Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Through ALL of the impeachment hearings to date in both the Intel and Judiciary Committees, not one witness has said I heard President Trump say he wanted Ukraine to investigate Biden or they don't get any aid. NOT ONE. The fact that however many people testified that they believed he wanted it, thought he did, guessed he did, IS NOT EVIDENCE of wrong-doing. Evidence is an email, memo, document, phone transcript, anything that says don't send the aid to Ukraine until they investigate Biden. Evidence is someone, anyone that testifies under oath that he or she heard Trump say that. But guess what? NOTHING. NADA. ZIP. ZERO. No evidence whatsoever.

Guys, that's not right. What the Dems are doing is legal and with their rights. Even their duty to investigate possible wrong-doing. But to draw up Articles of Impeachment based on nothing but interpretation, supposition, assumption, personal guesses, etc., without one single shred of evidence IS NOT RIGHT. The first 2 presidents in our nation's history committed a crime for which there was actual evidence. Nixon authorized the break-in at Watergate and Clinton lied under oath. One could say that in Clinton's case it didn't rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, but that ain't the point. Both of them did something illegal for which there was evidence. But that is not the case here, in Trump's case the Dems have shown NOTHING that is evidence of illegal activity. They don't even have evidence of unethical wrong-doing even if not illegal. All they have is opinions.

You don't impeach a President solely based on somebody's opinion, no matter who they are or how many there are. It is my sincere hope that every person who votes for impeachment gets kicked out of office in the next election.
Through ALL of the impeachment hearings to date in both the Intel and Judiciary Committees, not one witness has said I heard President Trump say he wanted Ukraine to investigate Biden or they don't get any aid. NOT ONE. The fact that however many people testified that they believed he wanted it, thought he did, guessed he did, IS NOT EVIDENCE of wrong-doing. Evidence is an email, memo, document, phone transcript, anything that says don't send the aid to Ukraine until they investigate Biden. Evidence is someone, anyone that testifies under oath that he or she heard Trump say that. But guess what? NOTHING. NADA. ZIP. ZERO. No evidence whatsoever.

Guys, that's not right. What the Dems are doing is legal and with their rights. Even their duty to investigate possible wrong-doing. But to draw up Articles of Impeachment based on nothing but interpretation, supposition, assumption, personal guesses, etc., without one single shred of evidence IS NOT RIGHT. The first 2 presidents in our nation's history committed a crime for which there was actual evidence. Nixon authorized the break-in at Watergate and Clinton lied under oath. One could say that in Clinton's case it didn't rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, but that ain't the point. Both of them did something illegal for which there was evidence. But that is not the case here, in Trump's case the Dems have shown NOTHING that is evidence of illegal activity. They don't even have evidence of unethical wrong-doing even if not illegal. All they have is opinions.

You don't impeach a President solely based on somebody's opinion, no matter who they are or how many there are. It is my sincere hope that every person who votes for impeachment gets kicked out of office in the next election.
Democrats appear on the verge of doing just that, and then it will be time for the GOP Senate to restore sanity and order.
Can you believe this shit?

Republicans Invade Barron Trump’s Privacy, Drag Him Into Politics

Pamala is a liar, a smear artist and was forced to apologize for dragging the President's 13 year old son into her putrid politics.

ABC News


Pamela Karlan: "Contrary to what President Trump says, Article Two does not give him the power to do anything he wants."

"The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility, so while the president can name his son Barron, he cannot make him a baron"

Trump has NEVER claimed that Article II gives him the power to do anything he wants. And her lies and smears are fitting conclusion to the Democrat's impeachment farce with an assist from Fake News Slate.
The creep state


Once again we had a congressional hearing by Democrats seeking to overturn the 2016 election. Once again, the testimony revealed how smug, petty, and immature the Party Of Obama is.

This time, they are trying to impeach President Donald John Trump for making a telephone call to the new president of Ukraine.

Wayne Dupree


Dems made a huge mistake putting up this man-hating shrew. Even Obama kept his distance from this hateful and toxic woman …

Report: Obama Thought Nadler's 'Star Witness' Pamela Karlan Was Too 'Radical and Leftwing' For...
There's nothing more off-putting than a progressive academic man-hating feminist woman yelling and being rude.


5:03 AM - Dec 5, 2019
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399 people are talking about this

At the same panel of the American Constitution Society, she said, “Every day Trump says something outrageous and people go, ‘ah, at least it’s not as outrageous as the day-before thing.

