Official Election results thread

This is going to be great.

Crooked Hillary is going to lose in the Electoral College but probably win the popular vote.

That will give these goofy Moon Bats something to wail about for the next four years. It will be comical.


Trump will not be allowed to win!

Trump was able to win even with a rigged system.

That is because God rendered a judgment in his favor. The Democrats are no longer striving against Donald Trump. They are now striving against the Lord God Almighty! Not a wise thing to do. They need to just settle down and accept that this is the will of God of our country. They will have to wait four more years. This is Trump's presidency and they are not going to take it from him.

So the bullshit that is fixing to happen is God's will? You wanted that clown. Let's see how long till you realize how wrong you were.

Of course it was God's will! Do you think I set out to pray against God's will? I didn't get to praying until I knew that I knew that I knew that it was His Will and I was just praying in agreement with his will! God answers prayer! There were millions of us praying and He heard our prayers and rendered a verdict in our favor! Now you'll just have to accept that and the Democrats had better not try to mess with what God has already done or they will find themselves fighting against Him! VERY BAD IDEA.

Good. Then you wan't have a problem accepting the damage that will be done. The stock markets all over the world are already crashing. Aren't you proud?
How shameful that Latinos who were lucky enough to make it to the U.S. and get citizenship have turned against their own people.

Also I will find it funny when in a year from now all the rural white voters are crying because Trump has forgotten all about them.

Trump will not be allowed to win!

Trump was able to win even with a rigged system.

That is because God rendered a judgment in his favor. The Democrats are no longer striving against Donald Trump. They are now striving against the Lord God Almighty! Not a wise thing to do. They need to just settle down and accept that this is the will of God of our country. They will have to wait four more years. This is Trump's presidency and they are not going to take it from him.

So the bullshit that is fixing to happen is God's will? You wanted that clown. Let's see how long till you realize how wrong you were.

Of course it was God's will! Do you think I set out to pray against God's will? I didn't get to praying until I knew that I knew that I knew that it was His Will and I was just praying in agreement with his will! God answers prayer! There were millions of us praying and He heard our prayers and rendered a verdict in our favor! Now you'll just have to accept that and the Democrats had better not try to mess with what God has already done or they will find themselves fighting against Him! VERY BAD IDEA.

Good. Then you wan't have a problem accepting the damage that will be done. The stock markets all over the world are already crashing. Aren't you proud?
And what are you going to say when they fully recover as they always do?
It looks like Trump is going to get Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Arizona and Alaska. That gives him a total of 322 electoral votes to Hillary's 216. Pretty close to a landslide. It's a bigger margin than Obama's last election.
And you libs completely believed your own bullshit that Trump was racist. Check this out. Trump loves these people and they came out in droves.

Republican Hindu Coalition: We Swung 25,000 Indian-American Votes
by Joel B. Pollak8 Nov 2016

Shalibh Kumar of the Republican Hindu Coalition told Breitbart News at the victory party for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump that his organization swung 25,000 votes for Trump in Florida, Ohio, and other swing states.

2016 Election Day: Live Updates - Breitbart
Either polling is a lost art or they tried to fix it for Democrats.
Trump was able to win even with a rigged system.

You are sooo irreparably retarded.


The retards are the idiot Moon Bats that elected that jackass Crooked Hillary as the Democrat Presidential nominee. What the hell were you clowns thinking? She has more baggage than Delta Airlines.

Didn't realize you felt such a Bern.

Hillary's main baggage was Republican nonstop bullshit spreading about her and an email server she defensively ran to avoid it. She is a moderate Democrat, popular President's partner in life and a natural legacy to Obama.

She was also against historical odds in trying to keep presidency for the party, only happened 2 times in 120 years I think. Trump nomination helped but still wasn't enough.

Oh of course, it's the Republicans fault she broke the law and mishandled classified emails.

It was Republican that investigated and cleared her - wtf else you want?

He didn't clear her you moron. He works for Obama stooges, they threaten him, he complies.
:lmao: The Hillary supporter crying about health care when Obama raped us all.
LOL. I seen that.

Even more bullshit - Trump was a supporter of single payer - she should have been in his camp anyway.

The problem will be, will he repeal Obamacare and leave people without insurance before making a new plan, or will have a plan ready to put into place in Obamacare's place.
This is going to be great.

Crooked Hillary is going to lose in the Electoral College but probably win the popular vote.

That will give these goofy Moon Bats something to wail about for the next four years. It will be comical.
Wait until she goes to prison. Then they will really be wailing.
The poll numbers were so far off, can anyone have faith in Obama's polls numbers? I think if we had a real media and a fair polling system his numbers would be under 40%...

Most of the polls were cooked by way oversampling Democrats.

LA Times looks like the most accurate one of all!

Even hack Silver had to adjust somewhat for the bias.

No, the polls were not wrong!!!

They are national polls. When you poll nationally you obviously get national results.

You have to (and they should, but they're too damn lazy to), reduce the percentage by the surplus votes each candidate gets from the non swing states.

This year those should be:

Clinton 9.5 million
Trump 4.5 million.

The difference of 5 million is roughly 3.9% of the total national vote.

She needed that large of a lead to be win the majority of swing states. Below that and she losses swing states and marginal blue states.
Polls were fixed. Toss up Ohio went to Trump +9
Either polling is a lost art or they tried to fix it for Democrats.
That is exactly what they were doing all along. The entire MSM was in on it and now it is all being proven. There was never any Russian hacking! They tried to steal the election but they could not do it. They could not. Thank God!
If she loses the Clintons are done in politics. Good for everyone, Dem or Repub IMO. The DNC especially needs an enema. I dislike Trump but could not bring myself to vote for Clinton either. Hopefully this election is a big shake up for both parties. I wish Johnson and the Libertarians could have made more headway.

You are seriously short sighted.

Trump win is not good for anyone and ushers in a new age of factless, shameless, hyper demagoguery in American politics.

High roads are officially closed.
Likely you'll be in a concentration camp before July 4.

What the fuck is wrong with you and the other two retards that thought this bizzare comment was funny and agreeable?
Trump up 49k votes in PA (98%), 58k votes in MI (82%), and 93k votes in WI (92%).

Hillary should bleachbit her foundation server...
I don't think the crazy right wingers even care. They won't realize how stupid his election is until it effects them personally, and I'm not sure they will realize whose fault it is then.

It's ok bulldyke....just go back to your dreams..we know you lack them, but you can pretend you can lick them.

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