Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

from the daily wire:

"While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced Thursday that the Democrats are officially moving forward on drafting articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, three among the Democratic ranks have signaled that they’ll vote against it, while the only Republican that Democrats hoped would allow them to label the effort “bipartisan” has signaled he will likewise reject the effort. In other words, the Democrats appear poised to ram through an entirely partisan and increasingly unpopular impeachment against bipartisan opposition."

Bipartisan Opposition: Multiple House Democrats Signal They’ll Vote Against Impeachment
The Senate will bring FACTS and EVIDENCE, instead of Hearsay, Opinion, Conjecture, and Presumptions.

And what will come out of that is a Severe and Brutal Ass Beating of everyone involved in leaking classified information, paying for and propagating the Dirty Dossier, The FISA Abuse, and Joe and Hunter Biden's self enrichment in The Ukraine.

Trust me, this is going to get extremely UGLY for The Democrats. They are also going to get smoked in The Election and Trump will win in a landslide, and The Dems will lose seats in The House.

When you see the witness list that will be coming out, you and all the other leftist will be shitting your pants.
She admits that they have been working for 3 years to find something to impeach The President on.

They are basing the IMPEACHMENT on the FAKE WHISTLE BLOWER Report and on POLLS.

If anyone doesn't think this turd is a Dishonest self serving Hag, they need their heads examined.

Then she goes on an on about Russia and The Crimea, but doesn't realize that Obama refused to do anything to stop Putin from taking The Crimea and invading The Ukraine.
You mean Mick Mulvaney the guy that runs that department who said during a press conference on national Tv that they did the QPQ?


Oh my bad, who are you talking about then and what did they say?

His name is Mark Sandy, you want to know what he said, google is your friend.

Haha, Mark Sandy is your smoking gun?! Holy crap. Did you read his testimony?! He outlines how whack and shady everything was with the held funds. What warped right wing source told you that Sandy was somebody to point to?! You need to do more homework man. But by all means please make your case.

And what was the reason he stated for the hold?

he said that he asked for a reason for the hold months and nobody would give an answer... he had concerns about legality and contacted the legal team with those concerns. Then one of trumps appointees Duffey took over management of the funds which is the first time he ever saw that happen.... it wasn’t until shit hit the fan with the whistle blower that he was told the aid was being held to get other countries to contribute more. Is that really a compelling testimony to you?!

go ahead and make your case
The Senate will bring FACTS and EVIDENCE, instead of Hearsay, Opinion, Conjecture, and Presumptions.

And what will come out of that is a Severe and Brutal Ass Beating of everyone involved in leaking classified information, paying for and propagating the Dirty Dossier, The FISA Abuse, and Joe and Hunter Biden's self enrichment in The Ukraine.

Trust me, this is going to get extremely UGLY for The Democrats. They are also going to get smoked in The Election and Trump will win in a landslide, and The Dems will lose seats in The House.

When you see the witness list that will be coming out, you and all the other leftist will be shitting your pants.
You are drunk on propaganda. You gotta step out of your bubble and actually listen to yourself. You sound like a loon. Take a vacation or something
Oh my bad, who are you talking about then and what did they say?

His name is Mark Sandy, you want to know what he said, google is your friend.

Haha, Mark Sandy is your smoking gun?! Holy crap. Did you read his testimony?! He outlines how whack and shady everything was with the held funds. What warped right wing source told you that Sandy was somebody to point to?! You need to do more homework man. But by all means please make your case.

And what was the reason he stated for the hold?

he said that he asked for a reason for the hold months and nobody would give an answer... he had concerns about legality and contacted the legal team with those concerns. Then one of trumps appointees Duffey took over management of the funds which is the first time he ever saw that happen.... it wasn’t until shit hit the fan with the whistle blower that he was told the aid was being held to get other countries to contribute more. Is that really a compelling testimony to you?!

go ahead and make your case

Your lying, the aid wasn't held for months. And he said the only reason he was aware of for the hold, is they were looking at contributions from other countries. He said nothing about meetings or investigation announcements.