"I remember this during the campaign, where he would say things, and you would think, ‘okay, that’s the end.’ When he mocked John McCain for having been shot down. When he made fun of the reporter with the disability. When the infamous tapes about grabbing women came out, and you kept thinking… Donald Trump has sexually assaulted more women than 99.99% of all of the people who have entered this country illegally."

He says things. Impeach!

Karlan joined Peter Strzok in the cuckoo nest of deep staters and academics whose testimony reveals the former believe they should rule because they have seen presidents come and have seen presidents go. The latter believe they should rile because they are so smart.

If 3 out of 4 law professors say he is guilty, then he is guilty because he says things.

Can't you mouth-breathing morons see?

Of course, what the president actually said was nothing anywhere near an impeachable offense.

He told Ukraine's president, "I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General.

"Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in .the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son. that Eiden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it. It sounds horrible to me."

Democrats say President Donald Trump whom they spied on using the deep state's FBI in 2016 was pressing to get dirt on a political opponent.

President Donald Trump already had the dirt. Biden gave it to the president in 2018 in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Biden said, "I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

"So they said they had — they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said — I said, call him.

"I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired."

The prosecutor Biden coerced Ukraine into firing was investigating Hunter Biden's company.

I always wondered why Obama picked Joe Biden as his vice president. Now I know that Biden is as corrupt as Obama, and as creepy as the deep state.

My hope is their obsession with bringing down President Donald Trump will bring them down instead.

Don Surber: The creep state
Yet every damn one of them, on cross examination, said they had no direct knowledge that was the case. Assumptions and presumptions are not evidence. The one person with first hand knowledge of what the president said, testified that the president told him that he wanted nothing from Ukraine. He just wanted Zelensky to do what he campaigned on. You can spew the commie talking points all you wish, that doesn't alter the facts presented.

Oh you mean Trump didn’t call them personally and say I’d like a quid pro quo with Ukraine aid for these interviews?! Ok you got me there. Trump didn’t do that. But his agenda was made very clear from his top guys, all of whom he blocked from testifying, down through those on the ground who actually did testify and all agreed as to what the agenda was. Wake up man, this isn’t even a sly cover up

Wrong again, the guy from OMB didn't back up those claims, why do you think shitt didn't call him for the public hearings.

You mean Mick Mulvaney the guy that runs that department who said during a press conference on national Tv that they did the QPQ?


Oh my bad, who are you talking about then and what did they say?

His name is Mark Sandy, you want to know what he said, google is your friend.



Fat Jerry's Impeachment Circus: (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Let's hypothetically assume articles of impeachment were voted and sent to trial in the Senate. Then what?

Who is subpoenaed first? It's going to be a race among Adam Schiff, Eric Ciaramella, and Mark Zaid (Ciaramella's lawyer). Followed by Schiff's staffers, Vindman again, other Democrat members of the HPSCI.

You can expect extensive declassification. In particular, of transcripts of the closed-door meetings that Schiff won't release. (Classification is under the president's authority, not a Congress member's.)

After yesterday, you can expect extensive subpoenas of communications records.

You can expect (yet another) rehash of the last three years, and you can bet that the GOP will be out for blood.

You can expect a concurrent effort to expel Schiff from the House. (No, members of the House can't be impeached. But they can be expelled.)

You can expect most of the upper levels of the Obama administration to be subpoenaed: if they appear, they will be examined in ways that would make a proctologist squirm; if they resist, you can bet an attempt will be made to compel them, and "no one is above the law" will be the watchword on Republican lips.

You can expect every witness from the Schiff hearings to be re-called and examined by hostile questioners, and you can bet Mitch McConnell won't shush the Republicans.

Given the number of actual crimes that appear to be involved, the fallout could be expensive. No one will go to actual jail — nobody at that level goes to jail — but they could lose clearances, pay millions in lawyer fees, and become laughingstocks.

If it comes to trial and Trump is acquitted, especially when the evidence against the Obama administration comes out, it probably means a massive election victory for Trump and the GOP. If it comes to trial at all, then it'll be happening during Iowa's caucuses and many of the major contenders will need to be at the trial — or they won't show up, and the Trump oppo ads will be solar fusion fire.

The risks are too great for the Democrats, but they still may be dumb enough to pull the trigger. Or we could see this "drafting of articles of impeachment" drag on all of next year with fake news repeating IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT for the next 11 and half months, which will confirm that this has all be a political farce, Democrats misusing their impeachment power in a failed attempt to claim that Trump has misused his Executive Power.
WHY IT’S FAIR TO TALK ABOUT A “COUP:” ‘The Interagency’ Isn’t Supposed to Rule: The Constitution gives the president, not a club of unelected officials, the power to set foreign policy.

