Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

more Republicans would back Trump’s ouster if a vote were held in private, my friends!
According to the Huffington/Puffingington Post? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Name them!
Senator Romney? Senator Romney Aye
Senator Barrasso? Senator Barrasso Aye
Senator Collins? Senator Collins Aye
Senator Enzi? Senator Enzi Aye

According to who? And your math skills suck. You need 67 votes to remove Trump. You have 47 Democrats. You need TWENTY Republicans to vote to remove, not FOUR! Did you go to public schools?

I don't think you will even get 47 Democrats. Jack Testor and Joe Manchin aren't going to commit suicide for you.
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Impeach Trump. It’s not about Republicans vs Democratic’s, it’s about not becoming a Communist State.
Impeach Trump. It’s not about Republicans vs Democratic’s, it’s about not becoming a Communist State.
Name a communist State that has reduced their nation's tax burden like Trump has.


Good Luck Impeaching Trump in the midst of a Wage, Job, Market Surge!


“The market is very strong,” said Mike Katz, partner at Seven Points Capital. “Every time we pull back for a couple of days, we shake out some weak hands, we got right back up to all-time highs.”​

“Going into year-end, I think we’re going to get a pretty good push higher,” Katz added.
Trump's gonna win this War on Christmas!

Strongest Job Economy since Ted Kennedy drowned his campaign worker:

The U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs in November, according to figures released by the Labor Department. Economists polled by Dow Jones expected a gain of "only" 187,000 and Trump blew past that like "Smokey And The Bandit". The unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, matching its lowest level since 1969.

“There is a lot to like in today’s read,” said Mike Loewengart, vice president of investment strategy at E-Trade, about the jobs report. It also “puts a lot of questions to rest. It essentially means the Fed’s easing cycle is complete and it puts the US in a stronger position for trade war negotiations.”​

Sleeves Rolled Up, Trump FIGHTS for the American Worker:

Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, told CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” that Trump is prepared to “walk away” from the negotiations if some conditions are not met. “The president has said that if we can not get the enforcement and the assurances, then we will not go forward,” Kudlow said.​

Both sides have less than 10 days to go before Washington is poised to impose even more tariffs on Chinese goods. Tariffs on another $156 billion in Chinese goods are set to go into effect on Dec. 15.​

Don't even think Trump won't do it.

And all this amazing economic news are what is know among people with a brain as IMPEACHMENT HEAD WINDS.
IMPEACHMENT IS ABOUT GETTING TRUMP, NOT JUSTICE: Just in case anybody had any remaining doubts, former Obama Solicitor-General makes it clear.


Katyal's hypothetical has the Senate removing Trump despite a previous acquittal and the president returning to office with the mandate of reelection.​
Impeachment Is Quite the Cash Cow for President Trump.

The timing is really impressive. The sound from Pelosi’s voice had barely died down after her announcement yesterday when I got two texts asking me for money to help fight the impeachment witch hunt.​

It doesn’t take a lot of deep political thought to see where this is headed. Even if the Democrats in the House vote to impeach — and it still isn’t a given that they’ll have the votes — the Senate will never convict.​

The president, however, may end up with a campaign war chest the likes of which no incumbent has ever seen.​

Impeach him, and he shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Donald Trump was elected to break the elite. Of course they want to impeach him.

“Trump’s supporters have known since election night that this day would eventually come. After all, his sworn enemies have been openly promising it since before he was sworn into office! They’ve used words like ‘resistance,’ ‘coup,’ ‘insurance policy,’ and ‘impeachment’ so often that, now that they are actually doing it, the American people — and Republicans especially — are offering a collective yawn.”​
As expected, Trump will not challenge the evidence against him.

The Post writes, "Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel, indicated to the House Judiciary Committee on Friday that Trump would not be sending attorneys to its hearing on Monday, when the panel charged with drafting articles of impeachment will hear evidence from Intelligence Committee lawyers on the investigation into the president’s conduct toward Ukraine.

"The scathing, two-paragraph letter reiterated the White House’s protests that the Democrats’ impeachment investigation violated Trump’s due process rights. Cipollone did not explicitly say the White House would not participate in the House process going forward, but gave no indication that it would."

The letter is typically Trumpian. Trump makes accusations, but never explains them. In this case, the White House has made the claim that the "impeachment investigation violated Trump’s due process rights," but the two paragraph letter does not explain how the impeachment investigation is violating Trump's due process. In the case of the Judiciary Committee, they have invited Trump's lawyers and his witnesses. Schiff did the same in the open hearings of the Intelligence Committee. In both cases, Trump has refused then he turns around and says he is being denied due process while calling the Constitutionally mandated impeachment proceedings a hoax.

Trump is relying on lies and attempted deception. Those are the actions of a very guilty President.
This is why Democrats are so eager to impeach Trump. As you will see, so should Republicans.

“I would like you to do us a favor, though.”

This is from the transcript of the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky. It was provided by the White House. The following is a quote from Trump.

Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in.the Ukraine.were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

“What you’re describing is a quid pro quo,” asserted the reporter. “We do that all the time,” replied [Trump's chief of staff] Mulvaney. “Did he also mention to me the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about it. But that’s it. That’s why we held up the money … I have news for everybody: Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy.” ‘We Do That All the Time, Get Over It.’ Mulvaney Boasts About Ukraine Plot

After the July 25 phone call with Zelensky, as he usually does, Trump doubled down on the Biden investigation. On Oct. 3, in a news conference on the White House lawn, he called on Ukraine and China to look into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

“If they were honest about it, they would start a major investigation into the Bidens,” Trump said when asked what he wanted Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to do about the former veep and his son.

“They should investigate the Bidens,” Trump said. “Likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.”

Trump says China should investigate the Bidens, doubles down on Ukraine probe

There is no getting around it. It is all well and good that Republicans can say Trump did nothing to cause his removal from office, but if the Republicans in the Senate exonerate Trump, if Trump's fans continue to insist impeachment is a sham, then the Republican Party and Trump's fans are saying:

A) The President is permitted to ask for foreign interference in our elections to improve his chances of winning.

B) The President is permitted to use military aid approved by Congress to a country fighting Russian aggression as a means of extortion to compel a foreign leader to comply with his wishes.

C) To cover up his deeds, the President is permitted to use obstruction of justice.

D) The President is permitted to ignore Congressional oversight as mandated by our Constitution.

Is this what the Republican Party wants to be remember for?
... the Constitutionally mandated impeachment proceedings...
Who is feeding you that crap? Trying to blame your Captain Ahab Whale Hunt on the Constitution? You are trying to remove a duly elected President without a statutory crime IN AN ELECTION YEAR!

You know damn well you can't beat him in the upcoming election and that's nothing compared to the ass kicking you have coming in the US Senate. I don't think your farce is even going to carry all 47 Democrats. Any Republican who votes to impeach is committing suicide and I doubt you will even carry Testor and Machin.
...Those are the actions of a very guilty President.
And yet Schiff's Farce doesn't contain a single CFR reference.

AMERICANS PROPERLY FOCUSED ON THE IMPORTANT STORIES OF THE DAY: “This week there have been more US Google searches for Peloton than impeachment.”
His name is Mark Sandy, you want to know what he said, google is your friend.

Haha, Mark Sandy is your smoking gun?! Holy crap. Did you read his testimony?! He outlines how whack and shady everything was with the held funds. What warped right wing source told you that Sandy was somebody to point to?! You need to do more homework man. But by all means please make your case.

And what was the reason he stated for the hold?

he said that he asked for a reason for the hold months and nobody would give an answer... he had concerns about legality and contacted the legal team with those concerns. Then one of trumps appointees Duffey took over management of the funds which is the first time he ever saw that happen.... it wasn’t until shit hit the fan with the whistle blower that he was told the aid was being held to get other countries to contribute more. Is that really a compelling testimony to you?!

go ahead and make your case

Your lying, the aid wasn't held for months. And he said the only reason he was aware of for the hold, is they were looking at contributions from other countries. He said nothing about meetings or investigation announcements.

Sandy was notified about the hold on July 18... he was told the BS excuse which isnt even being used anymore in early September after the whistler blower report. During that time he filed legal concerns, got no answers to the reason for the hold, was relieved of his authority over the funds by a Trump appointee and lost two colleagues who quit because of how this all went down.

trust me man, you don’t want to lean on the OMB for a supporting case. But if your interested in objectivity and cause for concern then please dig in.

Thanks for admitting you lied, 55 days in not months.

The Deep State Has the Sadz (and That’s a Very Good Thing).

The real “crisis” for former State Department bureaucrats and their colleagues who have been recycled back to the Ivy League campuses from whence they came is not that Trump poses an existential threat to national security—it’s that he poses a legitimate threat to their professional sinecures.

Vile Self Entitled Scum.

As House Democrats invited Ivy League shrews to publicly grind their Trump-hating axe during Wednesday’s disastrous impeachment charade, President Trump returned home after confronting our allies again about their lagging financial support of NATO. The stale pact turns 70 this year and like too many Boomers these days, NATO is out of fresh ideas and still listening to worn tracks of “Back in the U.S.S.R.” while the rest of the world is listening to Drake.​

Also, like so many Boomers, NATO members have made financial promises they won’t keep, stacking up IOUs for someone else to pay and hoping no one notices. But Trump, a Boomer himself, is having none of it.
Two-Faced Trudeau has two faces, one White and one Black

Trump used a press conference to challenge Trudeau. “We’ll put Canada on a payment plan, I’m sure the prime minister would love that,” Trump jabbed when asked by a reporter about Canada’s reneging on their NATO pledge.

Since 2016, delinquent NATO allies have coughed up an additional $130 billion in new defense spending. Trump also is redirecting NATO’s focus away from Russia and insisting the alliance address more serious threats such as cybersecurity, Syria, terrorism, and China.

But it’s not supposed to happen this way. Any progress with America’s allies—or enemies—only can be achieved, we are cautioned, through proper channels of carefully constructed diplomatic finesse.

