! :clap:
My God, if Trump wins, with a Repub House and Senate...conservative Justices appointments.....we are going to take this country back!!!
The liberal press will beat him EVERY DAMN DAY the way they did Bush and Reagan until the People turn on him.

They are at war with America. They won't take a Clinton loss lightly. This was HER time dammit!

The thing is Trump can handle the media. It also doesn't matter what they say. A full Repub government will be able to take action and pass some legislation.
The media will need all new journalists! Maybe they will have a spot for me?
That would be an excellent result :thup:

Looks like another 2000, a complete moron candidate who wins the electoral college but doesn't win the popular vote.

I think that's an unfair insult to Bush, he wasn't a smart cookie as far as presidents go, but he wasn't a cretin either.

You think it's unfair, I think it's fair.

Not a cretin? How many people's lives did he ruin? The 4,000 troops who died in Iraq. The 40,000 troops who came back with bits of their body missing. The 1 million Iraqis who potentially died due to his inability to do anything right, like not send all the Iraqis off into unemployment where the ONLY job was to work for the insurgency. The Syrians who have seen their country fall apart. The Americans and Europeans who lost their homes because of over spending on wars.

A cretin? No, maybe you're right, it would be a fucking insult to cretins to compare them with Bush.

You really think Bush is equivalent to this degenerate asshole? Come on.

President asshole.
I have to say:

The Fall of the House of Clinton gives me hope that America still has a beating heart.

Her losing is the one thing I've wanted this whole election cycle. If Curly ran as an R, don't care. Her losing the WH ... nothing will beat that. Nothing.
My God, if Trump wins, with a Repub House and Senate...conservative Justices appointments.....we are going to take this country back!!!
The liberal press will beat him EVERY DAMN DAY the way they did Bush and Reagan until the People turn on him.

They are at war with America. They won't take a Clinton loss lightly. This was HER time dammit!

The thing is Trump can handle the media. It also doesn't matter what they say. A full Repub government will be able to take action and pass some legislation.
The media will need all new journalists! Maybe they will have a spot for me?
A lot of the old ones have disgraced themselves, like John Harwood.

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