When the war on terror opened, with all the secret activity it required, professional cadres in the diplomatic corps, the military and the nation’s many intelligence agencies were able to transform interagency cooperative agreements that had existed since the Cold War into a de facto agency—a largely informal and virtual bureaucracy—with the assumed power, if need be, to determine and execute a foreign policy at odds with the intent of the president and Congress.​

Last month’s testimony before the Intelligence Committee shed light on this club whose members are a permanent shadow government credentialed by family histories, elite schools and unique career experiences. This common pedigree informs their perspective of how America should relate to the world. The dogmatists of the interagency seem to share a common discomfort with a president who probably couldn’t describe the doctrine of soft power, doesn’t desire to be the center of attention at Davos, and wouldn’t know that Francis Fukuyama once decided that history was over.​

The impeachment hearings will have served a useful purpose if all they do is demonstrate that a cabal of unelected officials are fashioning profound aspects of U.S. foreign policy on their own motion. No statutes anticipate that the president or Congress will delegate such authority to a secret working group formed largely at the initiation of entrepreneurial bureaucrats, notwithstanding that they may be area experts, experienced in diplomatic and military affairs, and motivated by what they see as the best interests of the country.​

Given their track record, all of those qualifications are open to doubt. But what’s really behind the Deep State outrage at Trump is captured by this blog comment: “This charade is being conducted for many reasons. One reason seems to be that we cannot allow the deplorables to elect a POTUS.”
If Bolton, Nunes, Pompeo, Giuliani and Hunter Biden don't testify... All this f'ing bullshit ends in civil war.

Who wants to bet ?

Aw, such a drama queen. All you'll do is sit in front of your keyboard and bitch, while applying a liberal dose of butt hurt cream. LMAO

Oh you mean Trump didn’t call them personally and say I’d like a quid pro quo with Ukraine aid for these interviews?! Ok you got me there. Trump didn’t do that. But his agenda was made very clear from his top guys, all of whom he blocked from testifying, down through those on the ground who actually did testify and all agreed as to what the agenda was. Wake up man, this isn’t even a sly cover up

Wrong again, the guy from OMB didn't back up those claims, why do you think shitt didn't call him for the public hearings.

You mean Mick Mulvaney the guy that runs that department who said during a press conference on national Tv that they did the QPQ?


Oh my bad, who are you talking about then and what did they say?

His name is Mark Sandy, you want to know what he said, google is your friend.

Haha, Mark Sandy is your smoking gun?! Holy crap. Did you read his testimony?! He outlines how whack and shady everything was with the held funds. What warped right wing source told you that Sandy was somebody to point to?! You need to do more homework man. But by all means please make your case.
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Wrong again, the guy from OMB didn't back up those claims, why do you think shitt didn't call him for the public hearings.

You mean Mick Mulvaney the guy that runs that department who said during a press conference on national Tv that they did the QPQ?


Oh my bad, who are you talking about then and what did they say?

His name is Mark Sandy, you want to know what he said, google is your friend.

Haha, Mark Sandy is your smoking gun?! Holy crap. Did you read his testimony?! He outlines how whack and shady everything was with the held funds. What warped right wing source told you that Sandy was somebody to point to?! You need to do more homework man. But by all means please make your case.

And what was the reason he stated for the hold?

Graham Pours Cold Water On Trump, House GOP Push To Subpoena Schiff
Graham Pours Cold Water On Trump, House GOP Push To Subpoena Schiff

"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), the usually reliable President Trump ally, shot down the a House Republican’s request to subpoena the phone records of House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Thursday."

Repubs have already discredited themselves enough without making fools of themselves with more Trumpian idiocy.
If Bolton, Nunes, Pompeo, Giuliani and Hunter Biden don't testify... All this f'ing bullshit ends in civil war.
Who wants to bet ?
Aw, such a drama queen. All you'll do is sit in front of your keyboard and bitch, while applying a liberal dose of butt hurt cream. LMAO

I figure we all could use a dose of butt cream here.

Nah, I'm good. The congressional commie got way out over their skies on this and they will pay the price come Nov.

For the Democratic Party, the better the economy, the more difficult it will be for them to succeed in their primary goal: to dethrone Donald Trump in 2020. In that light, the latest jobs report presents a bunch of very bad news for the party so desperate to see Trump go down.

JOBS REPORT: U.S. payrolls jump by 266,000, smashing expectations
Employment Situation Summary

That 3.5% overall unemployment rate matches the lowest figure in 50 years, dating back to 1969.

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