Very important people with very important advanced degrees from very important universities must be involved at every step. Coaxing American allies to stop welching on their debt requires many white papers and think tank conferences and pricey parties at well-appointed embassies.​
Haha, Mark Sandy is your smoking gun?! Holy crap. Did you read his testimony?! He outlines how whack and shady everything was with the held funds. What warped right wing source told you that Sandy was somebody to point to?! You need to do more homework man. But by all means please make your case.

And what was the reason he stated for the hold?

he said that he asked for a reason for the hold months and nobody would give an answer... he had concerns about legality and contacted the legal team with those concerns. Then one of trumps appointees Duffey took over management of the funds which is the first time he ever saw that happen.... it wasn’t until shit hit the fan with the whistle blower that he was told the aid was being held to get other countries to contribute more. Is that really a compelling testimony to you?!

go ahead and make your case

Your lying, the aid wasn't held for months. And he said the only reason he was aware of for the hold, is they were looking at contributions from other countries. He said nothing about meetings or investigation announcements.

Sandy was notified about the hold on July 18... he was told the BS excuse which isnt even being used anymore in early September after the whistler blower report. During that time he filed legal concerns, got no answers to the reason for the hold, was relieved of his authority over the funds by a Trump appointee and lost two colleagues who quit because of how this all went down.

trust me man, you don’t want to lean on the OMB for a supporting case. But if your interested in objectivity and cause for concern then please dig in.

Thanks for admitting you lied, 55 days in not months.

Haha. You got me. 5 days shy... lmk when you’re done being a douche

Pelosi’s Folly: Another Freshman Democrat Underwater by 12 Points — 52% of District Will Vote Against Her If She Supports Sham Impeachment

As impeachment fills Trump and the GOP's Election War Chests, targets set. Trump and the Republicans are looking at having the biggest combined war chests in US history.

Democrats immediately targeted if they vote for impeachment:

  1. Utah 4 R+13 Democratic
  2. Minnesota 7 R+12 Democratic
  3. Oklahoma 5 R+10 Democratic
  4. South Carolina 1 R+10 Democratic
  5. Georgia 6 R+8 Democratic
  6. Texas 7 R+7 Democratic
  7. Michigan 3 R+6 Independent
  8. New Mexico 2 R+6 Democratic
  9. New York 22 R+6 Democratic
  10. Virginia 7 R+6 Democratic
  11. Illinois 14 R+5 Democratic
  12. Texas 32 R+5 Democratic
  13. California 48 R+4 Democratic
  14. Kansas 3 R+4 Democratic
  15. Michigan 8 R+4 Democratic
  16. Michigan 11 R+4 Democratic
  17. California 45 R+3 Democratic
  18. New Jersey 5 R+3 Democratic
  19. New Jersey 7 R+3 Democratic
  20. New Jersey 11 R+3 Democratic
  21. New York 11 R+3 Democratic
  22. Pennsylvania 17 R+3 Democratic
  23. Virginia 2 R+3 Democratic
  24. Arizona 1 R+2 Democratic
  25. Illinois 6 R+2 Democratic
  26. Maine 2 R+2 Democratic
  27. Minnesota 2 R+2 Democratic
  28. Nevada 3 R+2 Democratic
  29. New Hampshire 1 R+2 Democratic
  30. New Jersey 3 R+2 Democratic
  31. New York 19 R+2 Democratic
  32. Arizona 2 R+1 Democratic
  33. California 49 R+1 Democratic
  34. Iowa 3 R+1 Democratic
  35. New Jersey 2 R+1 Democratic
  36. New York 18 R+1 Democratic
  37. Pennsylvania 8 R+1 Democratic
  38. California 10 EVEN Democratic
  39. California 25 EVEN Democratic
  40. California 39 EVEN Democratic
  41. Florida 7 EVEN Democratic
  42. Oregon 4 EVEN Democratic
  43. Oregon 5 EVEN Democratic
  44. Washington 8 EVEN Democratic
  45. Wisconsin 3 EVEN Democratic
  46. Iowa 1 D+1 Democratic
  47. Iowa 2 D+1 Democratic
  48. Minnesota 3 D+1 Democratic
  49. New York 3 D+1 Democratic
  50. Pennsylvania 7 D+1 Democratic
  51. Virginia 10 D+1 Democratic
  52. California 36 D+2 Democratic
  53. Colorado 6 D+2 Democratic
  54. Connecticut 5 D+2 Democratic
  55. Florida 13 D+2 Democratic
  56. New Hampshire 2 D+2 Democratic
  57. Pennsylvania 6 D+2 Democratic
  58. California 7 D+3 Democratic
  59. Connecticut 2 D+3 Democratic
  60. Illinois 17 D+3 Democratic
  61. Nevada 4 D+3 Democratic
We need 21 of these to retake the majority.
Pelosi flies to climate change summit in Spain.
Then flies home to give 'IMPEACH TRUMP' speech.
Then, flies back to climate summit in Spain.

Gotta love those "all you can drink" airlines.


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