Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

The hearings very clearly showed what the agenda was.

No crime proven.
-- Schiff's own 'witnesses' could NOT name 1 crime, 1 'High Crime and Misdemeanor' committed

No evidence of any crime or abuse of power.
- Everything presented was HEARSAY, rumor, assumption, and opinion. NO 1st-hand account / information.

No Witnesses, No one who actually 'witnessed' anything
- Nadler did no better, managing only to scrounge up Liberal Extremist University professors with a proven past history of hating Trump, willing to go after his son, who could only give their OPINIONS, not actually cite the Constitution / a Constitutional Scholar like Turley

The Democrats made their agenda clear back in 2017 5 minutes after Trump took his oath of office - They publicly declared their mission of removing Trump from the WH. Freshman Dems like Tlaib ran on their mission to 'Impeach the SOB'

Schiif's and Nadler's TELEVISED self-imploding coup attempts just showed the world, as Turley testified, what the Democrats are doing is based on partisan hatred and a lust for power, 'dangerous' to our republic, and the only ones who have abused their power are he DEMOCRATS!
Allow me to respond by asking a clarifying question... let’s get on the same page as to what we consider a crime.... if a president were to use the power of his office to leverage a foreign country to take actions intended to help the president on a purely political level... would you consider that a crime and or an impeachable offense? That’s a yes or no question.

If you don't mind me butting into this conversation uninvited, I'd like to take a whack at your question. Is what you proposed a crime? No, I don't think so. Is it an impeachable offense? Tougher question, but my answer is still no, because I think it's done all the time. Is it unethical? Yeah, I think so, but does it rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors? No, not in my view.

Politics is a dirty business, both domestically and internationally. I have no doubt that Politicians in every country try to bend others to do their will, explicitly or implicitly. Is it ethical? No, but it is reality. And here's my next point: it is not right to pick and choose who you're going to charge with unethical behavior that is commonly done. We might not know about it, but I am not naive enough to believe that Trump is the 1st American president or politician to resort to unethical behavior.
Thank you for answering. It’s amazing how many of these guys are too scared to give a direct response. They must think I’m trying to trap them or something
That’s twice now you’ve avoided answering my question
Once again, that's because your question is based on fantasy, something that has not happened, which snowflakes and Democrats love to focus on instead of what REALLY THIS:

Sooooo.......YOUR TURN.

This one self-incriminating videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM by itself is more 'evidence' of a crime having been committed than the democrats have been able to find in the last 4 years.

It's not a 'Yes or No' - It's a 'Put Up Or Shut Up', snowflake.


That right, because laws and rules are made in fantasy. They set up boundary’s to say what is acceptable and what is not acceptable so defining the lines of what we consider criminal and impeachable actions in this realm is a perfectly valid discussion which you are obviously not prepared to engage in. Why is that? task0778 did a perfectly fine job
Thank you for answering. It’s amazing how many of these guys are too scared to give a direct response. They must think I’m trying to trap them or something
Mine is a simple request, too, Slade.

Here's Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM.....a crime Democrats and snowflakes seem not to give a damn about and seem to want to talk about even less, unless attempting to claim that a confession is really not a confession.

Please provide the link to the videotaped confession of doing the same by Trump. That would really simplify this whole 4-year thing the Democrats have been trying to accomplish.
[That right, because laws and rules are made in fantasy. They set up boundary’s to say what is acceptable and what is not acceptable so defining the lines of what we consider criminal and impeachable actions in this realm is a perfectly valid discussion which you are obviously not prepared to engage in. Why is that? task0778 did a perfectly fine job
Nice attempt to duck, dodge, and avoid....again. Your 'surrender' is duly noted.

Thank you for answering. It’s amazing how many of these guys are too scared to give a direct response. They must think I’m trying to trap them or something
Mine is a simple request, too, Slade.

Here's Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM.....a crime Democrats and snowflakes seem not to give a damn about and seem to want to talk about even less, unless attempting to claim that a confession is really not a confession.

Please provide the link to the videotaped confession of doing the same by Trump. That would really simplify this whole 4-year thing the Democrats have been trying to accomplish.

Yours is a very simple request and I’m happy to oblige as soon as you answer my question. You can stop reposting the video and question. I got my response. Just waiting for you to answer my question
He used THE ROYAL "US" which means "Me"

Bill Clinton placed his whole defense in his Sexual Harassment law suit on the definition of HIS word 'IS'.
- He was found guilty of Contempt and stripped of his license to practice law.

Snowflakes are attempting to claim we can not believe our own eyes and ears when watching a videotaped confession by former VP Biden of extorting the previous Ukraine PM, that we must listen to them and believe them as they tell us what Joe MEANT / was THINKING, and that really wasn't a videotaped confession.

Pelosi snapped today, accusing reporter James Rosen of ACCUSING her of hating the President, despite the undeniable fact that he did not do so - he ASKED her IF she hated President Trump.
- Dems just can't stop making easily debunked false accusations....