The Senate will bring FACTS and EVIDENCE, instead of Hearsay, Opinion, Conjecture, and Presumptions.

And what will come out of that is a Severe and Brutal Ass Beating of everyone involved in leaking classified information, paying for and propagating the Dirty Dossier, The FISA Abuse, and Joe and Hunter Biden's self enrichment in The Ukraine.

Trust me, this is going to get extremely UGLY for The Democrats. They are also going to get smoked in The Election and Trump will win in a landslide, and The Dems will lose seats in The House.

When you see the witness list that will be coming out, you and all the other leftist will be shitting your pants.
You are drunk on propaganda. You gotta step out of your bubble and actually listen to yourself. You sound like a loon. Take a vacation or something
Want to lay an actual bet on how BAD the Senate Impeachment is going to DAMAGE JOE BIDEN and The DEMOCRAT PARTY? Add in The Criminal Investigation in to The Obama Administration, and you get a 2 for 1. I am hearing there are 101 Indictments coming down.

I assure you, I am completely sane and have 20 years of experience in this area. You can see the writing on the wall.

The Democrat Impeachment is a DEFENSIVE MANEUVER Born out of DESPERATION.

It's nothing but a Pre-emptive Hail Mary Strike to save themselves from impending doom. So was their purchase of The Dirty Dossier from Putin. They felt they had no choice so they did the unthinkable unethical and immoral in an act of desperation to defeat ORANGE MAN BAD!
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Oh my bad, who are you talking about then and what did they say?

His name is Mark Sandy, you want to know what he said, google is your friend.

Haha, Mark Sandy is your smoking gun?! Holy crap. Did you read his testimony?! He outlines how whack and shady everything was with the held funds. What warped right wing source told you that Sandy was somebody to point to?! You need to do more homework man. But by all means please make your case.

And what was the reason he stated for the hold?

he said that he asked for a reason for the hold months and nobody would give an answer... he had concerns about legality and contacted the legal team with those concerns. Then one of trumps appointees Duffey took over management of the funds which is the first time he ever saw that happen.... it wasn’t until shit hit the fan with the whistle blower that he was told the aid was being held to get other countries to contribute more. Is that really a compelling testimony to you?!

go ahead and make your case

Your lying, the aid wasn't held for months. And he said the only reason he was aware of for the hold, is they were looking at contributions from other countries. He said nothing about meetings or investigation announcements.

Bullshit. You didn’t read his testimony did you? Do yourself a favor and do that instead of parroting right wing talking points. They are rarely accurate.
Oh my bad, who are you talking about then and what did they say?

His name is Mark Sandy, you want to know what he said, google is your friend.

Haha, Mark Sandy is your smoking gun?! Holy crap. Did you read his testimony?! He outlines how whack and shady everything was with the held funds. What warped right wing source told you that Sandy was somebody to point to?! You need to do more homework man. But by all means please make your case.

And what was the reason he stated for the hold?

he said that he asked for a reason for the hold months and nobody would give an answer... he had concerns about legality and contacted the legal team with those concerns. Then one of trumps appointees Duffey took over management of the funds which is the first time he ever saw that happen.... it wasn’t until shit hit the fan with the whistle blower that he was told the aid was being held to get other countries to contribute more. Is that really a compelling testimony to you?!

go ahead and make your case

Your lying, the aid wasn't held for months. And he said the only reason he was aware of for the hold, is they were looking at contributions from other countries. He said nothing about meetings or investigation announcements.

Sandy was notified about the hold on July 18... he was told the BS excuse which isnt even being used anymore in early September after the whistler blower report. During that time he filed legal concerns, got no answers to the reason for the hold, was relieved of his authority over the funds by a Trump appointee and lost two colleagues who quit because of how this all went down.

trust me man, you don’t want to lean on the OMB for a supporting case. But if your interested in objectivity and cause for concern then please dig in.
SEND MORE ARICEPT: Nancy Pelosi tries to wrap herself in the Declaration of Independence, fails: Grandiose even by Washington D.C. standards.