And now the English Language 'experts' are attempting to dictate the new definition of the word 'US' to fit their failed, hollow coup attempt cover story claim....

Pelosi is a GOOD Catholic that does not Hate The President and that prays for him.

Her Prayers go like this:

Dear Satan:

I pray you help me get rid of That Impostor, Coward, and Fraud that resides in My White House.

Exactly! she Catholic or is she pro-abortion? what is it? because she can not be both.

The reality is ....that Pelosi is a deranged woman full of hatred with a career coming to an end in total disgrace.

That's what she is!
He used THE ROYAL "US" which means "Me"

Bill Clinton placed his whole defense in his Sexual Harassment law suit on the definition of HIS word 'IS'.
- He was found guilty of Contempt and stripped of his license to practice law.

Snowflakes are attempting to claim we can not believe our own eyes and ears when watching a videotaped confession by former VP Biden of extorting the previous Ukraine PM, that we must listen to them and believe them as they tell us what Joe MEANT / was THINKING, and that really wasn't a videotaped confession.

Pelosi snapped today, accusing reporter James Rosen of ACCUSING her of hating the President, despite the undeniable fact that he did not do so - he ASKED her IF she hated President Trump.
- Dems just can't stop making easily debunked false accusations....

And now the English Language 'experts' are attempting to dictate the new definition of the word 'US' to fit their failed, hollow coup attempt cover story claim....

Pelosi is a GOOD Catholic that does not Hate The President and that prays for him.

Her Prayers go like this:

Dear Satan:

I pray you help me get rid of That Impostor, Coward, and Fraud that resides in My White House.

Exactly! she Catholic or is she pro-abortion? what is it? because she can not be both.

The reality is ....that Pelosi is a deranged woman full of hatred with a career coming to an end in total disgrace.

That's what she is!
Why can’t she be both?
Not a Trump supporter.

But if you think Nadler, or the group to his left, is being fair, you're more partisan than I considered possible.

Many tRump supporters are beginning to claim they aren't tRump supporters.

Funny huh?

‘Trump Lusts After His Own Daughter’

and hundreds more with the same sentiment.

You're pissing up a rope, mate
He made those creepy comments, not us.

And I don't see what that has to do with so many of you suddenly not be tRump voters anymore.
Pure Scum, just like Adolph Schiffler, and the whore Nazi Nadler had in front of the cameras telling America how much she hates Baron Trump.
Their obsessive hatred and willingness to commit any foul knows no depths.
Sounds kinda like the guy you quoted.
Sad time for America to see what a vindictive, sordid affair federal “service” has become. When did it become not about American people but all about politicians??
when Trump took office...
he made EVERYTHING about politics and him, within our govt... even for the non political steady state workers.... worship him as King, or they are gone! :eek:
It's not an "impeachable offense" that you didn't want him to win the election. Trump won because we have had it with you folks. We are tired of being lied about, slandered, called "deplorable" and "irredeemable" and being order to silently bow to your latest whim or be destroyed politically and economically, even while Democrats attack our basic civil rights:





That kind of thing is only a threat to the Republic if a GOP president does it. Remember how nobody cared when Obama was wiretapping reporters, and even reporters’ parents? Also related:


They’ll rue normalizing this sort of thing when the Fusion GPS emails all come out. But they’ll just pretend that’s the first time anything like that ever happened.
you, said it was A-OK for trump to use STOLEN private emails that the Russians hacked, 10 times a day in his rallies, so he could win the election....


And John Solomon WORKS for Giuliani... I'd hardly call that 'reporting'....
How did TRUMP get his hands on THESE STOLEN EMALS?

Assange said Seth Rich gave them to him and like Epstein, you people killed Seth Rich, Killed Epstein, Killed Vince Foster, and Killed Two of Epstein's Private Financial Advisors and Bankers. Who is next?

John Podesta, Manafort, Weinstein, Ed Buck?

I got news for you. The GOP plans to call both Assange and Guccifer in The Senate Impeachment Hearings, and this COUNTRY WILL EXPLODE IN ANGER when THE TRUTH COMES OUT about what you all did.

Brennan, Clapper, Erica Ciaramella, Podesta, Zaid, Ohr, Strozk, Page, McCabe, Comey, and others will be called to testify UNDER OATH.

And it will be DRAGGED OUT until right before the election with night after night of DEMNAZI Dirty Laundry being aired before The American PUBLIC.
read it, and learn something other than your Russian propaganda!


The Grand Jury for the District of Columbia charges:COUNT ONE(Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)1.In or around 2016, the Russian Federation (“Russia”) operated a military intelligence agency called the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (“GRU”). The GRU had multiple units, including Units 26165 and 74455, engaged in cyber operations that involved the staged releases of documents stolen through computer intrusions. These units conducted large-scale cyber operations to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
So what? The Grand Jury made an untested claim. What computers were "intruded" and who examined these computers to confirm that the GRU was responsible or that Trump was anyway involved?

But the Steele Dossier, that Hillary purchased, that the Obama DOJ used to spy on Trump, openly brags that it is sourced to Kremlin linked sources.
Sad time for America to see what a vindictive, sordid affair federal “service” has become. When did it become not about American people but all about politicians??
when Trump took office...
he made EVERYTHING about politics and him, within our govt... even for the non political steady state workers.... worship him as King, or they are gone! :eek:
It's not an "impeachable offense" that you didn't want him to win the election. Trump won because we have had it with you folks. We are tired of being lied about, slandered, called "deplorable" and "irredeemable" and being order to silently bow to your latest whim or be destroyed politically and economically, even while Democrats attack our basic civil rights:





That kind of thing is only a threat to the Republic if a GOP president does it. Remember how nobody cared when Obama was wiretapping reporters, and even reporters’ parents? Also related:


They’ll rue normalizing this sort of thing when the Fusion GPS emails all come out. But they’ll just pretend that’s the first time anything like that ever happened.
you, said it was A-OK for trump to use STOLEN private emails that the Russians hacked, 10 times a day in his rallies, so he could win the election....


And John Solomon WORKS for Giuliani... I'd hardly call that 'reporting'....
How did TRUMP get his hands on THESE STOLEN EMALS?

Assange said Seth Rich gave them to him and like Epstein, you people killed Seth Rich, Killed Epstein, Killed Vince Foster, and Killed Two of Epstein's Private Financial Advisors and Bankers. Who is next?

John Podesta, Manafort, Weinstein, Ed Buck?

I got news for you. The GOP plans to call both Assange and Guccifer in The Senate Impeachment Hearings, and this COUNTRY WILL EXPLODE IN ANGER when THE TRUTH COMES OUT about what you all did.

Brennan, Clapper, Erica Ciaramella, Podesta, Zaid, Ohr, Strozk, Page, McCabe, Comey, and others will be called to testify UNDER OATH.

And it will be DRAGGED OUT until right before the election with night after night of DEMNAZI Dirty Laundry being aired before The American PUBLIC.
Despite 3 years of lying by the Fake News Media, Schiff and the Deep State no one has ever shown any Trump connection, or any connection with anyone connected with the campaign. It's always been, all fabrications and smears.
Sad time for America to see what a vindictive, sordid affair federal “service” has become. When did it become not about American people but all about politicians??
when Trump took office...
he made EVERYTHING about politics and him, within our govt... even for the non political steady state workers.... worship him as King, or they are gone! :eek:
It's not an "impeachable offense" that you didn't want him to win the election. Trump won because we have had it with you folks. We are tired of being lied about, slandered, called "deplorable" and "irredeemable" and being order to silently bow to your latest whim or be destroyed politically and economically, even while Democrats attack our basic civil rights:





That kind of thing is only a threat to the Republic if a GOP president does it. Remember how nobody cared when Obama was wiretapping reporters, and even reporters’ parents? Also related:


They’ll rue normalizing this sort of thing when the Fusion GPS emails all come out. But they’ll just pretend that’s the first time anything like that ever happened.
you, said it was A-OK for trump to use STOLEN private emails that the Russians hacked, 10 times a day in his rallies, so he could win the election....
Trump had no advance access to stolen emails, that was another Democrat/Deep State/Fake News lie endlessly repeated.

As for the Wikileaks emails that confirmed that Hillary cheated Bernie with the help of the DNC by getting questions in advance. It's not our fault that Democrats rigged the primaries to cheat Bernie and Trump had every right to speak his mind about it. I love how Democrats try to claim that free speech that points out their cheating is a "crime" or an "impeachable offense".
... :rolleyes:

And John Solomon WORKS for Giuliani... I'd hardly call that 'reporting'....
We already know that Democrats are fine with spying on reporters and even their parents. Obama engaged in it and Democrats didn't say much at all.
If Bolton, Nunes, Pompeo, Giuliani and Hunter Biden don't testify... All this f'ing bullshit ends in civil war.

Who wants to bet ?
If Bolton, Nunes, Pompeo, Giuliani and Hunter Biden don't testify... All this f'ing bullshit ends in civil war.

Who wants to bet ?
The last time the Democrats pushed, started and insisted on a Civil War, a third of the military aged Democrats ended up dead. If you force another one on the nation, I suspect it will be a rather short one.

The American People have about had it with you folks not accepting a Presidential election outcome.
The last time the Democrats pushed, started and insisted on a Civil War, a third of the military aged Democrats ended up dead. If you force another one on the nation, I suspect it will be a rather short one.
The American People have about had it with you folks not accepting a Presidential election outcome.

Live Free or Die
(Adopted by New Hampshire in 1945 after WWII)

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