Pelosi’s silly, sanctimonious attempt to compare herself to the founding fathers fighting a tyrannical British monarch was gratuitous and grandiose even by Washington standards.

Her speech suggests that Democrats are flailing and failing in their bid to get the American people on board the impeachment train, which will surely go off the rails in the Republican-controlled Senate.

“In signing the Declaration of Independence, our founders invoked a firm reliance on divine providence,” Pelosi said somberly. “Democrats, too, are prayerful, and we will proceed in a manner worthy of our oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic, so help us God.”​

God help us, indeed.

So when one of your so-called constitutional experts made a gratuitous joke at 13-year-old Barron Trump’s expense, that was worthy of your oath of office, Madam Speaker? Did you pray when that happened?

“In the course of today’s events, it becomes necessary for us to address, among other grievances, the president’s failure to faithfully execute the law,” Pelosi said, beginning her breathless address. “When crafting the Constitution, the founders feared the return of a monarchy in America. And having just fought a war of independence, they specifically feared the prospect of a king-president corrupted by foreign influence.”​

Let’s take Pelosi’s comparison to the founding fathers at face value and look at that.

President Trump is a lot of things but he’s no King George III.

One of the things that the founders were upset about was taxation without representation.

Do we not have duly-elected lawmakers representing us? We aren’t exactly under the grip of oppression right now.

Unlike the founding fathers, we have elections.

We have an election every four years to decide whether to keep our president — the founders did not have that luxury when dealing with the British monarchy, or even Parliament.

In fact the election of 2020 is just 11 months away, and voters at that time will have free will to decide whether to keep Trump or not. All they have to do is fill out a ballot. No fighting, no war required.

So Pelosi’s argument that impeachment is somehow the only means to dump Trump is complete baloney.

Americans who aren’t convinced that what Trump has done is impeachable deserve to be heard, also. These voters will make up their minds next November. And they don’t need Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff to tell them what to do.

Pelosi accusing Trump of tyranny is a little rich.
In his farewell address, President George Washington warned of a moment when “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

The Framers of the Constitution well understood that an individual could one day occupy the Office of the President who would place his personal or political interests above those of the nation. Having just won hard-fought independence from a King with unbridled authority, they were attuned to the dangers of an executive who lacked fealty to the law and the Constitution

In response, the Framers adopted a tool used by the British Parliament for several hundred years to constrain the Crown—the power of impeachment. Unlike in Britain, where impeachment was typically reserved for inferior officers but not the King himself, impeachment in our untested democracy was specifically intended to serve as the ultimate form of accountability for a duly-elected President. Rather than a mechanism to overturn an election, impeachment was explicitly contemplated as a remedy of last resort for a president who fails to faithfully execute his oath of office “to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
In his farewell address, President George Washington warned of a moment when “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”
Yes. Democrats who refuse to accept election results and work in league with The Deep State and the Lying Fake News Media is a flailing attempt to remove the elected President, DURING AN ELECTION YEAR!
... the power of impeachment....
They are misusing their impeachment power to try to affect the outcome of the 2020 election because they know Trump is going to whip their asses again.
... impeachment was explicitly contemplated as a remedy of last resort...
"Last Resort"? Do you just mindlessly repeat phrases you hear from others? It's an election year for heaven's sake! If the the electorate doesn't want him to continue, they won't vote for him! THINK!

This is another flailing failing attempt at an "insurance policy" against the US Electorate, and this won't go any better for you folks that all your other rotten dirty tricks.
more Republicans would back Trump’s ouster if a vote were held in private, my friends!
According to the Huffington/Puffingington Post? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Name them!
Senator Romney? Senator Romney Aye
Senator Barrasso? Senator Barrasso Aye
Senator Collins? Senator Collins Aye
Senator Enzi? Senator Enzi Aye


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